Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics is a Daily Commission in Fontaine.
This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Depierris the artist seems to have a new idea...
- (Talk to Depierris)
- Depierris: This is a good idea... but can it really be done this way...?
How's the drawing going?
- Depierris: Ah it's you! Thanks for your help previously with the photos! The sights they featured were truly inspiring.
- Depierris: I already have an approximate idea, and I've drawn up some drafts, but... Well, they're not up to snuff.
- Depierris: Don't misunderstand — this is not to say that I've painted some trash with no aesthetic value at all, but...
- Depierris: I feel that they're missing something special, something that can help them transcend the ordinary.
- Depierris: There's something too concrete about the things I have in mind... If I directly translated them into my painting, the beauty I wish to transmit will be damaged for sure.
- Depierris: *sigh* I fear this is a problem that every artist must face...
Perhaps you could try drawing something else?
- Depierris: Thanks for the suggestion, but I fear that this problem will not be solved by a mere change of topics.
- Depierris: Whether it be mountains and rivers, birds and beasts, or the world of humanity... None of them can escape this issue.
- Depierris: It is precisely in their search for a solution that some of my colleagues have broken down and transmuted the sights they've seen using their inner feelings.
- Depierris: Such art emphasizes one's inner emotions most of all, and the result on the canvas is... How can I explain it...
- Depierris: Well, whether it be characters, scenery... Even light carries a sense of strangeness that no traditional sense of aesthetics can capture.
- Depierris: A simplistic glance would lead most to believe these paintings to be the brainchildren of the illiterate in art, or the mad.
- Depierris: But if you calm your spirit and get in tune with the artwork before you, you will hear it roar on the artist's behalf.
- Depierris: That roar comes from the artist's heart and soul, speaking their feelings aloud... and those feelings are, more often than not, rather intense.
- Depierris: Yet their voices cannot be perceived by the ear, but with the heart instead.
Why don't you try a different painting style?
- Depierris: That's right. Some of my colleagues thought so too, and they are presently attempting to use some "figurative" methods of painting to produce something more abstract.
- Depierris: The most radical amongst them even wish to give up on depicting concrete objects altogether and simply use splotches of paint to express themselves... They call themselves "Neodescriptionists."
- Depierris: But I must say that even I cannot quite grasp their work. At most, I can only sense the rhythmic beauty contained within the colored splotches and line work...
- Depierris: As for what any given painting really expresses... I can only ask that painter to explain it to me.
- Depierris: As for me... I do not yet wish to give in on the concrete, and so I've come up with another way.
- Depierris: I have decided to focus on color, and so I need to find stronger shades and simple yet powerful strokes.
- Depierris: At the same time, I need to weaken the lighting and traditional scene compositions... These things will affect my expression, and so I must ask them to temporarily leave the scene...
- Depierris: But the issue is that the strong, intense colors dictate the use of a lot of paint, and that I need to squeeze the paint directly onto the canvas to achieve the necessary effect.
- Depierris: So, I've... uh, run out of paint. However, I cannot simply move my easel away at the moment. That would surely affect my creative work...
- Depierris: Traveler, could I trouble you to visit Boucicaut? I've ordered a batch of good paints from him, and they should be ready at this point.
- Depierris: Or perhaps... Could you help me get some Whopperflower Nectar? That way, I could make a batch of paints on my own.
You can use nectar to make paint?
- Depierris: Hahaha, of course you can. Some of my fellow artists even use Bird Eggs for that task!
- Depierris: I hear that paints of this kind have delicate colors but rich layers, perfect for use in depicting resplendent sceneries.
You can make paints yourself?
- Depierris: Hahaha, of course! That's the first thing you should learn as a painter — that's how you retain control over the image you create.
- Depierris: You're a good soul, aren't you? Would you refuse an artist's plaintive plea?
Alright, alright...
You're hopeless... Just leave it to me.
- Depierris: Alright, thank you so much! I'll wait here. Just bring them straight back to me once you get them.
- (Depierris quest idle quotes)
We cannot be too restricted by concrete forms... We must draw the beauty out and use symbolic methods too...
No, no... Still no. This composition is too deliberate...
- (Talk to Boucicaut)
- Boucicaut: Hello. What would you like to buy?
I'm here for Depierris's paints...
- Boucicaut: Oh, you're here to get paints for him? I've got them right here.
- Boucicaut: He really does use them up very quickly. You'd think he pours them straight into the water after buying them!
- Boucicaut: Well, regardless, here they are. Take them to him, would you?
- (Obtain
Heavy Pack)
- (Obtain
- (Talk to Depierris)
- Depierris: Traveler, have you gotten the things I need? Hehe. Now then, did you bring paints, or Whopperflower nectar?
- (Submit
Heavy Pack)
- Depierris: Thank you! These paints should last me for a while.
Don't spill them all into the water.
- Depierris: Into the water? Hahaha. I suppose my painting technique is just as you describe.
- Depierris: But only by squeezing the paint out and directly pouring it out onto the canvas before using a carving blade and shovel will provide me with the touch necessary to make an impact on others.
- Depierris: Thanks for your help. I should be able to continue with the aid of these paints. Come over and take a look when you have the time, alright?
- Depierris: It is all thanks to your help that my work has started out on the right foot, after all.
- Depierris: Once this painting is complete, I hope that you'll be the first to come appreciate it.
- (Submit
Whopperflower Nectar or
Shimmering Nectar or
Energy Nectar)
- Depierris: This nectar is not bad! Very good — great paint shall surely come of this.
What sort of paints do you want to make?
- Depierris: Hmm... I'd like to make ones that lean towards warm shades, but with a melancholy touch.
- Depierris: They'll also need to be thick enough to allow me to work with compact brushstrokes.
- Depierris: Thanks for your help. I should be able to continue with the aid of these paints. Come over and take a look when you have the time, alright?
- Depierris: It is all thanks to your help that my work has started out on the right foot, after all.
- Depierris: Once this painting is complete, I hope that you'll be the first to come appreciate it.
- (Submit
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 审美力批判・实践创作批判 Shěnměilì Pīpàn - Shíjiàn Chuàngzuò Pīpàn | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 審美能力批判・實踐創作批判 Shěnměi Nénglì Pīpàn - Shíjiàn Chuàngzuò Pīpàn | |
Japanese | 審美眼の評定・創作実践の批判 Shinbi-gan no Hyoutei - Sousaku Jissen no Hihan | |
Korean | 심미 비평・실천 창작 비판 Simmi Bipyeong - Silcheon Changjak Bipan | Aesthetic Critique: Practice Creative Work Criticism |
Spanish | Crítica estética: práctica creativa | Aesthetic Criticism: Creative Practice |
French | Critique esthétique : Pratique de la créativité | Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Creativity |
Russian | Эстетическая критика: Творческая практика Esteticheskaya kritika: Tvorcheskaya praktika | Aesthetic Critique: Creative Practice |
Thai | สุนทรียวิจารณ์ - การวิพากษ์การสร้างสรรค์เชิงปฏิบัติ | |
Vietnamese | Phê Bình Thẩm Mỹ - Sáng Tạo Thực Tiễn | |
German | Ästhetische Kritik: Kritik der praktischen Schöpfung | Aesthetic Critique: Critique of practicle Creation |
Indonesian | Kritik Estetika: Praktik Kreatif | Aesthetic Criticism: Creative Practice |
Portuguese | Crítica Estética: Prática Criativa | |
Turkish | Estetik Eleştiri: Estetik Uygulama | Aesthetic Criticism: Aesthetic Practice |
Italian | Critica estetica: principi dell'estetica | Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics |
Change History[]
Released in Version 4.0