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Adventurers in Windblume is a World Quest unlocked after completing Ode to Flower and Cloud in the Invitation of Windblume event.


  1. Talk to Iris
  2. Head over to the designated area and take a picture
  3. Talk to Iris
  4. Talk to Cyrus
  5. Head to the Anemo Archon Statue
  6. Speak to the citizens around the Anemo Statue (0/2)
  7. Report back to Cyrus
  8. Report back to Iris

Gameplay Notes[]

  1. To take pictures, use Photo Mode in the Paimon Menu. The Kamera gadget will not work.


UI Quest Quest Description

Iris, who has set up shop at the Dragonspine base camp, seems to want some help...
Icon Dialogue Quest So, about your commission...
Iris: Saw my commission and came running, did you? Well, I do have something that I need your help with.
Iris: Specifically, I'd like you to take pictures of two places on Dragonspine. I'll mark the exact locations for you on your map.
Iris: As for compensation, I'll make sure you're paid as per the Adventurers' Guild's rules.
Iris: How about it? Will you take the commission?
Icon Dialogue Talk Why do you need to take pictures in these two spots?
Iris: Well... this has to do with Cyrus, ultimately.
Iris: He asked me previously to get him some of Dragonspine's specialties. Said he wanted to use them as part of a recruitment drive during the Windblume Festival.
Iris: Well, now's the festival period, but he hasn't contacted me at all. Must be busy, I suppose...
Iris: Now that I mention it, he is at that age, isn't he? He should be busy with the festival.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think he might be way too old for that by now...
Iris: Really? I don't really get that feeling. In fact... Hmm, never mind. Let's not get into that right now.
Iris: So far, I've collected some ores and put together some topographical charts and monster reports. I'd like some photos of scenic spots in Dragonspine to go with them.
Iris: So, Traveler, would you mind helping me go up Dragonspine to take pictures of those two spots?
Icon Dialogue Talk You can count on me.
Iris: Great, I'll leave it in your hands, then. I've marked the two places out on your map. Just head there and come back once you're done.
Icon Dialogue Talk Not going to the city to see how things are going?
Iris: It's all a little too much for me. I personally prefer how things are here.
Iris: I've got quite a lot on my plate to boot, so I doubt I can go at the moment.
Iris: I've marked the most scenic spots on your map. Just head there and come back once you're done.
(Talk to Iris again)
Icon Dialogue Quest About the commission...
Iris: I've marked the most scenic spots on your map. Just head there and come back once you're done.

(Approach the first designated spot)
Paimon: Looks like we can see this... tree really well from here. Let's take a picture.
(Obtain Picture of Dragonspine Picture of Dragonspine after taking a photo facing the tree covered in frost)
(Approach the second designated spot)
Paimon: We can see the Statue of The Seven from here, let's take a picture around here.
(Obtain Picture of Dragonspine Picture of Dragonspine after taking a photo facing the Statue of The Seven in Dragonspine)

(Return to Iris)
Icon Dialogue Quest So, about your commission...
Iris: Oh, you're done already?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure am.
Iris: Thanks for your hard work. I've got the package I intended to send to that boy ready as well. Would you mind delivering it to him? I'll have your payment ready once you're done, so do remember to come back here.
Iris: I'm not sure if this will be enough for him to use, but if he's recruiting, monster records and ores should pack the biggest punch...

(Talk to Cyrus)
Cyrus: *sigh* This recruitment drive doesn't look like it'll be any good at all...
Icon Dialogue Talk Special delivery from Iris...
Cyrus: Oh, she sent me something? Right, that's right. I did ask her before, but I wound up forgetting...
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened to enjoying the Windblume Festival?
Cyrus: The Windblume Festival? No, I haven't any time for that. Our previous recruitment program is obsolete, I'm busy coming up with a new one...
Cyrus: Let me see what Iris sent me...
Cyrus: Ores... No, that's no use... Young people these days couldn't be bothered with this stuff...
Cyrus: Maps? *sigh* Oh, it'll be useful to the Guild members, alright, but I don't think that it's any good for recruitment...
Cyrus: Notes concerning monsters? Well, we should make some extra copies for our adventurers, but forget using it to attract new people...
Cyrus: Oho, what's this? These two photos are pretty good. Beautiful scenery — and it looks safe, too. Ah, this'll catch someone's eye, that's for sure!
Icon Dialogue Talk Why're you picking this?
Paimon: Looks like he's thrown out the ones actually related to adventuring...
Cyrus: Ah, you don't understand the state the Guild's in. Nowadays, young people aren't interested in things like monsters, ores and topographical maps anymore.
Cyrus: If you want to get the modern youngster's attention, you need to give them something they can use.
Cyrus: It's the Windblume Festival now, see, and these young folks are definitely spoiling for all sorts of unique — but not necessarily dangerous — ways of displaying their charm...
Cyrus: Adventuring in Dragonspine is one such thing they can do. If the photos interest then, they might come to the Guild to ask about them, and then, they might join the Guild...
Cyrus: And... even if they don't join, well... some extra commissions would be nice.
Cyrus: What's more, if you look at these two drawings, they are both positioned next to the main road. As long as you're careful, you shouldn't be in any danger...
Icon Dialogue Talk We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel, aren't we...
Cyrus: Well, this is how things are. I wouldn't do this if we had any other ideas we could use.
Cyrus: If you don't believe, why don't you take these two photos and show them to some people?
Cyrus: First, tell them that we're recruiting, and then show these two photos as "recruitment material."
Cyrus: You'll see why I had to come up with this idea in no time at all.
(After the cutscene ends)
Paimon: Cyrus says that he'd like to hear what the latest word about the Adventurers' Guild is around here in Mondstadt...
Paimon: Paimon remembers that there were lots of people around the Anemo Archon statue. Let's go and ask around there.

(Talk to Helen)
Helen: Oh! Can I help you? I was just about to start a tune.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Adventurers' Guild recruitment...
Helen: Oh, that... I did see a notice, but it doesn't interest me. I can protect Mondstadt with my song, I don't need to become an adventurer.
Helen: I heard that the majority of commissions are odd jobs. I don't see how it would benefit me.
Helen: Sorry, I will politely decline, but thank you for thinking of me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Here's the recruitment material.
Helen: Huh? That looks like Dragonspine. A Statue of The Seven surrounded by snow... such a striking image.
Helen: So this must be at quite an altitude? People say that you can see for miles around up there... I bet my voice could carry over much further distances...
Helen: I'll go and ask the Guild a little later. I'm sure I saw something about adventurers for hire...
Helen: I had no idea that adventurers went to such places... fascinating.
(Talk to Helen again)
Helen: I must go and ask at the Adventurers' Guild later...
(Talk to Six-Fingered José)
Six-Fingered José: Hey there, amiga! Would you like to hear my latest composition?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Adventurers' Guild recruitment...
Six-Fingered José: Adventurers' Guild recruitment? Lo siento, I'm not interested in such things. Running around like a headless chicken is of no use to a bard.
Six-Fingered José: Besides, in the city of Mondstadt, surely the Knights of Favonius constitute a better source material for composing an epic...
Six-Fingered José: Lo siento, I'm not interested in the Adventurers' Guild recruitment. Rescuing cats... isn't great song-writing material.
Icon Dialogue Talk Here's the recruitment material.
Six-Fingered José: Is this... Dragonspine? Qué vista magnífica...
Six-Fingered José: Perhaps a spot of sight-seeing would give me new flourishes of inspiration. And it doesn't look too dangerous...
Six-Fingered José: Hmm... I'll pass by the Guild later and have a word. Even if I don't sign up, I'm sure I could hire an adventurer to escort me...
Six-Fingered José: A tour of Dragonspine... I can hardly wait.
(Talk to Six-Fingered José again)
Six-Fingered José: A tour of Dragonspine... I can hardly wait.

(Report back to Cyrus)
Cyrus: How did it go? Did you manage to gauge how everyone feels?
Icon Dialogue Talk I did.
The Travelers tells Cyrus what everyone thinks of the Adventurers' Guild...
Cyrus: Then you see what I mean... That's the way things are. I've gotten used to it by now.
Cyrus: *sigh* I don't care how we do it... But so long as we find a method that brings results, I'll thank the Archons.
Cyrus: I'll guess you'll be heading back to Dragonspine soon to report in with Iris?
Cyrus: Do me a favor and deliver this letter to her. She'll definitely want to know about the situation of late here at the Guild. Thank you!
Cyrus: *sigh* I hope we get some new recruits this time... But will the type of person who responds to this kind of marketing tactic be reliable adventurer material...?
(Obtain Cyrus' Letter to Iris Cyrus' Letter to Iris)
(Talk to Cyrus again)
Cyrus: *sigh* I hope we get some new recruits this time... But will the type of person who responds to this kind of marketing tactic be reliable adventurer material...?

(Report back to Iris)
Icon Dialogue Quest About the commission...
Iris: You're back! What took you so long? I bet Cyrus got you to run some extra errands...
Icon Dialogue Talk I helped him make a few inquiries...
Iris: Just what is that boy up to now... Oh? A letter?
Icon Dialogue Talk This letter talks about the recent state of the Guild.
Iris: Huh, doesn't feel like a short read. Seems like he has been busy after all, even during the Windblume Festival...
Iris: Still, if he is working so hard, it's about time the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild recruited some new members.
Iris: Once we have enough recruits, he should be able to delegate the smaller matters to others and come adventuring with me again... *sigh* That would be nice.
Iris: I'll give this a good read. But seeing as Cyrus added to your workload, it's only fair that I factor in some extra payment.
Iris: Here you go. Thanks for your hard work!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAdventurers in Windblume
Fēnghuā-jié yǔ Màoxiǎn-jiā
Windblume Festival and Adventurers
Fēnghuā-jié yǔ Màoxiǎn-jiā
Windoburuumu-sei to Boukensha
Windblume Festival and Adventurers
Korean윈드블룸 축제와 모험가
Windeubeullum Chukjewa Moheomga
Windblume Festival and Adventurers
SpanishFlores y aventurerosFlowers and Adventurers
FrenchFêtes des alizées & aventuriersWindblumeWindblumeWindblumeWindblumeTooltip for WindblumeWindblume Festival & Adventurers
RussianПраздники и искатели приключений
Prazdniki i iskateli priklyucheniy
Festivals and Adventurers
VietnameseLễ Hội Hoa Gió Và Nhà Mạo Hiểm
GermanWindblumenfest und AbenteurerWindblume Festival and Adventurers
IndonesianPetualangan di WindblumeAdventures in Windblume
PortugueseAventureiros no Festival da Brisa FlorescenteAdventurers in the Festival of the Blooming Breeze

Change History[]
