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The Branch Master of Mondstadt's Adventurers' Guild, Cyrus, has set up numerous stages to train the reaction, agility, and strength of new Adventurers. Only those who pass these stages will be qualified to be Adventurers! But can anyone actually get through them...?

Adventurer's Trials: Advanced is an Event in Version 3.8.

Event Details[]


  • 2023/07/20 10:00 - 2023/07/31 03:59



  • During the event, complete the trial stages to obtain Primogems, Hero's Wit, Mora, and other rewards.
  • From the first day of the event, a new trial stage will unlock every day. A total of five stages will be unlocked. The first four days will each unlock a Sequential Trial and Fortuitous Trials will be unlocked on the fifth day.
  • Each Sequential Trial requires you to pass three trial challenges with a fixed sequence at one go.
  • The three trial challenges for Fortuitous Trials will be randomly generated after you enter the Domain.
  • For each trial challenge, you are required to complete the challenge within the time limit with the specific trial character(s).
  • You can take on trial stages in Single Player Mode as well as in Co-Op Mode by teaming up with friends or through the matching function.


Sequential Trial: I[]

Challenge 1: Toss and Cheer[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial I Toss and Cheer
Throw Yuegui into the Vine Wreath by using Yaoyao's Elemental Skill to score points.
During the challenge, all party members will receive a cooldown reduction.
Challenge Rules
  1. During the challenge, toss Yuegui into a Vine Wreath to score 1 point, and toss it into a High Score Wreath to score 3 points. Reach the target score to complete the challenge.
  2. Vine Wreaths will disappear after 1 successful toss while High Score Wreaths have no limit to the amount of successful tosses within their duration.
Trial Character
YaoyaoDendro Yaoyao

Challenge 2: Superfast Hat Trick[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial I Superfast Hat Trick
Knock the Slimes into the Vine Goal by using Shikanoin Heizou's Charged Attack or Elemental Skill to score points.
During the challenge, all party members will be unable to use Elemental Bursts and will receive a cooldown reduction.
Challenge Rules
  1. During the challenge, knock a Pyro Slime into any of the Vine Goals to gain 1 point. Knock a Large Pyro Slime into the goal to gain 5 points. The challenge will be deemed successful when the target score is reached.<
  2. During the challenge, the Pyro Slimes and the Large Pyro Slimes will not attack nor die and will continuously affect themselves with Pyro.
  3. During the challenge, there are moving walls that Pyro Slimes and Large Pyro Slimes can bounce off of.
Trial Character
Shikanoin HeizouAnemo Heizou

Challenge 3: Shieldbreaker[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial I Shieldbreaker
Use Kaedehara Kazuha's Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst to break enemy shields and instantly defeat them.
During the challenge, all party members will receive a cooldown reduction and constantly regenerate HP.
Challenge Rules
  1. The challenge will be deemed successful when the target number of enemies are defeated.
  2. During the challenge, the enemies will immediately be defeated when their shields are broken.
Trial Character
Kaedehara KazuhaAnemo Kazuha

Sequential Trial: II[]

Challenge 1: Foothold Hunt[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial II Foothold Hunt
Use Alhaitham's Elemental Skill to move rapidly while carefully avoiding the cracked floors and collecting Adventure Coins.
During the challenge, all party members will receive a cooldown reduction.
Challenge Rules
  1. During the challenge, collect Adventure Coins to score 1 point, and collect Large Adventure Coins to score 5 points. Reach the target score to complete the challenge.
  2. The Floating Tiles will collapse rapidly upon being stepped on.
    3. Use the portal at the bottom to quickly return to the top.
Trial Character
AlhaithamDendro Alhaitham

Challenge 2: Aerial Dodgeball[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial II Aerial Dodgeball
Use Wanderer's Elemental Skill to soar through the air and collect Adventure Coins. Attacking and destroying Fluffy Launchers will reveal additional Adventure Coins.
During the challenge, all party members will not consume Kuugoryoku while in the Windfavored state. All party members will gain a cooldown reduction.
Challenge Rules
  1. During the challenge, collect Adventure Coins to score 1 point, and collect Large Adventure Coins to score 5 points. Reach the target score to complete the challenge.
  2. Fluffy Launchers will launch normal and tracking barrages at characters during the challenge. Avoid the barrages and destroy them to produce Adventure Coins.
Trial Character
WandererAnemo Wanderer

Challenge 3: Smash 'n' Bash[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial II Smash 'n' Bash
Use Noelle's attacks to break the Explosive Rocks to score points.
During the challenge, all party members will constantly recover Elemental Energy.
Challenge Rules
  1. Attack the Explosive Rocks to smash them and score points. You score 1 point for smashing normal Explosive Rocks, and 3 points for smashing Explosive Rocks with special effects. The challenge will be deemed successful when the target score is reached.
  2. Destroying Transverse Explosive Rocks will also blow up a whole row of rocks.
  3. Destroying Big Explosive Rocks will also destroy all the rocks on the field.
  4. Destroying Mighty Rocks will give all party members an increased ability to smash Explosive Rocks and restore their Stamina for a short duration.
Trial Character
NoelleGeo Noelle

Sequential Trial: III[]

Challenge 1: Toss and Cheer[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial III Toss and Cheer
Throw Baron Bunny into the Vine Wreath by using Amber's Elemental Skill to score points.
During the challenge, all party members will receive a cooldown reduction.
Challenge Rules
  1. During the challenge, toss Baron Bunny into a Vine Wreath to score 1 point, and toss it into a High Score Wreath to score 3 points. Reach the target score to complete the challenge.
  2. Vine Wreaths will disappear after 1 successful toss while High Score Wreaths have no limit to the amount of successful tosses within their duration.
Trial Character
AmberPyro Amber

Challenge 2: Boulder Run[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial III Boulder Run
Use Yelan's Elemental Skill to move quickly and dodge Giant Pinballs. Pick Adventure Coins up to score points.
During the challenge, all party members will receive a cooldown reduction.
Challenge Rules
  1. Gain 1 point when collecting an Adventure Coin during the challenge. Gain 5 points when collecting a Large Adventure Coin. The challenge will be deemed successful when the target score is reached.
  2. The challenge will contain fast-moving Giant Pinballs that, when touched, will send the character(s) flying.
Trial Character
YelanHydro Yelan

Challenge 3: A Close Home Run[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial III A Close Home Run
Use Beidou's Elemental Skill to hit the balls for points.
During the challenge, all party members will receive a cooldown reduction, cannot use Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attacks, and cannot unleash Elemental Bursts.
Challenge Rules
  1. Hit a Straight Ball hurtling towards your character to score 1 point, and hit a Curve Ball to score 3 points. The challenge will be deemed successful when the target score is reached.
  2. After a certain amount of time, the difficulty of batting will increase, but the points you score will also double.
Trial Character
BeidouElectro Beidou

Sequential Trial: IV[]

Challenge 1: Foothold Hunt[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial IV Foothold Hunt
Use Keqing's Elemental Skill to move rapidly while carefully avoiding the cracked floors and collecting Adventure Coins.
During the challenge, all party members will receive a cooldown reduction.
Challenge Rules
  1. During the challenge, collect Adventure Coins to score 1 point, and collect Large Adventure Coins to score 5 points. Reach the target score to complete the challenge.
  2. The Floating Tiles will collapse rapidly upon being stepped on.
    3. Use the portal at the bottom to quickly return to the top.
Trial Character
KeqingElectro Keqing

Challenge 2: Superfast Hat Trick[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial IV Superfast Hat Trick
Knock the Slimes into the Vine Goals by triggering the Overloaded reaction with Yanfei's and Klee's attacks to score points.
During the challenge, all party members cannot use their Elemental Bursts.
Challenge Rules
  1. During the challenge, knock a Pyro Slime into any of the Vine Goals to gain 1 point. Knock a Large Pyro Slime into the goal to gain 5 points. The challenge will be deemed successful when the target score is reached.
  2. During the challenge, the Pyro Slimes and the Large Pyro Slimes will not attack nor die and will continuously affect themselves with Pyro.
  3. During the challenge, there are moving walls that Pyro Slimes and Large Pyro Slimes can bounce off of.
Trial Character
KleePyro Klee
YanfeiPyro Yanfei

Challenge 3: Verdant Tsunami[]

Adventurer's Trials Advanced Sequential Trial IV Verdant Tsunami
Use Sayu's Elemental Skill to freeze the water's surface and move quickly. Pick Adventure Coins up to score points.
During the challenge, all party members will receive a cooldown reduction and the duration of being affected by Hydro will be decreased.
Challenge Rules
  1. Gain 1 point when collecting an Adventure Coin during the challenge. Gain 5 points when collecting a Large Adventure Coin. The challenge will be deemed successful when the target score is reached.
  2. During the challenge, the Large Cryo Slimes will neither attack nor die and will continue to affect themselves with Cryo.
Trial Character
SayuAnemo Sayu

Fortuitous Trial[]

The 3 Fortuitous Trial Challenges will appear at random.
Trial Character(s)
AlhaithamDendro Alhaitham
AmberPyro Amber
BeidouElectro Beidou
JeanAnemo Jean
Kaedehara KazuhaAnemo Kazuha
Kamisato AyakaCryo Ayaka
Kamisato AyatoHydro Ayato
KeqingElectro Keqing
KleePyro Klee
MonaHydro Mona
NahidaDendro Nahida
NoelleGeo Noelle
RazorElectro Razor
Sangonomiya KokomiHydro Kokomi
SayuAnemo Sayu
Shikanoin HeizouAnemo Heizou
SucroseAnemo Sucrose
VentiAnemo Venti
WandererAnemo Wanderer
XiaoAnemo Xiao
Yae MikoElectro Yae Miko
YanfeiPyro Yanfei
YaoyaoDendro Yaoyao
YelanHydro Yelan
YoimiyaPyro Yoimiya
Yun JinGeo Yun Jin

Any challenge from the previous Adventurer's Trials event plus the new ones from this event will appear here.


Objective Rewards
Complete Sequential Trial: I
Primogem 90
Mora 60,000
Hero's Wit 6
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8
Complete Sequential Trial: II
Primogem 90
Mora 60,000
Hero's Wit 6
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8
Complete Sequential Trial: III
Primogem 90
Mora 60,000
Hero's Wit 6
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8
Complete Sequential Trial: IV
Primogem 90
Mora 60,000
Hero's Wit 6
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8
Complete Fortuitous Trial
Primogem 60
Mora 60,000
Hero's Wit 6
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8

Battle Pass Missions[]

This event added additional "This BP Period" Battle Pass missions to the Vivid Illumination Battle Pass. The Battle Pass EXP (BP EXP) obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 10,000 BP EXP.

MissionsBattle Pass EXP BP EXP
[Event] Complete Sequential Trial: IV during the "Adventurer's Trials: Advanced" event1,500

Total Rewards[]

Mora 300,000 Mora

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAdventurer's Trials: Advanced
Màoxiǎn-jiā Shìliàn - Jìnjiē-piān
Màoxiǎn-jiā Shìliàn - Jìnjiē-piān
Boukensha Shiren - Joukyuu-hen
Korean모험가 시련・심화편
Moheomga Siryeon - Simhwapyeon
Adventurer Trials - Advanced Part
SpanishLos juegos del aventurero: EncumbramientoThe Adventurer's Games: Encumbrance
FrenchÉpreuves des aventuriers : Version avancéeAdventurers' Trials: Advanced Version
RussianИспытание для искателей приключений: Расширенное
Ispytaniye dlya iskateley priklyucheniy: Rasshirennoye
Trial for Adventurers: Expanded
Thaiบททดสอบนักผจญภัย: ระดับสูง
VietnameseThí Luyện Nhà Mạo Hiểm - Nâng Cấp
GermanPrüfung der Abenteurer Kapitel des FortschrittsAdventurers' Trial – Chapter of Progress
IndonesianUjian Petualang: LanjutanAdventurer's Trial: Advanced
PortugueseJulgamento do Aventureiro: Nível AvançadoAdventurer's Judgement: Advanced Level
TurkishMaceracı İmtihanları: Gelişmiş
ItalianProve dell'avventuriere: Livello avanzatoAdventurer's Trials: Advanced Level

Change History[]
