Adepti Sigil is a Quest Item obtained after completing the Archon Quest Bygones Times Like Dust Passing in Interlude Chapter: Act I - The Crane Returns on the Wind.
- It bears the same symbols as the seals gating the entrances to Adepti abodes in Jueyun Karst.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Adepti Sigil |
Chinese (Simplified) | 仙家符箓 Xiānjiā Fúlù |
Chinese (Traditional) | 仙家符籙 Xiānjiā Fúlù |
Japanese | 仙家呪符 Senka Jufu |
Korean | 선가 부적 Seonga Bujeok |
Spanish | Talismán de los Adeptus |
French | Blason des Adeptes |
Russian | Талисман Адептов Talisman Adeptov |
Thai | Adepti Sigil |
Vietnamese | Bùa Chú Tiên Gia |
German | Adeptentalisman |
Indonesian | Adepti Sigil |
Portuguese | Selo Adepti |
Turkish | Adeptus Mührü |
Italian | Adeptosigillo |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.4