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Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames is a Character Card obtained in Genius Invokation TCG.


Flame of Salvation Character Card SkillFlame of SalvationNormal Attack12
Deals 1 Pyro DMG.
Searing Precept Character Card SkillSearing PreceptElemental Skill3
Deals 3 Pyro DMG.
Ominous Star Character Card SkillOminous StarElemental Burst42
Deals 3 Pyro DMG. Summons 1 Darkfire Furnace.

Darkfire Furnace
End Phase: Deal 1 Pyro DMG, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.
Usage(s): 2
Fiery Rebirth Character Card SkillFiery RebirthPassive Skill
(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Fiery Rebirth.

Fiery Rebirth
When the character to which this is attached would be defeated: Remove this effect, ensure the character will not be defeated, and heal them to 4 HP. After this effect is triggered, this character deals +1 Pyro DMG.

Talent Cards[]

Embers Rekindled Equipment CardEmbers RekindledNone2
When played: If Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames, who equips this card, has already triggered Fiery Rebirth, immediately discard this card and apply Aegis of Abyssal Flame to the character.
When Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames, who has this card equipped, triggers Fiery Rebirth: discard this card and apply Aegis of Abyssal Flame to the character.

Aegis of Abyssal Flame
Grant the character to which this is attached 2 Shield points.
After said Shield points are depleted: Deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters.

Proficiency Reward[]

After reaching Proficiency 10, the following Dynamic Skin is obtained:
Embers Rekindled Equipment Card GoldenEmbers Rekindled2


Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames

From chapters of canon revealed come much heeded admonishments.

Stage Appearances[]

Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames appears in 4 stages:

Maruf Icon MarufDuel: MarufDuel
Night Pilot Icon Night PilotAbyss Lector's SmolderingFriendly Fracas
Night Pilot Icon Night PilotAbyss Lector's DeflagrationSerious Showdown
Prince Icon PrinceEndless Swarm: Echoing DestructionAdventure Challenge


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectLet the flames of redemption rage!
From the ashes... to this world anew!
Searing PreceptAh... how brightly burns the truth!
Now... is the time for my second coming!
Ominous StarHear the inferno's call!
The power of flame compels you!
Heavy Hit TakenMedia:vo gcg monster invoker deacon fire hitheavy 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster invoker deacon fire hitheavy 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster invoker deacon fire hitheavy 03.ogg
DefeatedThe fate of this world... is already sealed...
All... shall turn... to dust... ahaha...



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAbyss Lector: Fathomless Flames
Shēnyuān Yǒngzhě - Yuānhuǒ
Abyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorTooltip for Abyss LectorAbyss Lector - Abyssal Flames
Shēnyuān Yǒngzhě - Yuānhuǒ
Abisu no Eishousha - En'en‍[!][!]
Abyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorTooltip for Abyss LectorAbyss Lector - Abyssal Flames
Korean심연 봉독자・심연의 불꽃
Simyeon Bongdokja - Simyeon-ui Bulkkot
Abyss Lector - Flame of Abyss
SpanishBardo del Abismo - Llamas abismalesAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorTooltip for Abyss LectorAbyss Lector - Abysmal Flames
FrenchChantre de l'Abîme - Flamme abyssaleAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorTooltip for Abyss LectorAbyss Lector - Abyssal Flame
RussianЧтец Бездны: Пламя бездны
Chtets Bezdny: Plamya bezdny
Abyss Lector: Abyssal Flame
ThaiAbyss Lector - Fathomless Flames
VietnameseHọc SĩHọc Sĩ VựcVực Sâu - Uyên HỏaUyên HỏaAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorTooltip for Abyss LectorAbyss Lector - Abyssal Flames
GermanAbgrundsänger AbgrundflammenAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorTooltip for Abyss LectorAbyss Lector - Abyssal Flames
IndonesianAbyss Lector: Fathomless Flames
PortugueseBardo do Abismo - Chamas AbismaisAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorTooltip for Abyss LectorAbyss Lector - Abysmal Flames
TurkishHiçlik Vaizi: Derin AlevlerAbyss Preacher: Deep Flames
ItalianCantore dell'Abisso Fiamme imperscrutabiliAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorAbyss LectorTooltip for Abyss LectorAbyss Lector Inscrutable Flames

Change History[]

