A Visitor From Westward Realms: The Flavor of Freedom is an Event Quest during the Spices From the West: Northerly Search Event.
- Go to Good Hunter
- Talk to Sara

A certain person from Sumeru is currently discussing something with Sara...
- (Approach the Good Hunter)
- Paimon: Huh? Looks like Sara's talking to someone over there. Might they be discussing food?
- Paimon: C'mon, let's go over there! Paimon's not gonna miss out on some good grub, not for the world!
- (Talk to Sara or Nazafarin)
- Paimon: Why, hello there! Are you talking about stuff to eat?
Hello, Sara, Nazafarin.
Hello there. And you are...
- Nazafarin: Ah, by Lesser Lord Kusanali! Do you not recognize me anymore?
- Nazafarin: Perhaps my presence is too weak, like a speck of dust that might be blown away by a gust at any time...
- Nazafarin: But I, for my part, remember your great deed in helping me develop seasonings and inviting all and sundry to try them!
- Sara: Ah, we meet again, you two. Indeed, one might say that our conversation did concern food, but... *sigh*
- Paimon: What happened? Don't worry, you can tell us. Maybe we can even help!
- Paimon: If it's about food, we'll definitely help! Isn't that right, (TravelerTraveler)?
Will work for good food!
Eh, we'll do this for Paimon, I guess.
- Nazafarin: Ah, by Lesser Lord Kusanali, the two of you are as warm-hearted as ever!
- Nazafarin: So this is the issue. After you rescued me previously, I returned to Sumeru and wrote a report about the condiment market in Liyue.
- Nazafarin: Unexpectedly, I was approached by Lord Sangemah Bay, who expressed interest in purchasing the condiments that were the results of my research.
- Nazafarin: This most charitable merchant even offered to support any further research on my part! Ah, such good fortune! I signed right away, if you must know...
- Nazafarin: I then sent my dear friend Parvaneh a letter regarding this, and she gave me her full support.
- Paimon: So you're here in Mondstadt to start research into condiments?
- Nazafarin: That is precisely right, my good Paimon. In truth, I should've already begun this research, but...
- Sara: Nazafarin wants to work with us by adding her secret condiments to our dishes and letting our customers try them.
- Sara: However, we have restaurant standards that we must maintain, lest we face complaints from long-time customers, so we can't take her up on that offer.
- Sara: *sigh* We've actually been having this chat for a while now, but we haven't been able to come up with any better ideas.
- Sara: I've been thinking that perhaps we could ask Jean to help. I'm sure she could find the best solution to this problem!
- Paimon: Seriously!? Jean's super busy all the time, you know! So, uh, could we not make her come down just for this? We'll help out!
- Nazafarin: Aha, you see, what did I say? The two of you are Nazafarin's saviors, as always!
- Nazafarin: Right, then, there's no time to lose. Please, take this pot with you.
- Nazafarin: We shall do it as we did previously. We will make the condiments, add them to dishes, and invite your friends to try them!
- Paimon: Hehe. That's right, we'll do it just like before. Paimon volunteers to be the first taste-tester, by the way!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | A Visitor From Westward Realms: The Flavor of Freedom | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 西域来客・自由之味 Xīyù Láikè - Zìyóu zhī Wèi | A Visitor From Western Regions - The Flavor of Freedom |
Chinese (Traditional) | 西域來客・自由之味 Xīyù Láikè - Zìyóu zhī Wèi | |
Japanese | 西域より来たる客・自由の味 Sai'iki yori Kitaru Kyaku - Jiyuu no Aji | A Visitor From Western Regions - The Flavor of Freedom |
Korean | 서역의 손님・자유의 맛 Seoyeok-ui Sonnim - Jayu-ui Mat | A Visitor From Western Regions - The Flavor of Freedom |
Spanish | Una visitante del Oeste: el sabor de la libertad | A Visitor From the West: The Flavor of Freedom |
French | Une visiteuse venue de l'ouest : Le goût de la liberté | A Visitor From the West: The Flavor of Freedom |
Russian | Гости с запада: Аромат свободы Gosti s zapada: Aromat svobody | Guests from the West: Aroma of Freedom |
Thai | แขกผู้มาเยือนจากดินแดนทางตะวันตก - รสชาติของอิสรภาพ | |
Vietnamese | Vị Khách Phương Tây - Hương Vị Tự Do | |
German | Ein Gast aus dem Westen: Geschmack der Freiheit | A Guest From the West: Flavor of Freedom |
Indonesian | Pengunjung dari Dunia Barat: Rasa Sebuah Kebebasan | Visitor From Western World: The Flavor of Freedom |
Portuguese | Uma Visitante do Oeste - O Sabor da Liberdade | |
Turkish | Batıdan Gelen Bir Misafir: Özgürlüğün Tadı | |
Italian | Un visitatore dai Reami d'Occidente: Il sapore della libertà | A Visitor From Westward Realms: The Flavor of Freedom |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.5