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A Starry Night, as Remembered is an Event Quest in Overgrown Valley, Veluriyam Mirage.

Start Location[]


Start the quest by talking to Jeroney in the westernmost section of the Overgrown Valley.

  1. Wait until night (19:00 – 05:00)
  2. Go to the platform and take a photo of the night sky
  3. Report back to Jeroney


UI Quest Quest Description

Jeroney wishes to be able to see the starry sky whenever he wants, so why not take a photo of it for him? Even if it's only the reflection inside the bottle and not the real thing, it will be beautiful enough.
(Talk to Jeroney)
Jeroney: Why are you up here yourself? There isn't even a rail line here, and it's way high up at the very edge of the Mirage.
Jeroney: People rarely come here. Even Idyia... Heh, I doubt she even knows this place exists.
Paimon: So if there's nothing here, why are you here, Jeroney?
Jeroney: I just came out for a little fresh air... Hey, don't give me that "you ran away from home after arguing with Ferdinand again" look!
Jeroney: Come on, there really wasn't an argument. I'm just taking a stroll out of, well, I don't know, personal interest!
Jeroney: I suppose you already knew that the Choo-Choo Cart was my idea. At that time, I was only thinking: What's something that could easily reach great heights...
Jeroney: So I... So Jeroney brainstormed the Choo-Choo Cart and the rails, all for the love of the sky and heights.
Jeroney: Sounds silly, doesn't it? I remember Inazuma has a saying that goes something like, "only idiots and smoke like to rise up high"...
Icon Dialogue Talk It's awesome that you could think up the Choo-Choo Cart.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think it is so much fun.
Jeroney: But it can only exist in the Veluriyam Mirage.
Jeroney: ...Forget it, let's not talk about it. I also came here to stargaze.
Jeroney: I know the stars here are merely an ephemeral shadow from outside the Mirage, but they're pretty enough for me.
Jeroney: Every night when I look upon the starry sky... I feel so peaceful.
Icon Dialogue Talk The one who loves the starry sky... is it Jeroney...?
Jeroney: But whoever sees a starry sky like that couldn't help but fall in love with it. If only I could see the stars in the daytime...
Jeroney: Or even better, if I didn't have to climb up here every day!
Paimon: Wait! That's possible! Paimon's got an idea!
Jeroney: Huh? Really?
Icon Dialogue Talk We can just take a photo...
Jeroney: Pho... Photo? That sounds like some advanced technology.
Paimon: Yeah, why don't we take a photo of the starry sky for Jeroney?
Jeroney: Can you really do that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course you can!
Paimon: But... Paimon isn't sure of any good spots to take pictures of the starry night...
Jeroney: Here! At night, on the platform here, you can see the most beautiful starscape! That's the reason I came here in the first place.
Paimon: Really? Great! Jeroney, you just wait for our photo!
(Talk to Jeroney again)
Jeroney: Photos... I can't believe something so amazing exists already. Now, it's possible to keep a record of all kinds of amazing scenery...
Jeroney: Well, (TravelerTraveler), did you finish taking the photo? I'm really looking forward to seeing your photo of the starry sky!
(Take a photo of the starry sky)
Paimon: Hey, now this photo really looks good! Let's show it to Jeroney.
Paimon: He'll be really surprised when he sees a picture like this!
(Talk to Jeroney)
Paimon: Jeroney, we're back~! See, this is the photo! Check it out!
Jeroney: ...Wow, it looks just like what my eyes would see.
Jeroney: Are you really giving me this photo?
Paimon: Of course, we took it just for you!
Jeroney: Haha, thank you... thank you so much. I never thought I'd see such amazing technology. With technology like this, maybe one day we will also be able to build a Choo-Choo Cart outside the Mirage.
Jeroney: What a gorgeous night sky... If only we had technology like this back then, then... then he would have been able to see this beautiful sight whenever he wanted.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Starry Night, as Remembered
Rú Liú Jiùshí de Xīngyǐng
Rú Liú Jiùshí de Xīngyǐng
Kako wo Nokosu Hoshikage
Korean사진 속에 담긴 별하늘
Sajin Soge Damgin Byeolhaneul
Starry Sky In a Photo
SpanishSombra sideral del pasadoStarry Shadow of the Past
FrenchUne nuit étoilée, comme au bon vieux tempsA Starry Night, Like in the Good Old Days
RussianПамять о звёздной ночи
Pamyat' o zvyozdnoy nochi
Memory of a Starry Night
VietnameseNhư Ánh Sao Trong Ký Ức
GermanWie der Sternenhimmel in der alten ErinnerungLike the Starry Sky in the Old Memory
IndonesianSeperti Bayangan Bintang Masa LampauLike the Shadow of the Past Stars
PortugueseSombra de Uma Estrela Antiga
TurkishYıldızlı Bir Gece, Anılardaki Gibi
ItalianRimembri ancora quella notte stellataReminisce Again That Starry Night

Change History[]
