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A Soul Set Apart is the fourth part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter I: Act IV - We Will Be Reunited.


  1. Talk to Dainsleif
  2. Go to Stormterror's Lair
  3. Enter the ruins again
  4. Search for the Defiled Statue
  5. Defeat the Abyss Herald

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

You continue searching for "the first Field Tiller," following the information you've obtained from Barbara and the Great Wolf King of the North...
(Approach Dainsleif)
Paimon: Dain, there you are. Did you see Master Jean?
Dainsleif: I saw her, but purposely avoided her.
Dainsleif: As both the Lionfang Knight and Acting Grand Master, she naturally would have some reservations towards me.
Dainsleif: If I'm not careful, one day I may find myself becoming the object of one of her investigations.
Dainsleif: But back to the matter at hand... I defeated some of the Abyss forces but wasn't able to gather any information. Did you have more success?
The Traveler tells Dain what they learned from the spirit of Lupus Boreas...
Dainsleif: I see...
Dainsleif: Well then. We can more or less figure out where the first Field Tiller ended up.
Paimon: Huh? Really? Just from the Lupus Boreas story?
Dainsleif: That information combined with a more comprehensive analysis.
Dainsleif: For example, the old story you told me you heard in the Cathedral...
Icon Dialogue Talk "The Tyrant's Final Fury"!
Dainsleif: Exactly, the strange story told to you by that young sister, long mistaken to be a curse rained down by a deceased tyrant.
Icon Dialogue Talk The fireballs raining from the sky were probably missiles...
Icon Dialogue Talk The ancient people of Mondstadt wouldn't have seen the fireballs for what they were...
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually, Barbara's the deaconess...
Paimon: Ah, Paimon gets it! So "The Tyrant's Final Fury" was really just missiles fired from the Field Tiller after it ran from Wolvendom!
Paimon: After it was damaged in the fight with the Wolf of the North, it must have wandered into the ruins of Old Mondstadt and stayed there...
Paimon: Then, whenever anyone got close — PEW, PEW, BOOM! It would fire a ton of missiles at them... Until one day, it finally broke down for good, and the fireballs stopped raining from the sky.
Paimon: Back then, the people of Mondstadt hadn't seen many Ruin Guards before, so they came to interpret it as "The Tyrant's Final Fury"!
Dainsleif: It looks like we need to make a trip to Stormterror's Lair and comb the entire area.
Icon Dialogue Talk No.
Icon Dialogue Talk No need.
Dainsleif: Hmm. What do you mean...?
Icon Dialogue Talk I... I remember.
Paimon: Huh? You mean...
Paimon: Ohh, Paimon remembers, too! We saw that abandoned Ruin Guard sitting atop the tower when we went there before! Can't forget something like that!

(Approaching the Weird Statue)
Paimon: This is it, right? Okay then, use your Elemental Sight to look for the eye!
(The Traveler uses Elemental Sight)
Paimon: Ooooh... So what did you see?
Paimon: Huh? ...Nothing? But Paimon was so excited...
Paimon: What's going on...? Are you sure you did it right?
Dainsleif: This requires another method.
Dainsleif: Using Elemental Sight on a Field Tiller is of no use because it is not powered by the elements.
Dainsleif: Let me give it a try.
(Dainsleif conjures magic)
Dainsleif: ...And done.
(The eye of the Field Tiller appears)
Paimon: Wowwww! It's, it's the...!
Dainsleif: The very thing the Abyss Herald has been seeking all along — the eye of the first Field Tiller.
Dainsleif: All of the Ruin Guards today are just replicas of this machine. As the prototype, its combat capability was unrestricted.
Paimon: "Prototype"? ...Paimon doesn't know that word, is it another ancient term from Khaenri'ah?
Dainsleif: As the Abyss Order has surmised, if this eye is placed in the hands of the Defiled Statue...
Dainsleif: And if the limbs of Osial, Overlord of the Vortex, are attached to the statue... there you have a mechanized god.
Dainsleif: And this newly born god will have the power to "topple the divine thrones of Celestia."
Icon Dialogue Talk What an extreme and dangerous operation.
Icon Dialogue Talk The Abyss Order must be stopped.
Dainsleif: Yes.
Paimon: Th—Then... What should we do with this eye?
Icon Dialogue Talk Hide it somewhere no one will find it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Put it under the guardianship of the Church of Favonius.
Dainsleif: No. I'll guard it myself.
Paimon: Huh!? You!? Dain... You won't go and do anything crazy with it, will you?
Dainsleif: You may doubt me if you wish, but I must ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands.
Dainsleif: No matter where we may hide it, they will find it. And as for the Church of Favonius — well, you know I don't trust them.
Paimon: Oh, hehe... right...
Dainsleif: But our work isn't done yet. To avoid any further repercussions, we must also take care of that Defiled Statue.
Icon Dialogue Talk By doing what, exactly?
Icon Dialogue Talk Can we let the Church take care of this one?
Dainsleif: We can't have the Church get involved. Let's handle it ourselves. As for what I mean by take care of it... naturally, I mean to completely destroy it.
Paimon: D—Destroy it!? That's a Statue of The Seven! As well as being a really important cultural relic, they're actually divine, too...
Paimon: Ugh, well, good thing we didn't tell Barbara earlier. Otherwise, she'd be going completely bonkers right now!
Dainsleif: Hmph... Do The Seven really expect me to help them look after what belongs to them?
Dainsleif: Let's go back to those ruins and destroy the inverted statue. If we are lucky, we will also run into that Abyss Herald.
Dainsleif: I'll make sure it doesn't get away this time.
(Interact with the Field Tiller)
Field Tiller: ...

(Upon entering the Call of the Abyss)
Paimon: So, after all that running around, we end up right back here again...
Paimon: Look at us... We barely escaped this place last time, and now we're strolling right back in!
Paimon: Gee, surely we must be some of the bravest adventurers in all of Teyvat! That or the stupidest...
Paimon: To get to that creepy statue...
Paimon: We just need to follow the path we used to escape last time. That should take us right to it...
Paimon: Yep! That'll work. Let's go, and remember to be on your guard.

(Approach the room with the Defiled Statue)
Dainsleif: Looks like we're here.
Dainsleif: An eerie, lifeless, dark chamber... I understand the evil aura you were describing earlier.
Paimon: Ohhhh... Such a scary place...
Dainsleif: Be careful to not be overwhelmed by the power of the Defiled Statue— the Abyss Herald, it's here.
Abyss Herald: Mwahaha... You sense correctly.
Abyss Herald: You are just as vexatious as ever, Dainsleif, enemy of the Abyss!
Abyss Herald: I sense your soul is stained by terrible bloodshed, perhaps from your darkest nightmares. Unless... Huh?
Abyss Herald: Oh, and something far more dangerous! You reek of a corruption familiar to me...
Abyss Herald: Then we are the same. We're both dangerous. But dangers from outside of the Abyss Order must be caught and caged...
Dainsleif: Tsk.
Dainsleif: It is your words that forever reek of corruption...
Dainsleif: Time to silence you!

(After defeating the enemies, a cinematic begins)
(While fighting the Abyss Herald, it conjures a portal and tries to escape)
(Dain restrains the Abyss Herald using magic, but is stopped by an attack)
Dainsleif: (grunts)
(It is revealed that the attacker is the Traveler's sibling)
Abyss Herald: (‍PrincessPrincess/PrincePrince‍)
You and Dain fight together against the Abyss Herald, but as you gain the upper hand, someone familiar appears and stops you... It is your long-lost sibling.

(After the cinematic)
Paimon: Hey, c—could that be...!?
Icon Dialogue Talk (‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍)!
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍)...
Icon Dialogue Talk I've finally found you!
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's get out of here, it's too dangerous!
Paimon: W—Wait, (Traveler)... (‍SheShe/HeHe‍) just blocked an attack against the Abyss Herald...
Paimon: Your (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍), and the Abyss...
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍), why are you with Dain?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...What?
Icon Dialogue Talk (We've been separated for so long...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Why are you asking about something that doesn't matter...?)
Icon Dialogue Talk You're asking about... Dain?
Icon Dialogue Talk (We've been separated for so long...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Why are you asking about something that doesn't matter...?)
Paimon: Huh?
Paimon: Your (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍)... knows Dain, (Traveler)?
Dainsleif: ...
Dainsleif: (‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍). We meet again.
Paimon: Wh—What's going on here? Dain knows (‍herher/himhim‍), too!
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): You shouldn't team up with this man.
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): He is my enemy.
Dainsleif: (‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍)...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hold on a second!
Icon Dialogue Talk Stop saying things that don't make sense, (‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍)!
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): ...
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): But it must be said... Don't try to stop me. Don't try to stop the Abyss.
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): That man, Dainsleif, was the "Twilight Sword," one of the royal guards of the final dynasty of Khaenri'ah. 500 years ago, he failed to prevent the destruction of Khaenri'ah.
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): A curse of immortality was laid upon him, to forever wander the wilderness... while he watched the people he was supposed to protect turn into (‍monstersmonsters/the monstersthe monsters‍) of the Abyss.
Paimon: You're saying... Dain is from Khaenri'ah!? The same Khaenri'ah that was destroyed 500 years ago!?
Paimon: And you said the people turned into monsters... You're trying to tell Paimon that the Abyss Order is not only related to Khaenri'ah but is actually the people of Khaenri'ah themselves!?
Paimon: Uh... and the whole thing about Dain being your enemy? Ohh... Paimon's so confused...
Icon Dialogue Talk Come with me, (‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍)! Let's go home!
Icon Dialogue Talk You can tell me all this later. Let's go home!
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): Home...
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): Yes, of course. "Home" is wherever we are together.
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): But I cannot go with you to the next world to find a new home... at least, not yet.
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): Until the Abyss has engulfed the thrones, my war with destiny will see no end...
Icon Dialogue Talk Destiny...?
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): Listen to me, (‍AetherAether/LumineLumine‍).
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): I have already traveled through this world once. Once you reach the end of your journey as I did, you will see for yourself the true nature of this world.
(A cinematic begins)
(The Abyss Herald conjures a portal)
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): So we'll meet again.
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): Though we need not rush, (‍brotherbrother/sistersister‍). I have more than enough time to wait for you.
(The traveler runs towards their sibling)
(‍LumineLumine/AetherAether‍): We have always... had enough time
(The Abyss Herald and the traveler's sibling leave through the portal)
(Dainsleif dashes into the portal to follow them)
(The traveler reaches the portal, but phases through it as the portal closes behind the traveler)

Moving On[]

Your only kin leaves once more, this time escorted by an Abyss Herald, while you watch on helplessly. Their voice seems to hang in the air while you just stand there in the empty ruins, lost in your own world.
(After the cinematic)
Paimon: They... left...
Paimon: Oh, don't be too sad, (Traveler)... We'll find them again! Look on the bright side, at least we got some really useful information!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm... not sad.
Paimon: Really? You sure...?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're right, Paimon. There is hope.
Paimon: Uh-huh, that's right!
Paimon: At least now, as well as The Seven, Dain is also a key part of finding your sibling too, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk Once we get to Inazuma, we should keep that in mind as we look for more clues.
Icon Dialogue Talk Another objective for our journey.
Paimon: That's right! Um... by the way, what they said just now was all pretty confusing... Did you understand it at all?
Icon Dialogue Talk I pretty much got it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I was too focused on (‍LumineLumine/my brothermy brother‍) to really listen carefully.
Paimon: Oh... well then... let's go over it again.
The Traveler and Paimon try to recall as many details as they can...
Paimon: First off, that Abyss Herald called your (‍sister "Princess."sister "Princess."/brother "Prince."brother "Prince."‍)
Paimon: It seems like your (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍) is leading the Abyss Order, even the Abyss Herald answers to (‍herher/himhim‍)... Still, we don't know for sure if (‍sheshe/hehe‍)'s the highest-ranking leader in the organization.
Paimon: Also, your (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍) said that (‍sheshe/hehe‍) wants to "engulf the thrones" and go to "war with destiny." What the heck does that mean? ...Could it be (‍that shethat she/hehe‍) wants to destroy The Seven and the seven nations?
Paimon: Next thing... turns out the Abyss Order monsters are really what the people of Khaenri'ah turned into after their nation was destroyed. This story is just plain terrifying!
Paimon: And Dain is from Khaenri'ah, too! He witnessed its destruction 500 years ago. But... he didn't turn into a monster, and now he's fighting the Abyss Order...
Paimon: So that's why your (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍) said that Dain is (‍herher/hishis‍) enemy, right?
Paimon: But... If the monsters of the Abyss are the same people that Dain protected all those years ago, then why is he enemies with the Abyss Order now?
Paimon: Also, how come... after all this time we've spent searching for your (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍), it turns out (‍sheshe/hehe‍)'s on the side of the Abyss. What's up with that?
Icon Dialogue Talk We have many new questions, but few answers.
Icon Dialogue Talk Thinking about it over and over will solve nothing.
Paimon: Yeah, you're right.
Paimon: Then... we can't let ourselves get down about it now, (Traveler)!
Paimon: Our journey's not over yet, let's get a move on! Time to leave this terrible, dark place and get back to the surface, where the sun shines bright.
Paimon: If your (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍) wants you to "reach the end of your journey"... (‍Well then, show herWell then, show her/Show himShow him‍) what you're made of!
Paimon: Come on, Traveler, let's go!


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
59An Inauspicious BlowThe Shimmering VoyageA Soul Set Apart (cutscene)
60Fateful DepartingThe Shimmering VoyageA Soul Set Apart (cutscene)
68Destined PartingThe Shimmering VoyageA Soul Set Apart


  • The Traveler's Sibling will call the player "Aether" (Male Traveler) or "Lumine" (Female Traveler) regardless of the name set by the player in both the voiceovers and the transcription.
    • In Chinese and Korean, Lumine will call the Male Traveler "big brother" instead.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Soul Set Apart
Yǒu Géhé de Húnlíng
A Soul Estranged
Yǒu Géhé de Húnlíng
Hedatari no Aru Tamashii
A Soul Estranged
Korean엇갈린 영혼
Eotgallin Yeonghon
A Missed Soul
SpanishAlmas separadasSeparated Souls
FrenchÂmes séparéesSeparated Souls
RussianРазлучённые души
Razluchyonnyye dushi
Separated Souls
Winyan thi Thuk Baengyaek
Separated Souls
VietnameseLinh Hồn Ngăn CáchSeparated Souls
GermanEine entfernte SeeleA Distant Soul
IndonesianJiwa yang TerpisahSeparated Souls
PortugueseUma Alma DivididaA Divided Soul
TurkishAyrı Düşen Bir RuhA Soul Set Apart
ItalianUn'anima distintaA Distinct Soul

Change History[]

