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This is the change history page for A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity.
It contains changes that are relevant to the topic of the main article.

Version 2.2

  • Uncle Tian referring to Ganyu as "little Miss Ganyu" was revised to "Lady Ganyu" and the surrounding dialogue was revised:
    • Old: Why, isn't it... Little Miss Ganyu?
      New: Is that... It is! It's Lady Ganyu!
    • Old: Th—This old man called her "little Miss Ganyu"!
      New: "Lady Ganyu"? Why are you calling her that?
    • Old: Hahahaha... Ah, little Miss Ganyu. Your kind words make me feel that my decades of hard work haven't been in vain.
      New: Hahahaha... Ah, what an honor to receive such high praise from Lady Ganyu herself! I guess I must have done something right over the last... however many decades.
    • Old: Uncle Tian, please... A person of your standing should really stop calling me "Lady Ganyu"...
      New: Uncle Tian, please... A person of your standing should really stop calling me "little Miss Ganyu"...
    • Old: Uh, my apologies. It's not intentional, just a childhood habit of mine.
      New: Uh, my apologies. It's not intentional, just a habit from my younger days.

Version 1.2

  • A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity was released.