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A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days is a World Quest in Coatepec Mountain, Natlan.

Start Location[]

Start the quest by approaching Icayo surrounded by the 3 Saurians north of the "Scions of the Canopy", below the tribe's settlement.


  1. Find a way to distract the Saurians together with your Saurian companion
  2. Bring the Sour Sauce Ceviche from the camp
  3. Place the Sour Sauce Ceviche in a suitable location
  4. Wait for a while...
  5. Wait for your Saurian buddy to lure the Yumkasaurus away
  6. Negotiate with the Tepetlisaurus
  7. Defeat the Tepetlisaurus
  8. Talk to the injured person


UI Quest Quest Description

You encounter someone surrounded by three Saurians out in the wild...
(Approach Icayo and the three Saurians)
???: My dear, your enthusiasm is... quite overwhelming. Phew... Shall we have some ice to cool our heads, then talk about this later?
Tepetlisaurus: Shrawrr—!
You hear a scream at first, followed by the thud of something heavy falling to the ground. Then, all that's left are Saurian cries...
Paimon: Huh!? Is that person alright?
Paimon: Ugh, he's surrounded... We can't see what's going on at all...
Icon Dialogue Talk Shall we try a view from above?
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr!
Paimon: Hmm. Seems like ("Little One""Little One") wants to give it a try — go on then, little buddy!
("Little One""Little One"): Grawr...
Paimon: Uh, something's not right. Is that person dead— Ugh, no, no, pish posh! Maybe he just passed out. But still, we can't just stand by and do nothing!
Paimon: Um, could you three please let us through?
Tepetlisaurus: Shrar! Grawr!
Koholasaurus: Mmrawr...?
Yumkasaurus: Rawr!
Paimon: Whoa, they won't let us through at all... What's going on? Considering what that person said before, he might know these Saurians...
Paimon: If only we had more clues...
("Little One""Little One"): ...Rawr!
Paimon: Hmm? Have you discovered something, ("Little One""Little One")? Come on, let's keep up!
(Attempt to get closer to Icayo)
You cannot get closer due to Saurian obstruction...
(Approach the camp)
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr!
Paimon: Huh? Is this the camp he stayed at? Maybe there are some clues, let's take a look!
(Interact with the diary)
Someone's Diary: "...Today's a rainy day. I prepared "Ripple" his favorite Sour Sauce Ceviche. His look of satisfaction made it all worthwhile..."
Someone's Diary: "...Even if he's swimming in a leisurely manner, the moment I proffer some of that Sour Sauce Ceviche... Whoosh! Out he pops from the water, and in such lovely form, too..."
Someone's Diary: "...I would never doubt his affection for me. Only, perhaps, that he might love the ceviche more..."
Paimon: So... Ripple's this Koholasaur's name, huh? Guess the Sour Sauce Ceviche in the pot must've been for her [sic].
Someone's Diary: "...Big round sparkling eyes, curly tail and cheery cries... Jade, oh, Jade, is there a cuter Saurian in this world than you...?"
Someone's Diary: "...You have never once been cheated, nor never once doubted, as if all life might become your friend and enjoy a wonderful time playing with you..."
Someone's Diary: "...Were I not so busy, I'd love to play with you all day, watching you dart through woods swimming in mottled sunlight, like a child of the wind, a spirit oh so carefree!..."
Paimon: Ah, so that little Yumkasaur is named "Jade." Playful, too, sounds like. Maybe you two could be friends, ("Little One""Little One").
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr!
Someone's Diary: "...I've crossed mountains and valleys just to search for your whereabouts. If you truly wished not to see me, you could have departed..."
Someone's Diary: "...But you had consideration for my pace, stopping every so often, even collecting so much Grainfruit on my behalf, not to mention those shiny stones..."
Someone's Diary: "...Oh Marigold, my lovely Marigold, only I know the tender heart that lies beneath your hard shell. To be a fighter so fierce was never your intent..."
Paimon: Err, so Marigold's that grumpy Tepetlisaurus, then? Call Paimon blind, but she sure doesn't see how that one counts as "tender"!
Paimon: Anyway, back on topic. So these three Saurians are... his friends? Why'd they knock him unconscious and surround him, then?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's get him out first and ask questions later.
Paimon: Yeah, that's true. If only we could get them to make way... Hang on, didn't the diary say that Ripple fancies Sour Sauce Ceviche? There's some in camp, so maybe we can use it as a lure!
Icon Dialogue Talk As for Jade... Let's send ("Little One""Little One") to go make a friend, shall we?
Paimon: Great idea! Jade's the fun-loving sort, so ("Little One""Little One") just needs to lead 'er off somewhere.
Icon Dialogue Talk We could duel Marigold.
Paimon: Err, let's resolve this by more peaceful means, shall we? Like getting ("Little One""Little One") to lure the fun-loving Jade away...
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr! Raaaawr!
Paimon: See, ("Little One""Little One")'s excited about the plan too! But perhaps the simplest and least wasteful way would be to use the Sour Sauce Ceviche, right?
(After the previous dialogue ends)
Paimon: Use the Sour Sauce Ceviche in the camp to distract Ripple!
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr!
(Interact with the diary again, optional)
(Traveler): (There's a diary over here...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Read the first part.)
Someone's Diary: "...Today's a rainy day. I prepared "Ripple" his favorite Sour Sauce Ceviche. His look of satisfaction made it all worthwhile..."
Someone's Diary: "...Even if he's swimming in a leisurely manner, the moment I proffer some of that Sour Sauce Ceviche... Whoosh! Out he pops from the water, and in such lovely form, too..."
Someone's Diary: "...I would never doubt his affection for me. Only, perhaps, that he might love the ceviche more..."
Icon Dialogue Talk (Read the second part.)
Someone's Diary: "...Big round sparkling eyes, curly tail and cheery cries... Jade, oh, Jade, is there a cuter Saurian in this world than you...?"
Someone's Diary: "...You have never once been cheated, nor never once doubted, as if all life might become your friend and enjoy a wonderful time playing with you..."
Someone's Diary: "...Were I not so busy, I'd love to play with you all day, watching you dart through woods swimming in mottled sunlight, like a child of the wind, a spirit oh so carefree!..."
Icon Dialogue Talk (Read the third part.)
Someone's Diary: "...I've crossed mountains and valleys just to search for your whereabouts. If you truly wished not to see me, you could have departed..."
Someone's Diary: "...But you had consideration for my pace, stopping every so often, even collecting so much Grainfruit on my behalf, not to mention those shiny stones..."
Someone's Diary: "...Oh Marigold, my lovely Marigold, only I know the tender heart that lies beneath your hard shell. To be a fighter so fierce was never your intent..."
Icon Dialogue Talk (Alright, time to stop reading...)
(Interact with the campfire)
(Obtain Fresh Sour Sauce Ceviche Fresh Sour Sauce Ceviche)
(Place the Fresh Sour Sauce Ceviche)
Paimon: This is a good place to put it. Let's wait off to the side.
(Approach the marker)
Paimon: Hehe, looks like he was attracted by the scent of the food.
Paimon: The gap's not large enough, though. Could you help us lure Jade away, ("Little One""Little One")?
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr! Raaaawr!
Paimon: Nice! We'll leave it to you, then!
Paimon: Let's go check on the guy and see if he's okay once ("Little One""Little One") leads Jade off, alright?
(Approach "Marigold")
"Marigold": Shrawrr—!
Paimon: Don't get so worked up, we're just checking to see if the guy over there's unhurt.
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems like it's time to duel.
Paimon: C'mon, don't give up that quickly! Look, we don't mean any harm, and we... Well, we're sure that you're not the fighty type by nature...
Icon Dialogue Talk "Oh Marigold, my lovely Marigold"...
"Marigold": Shrar! Grawr!
Paimon: Uh oh... She's getting even angrier!
(When "Marigold" reaches 50% HP‍[verification needed])
"Marigold": Woo... Rrrooo...
(After defeating "Marigold")
After being defeated, the Tepetlisaurus named "Marigold" drills into the ground and hides only who-knows-where. You take the chance to check on the injured person...
Paimon: No obvious wounds... Hey, are you alright? Can you hear Paimon?
???: ...Hmm? Marigold? Ah, you gentle soul. You're concerned about me, aren't you? Worry not. I've been training myself to play with you without any worries...
Paimon: Hey, Paimon's Paimon, y'hear? Not some Marigold! (TravelerTraveler), do you think he might have hurt his head in the fall?
Icon Dialogue Talk With any luck, his head will clear up soon.
Icon Dialogue Talk That would be a problem...
???: Wait. You're not Marigold. What's going on? What happened to me?
You tell him of how he was surrounded by the three Saurians and knocked down by Marigold...
Icayo: Ah, so that's what happened. Sorry for the trouble. The name's Icayo. As you can see, I'm an adventurer who loves chasing Saurians... and who sometimes winds up being chased by them.
Icayo: I had a spell of ill-health that resulted in my being bedridden for a while. Not only did my stamina decline greatly during that time, but I wasn't able to meet them on the regular either...
Icayo: To have been surrounded by them even before making it to camp... Ah, how fortunate I am, to be one so fretted over.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're a real positive thinker.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is that how it is...?
Paimon: Anyway, we had a bit of a... tussle with Marigold in our rush to save you...
Icayo: Ah, nothing to worry about. I imagine that was no different from any other game to her. She's probably off sulking somewhere over the loss.
Icayo: Despite appearances, she's got a delicate soul. I'll go comfort her later, so again, don't you worry.
Paimon: Alright then. Looks like you're fine. Guess we worried for nothing, but Paimon's glad you're okay all the same.
Icayo: And I'm grateful for that. Ah, yes. While this isn't of much value... Please, take this Sour Sauce Ceviche recipe of mine, would you?
Icayo: Ripple loves this dish — maybe your companion, ("Little One""Little One"), might too!
("Little One""Little One"): Roooah... Rawr!
Paimon: Hmm? Wanna give it a try, eh? No need to worry, (TravelerTraveler) will make some for you!
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr!
(Quest completes)
(Talk to Icayo, optional)
Icayo: ...Alright, alright, I know, I missed you too. Didn't expect all of you to show up at once, of course — but I suppose that's what they call "triple the happiness"?
(Talk to "Jade" while indwelling a Saurian, optional)
"Jade": Let's go play! C'mon, let's play!
(Talk to "Marigold" while indwelling a Saurian, optional)
"Marigold": I was here first...
(Talk to "Ripple" while indwelling a Saurian, optional)
"Ripple": Any more Sour Sauce Ceviche? No?

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days
Àilóngrén de Píngfán Shēnghuó
A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Life
Àilóngrén de Píngfán Shēnghuó
Toaru Ryuu Mania no Heibon-na Kurashi
A Certain Dragon Enthusiast's Ordinary Life
Korean 애호가의 평범한
Yong Aehoga-ui Pyeongbeomhan Sam
A Dragon Enthusiast's Normal Life
SpanishLa vida de un amante de los sauriosThe Life of a Saurian Lover
FrenchLa vie ordinaire d'un amoureux des sauriensA Saurian Lover's Ordinary Life
RussianОбычная жизнь любителя заврианов
Obychnaya zhizn' lyubitelya zavrianov
A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Life
Thaiชีวิตเรียบง่ายของคนรัก Saurian
VietnameseNgày Thường Của Người Yêu Thích Saurian
GermanDas ganz normale Leben eines SaurierfreundesThe Quite Ordinary Life of a Saurian Lover
IndonesianKeseharian Pecinta SaurianThe Daily Life of the Saurian Lover
PortugueseDias Ordinários de Um Amante de Saurianos
TurkishSürüngen Sevgilinin Sıradan Günleri
ItalianLa tipica giornata di un amante dei Saurici

Change History[]

Version 5.2
  • All instances of Sour Sauce Kipper was changed to Sour Sauce Ceviche.

Version 5.0

  • A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days was released.