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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

Use the "Search Compass" to find hidden relic replicas at each location.

Antiquity Hunt is a part of the A Parade of Providence event in Version 3.6. Complete Antiquity Hunt to unlock the event segment.

After completing all three parts, the quest Antiquity Hunt: Conclusion is unlocked.


Tutorial A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 1
Follow the Archaeological Manual to reach Archaeological Zones in which the replica relics are buried.

Tutorial A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 2
Once you are in an Archaeological Zone, equip and use the Search Compass.
The Compass will take the closest replica relic's location as its target, and use Trail Density to show how far you presently are from that location. The closer you are to the burial location, the denser the trail will be.

Tutorial A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 3
You can place Search Compasses in different locations, which will allow you to use their indicated Trail Densities to search in the direction of higher Trail Density. After the Trail Density reaches 90%, you can immediately detect the replica relic.
You can have a total of 3 Search Compasses deployed at once.

Tutorial A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 4
Archaeological Zones can contain elemental objects that will disrupt the detection abilities of the Search Compasses. If you find such items, clear them out quickly and restart your search.

Tutorial A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 5
After you have deployed Search Compasses in an Archaeological Zone for a time, the Compasses will be able to more accurately determine the position of the replica relics, and will cause a more accurate search area to be displayed on your map.


Antiquity Hunt: Part I[]

A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 1
Unlocks 2023-04-27 10:00

Location: Devantaka Mountain

Container Categories: Electro

Replica Locations
Location Additional Context
A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 1 Relic Location 1 A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 1 Relic Location 1 Context
A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 1 Relic Location 2 A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 1 Relic Location 2 Context

Find all Relic Replicas in "Antiquity Hunt: Part I":

Primogem 30
Gala Excitement 100
Hero's Wit 3
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 3
Guide to Admonition 4

Antiquity Hunt: Part II[]

A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 2
Unlocks 2023-04-29 04:00

Location: Dar al-Shifa

Container Categories: Cryo

Replica Locations
Location Additional Context
A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 2 Relic Location 1 A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 2 Relic Location 1 Context
A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 2 Relic Location 2 A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 2 Relic Location 2 Context

Find all Relic Replicas in "Antiquity Hunt: Part II":

Primogem 30
Gala Excitement 100
Hero's Wit 3
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 3
Guide to Ingenuity 4

Antiquity Hunt: Part III[]

A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 3
Unlocks 2023-05-03 04:00

Location: The Dune of Elusion

Container Categories: Pyro

Replica Locations
Location Additional Context
File:A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 3 Relic Location 1.png A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 3 Relic Location 1 Context
File:A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 3 Relic Location 2.png A Parade of Providence Antiquity Hunt 3 Relic Location 2 Context

Find all Relic Replicas in "Antiquity Hunt: Part III":

Primogem 30
Gala Excitement 100
Hero's Wit 3
Shivada Jade Fragment 3
Guide to Praxis 4