A Mysterious Senior...? is a quest in Faruzan's Hangout Event: Act I - A Confounding Conundrum.
- Go to Pardis Dhyai
- Talk to Tighnari
- Find Faruzan at the Akademiya
- Talk to Collei

Tighnari is at Pardis Dhyai, waiting for a certain mysterious senior...
A Mysterious Senior...?[]
- (Go to Pardis Dhyai and talk to Tighnari)
- Tighnari: Even though most of the Akademiya's restrictions have significantly relaxed, I'm still a bit worried that the matra might give her trouble.
- Tighnari: I need to stay here to keep an eye on the situation. Collei, can you head to Sumeru City and find out why she isn't here yet?
- Collei: Um... Does it have to be me?
- Tighnari: I'd only assign a job this important to someone I trust. ...Are you not feeling well?
- Collei: Oh, no, I'm fine! I've completely recovered! It's just that if I'm going to see her... Umm, I think I need to mentally prepare myself first...
- Tighnari: *sigh* I know, I know... you'll have a tough time if you go by yourself... If we could arrange for someone to accompany you...
In a predicament, I see?
- Collei: Oh, hey there!
- Tighnari: It's been a while. What a coincidence, I was just thinking about asking you to accompany Collei to Sumeru City.
Why'd you think of me...?
What made you think I have time on my hands?
- Tighnari: Sorry, that's not what I meant. It's just that this matter... concerns research banned by the Akademiya. Not the sort of thing you'd shout from the rooftops.
- Tighnari: Also, you happen to know about this situation. There are very few people I can trust to be discreet right now. After giving it much thought, I believe you're the most suitable person for this task.
Research banned by the Akademiya?
And something that I know about...
- Tighnari: It's complicated, and this isn't the best place to talk about it. We'll fill you in on the details once she arrives.
Who's "she"?
- Tighnari: You might have heard about her in Sumeru before. Her name is Faruzan, and she's a very experienced senior researcher.
When you say "very experienced"...
- Tighnari: Let's just say that a huge part of Kshahrewar's mechanical research over the past 100 years have used her academic discourse and manuscripts as their foundation.
100 years? Is she human?
- Tighnari: She is, but she vanished for a hundred years because of a certain incident. She only returned to the Akademiya after being found in the wilderness a few years ago.
- Tighnari: Because of that, her current personality can be a bit... er, strange. As is her attitude towards Collei.
- Collei: Aaah, I'm getting a headache just thinking about it...
- Tighnari: She doesn't have bad intentions, so you don't have to be scared.
- Collei: I—I'll try... *sigh*
Do we really have to invite her here?
- Tighnari: Yes. Kshahrewar and Spantamad researchers are often quite prejudiced, so I can't trust them with this matter.
- Tighnari: However, Faruzan isn't influenced by modern thinking. In our previous correspondence through letters, she indicated that she'd be willing to help.
- Tighnari: It's already past our arranged meeting time, but she still hasn't shown up...
Did she get caught by the Akademiya?
- Tighnari: I don't think so. With her personality, it's more likely that she got wrapped up in some sort of trouble.
- Tighnari: Anyway, can you go with Collei to the Akademiya and check on Faruzan for me?
Sure thing.
- Collei: Phew, thank goodness. I was so anxious...
- Tighnari: I'm counting on you two. Collei, don't push yourself too hard. Just go there and see what's going on.
- Tighnari: Our task is important, but not that urgent. If Faruzan really is in some trouble, come back and tell me about it. We can always reschedule our meeting.
- Tighnari: After all, if she's distracted by other things, it'll affect her ability to help us.
- Collei: Alright, let's go!
- (Talk to Tighnari again)
- Tighnari: Oh yes, and one more thing. You might find her difficult to get along with at first.
- Tighnari: However, if you address her as "Madam," she'll become much easier to talk to.
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Tighnari, optional)
- Tighnari: (I do hope Madam Faruzan is able to find time as soon as possible...)
- (Find Faruzan at the Akademiya)
- Faruzan: Sorry? What did you say? Could you repeat yourself? As you know, I'm sure, hearing goes with age...
- Nadwah: Faruzan, I said that you need to give us an answer!
- Faruzan: Ah, yes, and did you forget to add "Madam" when you addressed me earlier?
- Nadwah: Your hearing is perfectly fine!
- Nadwah: Ahem! Madam... Faruzan, we don't want to make things difficult for you. However, you haven't been teaching courses or supervising theses these past few years...
- Nadwah: Isn't this rather problematic as an adviser? Never mind the students, even other advisers are starting to complain.
- Faruzan: And who, if I might ask, complained? If they have any issue with me, tell them to talk to me themselves rather than waste any of your time.
- Nadwah: Um...
- Faruzan: Hmph! You don't have to tell me anything. I very well know that it's those people from Haravatat. How I wish they'd put their time into doing proper research instead!
- Nadwah: But Madam Faruzan, it has been a long while since you last made any practical academic contribution yourself...
- Faruzan: Uh... Ahem! Academic contribution cannot simply be divided between the tangible and the intangible. The issue here, I believe, is that the reviewer doesn't understand the very nature of knowledge itself...
- Faruzan: In any case, makes no sense to use a metric like this to evaluate a mentor. Which sage set this rule, anyway? I should write a letter of complaint right this instant!
- Nadwah: W—Wait! Madam Faruzan, please let me finish!
- Collei: That's her, all right... but the person with her doesn't look like a matra.
She looks so young!
- Collei: Shh! She hates it when people call her young!
- Collei: Her body apparently stopped aging during the years she was gone, so that's why she looks the same as she did 100 years ago.
(So she disappeared for 100 years...)
(What in the world happened to her?)
- Collei: Phew... Okay, I think I'm ready for this. Let's go!
- Acara Crafts and the leader of Kshahrewar would like to invite you to collaborate on this project... Nadwah: *sigh* Anyway,
- Nadwah: They're wondering if you'd be interested... Uh, Madam Faruzan? Are you listening?
- Faruzan: Mm-hmm...
- Faruzan: Ah! Collei? Why are you here at the Akademiya? Are you feeling better now?
- TravelerTraveler) and the Dendro Archon... Collei: I'm m—much better, Madam Faruzan. It's all thanks to (
- Faruzan: Have you been sleeping well? You seem to be developing some eye bags... Is that brat Tighnari forcing you to stay up late again?
- Collei: No! It's because I'm a slow learner... It's not Master's fault...
- Faruzan: It's good to be hardworking, but you need to take care of your health. I'll have to give Tighnari a right talking-to when I see him. I'll also prepare some health supplements for you.
- Collei: Uh, there's really no need...
- TravelerTraveler)? Faruzan: Ah, and is the person beside you the legendary (
Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Madam.
- Faruzan: Oh? I've heard much about you before. In fact, I've been meaning to meet you for a while now.
- Faruzan: It is thanks to you, after all, that the Akademiya is finally getting back on its feet. Even Collei's illness is...
- Nadwah: Ahem. Madam Faruzan, I believe we were still discussing the collaboration with Acara Crafts.
- Faruzan: Hmph! I'd wager it's those Kshahrewar dunderheads finding excuses so that I'd go to their Darshan. Say no more — I have no plans to change my field of research.
- Nadwah: *sigh* If you're this unwilling to participate in the collaborative project, you can also consider teaching a class.
- Nadwah: It might be difficult to teach a course with topics that only fall within Haravatat subjects, but we can't delay this anymore. You need to give an answer!
- Nadwah: You can teach a course or participate in a collaborative project. If you don't do either, it'll be hard for me to persuade the advisers and students who have been complaining.
(This sounds like some internal Akademiya dispute...)
(This seems to have nothing to do with Tighnari's request...)
- Faruzan: Could you not give me a few more days to consider? This matter has been delayed for so long already...
- Nadwah: That's precisely the issue! If you don't give an answer today, I fear that someone will soon escalate their complaints to the sages.
- Faruzan: What a waste of free time these folks are...
- Faruzan: Now, you two are here at Tighnari's behest, I take it? I'm sorry, but given the current situation, it looks like I'll have to come over some other day.
- Collei: Um...
(Collei seems like she wants to say something...)
Please give me a moment with Collei.
- Faruzan: Of course. I shall need some time to think as well...
- (Continue to An Akademic Problem)
An Akademic Problem[]
- (Talk to Collei)
- Collei: What now? She seems so busy.
- Collei: Master said there's no rush, but I know that he's been busy working on something at Pardis Dhyai, so he hasn't returned to Gandharva Ville for several days now.
- Collei: I feel for Madam Faruzan, but I still want to ask her to come with us.
- Collei: But if I get her in trouble with the Akademiya, then she won't have the time to help Master. What should I do? Ugh, this is such a headache.
Let's help her resolve her current problem first.
- (Proceed to Branch 1)
Let's think of some way to get her to Pardis Dhyai.
- (Proceed to Branch 2)
Branch 1[]
- (Talk to Collei)
- Collei: Yeah, that would be the best for them both. I'll check with Master later and see if there's anything I can help him with.
- Collei: But I'm sure he'll say, "The best thing you can do now is study hard so I don't have to give you remedial lessons"...
I can stay and help Faruzan.
- Collei: Huh? Oh, yes! This way, she can get her problem sorted out quickly, and then she can go see Master.
- Collei: So if I also stay and help... Umm, that still sounds kinda scary...
You don't have to force yourself.
Let's observe the situation first.
- Collei: Okay, then... I'm counting on you.
- (Talk to Faruzan)
- Faruzan: Hah. I have to teach students from Haravatat, or owe Kshahrewar a favor? It strikes me that they might be even less happy about such a deal than I am.
- Nadwah: Haha... I think I can sympathize with them...
- Collei: We're back, Madam Faruzan.
- TravelerTraveler) said that (hehe/
sheshe) can stay and help you.
Collei: ( - Faruzan: Oh? Why, I couldn't ask for more. In fact, I'm rather curious about the type of person the Traveler is... You were the one who taught Azar a lesson, after all. That said, will I be troubling you?
It's no trouble at all.
I specialize in solving problems.
- Faruzan: Is that so? Good. It does so happen that I do have something I need help with...
- Faruzan: Now, should I apply to teach a course with Haravatat, or join the collaborative project that Kshahrewar is proposing? Honestly, I don't want to choose either of them.
Tell me more about that Haravatat course...
- (Proceed to Branch 1.1)
Let's hear what this Kshahrewar collaborative project is about...
- (Proceed to Branch 1.2)
Branch 1.1[]
- Nadwah: You might have heard of it before. Haravatat is an academic faction that researches languages and runes. One hundred years ago, Madam Faruzan was a researcher from that Darshan.
- Faruzan: Now, now, not was. Still am.
- Nadwah: Y—Yes, of course, but current Haravatat students can't really... um, understand her direction of research. So even if she opened a course, chances are that no one would attend.
Direction of research?
- Faruzan: In summary, I mean to "interpret the configurations and solutions of ruin mechanisms via the deciphering of on-site stone carvings and unearthed documents." It'll include research into general documents dealing with such ancient machines.
- Nadwah: The research method is supported by Haravatat, yes, but the content deals heavily with both ruins and mechanisms. This will make it difficult for students of this Darshan because they don't understand much about mechanisms...
- Nadwah: Also, there are fewer and fewer unexplored ruins left nowadays, and Kshahrewar researchers have been developing their own theories on mechanisms. As such, they don't need to rely on ancient documents...
(So this subject is what you might call a "sunset industry"...)
(So she's doing very niche research...)
- Faruzan: Hmph! They're far too complacent. Ancient mechanisms are more dangerous and complex than one might imagine.
- Faruzan: I'm telling you, things weren't like this 100 years ago. All researchers back then were interested in exploring knowledge from a variety of topics. They also gave more respect to unknown mechanisms...
- Faruzan: Nowadays, all people are interested in are "mainstream subjects" and "popular research." Even if they attended my course, I wouldn't be interested in teaching them.
- Faruzan: Also, the people here think that my research is outdated and unrealistic, so they keep cutting my funding!
- Faruzan: Why, I think they could all stand to learn from Collei — she's a hardworking child and respects her elders!
- Collei: Huh? Why me?
- Faruzan: Ah, if only those who came to my lectures were more like you...
- Faruzan: Speaking of which, are you feeling better? You don't have to confine yourself to Gandharva Ville anymore, right?
- Collei: I—I just remembered that I have a lot of studying to do! I need to head back and find Master!
Wait, I have an idea.
- Faruzan: Hmm?
Collei needs to learn how to read...
And you need to teach a course...
- Faruzan: Are you telling me to start a reading course for Collei?
- Collei: Huh!?
- Nadwah: Wait! Although Tighnari has academic dealings with the Akademiya, he isn't considered part of it. This means that Collei isn't technically a student...
Does she have to hold this class IN the Akademiya?
Can't it be a public course?
- (hehe/
sheshe)'s right. The old Akademiya became consumed by their arrogance precisely because they ignored the public.
Faruzan: Hmm... No, - Faruzan: There must surely be many people like Collei in Sumeru who are passionate about learning but cannot study due to various reasons.
- Faruzan: The old Akademiya paid no heed to them, but if I start a reading course for Collei as a pilot, perhaps this shall come to benefit many more people in the future!
- Nadwah: Hm... I'll need to go back and ask if this is in accordance with regulations...
- Faruzan: Oh, save yourself the extra trouble. I'll come with you. If there's any arguments to be had, we shall sweep them aside together!
- TravelerTraveler), Collei, do wait for us a little while outside the Akademiya. I'll be back in just a moment. Faruzan: (
- (Proceed to Doing Paperwork Sure Is Tough!)
Collei: Ah! Wait... Let's catch up with her!
Branch 1.2[]
- Faruzan: I don't know if Tighnari's told you about this before, but while my research involves learning about ruins and the mechanisms within them...
- Faruzan: I don't belong to Kshahrewar, which specializes in researching mechanisms, nor am I in Spantamad, which specializes in researching energy flow. Instead, I'm part of Haravatat, which specializes in languages and scripts.
He only said that you're a very senior researcher in the field of mechanisms...
You don't belong to Kshahrewar or Spantamad, huh...
- Nadwah: She has been invited to Kshahrewar multiple times to continue her research, but she's rejected them each time.
- Faruzan: Just listen to how they introduce themselves! "In the future, Kshahrewar will be the only Darshan with the ability to research mechanisms." Hmph, there's no such thing as exclusivity in knowledge.
- Faruzan: Besides, the current Kshahrewar is more concerned about how mechanisms can be used in everyday life, while my research involves textual analysis of ruins.
- Faruzan: If they're trying to use the collaborative project as an excuse to have me reconsider again...
- Nadwah: N—No, that's not it. The request this time is from Acara Crafts.
- Nadwah: The representative of Kshahrewar recommended you to them, Madam Faruzan. In truth, she told me that it's because she respects you a lot.
- Faruzan: Oh, r—respect...? Oh, my...
- Faruzan: Ahem! Putting aside my ideological differences with Kshahrewar, I suppose I must acknowledge this attitude of theirs. At the very least, they're bounds above those decrepit Haravatat fools.
It wouldn't hurt to hear them out.
- Collei: Yeah, Acara Crafts is a pretty nice shop...
- Faruzan: Hmm... Since both of you feel as such, I shall first hear this proposal.
- Nadwah: In summary, Acara Crafts wants to design a series of early learning toys that will cultivate curiosity and learning in children.
- Faruzan: Early learning toys? Interesting...
- Nadwah: The Akademiya agreed to work with them because they hope that these toys can help children become excellent researchers in the future.
- Faruzan: True, the current Akademiya is in need of some new blood. If the children start learning now, perhaps I can find some talented students in a few years...
- Collei: Madam Faruzan, you still haven't found any students...?
- Nadwah: Anis, Kshahrewar's representative, should be staying in the inn at Port Ormos. If you want more details, you can find her there.
- Faruzan: Port Ormos? Now there's a place I haven't been to in a long time. I wonder how much it's changed.
- Collei: I probably can't join you since Port Ormos is a little far from here... I should probably go back and report to Master, and then review today's homework.
- Faruzan: No worries. Go do your homework, Collei. Once I'm done with everything here, I'll head over to Pardis Dhyai.
I'll take you there.
I can help out.
- (Proceed to Toys and How to Play With Them)
Faruzan: Thank you. Why, I'd even call this a rare chance for a curious researcher like myself to observe the legendary Traveler up close.
Branch 2[]
- Collei: But if someone does complain to the Akademiya, wouldn't it make Faruzan's situation more awkward?
- Collei: And if the Akademiya investigated and found her at Pardis Dhyai, things would get even worse for her!
- Collei: Do you have some way to invite her over to Pardis Dhyai without stepping on the Akademiya's toes?
I do have the makings of an idea.
Let's observe the situation first.
- Collei: Okay, then... I'm counting on you.
- (Talk to Faruzan)
- Faruzan: Hah. I have to teach students from Haravatat, or owe Kshahrewar a favor? It strikes me that they might be even less happy about such a deal than I am.
- Nadwah: Haha... I think I can sympathize with them...
- Collei: Madam Faruzan, we're back. Sorry for asking again, but are you sure you can't go to Pardis Dhyai today?
- Faruzan: ...Well, since you're asking me so sincerely, let's just ignore the Akademiya and—
- Nadwah: Please, Madam Faruzan, focus! Today is the deadline!
Actually, Tighnari wants to invite her over to discuss some research.
- Nadwah: Huh?
- Faruzan: Ah... Ahhh yes, I see, I see. No wonder he sent you two over.
- Faruzan: Why, that lad didn't make it very clear in his letter, now did he? Otherwise, I would've reported it as part of my research.
- Collei: Uh... Yeah, yeah, that's right! Master sent us over to explain everything to you.
- Nadwah: Wait, opportunities for collaborative research don't just come out of thin air... This seems like too much of a coincidence.
- Nadwah: Also, there isn't much overlap between Madam Faruzan's research and that of Amurta, right? What will you even be collaborating on?
- Collei: Master wants to research, uh...
- Faruzan: ...A fully automated irrigation system.
- Nadwah: A fully automated irrigation system...?
- Faruzan: Precisely. Um, it's a system that can automatically adjust the amount of water it provides based on the season and the plant species involved.
- Faruzan: I saw a similar mechanism while exploring a ruin in the rainforest. That's why Tighnari wanted to collaborate with me.
- Nadwah: A mechanism like that exists? Why haven't I heard of it before...?
- Faruzan: I... I found it 100 years ago, so it's only natural that you don't know about it. Why don't you go ask your teacher's teacher? Perhaps they've heard about it from their teacher.
- Nadwah: Uh... But we can't prove its existence one way or the other, right?
- Faruzan: Fret not. I'll have Tighnari write an official proposal to the Akademiya later. That should do it, right?
- Nadwah: An official proposal... *sigh* Fine. We haven't made any progress with either the collaborative project or the elective course, anyway...
- Nadwah: I'll go inform my superiors now. Please do take care of the paperwork as soon as possible. Don't delay this any longer.
- Faruzan: Sure. I'll be sure to needle him until he gets it done.
- The researcher leaves, clearly still having some doubts...
- Faruzan: Phew... I think she bought it.
That was quick thinking back there.
- Faruzan: Even though this is our first meeting, I must say... we make a good team.
- Collei: Wow, you made up that excuse on the spot, huh... Um, Madam Faruzan, did you really find an irrigation system 100 years ago? If the Akademiya asks for any details...
- Faruzan: Who knows? It's been 100 years, so it wouldn't be too surprising if I've forgotten a few details, no?
- Collei: Huh? Then how will we explain things to them?
- Faruzan: Heh, I'll let Tighnari worry about whatever documents we might need to send to the Akademiya.
- (Proceed to A Greater Problem)
Faruzan: ...If I'm right, the request he has in store for me won't be any simpler than the Akademiya nonsense.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | A Mysterious Senior...? | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 神秘前辈…? Shénmì Qiánbèi...? | A Mysterious Senior...? |
Chinese (Traditional) | 神秘前輩…? Shénmì Qiánbèi...? | |
Japanese | 謎の先輩…? Nazo no Senpai...? | A Mysterious Senior...? |
Korean | 신비한 선배…? Sinbihan Seonbae...? | A Mysterious Senior...? |
Spanish | ¿Una erudita misteriosa? | A Mysterious Scholar? |
French | Une mystérieuse aînée...? | A Mysterious Senior...? |
Russian | Загадочный профессор?.. Zagadochnyy professor?.. | Mysterious Profesor...? |
Thai | รุ่นพี่ลึกลับ... | |
Vietnamese | Tiền Bối Thần Bí...? | |
German | Eine mysteriöse Gelehrte ... | A Mysterious Scholar ... |
Indonesian | "Ibu" Misterius ...? | Mysterious "Madam"...? |
Portuguese | Uma Veterana Misteriosa...? | |
Turkish | Gizemli Bir Kıdemli mi? | |
Italian | Un'accademica misteriosa...? | A Mysterious Academic...? |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.5