A Lamenter at Fate's End is the third part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter III: Act VI - Caribert.
- Follow the hilichurl
- Follow the hilichurl to the cavern
- Enter the Quest Domain: Unknown Sanctuary
- The player is not given the option to adjust their party upon entering from the special story mode but will be able to change it within the Domain via a Door of Resurrection, which can be used while not in combat.
- If the player leaves the Domain, their quest progress will be lost and reset to this step, and they will be transported to the Domain's entrance in the normal Teyvat map. The Domain can be re-entered from both there, which allows the player to adjust their party as usual, and the special story mode.
- Continue exploring
- Defeat the Fortune Lector
Fortune Lector — Secret Keeper of Fate's End
- The battle takes place near the Domain's Door of Resurrection, which is just outside of the Fortune Lector's aggravation range.
- Talk to Eide
- Continue exploring
Gameplay Notes[]
- Starting from the beginning of Fortune-Mocking Pedigree, the player will be in a Special Story Mode.
- If the player leaves this mode, they will be teleported to the main overworld outside of the hut where Caribert stays, and the active quest step will change to "Go inside" with the quest marker at the entrance to the hut, unless otherwise noted in the quest steps. Entering the hut will return the player to the special story mode, even if the latest quest checkpoint appears to be different.
- The Paimon Menu button is replaced with an exit button (as in Domains) which displays a notice when used:
- Hint: You are currently in a special story mode. You will be able to continue it even if you leave. Do you wish to leave?
- Most other menus are also not accessible through the UI, hotkeys, or Shortcut Wheel, including the Party Setup, Map, Time, and Settings menus.
- The minimap:
- Displays a temporary red world border.
- When approaching the border, the player's character will stop by themselves and return on their own with a voiced line from the Traveler (as Paimon is not present during this quest sequence).
- Will always be lit up, regardless of whether or not the player has unlocked the Statue of The Seven.
- Does not show the map icons for Spire of Solitary Enlightenment or Teleport Waypoints, including the Teleport Waypoint located within the bounded area, even though they are present (but unusable) in the world.
- Does not show the player's map pins, even if they have some set in the bounded area on the normal map.
- Does not show the "Hidden Cavern: I" or "Hidden Cavern: II" map layers.
- Displays a temporary red world border.
- The tunnel coming from the Chasm is blocked off by a solid fog wall at the Sumeru-Liyue border within the tunnel.
- The cavern below the Spire of Solitary Enlightenment (the "Hidden Cavern: I" map layer) is accessible from both entrances, regardless of whether or not the player has removed the vines. It is also flooded, regardless of whether or not the player has drained the water.
- This mode has its own set of collectible items (Kalpalata Lotus, Harra Fruit, etc.), enemies, and wildlife, independent of those found in the main overworld. Some entities are only found in either the special story mode or the main overworld, while others are present in both.
- Collecting items or killing enemies or wildlife in one will not affect the presence of any entities in the other.
- Enemies and wildlife do not drop anything other than their normal amount of energy particles and orbs.
- Enemies respawn when the special story mode is re-entered. No items respawn.
- There are no ores.
- Most NPCs and interactables (such as cooking pots, Investigation spots, Elemental Monuments, Bouncy Mushrooms, and Clusterleaves of Cultivation) are removed.
- There is special dialogue in this mode.
- The Statue of The Seven:
- Only has the "Leave" dialogue option.
- Displays in the dilapidated Level 1 style, regardless of how much it has been repaired by the player.
- Has its own pool of Restorative Power, which appears to hold an infinite amount of HP.
- Will auto-recover the player's characters to 100% HP, regardless of what auto-recover maximum the player has set and whether or not the player has auto-recover turned on.
- Characters who are healed to 100% HP by the Statue of The Seven trigger overhealing effects such as Furina's 1st Ascension Passive, which does not happen with normal Statues of The Seven.
- Does not continuously heal nearby characters who lose HP after the initial heal from the Statue.
- Restores 10% of the Max HP of fallen characters when reviving them upon approaching the Statue of The Seven. (Characters are still healed by the usual 35% of their Max HP when revived after the whole party falls.)
- Serves as the respawn location when the player's party falls.
- Hitting trees will not yield wood.
- Most gadgets cannot be used. Gadgets that can be used include: Wind Catcher, NRE (Menu 30), Memento Lens, Peculiar Pinion, Red Feather Fan, Windblume Festival Commemorative Balloon, Jumpy Dumpty Party Popper, Adepti Seeker's Stove, Warming Bottle, "Special Analysis Zoom Lens," most "equipment" gadgets, and gadgets that are not located in the "Gadgets" tab of the Inventory,[Scarlet Sand Slate?] such as the Aranyaka gadget.
- Although the Seed Dispensary cannot be "used," its contents can still be viewed (which is what "using" the Seed Dispensary does) from the Inventory screen. Additionally, having the Seed Dispensary equipped will still allow the player to obtain seeds as usual.
- Unlike other "equipment" gadgets, Liloupar[verification needed] and Sorush cannot be equipped.
- No character can be targeted by Nahida's All Schemes to Know.
- As the Time menu is inaccessible, the time of day during some parts of the quest cannot be changed until the story advances.
- Other quests that take place in this area, such as the World Quest Starry Night Chapter in Series Agnihotra Sutra, cannot be started or progressed, although the "Trackable Quest(s) Nearby" notice will still appear.
- Completing the quest grants the Wonders of the World achievement The Far Side of Fate.

The medicine meant to restore Caribert didn't work quite as expected. During the process of remaking the medicine, you seem to find yourself beset upon by strange phenomena...
- (Approach the marked area)
- Eide: That's... that's not Caribert.
No, it's not.
There's no silk scarf around his arm.
- Eide: Right. Caribert's scarf was a gift I once gave to his mother. I use it now as a marker of sorts.
- Eide: M—My eyes must be going... how could I not recognize my own son? Ugh, this decrepit body of mine... *sigh*
Still, this hilichurl...
There's something strange about it.
- Eide: Yes... It doesn't seem interested in us in the least. It seems intent on walking in that direction... Where could it be going?
No idea.
Let's go have a look.
- Eide: Yes... The more we know about hilichurls, the better.
- (Follow the hilichurl)
- Eide: Did it go in here? Hmm... Well, let's head in.
- (Enter the Unknown Sanctuary)
- Eide: What a ghastly place... Has it always existed? I swear I've never noticed it before...
What are those hilichurls doing?
- Eide: Huh. It looks like they're... worshiping. Sometimes walking, sometimes kneeling in worship... And it appears to be in earnest.
- Eide: I've never seen anything like this in all my life. What in the world does this place conceal?
- Eide: Oh, there's only one way to find out.
- (TravelerTraveler): (The air here, and this creepy scene... it's eerily familiar...)
- (Pass through the first portal)
- TravelerTraveler): Is this a teleportation device? What energy is powering it... (
- (Pass through the portal at the end of the large room)
- TravelerTraveler): How did I get on the ceiling? Did the room turn upside down, or gravity itself...? (
- (Approach the central platform)
- TravelerTraveler): It seems like I need to find a place to insert the rune. (
- (Open the door and enter the room below)
- (As Eide and the Traveler approach the opening door, an Abyss Herald comes out)
- ???: Halt, humans. Fate has not granted you the right to enter this place...
- (TravelerTraveler): (An Abyss Herald? No, he doesn't look like someone from the Abyss Order...)
- ???: Hmm, do you insist on an audience?
- ???: ...Very well, then I grant you the trial of destiny.
- (Defeat the Abyss Herald)
- Eide: Who was that? He was... he was...
I've seen similar characters before.
- Eide: ...He was a perfect being. I'm in awe.
- Eide: He had the most wondrous aura, a perilous yet beautiful power... Truly mesmerizing.
- Eide: And yet you were able to defeat him. Your strength is greater than I had imagined. Hehe...
You have unconventional tastes.
I just have lots of combat experience.
- Eide: Let's continue on. I find myself growing more curious by the second... and more excited.
- (Approach the large chained crystal)
- Eide: I think... we've made it to the end...
What is that thing!?
- (TravelerTraveler): (Wrapped in chains, hanging in midair, emanating a sinister aura... There's no mistaking it. It's just like the Defiled Statue!)
- (TravelerTraveler): (So it does have something to do with the Abyss Order. And these worshiping hilichurls remind me a little too much of the Grand Thief...)
Eide, this place is bad news. We've got to go!
- Eide: ...
- Voice Inside the Head: ...O dear creature, why do you bow down? For fear of the unknown? Or for a power that you covet?
- (TravelerTraveler): (Whose voice is that? It must be coming from right inside my head... Can't Eide hear it?)
- "Sinner." Voice Inside the Head: ...O dear creature, why do you bow down? For I am no god... I am but a
- (TravelerTraveler): (A "Sinner"...?)
- Voice Inside the Head: You are like a flower born in sin yet pure, spotless... I know your fate well.
- Voice Inside the Head: You need no longer hold back your resentment, nor accept the countless lies.
- Voice Inside the Head: Go forth, become a transcendent one, rise beyond the fate bestowed upon you...
- Voice Inside the Head: And I shall shed a tear at the end of time... as I gaze back upon your life.
- (TravelerTraveler): (...Who in the world are you? What do these words mean?)
- Voice Inside the Head: ...
- (TravelerTraveler): (The voice... it's gone...)
- (The crystal glows and wisps of purple energy fly into Eide's body)
- TravelerTraveler): !!! (
- Eide: *pant* *pant* ...What just happened?
- Eide: When I saw that thing, my heart was instantly at peace... I—I was overcome by a sense of awe... or joy, perhaps.
Are you alright now?
- Eide: I am... I feel good, in fact... I—I feel better than I did before I came in here. How peculiar...
Something's not right about this place. We need to get out of here.
- Eide: Oh, i—is that so? Alright, as you wish.
- You leave the ominous cave and return to Eide's house.
- Eide: Caribert! Oh, thank goodness. He's still okay.
Don't we still need to go to the Statue of the Seven [sic]?
Why are we back here?
- Eide: I... I have a strange feeling that what just happened was meant to be.
- sic]... it's as if fate was calling to me. Eide: For this to happen right at the moment when I was dreading worshiping at a Statue of the Seven [
- Eide: You say that I bowed before that thing, so perhaps... it might be just as effective?
That sounds like a ridiculous idea...
But if you insist...
- Eide: I have to try. No matter what. ...You said it yourself: I have to exhaust all options.
- Another dose of medicine is administered to the hilichurl...
- Eide: Caribert...?
- (Caribert opens his eyes to see Eide)
Caribert: ...
- Caribert: ...P—Papa...?
- Eide: *gasp* ...Caribert! Oh, my goodness, it worked! It's a miracle!!! Oh, Caribert, my dear son...
I can't believe it...
I'm stunned.
- Eide: You see!? It worked! Caribert can speak again!
- Caribert: Where's... Mama?
- Eide: Mama is... Caribert, look at me. Do you know who I am?
- Caribert: Of course... You're Papa.
- Eide: Hahahaha... Yes! Haha... Salvation, sweet salvation... Yes, this is what this feeling is...
- Eide: How do you feel, Caribert? Are you fully awake now?
- (Caribert looks down and sees his hands and feet)
Caribert: Yes... it feels like I just woke up from a long, long sleep. I dreamed that I was hiding in a little room. I didn't dare go out the whole time, and I didn't want to either...
- Caribert: Wait...
- Caribert: My body! What happened to me? Is this... is this me?
- Caribert: Papa... What's happened to me!?
- Eide: ...
- Eide: ...Don't panic, son. It's just... while you were sleeping, we went into a fairytale world.
- Khaenri'ah here, no more home — but do you know what that means? No more red sky... no more end of the world. Eide: There's no more
- Eide: In this world, you have to be a little monster... but you get to stay with Papa forever.
- Caribert: Am I... dead?
- Eide: No, no, of course not! Look, Caribert... you still have Mama's scarf on your arm. That means she's watching over you, protecting you. So how could you be dead?
- Caribert: Really...?
- Eide: Yes, really! You've only just woken up, and this must all be very confusing for you. Just rest here for now... Things will get better.
- Eide: Oh, and um... you have to promise me something...
- Eide: Never take off your mask.
- Eide: Understand? Whatever happens, you mustn't take it off...
- Caribert: Okay, Papa... I won't, I promise...
- Father and son talk for a long while. Eide seems like a changed man after his religious experience...
- (Eide and the Traveler talk outside the house)
- Eide: Not since that day have I been so glad as I am now... I can't believe this is really happening...
It's unbelievable.
- The Seven was a waste of time... I even worshiped at one of their statues like a common fool. Never before have I humiliated myself like that... Eide: Hmph, I knew that placing my hope in
- Eide: Once a murderer, always a murderer... I was naive to think that the gods who conspired against us would ever offer redemption.
- Eide: But the god we saw in that cave... Now that was a truly mighty god! Nothing like one of The Seven!
- Eide: That wondrous power... It was truly enchanting... Surely, that must have been the reason I bowed down?
- Eide: Hmm, now then... after one beseeches a god, and the god responds by answering their prayers, should they, um... do something to show their devotion?
- Eide: Piety is hardly my area of expertise... but surely I should honor the god that has honored my wishes.
But Eide... that was not a god.
That was... a "Sinner."
- Eide: A "Sinner"? Don't be absurd. You don't know a single thing about him... how dare you utter such blasphemy?
- Eide: You and I have both witnessed his divine power. When have The Seven worked a miracle like this before? Never... He is a god mightier than they! And yet you would call him a "Sinner"? Preposterous!
- Eide: No matter... Believe what you will. You cannot shake my faith.
- Eide: I am going to pay my respects — with or without you.
Fine, go ahead.
- (TravelerTraveler): (Eide's experience has deeply affected him... Not that he was particularly stable to begin with, but this... religious fervor is something else...)
- (TravelerTraveler): (I guess I'd better catch up with him anyway. There are monsters everywhere... I can't stand by and let him fall into their hands.)
- (Eide begins to leave and the Traveler runs behind him to catch up)
- (Talk to Caribert, optional)
- Caribert: Do you live in the fairytale world as well? My name's Caribert, nice to meet you...
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | A Lamenter at Fate's End | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 命运尽头的垂泪者 Mìngyùn Jìntóu de Chuílèi-zhě | The One Who Sheds Tears at Fate's End |
Chinese (Traditional) | 命運盡頭的垂淚者 Mìngyùn Jìntóu de Chuílèi-zhě | |
Japanese | 運命の終点で涙を零す者 Unmei no Shuuten de Namida wo Kobosu Mono | The One Who Sheds Tears at Fate's End |
Korean | 운명의 끝에서 눈물 흘리는 자 Unmyeong-ui Kkeuteseo Nunmul Heullineun Ja | The One Who Weeps At the End of Destiny |
Spanish | Lágrimas en el final del destino | Tears at the End of Destiny |
French | Un lamenteur à la fin du destin | A Lamenter at Fate's End |
Russian | Плач на закате судьбы Plach na zakate sud'by | A Cry at Fate's Fall |
Thai | ผู้หลั่งน้ำตา ณ ปลายทางของโชคชะตา | |
Vietnamese | Kẻ Rơi Lệ Nơi Cuối Vận Mệnh | |
German | Der Weinende am Ende der Zeit | The Weeping One At the End of Time |
Indonesian | Dia yang Meratap di Ujung Takdir | He Who Lament at the Edge of Fate |
Portuguese | Um Lamentador no Fim do Destino | |
Turkish | Kader Matemi | Destiny Mourning |
Italian | Un lamento ai confini del Destino | A Lament at the Borders of the Destiny |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.5