A Gathering of Outlanders is the first act of Windblume's Breath during the Windblume's Breath event.
- Go to the Adventurers' Guild in Mondstadt and take a look
- Talk to Collei
- Go to Mondstadt's gate
- Go to Good Hunter and order some food
- Head over to the camping site
- Talk to Sucrose
- Go to Angel's Share and look for Venti
- Talk to Sucrose

- (Upon obtaining quest)
- Paimon: Hey, doesn't Mondstadt celebrate the Windblume Festival around this time of year?
- Paimon: Paimon has lots of good memories from the last one... the sweet scent of flowers on the breeze, the sweet smell of tasty snacks on the breeze, the feeling of the breeze on... your face? The only downside was the lack of commissions.
- Paimon: But Paimon's sure that was just a one-time thing. There's gotta be someone who needs our help, right? Let's go see how things are this year!
- (Approach Katheryne in Mondstadt)
- Paimon: Hey there, Katheryne!
- Katheryne: Good day, you two. It's nice to see you here at this festive time.
- Paimon: Sooo... Got any jobs for us?
- Katheryne: Hmm, I'm afraid I'd struggle to find you any commissions in the near future.
- Katheryne: With the arrival of the Windblume Festival, the only task most Mondstadters are busy with is preparing gifts for their loved ones — but it's customary to do this oneself, without assistance.
- Katheryne: Think of this period as the off-season for the Mondstadt branch of the Adventurers' Guild.
- Katheryne: Spring is here, love is in the air, and everyone wants to relax and enjoy themselves. Even the cats at the tavern next door have been getting lovey-dovey with one other recently.
- Paimon: Ew... gross.
- Paimon: You know that feeling you get when you burst out the doors after a nice nap, hoping to make it to the store before the limited-edition drinks sell out, only to get there just in time to see the last two glasses snatched away right from under your nose by a couple of pesky lovebirds? That's what this feels like.
That's... very specific of you, Paimon.
- Katheryne: Hehe. Perhaps you two could simply take this chance to—
- TravelerTraveler)! Paimon! Thank goodness I found you. Um, there's something I need your help with. Sucrose: (
- Paimon: Whoa, Sucrose?
Whoa, Sucrose?
Whoa, someone needs help after all?
- Paimon: What is wrong with you? That's no way to greet a friend we haven't seen in so long!
- Sucrose: Uh — no, not help like in the Windblume sense... It's just... Ugh, how do I explain...
- Paimon: Go ahead, Sucrose! We don't have anything else to do right now, anyway.
- Sucrose: Phew... Okay.
- Sucrose: Here's the situation. I've been appointed as the Windblume Festival Special Ambassador by the Knights of Favonius this year.
- Sucrose: My task is to do good deeds for people during this festival of gratitude and love.
- Paimon: Nice one! So how did they decide who to appoint, anyway?
- Sucrose: They spun an empty bottle donated by Angel's Share inside a circle with all our names on it. Whoever's name the bottle stopped at got chosen.
This method seems a bit arbitrary.
- Sucrose: I think so too. But everyone said that it was to make it fair, so everyone had an equal chance to become the special ambassador.
- Sucrose: The thing is... I'm not great at dealing with people, so I was really daunted by it at first. But I'm still glad that I got this role!
- Sucrose: Luckily, I came up with a way to spur myself on, which has helped. Have a look.
- Paimon: Is that a test tube?
- Sucrose: Yep. Every time I do a good deed for someone, I get them to breathe into a test tube. That way, I can collect everyone's "Breaths of Joy."
- Paimon: Sounds... fascinating! Are you gonna use them in your research?
- Sucrose: Yes. I believe these Breaths of Joy will serve as valuable raw materials for alchemical transmutation. With any luck, I'll be able to produce something truly miraculous.
Like an Extra-Sweet Sweet Flower?
Like an Extra-Sweet Sunsettia?
- Paimon: Mmm... Darn, now Paimon's hungry. ...Wait, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
- Sucrose: Haha. Actually, I meant something even more exciting than that.
- Sucrose: I can't say for sure until I have more test results to confirm my hypothesis, though. Alchemists mustn't make claims they can't live up to.
- Sucrose: Anyway... I'm still missing one final Breath of Joy.
- Paimon: Oh, is that all you need help with? That's easy!
- Paimon: Just treat Paimon to a Sweet Madame, then you'll get your last Breath of Joy.
More like Sweet Madame Breath.
Paimon, be serious.
- Paimon: Hey, come on! Paimon's doing her best to help, okay!
- Paimon: Hmm... So does it need to be more, like, official or ceremonious or something?
- Sucrose: No, joy isn't measured in those terms at all.
- Sucrose: Let me put it this way: Have you ever planted a fruit seed and cared for it while it grows?
- Sucrose: In the same way that those tender, sweet fruits are the product of your time and effort, the amount of joy derived from an experience is positively correlated to the degree of hardship overcome during it.
- Sucrose: For example, in my case, I would say that to experience a statistically significant amount of joy, I'd have to do something like spend six months developing a medicine formula to a point where it was finally consistently effective.
- Sucrose: Similarly, in order to collect a significant amount of joy from other people, I have to find ways to do something sufficiently challenging on their behalf.
- Paimon: Ohh, Paimon gets it now.
- Paimon: Long story short, you want us to help you find people for you to help...
- Paimon: ...That's pretty tough, given that it's the Windblume Festival and all!
- Sucrose: Oh... I figured since you're such experienced travelers, you might have some ideas, but if even you don't know how to approach this...
Don't worry. Leave this to me.
- Sucrose: Really? You have a plan?
Experience is on my side.
We can't give up yet.
- Sucrose: ...Yes, you're right.
- (hehe/
sheshe)'s in, then Paimon'll help too... with the talking, anyway.
Paimon: Well, if - Paimon: But um, if things don't work out, can Paimon still get that Sweet Madame?
- TravelerTraveler), this is a festival of gratitude and love after all. How could you refuse? Paimon: C'mon, (
- Marjorie: 'Scuse me, Sucrose, could I borrow you for a second? Package for you...
- Sucrose: Oh, sure.
- Sucrose: Be right back.
- Paimon: Wait, is that who Paimon thinks it is? That's Collei, right? When did she arrive in Mondstadt?
- Paimon: Let's go say hi!
- (Talk to Marjorie or Sucrose, optional)
- Marjorie: ...And that's everything. Are they all in satisfactory condition?
- Sucrose: ...Yep. Thank you, Marjorie.
- (Approach Collei)
- Paimon: Collei! Hey!
- Collei: ...Oh, hey you guys. What are the chances...
- Paimon: You were staring into space just now. Something the matter?
- Collei: Um... No, don't worry. I'm fine.
- (If the player has not met Collei yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Collei — Sprout of Rebirth
A Trainee Forest Ranger named Collei is active in Sumeru's Gandharva Ville.
"Helpful," "bright and sunny," "friendly and passionate"... Just ask around Gandharva Ville, and you'll hear her praised to the skies in such terms.
However, as popular as she is, there is one thing that gives Collei a serious headache — literacy.
Oh, she understands simple words just fine, but she starts to struggle a bit once anything harder to write or understand pops up.
However, Collei believes that so long as she persists in her training, she will one day read and write as well as any researcher. Keep it up, Collei!
- Collei: I was just looking at a Mondstadt children's book in the souvenir shop over there.
- Collei: While I was flipping through it, a piece of paper fell out. The writing on it was really mysterious... almost like a prophecy.
- Collei: "If you can do these things, you may light the lantern of utmost joy and receive a supreme blessing."
- Paimon: And what does "these things" refer to?
- Collei: "Find a flower that is not of this world. Find a guide who will never get lost. Find one who would never lie. Find a legend that never ends."
- Collei: So four things in total. Here, have a look.
- Collei: I asked the lady who owns the store about it, but she said that she didn't know anything about any paper slips.
- (TravelerTraveler): (Perhaps we can ask a friend about this later...)
- Sucrose: Hi there. Sorry to butt in, but... what's the name of that storybook you just mentioned?
- The Boar Princess." Collei: Oh, it was called "
- Sucrose: Hmm, that is strange... I've read that book, and it sounds like that note you found has no relation to the story at all.
- Collei: Umm...
- Collei: Do you know her?
- Knights of Favonius. And Sucrose, meet Collei. She's a Trainee Forest Ranger from Sumeru's Avidya Forest. Paimon: Let Paimon do the honors! Collei, this is Sucrose, an alchemist with the
- Collei: Hello...
- Sucrose: H—Hi...
- Collei: ...
- Paimon: Uh, this is getting awkward fast... They're both so shy!
- Collei: So, Sucrose, what are your thoughts on this prophecy? Could it be real?
- Sucrose: I, um... W—Without having done any research, I couldn't comment definitively...
- Collei: ...
- Sucrose: Um, but if you want my subjective opinion, I don't think that it's a nasty prank or anything.
Why not?
- Sucrose: The only people who read children's books are those with a childlike wonder and imagination... or children, of course. I'm sure that whoever put this prophecy there would understand that...
- Sucrose: Would they really do this just to spread lies and ruin someone's innocence? I can't imagine anyone being so cruel.
- Collei: That's a great take. I love it!
- Paimon: Exactly! Who would wanna hurt a child's feelings?
- Collei: Okay, so... What do you think the "blessing" is, Sucrose?
- Sucrose: Hmm... Umm...
- Sucrose: If I had to guess... Maybe a fairy that can make people's wishes come true, or something?
- Sucrose: I haven't read many fairy tales, so this is pure speculation... With no other information on hand or prior research to compare against, I'm afraid it might not even be worth considering.
- Collei: Wow...
- Collei: (Her guesswork is really good, though! I wanna pick her brains some more...)
- Collei: (But will she find it annoying if I keep asking her questions...?)
- Collei: (We've only just met, after all... Aah, what's the best thing to say to someone you're meeting for the first time?)
Would you like to get the "lantern of utmost joy"?
- Collei: ...!
- Collei: Well... Yes, I mean... if possible...
- Sucrose: Then, what would you wish for, Collei?
- Collei: Um. I'd wish for a... a better personality.
- Sucrose: Huh?
- Paimon: Huh?
- Paimon: You can't waste it on that! You've got a great personality already!
- Collei: That's very kind of you, but if you know me like I do...
- Amber: Collei!
- Collei: I know that voice! It's...
- Amber: Collei! Whew...
- Amber: You made good time, huh? You're way earlier than I expected!
- Amber: I spotted your green hair way off in the distance — good thing my eyes are sharp, or I'd have missed you!
- Pita Pockets I brought you last time? Collei: Amber! Have you been doing well? Did you... finish all the
- Amber: You bet! They're getting yummier each time you make them.
- Paimon: Huh? Wait, remind Paimon... have you been to Mondstadt before?
- Collei: Mm-hmm.
- Collei: A long time ago, I had a lot of help from a lot of people here in Mondstadt.
- Eleazar got better, I've been looking out for an opportunity to come back to Mondstadt and tell them all the news that I've been cured... Collei: So ever since my
Good for you!
- Collei: Thanks...
- Amber: If it's okay with everyone, why don't I take Collei for a walk around town? I'd like to show her some of the places she didn't get to see last time.
- Sucrose: Of course, fine by me.
- Paimon: Sure! Go right ahead!
- Collei: I, uh...
- Collei: Umm... sorry Amber...
- Collei: I agreed to meet my traveling companions by the city gate in a few minutes, so I can't go with you just yet...
- Amber: Oh, that's alright!
- Jean to ask for some time off. Amber: In that case, you guys go rest up, and I'll go see Master
- Collei: Oh, okay...
- TravelerTraveler), Sucrose, could you look after Collei for now? Amber: (
- Amber: I'll come get her later and take her out. There's still a whole bunch of people I need to introduce her to!
- Sucrose: Sure, no problem.
You can count on us.
- Amber: Awesome. See ya later, then!
- Collei: Umm...
- Paimon: You alright there, Collei? You look kinda disappointed...
- Collei: I'm sorry...
- Collei: I'm just feeling a little shy today... Don't worry about me.
- Sucrose: ...
- Collei: (Amber wants to introduce me to more of her friends... Am I gonna be able to cope?)
- Collei: (I've only met Sucrose so far, and I'm already struggling to make conversation...)
- Collei: (I wish I had a little more self-confidence. Then I'd find it much easier to make friends with people...)
- Collei: Ah! It's nearly time. Let's go to the gate and see if they've arrived.
- (Approach the marked location in front of the Mondstadt front gate)
- Cyno: ...Why is this humble windmill such a great view?
- Tighnari: I mean, it's understandable. It must have been a long time since you last came to Mondstadt.
- Cyno: Because it is the true "Great Vay-iew-vyastra."
- (If the player has not met Cyno yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Cyno — Judicator of Secrets
Known across Sumeru for his ruthlessness, the General Mahamatra Cyno strikes fear into the hearts of countless researchers.
But those who know Cyno well would understand that such an image is only meant to deter ones with malicious intent. Researchers, with their propensity to exaggerate, are more or less biased against Cyno.
In his private life, Cyno is neither rigid nor cold. Instead, he is a passionate TCG player who enjoys sharing joy using his unique sense of humor.
Therefore, it's best not to think too much of the occasional and incomprehensible sharpness in his words that might send shivers down the spine.
- Tighnari: ...
- (If the player has not met Tighnari yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Tighnari — Verdant Strider
Tighnari, Forest Watcher in the Avidya Forest, is a promising young researcher well-versed in botany.
After graduating from the Amurta with excellent grades, Tighnari declined several invitations to teach at the Akademiya and chose to stay in the rainforest with plants as company.
The morning dew shimmering amidst the fragrant trees, everything in the rainforest is so adorable and refreshing.
The only exception — and the biggest headache for Tighnari — is some fools who always confuse poisonous mushrooms with edible ones and could never learn a lesson from Tighnari's scolding.
- Cyno: Oh, come on. Don't tell me you don't get it?
- Cyno: View, vayu... and also mahamatra, vayuvyastra... no?
- Paimon: Tighnari, Cyno, over here!
- Tighnari: Phew... Am I glad to see you.
- Tighnari: And who's this young lady?
- Collei: Master, this is Sucrose, an alchemist with the Knights of Favonius. We just met.
- Forest Watcher in Sumeru, and he's also a very famous botanist. Collei: Sucrose, this is my teacher, Tighnari. He's a highly respected
- Tighnari: Collei's exaggerating... I'm Tighnari. Pleased to meet you.
- Sucrose: Ah, so you have a teacher as well! The pleasure is all mine, Tighnari, Sir.
- Collei: Yup! He's extremely knowledgeable, too!
- Sumeru Akademiya. He's really famous in Sumeru as well! Collei: And this is General Mahamatra Cyno of the
- Cyno: Greetings. Though if I might say so, we're purely here for personal reasons. You needn't be unduly concerned with our official positions.
- Cyno: And Collei, there's no need to use my full title. "Cyno" is fine, or "Sir" if you absolutely must.
- Tighnari: Indeed. We're not here in an official capacity — just to keep Collei company on her vacation.
- Collei: Keep me company? But it was you two that insisted on coming...
- Cyno: Collei is very important to us. We felt obliged to ensure her safety on the long treacherous journey to Mondstadt.
- Collei: But I've been here on my own loads of times before...
- Paimon: What about your work though? What if something bad happens while the General Mahamatra's away?
- Cyno: There should be no issues. I have left my duties in the hands of my subordinates and two especially reliable helpers.
- Collei: Oh! Sucrose, what were you saying about you having a teacher as well...?
- Albedo, Mondstadt's genius alchemist. Sucrose: I was just going to mention that — I think we're in a somewhat similar situation. I'm an assistant to Mr.
- Albedo: Oh, please, Sucrose, "genius" is an unnecessary epithet. It will serve only to leave an exaggerated impression of me in the minds of our guests.
- (If the player has not met Albedo yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Albedo — Kreideprinz
Albedo is Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius. His groundbreaking achievements in the field of alchemy have earned him a reputation as a genius.
Not one to socialize, the genius researcher is usually seen wearing the same calm, cool expression. Only when he is buried in his research does his more energetic and enthusiastic side seem to emerge.
Soil and chalk... Albedo spends much time alone, pondering profound alchemical conundrums, but there seems to be no end in sight to his research.
- Sucrose: M—Mr. Albedo... but it is an objective truth...
- Paimon: Hey, Albedo's here too! Great, the more, the merrier!
- Everyone introduces themselves, and exchanges pleasantries.
- Calla Lily? Tighnari: Hmm. So tell me Sucrose — since your specialty is Bio-Alchemy, what do you know about the antitoxic properties of the
- Paimon: Wait, wait!
- Paimon: Can we hold off on the nerdy topic for now? Paimon doesn't wanna be left out...
- Sucrose: Oh... As it happens, I've studied the Calla Lily in quite some detail before, with it being a species native to Mondstadt.
- Sucrose: I wrote a whole report on my findings... If you're interested, Mr. Tighnari Sir, I can go get it for you!
- Cyno: ...
- Cyno: We're supposed to be here on vacation, and you're already thinking about how to improve your herbal medicines? Also, I thought we'd agreed to take on new identities for this trip?
- Paimon: What new identities?
- Cyno: Mine was "Adventurer Cyno, skilled desert explorer," Tighnari's was "technological consultant to the Treasure Hoarders," and Collei's was "traveling musician."
...And you find that sort of role-play fun?
- Cyno: Very much so.
- Tighnari: I do wish some of the less cautious adventurers in the Avidya Forest would consider coming to Mondstadt instead.
- Philanemo Mushrooms lack in texture, they make up for in not causing vomiting or diarrhea. Tighnari: What
- Collei: Pfff...
- Sucrose: Are you contemplating using some compounds from the Calla Lily as active ingredients in a targeted antidote?
- Tighnari: Yes. I gathered a few on the way here, and my initial research suggests to me that it could be worth a try.
- Sucrose: Okay... I got it.
- Sucrose: But... as much as I don't wish to be a wet blanket...
- Sucrose: It takes a huge amount of experimental data to conclusively prove how different drugs interact. Estimating the total development time would be very difficult...
- Sucrose: Add in the time for procurement and delivery of essential materials and I'm not sure if we could complete development before you need to return.
- Albedo: Then please, allow me to help.
- Sucrose: Mr. Albedo!
- Albedo: Apologies for my tardy entrance in the present discussion.
- Albedo: I understand you're looking to make an antidote for poisonous fungi, correct?
- Albedo: If you happen to have some samples with you, or relevant documentation on hand, perhaps you might give me the chance to review them later?
- Albedo: But before that, I invite the three of you to look at this.
- (Opens Food and Lodging Arrangements)
- Food and Lodging Arrangements
- Accommodations: One of Mr. Goth's other properties (Priority)/The Adventurers' Guild reception area (Backup Plan, to be confirmed).
- Food: Group meals on the first day, following which all are free to make their own arrangements amidst the city's various restaurants and taverns. Self-catering facilities will be prepared at lodgings.
- Outdoor Activities: Considering our guests' sightseeing interests, Sucrose, Timaeus, myself, and some of the Knights of Favonius can accompany our guests, splitting in groups where necessary.
- Obtaining Souvenirs: Multiple collection methods. With Wind Comes Glory, the outdoors themselves, creation through alchemy, and hand-crafting are all possibilities.
- Scientific Observations: Emphasis on Botany.
- Official Business: No such needs at the moment.
- Paimon: Food and lodging arrangements!?
- Paimon: Were you quietly writing this up the whole time? Paimon didn't even notice!
Impressive multi-tasking.
- Albedo: Hardly.
- Albedo: Rather, I should apologize for interrupting a serious discussion between trained professionals, especially after they have traveled so far to be here, when I myself am neither an adventurer, nor a technological consultant, nor a musician.
- Albedo: Nevertheless, I would encourage you to have a knowledgeable local arrange your detailed itinerary while you're in Mondstadt.
- Albedo: Take a look, and should you find anything here to be objectionable, it can easily be adjusted.
- Tighnari: This is too kind of you. These arrangements are quite excellent.
- Paimon: It looks great! Even Paimon feels like tagging along for the food and board...
You're not included in this itinerary...
- Paimon: That's why it's called "tagging along"!
What do you three think?
- Paimon: Wait, doesn't Paimon's opinion matter anymore? Paimon's technically a guest in Mondstadt too, y'know!
- Cyno: Very comprehensive. The adventurer, technological consultant, and musician all approve. Thank you.
- Tighnari: Just one thing... We'd like the chance to cook as well. Why don't we change the group dinner to a camping and cooking trip?
- Collei: I'll help pitch the tents!
- Sucrose: I can help too.
- (himhim/
herher) to Good Hunter to order some starters. Mondstadt's Cold Cut Platter is not to be missed!
Paimon: Um... and Paimon will take Nice idea.
Ah, I'm looking forward to it already.
- Albedo: Great. Then it's decided.
- Albedo: Sucrose and I will bring the three of you to your inn for a quick rest. You two, let's meet by the lake this evening.
- (Talk to Sara)
- Paimon: Hey Sara, can we have a Cold Cut Platter to go?
- Sara: Sure, coming right up!
- Sara: Would you like anything else?
- Paimon: Um, do we, uh, want anything else...?
That'll be all.
- Paimon: Um... Okay, uh... yeah, that'll be all.
You know what? Let's have a Sweet Madame as well.
- Paimon: Yay! You're the best person in the whole wide world!
Ugh... if we must — one Sweet Madame, I guess.
- Paimon: Yay, so you do remember after all! You're just the best!
- Paimon: Paimon'll give you the Sweet Flower from that Sweet Madame as a Windblume!
Just don't ruin your appetite for later.
- Paimon: Hehehe! No need to worry about that! Paimon can make room for good food!
- Sara: Haha, alright, just a moment...
- In the time it takes Sara to pack up the Cold Cut Platter, Paimon polishes off the entire Sweet Madame...
- Paimon: ...Mmm... That was great.
- Paimon: If that was a Windblume treat, then Paimon wishes it could be the Windblume Festival every day!
- (Approach the group at the campsite)
- Albedo: Alright, looks like we're all here.
We're not late, are we?
- Sucrose: Not at all. We just came early to set everything up, since we happened to be free today.
- Sucrose: Collei put up the tents so quickly, but still managed to tie very sturdy knots. You can really tell that she's a professional.
- Sucrose: I didn't do much apart from passing materials around...
- Collei: Heh, thanks...
- Collei: It's all thanks to Master and Cyno. They taught me everything I know...
- Cyno: What can I say. For a skilled adventurer, this is just another day on the job.
- Tighnari: Ugh... Are you quite finished, or were you going to sing each others praises till the moon rises? Come on, let's all sit down.
- Everyone brings out their food and starts cooking...
- After a delicious feast, everyone sits around the campfire...
- Sunshine Sprat was really very good. I didn't watch you cook it, but I believe that the prominent umami flavor of the dish owes itself to more than the fish alone. Tighnari: That
- Albedo: That's correct. Any further deductions?
- Tighnari: Let me think... The aroma was quite uniform, unlike that of a spice blend. It was also unfamiliar to me, so I would venture that it was a Mondstadt specialty.
- Tighnari: As far as edible Mondstadt plant species are concerned, Calla Lilies are usually used in soups. So if I had to guess...
- Small Lamp Grass? Tighnari:
- Albedo: That's right.
- Fish with Cream Sauce is noted for its gentle texture, which brings out the tenderness of the fish. Albedo: I've long heard that Sumeru's
- Albedo: Here in Mondstadt, we're not quite as varied in the use of spices as in Sumeru, but the principle of bringing certain distinct flavors to the forefront through combinations of natural ingredients is very much the same.
- Tighnari: I liked it a lot.
- Tighnari: I'm curious as to the exact ratio of ingredients...
- Albedo: I'll write a copy of the recipe for you.
- Sucrose: Would anyone like to try the nutrient-dense meal I made?
- Cyno: I'll have some.
- Sucrose: What about you, Collei? It doesn't look like you've eaten very much. Is your appetite low at the moment?
- Collei: Uh, no... I just don't eat a lot normally.
- (Sucrose stands up and walks over to the cooking pot nearby)
Collei: ...
- Collei: Um, sorry, I didn't mean to make things awkward...
- Cyno: Tighnari. While we were on the road, we spotted something white, walking on two legs. Was that Paimon?
- Tighnari: Which day was this?
- Cyno: Just after passing through Stone Gate.
- Tighnari: ...
- Paimon: Uh, Cyno, are you sure your eyes were working that day? Or maybe your hood was blocking your vision?
- Paimon: Paimon always flies. There's no way she'd ever walk.
- Cyno: Is that right...
- Cyno: I thought that you'd maybe snacked on too many local... ground nuts.
- Collei: ...
- Cyno: No? Not funny?
- Cyno: Ground, you know, as in "ground up," but also "the ground"... ground nuts make you fall to the ground...
Is no one gonna interject?
Is no one gonna stop him from explaining?
- Tighnari: Think of this as part of the process of getting to know Cyno. On the bright side, these jokes show that he thinks of you as his friends.
- Albedo: Still, we could test the hypothesis?
- Paimon: What hypothesis?
- Albedo: That plant species indigenous to Mondstadt may have an effect on the motor functions of flying lifeforms.
- Paimon: Hey, Paimon's not your test subject!
- Zaytun Peaches — that would make a sick Paimon peachy in no time, or something? Paimon: Anyway, by your logic, wouldn't that mean that eating... say...
Or that eating enough Lavender Melons would... uh... have no effect.
I say we put these theories to the test!
- Paimon: Hey, not you too!
- Collei: Hahaha...
- TravelerTraveler) and Paimon's conversations are more entertaining than Cyno's jokes. Collei: I think (
- Cyno: ...I see. You must have been keeping quiet about this grievance for quite some time now.
- Paimon: You seem much cheerier now that you're here in Mondstadt, Cyno. Actually, it feels like you're a completely different person!
- Cyno: That's because I'm Cyno the Adventurer.
That's not funny.
- Cyno: Hmm? It's not?
- Tighnari: In fairness, you only saw him in his work mode while you were in Sumeru. He's actually like this most of the time when he's in a good mood.
- Collei: Yep, it's true. Sometimes when he's eating, he'll grumble about how the bowl is too shallow for the amount of food it contains, and other random stuff like that.
- Cyno: I understand. Then allow me to reintroduce myself. Before, you knew me as General Mahamatra Cyno. Now, please see me as Cyno the Adventurer.
- Tighnari: Yeah, so that's another thing he does! He'll keep repeating something he thinks is funny until you stop trying to resist.
- Sucrose: Hmm, so you have two different mental states? Almost like... different phases of matter? Interesting... I want to learn to do that, too!
- Albedo: I think in your case, the two states we would end up with would be highly conscientious Sucrose and stupefied Sucrose.
- Albedo: Oh, by the way — was there any reason in particular that you chose Mondstadt as your destination on this occasion?
- Lisa once told me that the Windblume Festival is one of Mondstadt's biggest events of the year. Collei: Oh, well,
- Collei: I wanted to take this opportunity to give everyone a Windblume, as a token of my heartfelt gratitude for everything they've done to look after me...
- Tighnari: Plus, it was a good chance for Collei to get out and meet some new people.
- Cyno: "Collei Lily."
- Paimon: ...What?
- Cyno: Collei's Windblume. Maybe she should call it a "Collei Lily." It sounds very Mondstadt.
- (The group quietly looks at Cyno for a while)
Cyno: There's also "Collei Flower," which would technically make more sense, but somehow it doesn't sound as nice.
- Tighnari: ...Moving swiftly on...
- Paimon: Wow, he just completely ignored the joke and carried on the conversation. Guess sometimes, that's the only way forward.
- Tighnari: ...Sumeru's been through some major changes recently, and things at work have only just started to calm down.
- Tighnari: I don't get many opportunities to take a vacation, and this was a chance to join Collei on her trip while also learning a few things about Mondstadt's flora and fauna that I'll be able to pass on to my peers and students on my return. Two birds with one stone.
- Paimon: How about you, Cyno?
- Cyno: I came to ensure Collei's safety.
- Collei: That's just an excuse, plain and simple.
- Cyno: ...
- Genius Invokation TCG custom-made card back. Cyno: Also... there's the matter of a
- Paimon: Aha! So you DID have an ulterior motive!
- Cyno: Have you all played Genius Invokation TCG before?
I have.
- Cyno: And that is why I am proud to call you my friend.
I haven't.
- Cyno: Well, you should. For the sake of our continued friendship.
- Calx for guidance. Cyno: When I first began contemplating getting a new card back, I asked around before eventually deciding to ask the legendary Mr.
- Sawada, whom I play cards with on occasion, had been to Inazuma for the Irodori Festival. He told me that Calx was a Mondstadter, so I should try my luck there. Cyno: A friend of mine,
- Paimon: Calx? Uh, isn't that...
- Cyno: You mean, he's a friend of yours?
- Albedo: I see, so you came to Mondstadt in search of Calx.
- Cyno: No, that is inaccurate. I came here principally to protect Collei.
- Tighnari: You most certainly did not. Collei's been here on the quiet numerous times, and this is the first time you felt the need to join.
- Cyno: Not only me. Same applies to you too, doesn't it?
- my writer friend were here now, I'm sure he would describe this curious coincidence as having the makings of a good story. It's always a pleasure to meet a fan. Albedo: If
- Paimon: Ohh, here it comes!
- Cyno: ...Wait, you mean, you're Mr. Calx!?
- Albedo: Having my new friends address me by my pen name feels somewhat unusual. Please, just call me Albedo.
- Tighnari: Huh. So you're Calx... Cyno's been talking about you non-stop recently. He's intent on getting you to design a bespoke card back for him.
- Cyno: Ugh, you didn't have to say all that...
- Albedo: I don't usually take private commissions, but I believe that we are friends now. All of us.
- Albedo: Our conversations have been deep and interesting. And Cyno, your passion for this game is indeed one of a kind. I can see it in your eyes.
- Cyno: Obviously.
- Albedo: And given that you've come all this way from Sumeru to see me, I'd be quite honored to take this commission.
- Collei: Wow, your teacher's... so nice.
- Sucrose: I feel the same about yours. Hmm, well, they definitely have quite different personalities, but they're similar when it comes to their character.
- Cyno: So. How much should I budget for the timeless masterpiece you will produce for me...?
- Albedo: Surely "timeless masterpiece" is something of an overstatement.
- Cyno: Any artwork fit to appear on the reverse of my card decks is by definition a timeless masterpiece! Even if I do say so myself.
- Tighnari: Don't mind him — these TCG nut jobs are all like this...
- Albedo: I see. So this has an almost religious significance... Well, for starters, I'd like to hear a few more of your jokes.
- Cyno: My jokes? You like them?
- Albedo: I do.
- Cyno: Really? I didn't see you laughing.
- Albedo: Well, a joke's ability to induce laughter is a separate matter. But I certainly find them fun.
- Tighnari: If I might interrupt, does anyone else smell something strange?
- Sucrose: Ah! My nutritional meal!
- Paimon: Will it be okay? Should we go over and take a look, too?
- (Talk to Albedo, optional)
- Albedo: I'd be grateful if you could check on Sucrose. As for our new friends here... leave them to me.
- (Talk to Collei, optional)
- Collei: The cooking pot... Is everything okay?
- (Talk to Cyno, optional)
- Cyno: Hmm. So, a good joke is not necessarily required to make people laugh at them...
- (Talk to Tighnari, optional)
- Tighnari: Well, Albedo and Sucrose were delightful... but this was still an exhausting meal.
- (Talk to Sucrose)
- Sucrose: Phew. Only the base is burned. We can still use the cooking pot, it just needs a bit of a wash.
- Paimon: Good thing Tighnari's nose is so sharp... Has he been in this kind of situation a lot before?
Don't let it get you down, Sucrose.
- Sucrose: *sigh* I know, it's just... I'm sorry to disappoint Cyno. I guess we'll have to do this again another day.
- Sucrose: Ah, yes. I'm not sure if you've noticed...
- Sucrose: Collei seems a little... depressed. I noticed she was in a low mood when everyone was talking.
Is she?
I get that feeling as well.
- Sucrose: Remember that note she received?
- Sucrose: I was just thinking. I wanna try solving this riddle and giving Collei the chance to accept the blessing.
- Paimon: Ohh, yeah! She's someone who needs your help!
- Sucrose: Exactly.
- Sucrose: Maybe she'll be willing to breathe into my test tube... But anyway, that can wait.
- Sucrose: As much as I'd like to make progress in my research, I'd prefer to see her smile.
- Paimon: Alright! We'll help out too.
- Sucrose: You will? Then tell me, honestly... Do you... think that this prophecy is for real, too?
I know how I can find out.
- Paimon: Uh... Huh... right.
I'll be back shortly.
- Sucrose: Alright. Let's meet at the alchemy crafting bench in the city. I've got some thinking to do in the meantime.
- Sucrose: We're back.
- Albedo: Ah, what a shame. You just missed a joke about windmills.
- Tighnari: Stop. Please. I don't need to hear it a fifth time.
- Paimon: That bad, huh? Hmm, now Paimon really wants to hear it for some reason...
- Dragon of the East at some point? When are you going? Tighnari: Didn't you say you want to see the
- Cyno: Tomorrow morning.
- Cyno: And you? What are your plans?
- Tighnari: I'll go into the mountains to have a stroll and collect a few plants as samples.
- (Amber and Eula run in)
Albedo: Perhaps I could join you? I'll be looking for inspiration for these card back illustrations.
- Amber: Found you!
- Amber: I knew I was onto something as soon as I saw the fire.
- Sucrose: Wow, you have really sharp eyes!
- Albedo: That's an Outrider for you.
- Paimon: Uh-oh... did we break the fire safety rules or something?
- Amber: Actually, you didn't. Strictly speaking, you should have reported your plans first, but since two of our very own alchemists are here... I'm happy to look the other way, hehe...
- Amber: Ah, yes, introductions! I'm Amber, and this is the Reconnaissance Company Captain, Eula, a good friend of mine.
- Eula: Good evening. You're friends of Collei, yes? A pleasure to meet you.
- (If the player has not met Eula yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Eula — Dance of the Shimmering Wave
Eula is a member of the Lawrence Clan by birth.
The Lawrence Clan's oppressive rule plunged Mondstadt into one of the darkest periods of its history. Today, they have long since fallen from grace, but their present-day descendants still find themselves held in contempt for the transgressions of their forefathers.
Not content to accept her fate, Eula has chosen to face the hostility of others head-on, and to prove with her blade that the noble spirit forsaken by her predecessors is alive and well in her.
Should you meet this bold knight, be sure to cast aside your reservations and greet her courteously. She, in turn, will be sure to extend the utmost courtesy to you.
- Tighnari: Oh, Amber and Eula! The pleasure is ours. I've heard a lot about both of you from Collei.
- Amber: Oh really? All positive, I hope...?
- Collei: You asked that last time too! ... Of course it was positive...
- Cyno: I'd say... we hear the latest news about you every time you write to Collei.
- Amber: Haha, glad to know we've made a good impression so far! Anyway, we're just here to collect Collei, so don't let us interrupt your chat.
- Amber: C'mon, Collei! We're gonna take you to check out a few scenic spots.
- (Collei leaves)
Collei: Okay, great!
- Cyno: Heh... Still as high-energy as always.
- Paimon: Hmm? You know Amber?
- Cyno: Yes, we've met. She's Collei's most important friend, and for that we're also very grateful to her.
- Paimon: That's Amber for you. Her outgoing personality means she can make friends with just about anybody.
- Sucrose: ...
- Albedo: It's getting late, and we still have a lot lined up tomorrow. I suggest we all head back and get some rest.
Yes. We should preserve our energy.
- Tighnari: Alright. I'll start packing up.
- Everyone packs up and says their goodbyes in the dark of night...
- Paimon: You're gonna get the Tone-Deaf Bard to check out that note, aren't you?
That's right.
- Paimon: Hehe, guess Paimon knows you pretty well, huh?
- Paimon: Knowing him, he should be hitting the taverns around this time!
- Paimon: We can go corner him and make him answer our questions. Let's move!
- (Approach Venti)
- Venti: Oho, it's been a while!
- Paimon: Paimon called it! Tone-Deaf Bard, drinking as usual!
- Paimon: Put your drink down and get your game face on. We've got some important questions for you, mister.
- Venti: Uh... Okay...
- You tell Venti about the mysterious prophecy...
- Paimon: So, what do you make of it?
Yeah, any thoughts?
- Venti: Hehe, aren't you forgetting something? It's the Windblume Festival right now. You can't just go around asking people for help so blatantly.
- Paimon: Well, if you won't tell us the answer, could you at least tell us if this thing's worth a shot?
- Venti: Sounds to me like you want a hint or two?
And a blessing or two to boot.
- Venti: Hehe, a fine answer.
- Venti: The person who wrote this prophecy is very powerful. If you manage to solve the riddle, good things are sure to happen.
- Venti: Also... I happen to know where this lantern is.
- Venti: Once you've found the four things, I'll even write the location down for you. Isn't that generous of me?
- Paimon: Hmph, whatever. We weren't expecting much from you anyway.
- Paimon: You can get back to guzzling wine and blowing wind now, hmph!
- Venti: Oh, woe is me... Paimon sees me as nothing more than a drunken wastrel...
- Venti: There are actually a great many things that we bards are required to do... It just happens that enjoying life is the most important one.
- Venti: Once this is over, would you like to join me for a drink?
- Venti: Y'know... A favor for a favor?
- (Talk to Venti again, optional)
- Venti: Or given the way that you're staring at me, perhaps... you'd like to get me that drink now?
- Venti: I, of course, would be most amenable to that... but I believe you have friends waiting for you?
- Venti: Don't worry! There'll be plenty of time during the festival.
- (Approach Sucrose)
- Sucrose: "A flower that is not of this world." Hmm, not of this world...
- Paimon: Sucrose! We've got some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first?
- Sucrose: Um... Let's have the bad news first, I guess.
- Paimon: Huh, really? Don't most people usually want to hear the good stuff first?
Just get to the point, Paimon.
- Windrise to divine the breeze. Paimon: Oh, alright then... Basically, we went to
- Paimon: The wind said that the prophecy is real, and that your idea is a really good one.
- Sucrose: That doesn't sound like bad news... So what's the real bad news, then?
- Paimon: Uh... Paimon ate the bad news, hehe~!
- Paimon: ...
- Paimon: ...Blame Cyno! If it's not funny, then it's his fault!
- Sucrose: Hehe... It's fine. Well, that puts my mind at rest.
- Sucrose: Now, back to the other issue I've been mulling over.
- Sucrose: I was thinking about the flower that is "not of this world." It could mean a human-cultivated variety that doesn't occur in nature... But that's basically claiming that it doesn't come from this world in the first place, when actually it's just a variant of an existing breed.
- Sucrose: So the initial question is: Can the flower's origins be traced back to a natural organism? If so, it cannot be correctly described as "not of this world."
- Sucrose: But then... supposing we identified something outside of that category, whose job would it be to decide whether it belongs in this world or not? Then the question becomes: Do "of this world" and "from this world" mean the same thing... or is it deeper than that?
- Paimon: Whoa, whoa, slow down... Paimon's head is already starting to spin.
- Sucrose: Okay. Um... I did have one other line of thought as well. What about a flower created using alchemy? Would that be "not of this world"?
If by that, you mean a flower from beyond this world...
Albedo did make something like that once.
- Sucrose: Albedo may know the answer, but asking him right away would be like asking the teacher for the answers to your exam paper.
- Sucrose: It would render our search for the truth meaningless. I'd rather try and figure this out for myself...
- Paimon: Could it be the "Windblume"?
- Sucrose: Oh... now that you mention it, that's definitely a possibility.
- Sucrose: The Windblume doesn't refer to a specific flower. Everyone defines what it means for themselves.
- Sucrose: In which case, the "Windblume" doesn't exist in reality... Hmm. This does seem like a promising direction!
- Sucrose: I've made a note! Okay, I'd better go read up on this...
- Paimon: Yay! Paimon was actually useful this time! Guess we have that Sweet Madame to thank, huh?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
We're counting on you for the rest, Paimon.
- Sucrose: I'll need some time to prepare. Could we meet up here in, say, two days' time?
- Paimon: Sure thing. In the meantime, we'll also think about the other three riddles in the prophecy.
- Paimon: But uh, since we're really going for this now... Shouldn't we say something to Collei about it?
- Sucrose: I originally wanted to leave it as a surprise for her, and I also didn't want to get her hopes up over nothing...
- Sucrose: But you're right, Paimon. I'll need to be careful how I word it... but I'll try to find some time over the next couple days to mention it to her.
- Sucrose: Alright. Thanks so much!
Post-Quest Dialogue[]
After completing this quest, Albedo, Tighnari, Cyno, Mika, Amber, Collei, Eula, Dehya, Candace, and Setaria can be found in the open world. Candace, Setaria, and Dehya remain for the remainder of the event, while everyone else disappears upon completion of Step 2[verification needed] of the next quest, A Riddle Amidst the Crowds.
Dehya, Candace, and Setaria only appear if Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises has been completed.
Albedo and Tighnari[]
- (Talk to Albedo or Tighnari near the eastern edge of Starsnatch Cliff)
- Tighnari: I've heard that Cecilias only grow in remote spots at high-altitude, and that you're unlikely to ever see one unless you go looking for it.
- Tighnari: Though they can be preserved for a long time as specimens, I can't take back the beauty they possess in the wild. It's a shame.
- Albedo: Shall I ask Sucrose to develop a Cecilia variant with improved soil adaptability for you?
- Albedo: I should warn you, though, it may very well end up with a name like "Tetratanic Ananemo Cecilia," or perhaps "Epsilon-Series Cecilia, Variation 601, Sumeru Growth-Type."
- Tighnari: ...Is this you attempting to tell a joke?
- Albedo: Unfortunately not. I'm being completely serious.
- Tighnari: In that case, I look forward to... well, whichever of those two it ends up being.
- Albedo: Back to our previous topic — if you wish to use antitoxic compounds from Calla Lilies in an antidote, then I have a few suggestions...
Cyno and Mika[]
- (Talk to Cyno or Mika near the southern waypoint of Stormterror's Lair)
- Cyno: So this is Stormterror's Lair...
- Cyno: ...From which direction will Stormterror appear, I wonder?
- Mika: Um, excuse me...
- Cyno: Who's there?
- Mika: Ah, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.
- Cyno: I apologize as well. I acted on force of habit. You must be a local, yes? My name is Cyno, and I'm here sightseeing in Mondstadt. In truth, it is I who am disturbing you.
- Mika: Um, might I ask if you're looking for something here?
- Cyno: I'm waiting for Stormterror to arrive.
- Mika: You even set up a Kamera...
- Cyno: Yes. I hope to capture a good picture as reference material for an artist I know.
- Mika: Ah... In that case, let me help keep watch too. From what I've heard, Stormterror's movements have some... regular schedule.
- Cyno: Roughly how often does it appear?
- Mika: Uh, hold on. I'll have to check against our data first. Let me consult my notes...
- Cyno: ...
- Mika: ...
- Mika: Um... Mr. Cyno, Sir, are you going to stand there staring into the sky the entire time?
- Cyno: Don't worry, I'm quite strong. My neck can take it.
- Mika: No, no, I mean... You should sit down. I—I brought a blanket — here, you can borrow it!
- Cyno: I'll be alright.
- Mika: Oh, um... okay, well...
- Mika: ...Weird. Now I'm staring up into the sky, too...
Amber, Collei, and Eula[]
- (Talk to Amber, Eula, or Collei at Falcon Coast)
- Collei: Whoa, did you two see that? A bird with huuuge wings just flew by!
- Collei: If Master Tighnari was here, he'd be able to tell you its scientific name, species, and behaviors...
- Collei: But as for me... all I can tell you is, it isn't a species we have in Sumeru...
- Eula: Oh? Then what kinds of birds do you have in Sumeru?
- Collei: Dusk Birds! They have the most beautiful, vibrant colors. The feathers on their chest are the color of ripe Sunsettias, and their wing-tips are the color of tender Mint leaves.
- Collei: They're not too skittish around people, and at my tree holl— I mean, this tree that I often go past, there's a Dusk Bird there that always looks at me like it understands what I'm saying.
- Collei: I once picked up one of its feathers from the ground, and it felt really nice...
- Eula: You have keen observation skills, and a love for living things. You'd be better served directing your energies there rather than sighing and whining all the time.
- Amber: Ugh, Eula says things in the most awkward way possible sometimes... Just ignore the second half, Collei!
- Collei: No, it's fine, I know what she means. She does have a point...
- Collei: Are you hungry for fish? I see quite a few over there.
- Amber: Sounds like someone's up for a fishing contest, huh? Fair warning, though, I won't lose!
- Eula: Seriously...? Another competition? I thought we were supposed to be sightseeing. ...Uh, but still — wait for me!
Dehya only appears if Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises has been completed.
- (Talk to Dehya outside the eastern door of The Akademiya)
- TravelerTraveler). Nice to see ya! Dehya: Oh, hey there, (
Didn't expect to see you here at this hour, Dehya.
- Dehya: Hahaha, well, Cyno's out of the country on a trip, so he got me to come and help his subordinates take care of a few things. I guess you could say I'm his temporary substitute.
- Dehya: The atmosphere around here's not too bad nowadays, so I don't mind sticking around once in a while.
- Dehya: You've probably got a lot going on yourself, I'll bet? Good luck with everything!
Candace and Setaria[]
Candace and Setaria only appear if Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises has been completed.
- (Talk to Candace or Setaria at Aaru Village)
- Candace: Setaria, you should take a break and have a bite to eat.
- Candace: Setaria?
- Setaria: Ah, thank you! Sorry, I was completely absorbed in what I was doing, I didn't even hear your voice...
- Candace: It's alright. I'm glad that you enjoy the work you're doing.
- Setaria: Sorry you've ended up having to babysit me... I'm sure you have far more important things to do.
- Candace: Well, Rahman's busy with the Eremites these days. But having me stand in as your bodyguard must be a welcome breath of fresh air for you?
- Candace: It's a change for me, too — my first time working as a bodyguard. I'm just treating it as a chance to get a taste of Dehya's line of work.
- Setaria: I tried telling Mahamatra Cyno that I can work unsupervised. Really, this ought to be the last of his worries...
- Setaria: He said that educators willing to work in the desert are an extremely rare breed, so I need a bodyguard for protection at all times... I think he's being a little overprotective.
- Candace: But at the end of the day, that's why we know we can count on the General Mahamatra. He and I are of the same mind in this case, so I am very happy to protect you.
- Candace: While you're in Aaru Village, we're partners. We don't want to cause you any unnecessary pressure. So please, try to enjoy your time here.
No. | Soundtrack Name | Album | Played In |
25 | With Witty Wit | The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3 | Lost in Prosperity, A Gathering of Outlanders, Opening Festivities, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part II, After Repose, Give Her Sweetness Event Gameplay |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | A Gathering of Outlanders | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 聚于湖畔的外乡之客 Jùyú Húpàn de Wàixiāng zhī Kè | A Gathering of Outlanders by the Lakeside |
Chinese (Traditional) | 聚於湖畔的外鄉之客 Jùyú Húpàn de Wàixiāng zhī Kè | |
Japanese | 湖畔に集う異郷の客 Kohan ni Tsudou Ikyou no Kyaku | Outlander Guests Meeting by the Lake Shore |
Korean | 호숫가에 모인 타향 손님들 Hosutga'e Moin Tahyang Sonnimdeul | People Away From Home Gathering by the Lake Shore |
Spanish | Una reunión de forasteros | A Gathering of Outsiders |
French | Un rassemblement de visiteurs | A Gathering of Visitors |
Russian | Прибытие чужеземцев Pribytiye chuzhezemtsev | An Arrival of Outlanders |
Thai | แขกต่างแดนที่มารวมตัวกันริมทะเลสาบ | |
Vietnamese | Vị Khách Phương Xa Bên Bờ Hồ | |
German | Am See versammelte fremde Gäste | Foreign Guests Gathered by the Lake |
Indonesian | Perjumpaan Manusia Berbagai Bangsa | The Meeting of People From Various Nations |
Portuguese | Uma Reunião de Forasteiros | |
Turkish | Yabancıların Buluşması | |
Italian | Un'adunata di stranieri | A Gathering of Foreigners |