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A Festive First Adventure is the fourth request in Part I of the Lantern Rite Tales event. It opens on the second day of the event.


  1. Talk to Tiantian
  2. Go to Mt. Tianheng to look for Tiantian
  3. Collect the Xiao Lanterns (0/3)
  4. Talk to Tiantian
  5. Look for Tiantian
  6. Collect the Xiao Lanterns (0/5)
  7. Talk to Tiantian


UI Quest Quest Description

Tiantian of the Liyue Adventurers' Guild seems to have been working on something...
Tiantian: Hm... Why didn't anyone come...
Icon Dialogue Talk Is something the matter?
Tiantian: Traveler! Could... Could you hear me out? So, it's the Lantern Rite right now, and the Guild was looking to hitch a ride on the festive cheer and do some advertising — to see if we could snag some new recruits.
Tiantian: I hear that Brother Qian's come up with a game called... called a somethingy-screen. I don't wanna be left out!
Tiantian: So I thought up a new activity. I call it... "My First Adventure."
Tiantian: Simply put, I wanted to use some Xiao Lanterns to mark out a gliding track.
Tiantian: Then, anyone who wants to take part in this activity can just open up their wind glider and follow the Xiao Lanterns as they fly...
Tiantian: You'd get to feel the thrill of adventure and take in the beautiful sights of Liyue, with Xiao Lanterns at your side the whole way! Sounds good, right?
Tiantian: I'd originally designed two tracks, but when I went to notify the Millelith, they said I needed to find a test flier who could evaluate them from a safety perspective first.
Tiantian: You must have a lot of adventuring experience, right? Would you mind doing the evaluation for me?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's have at it.
Tiantian: Thanks so much for your help! Let's go to Mt. Tianheng, then. That's where the first track starts.

(At Mt. Tianheng)
Tiantian: This is where the track begins, see? The Xiao Lanterns are all in position.
Tiantian: Alright then — you can begin whenever you're ready. Collect the Xiao Lanterns en route to your objective.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's showtime.
(Continues quest)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let me get warmed up first...
Tiantian: Sure, just let me know once you're ready.
(Dialogue ends and resets)

(After the gliding course)
Tiantian: This is the finish line. You're pretty good at this, aren't you... So, how did you find it?
Icon Dialogue Talk A very festive experience!
Icon Dialogue Talk The Xiao Lanterns were very pretty...
Tiantian: Hehe, of course! I put them there myself, you know.
Tiantian: Well then, let's go to the next track, shall we?

(At the Sea of Clouds)
Tiantian: Alright! This is where the track begins. Once again, the Xiao Lanterns are all in place.
Tiantian: You can begin as soon as you're ready. Same deal as before, collect the lanterns as you head for the objective.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's do this.
(Continues quest)
Icon Dialogue Talk I need a moment.
Tiantian: No problem, just let me know when you're done.
(Dialogue ends and resets)

(Back in Liyue)
Tiantian: So, now that you've tested both tracks out, what's your overall impression?
Icon Dialogue Talk They're not bad.
Tiantian: Great! Guess I can report back to the Millelith now.
Tiantian: I'm sure that a fun activity like this will attract lots of people to join the Guild.
Tiantian: Ah, yes. Here's your remuneration for helping me evaluate those tracks. Please, take it.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Festive First Adventure
Qīngsōng de màoxiǎn chūtǐyàn
A Relaxed First Adventure
Qīngsōng de màoxiǎn chūtǐyàn
Kigaruna bouken shotaiken
A Relaxed First Adventure
Korean가벼운 모험
Gabyeoun Cheot Moheom
A Light First Adventure
SpanishMi primera aventuraMy First Adventure
FrenchUne première aventure détendueA Relaxed First Adventure
RussianПервое праздничное приключение
Pervoye prazdnichnoye priklyucheniye
First Festive Adventure
Prasopkarn Karn Pha-chon-phai Khrang-raek An Saen Sabai
A Relaxing First Experience of Adventure
VietnameseTrải nghiệm nhẹ nhàng đầu tiên
GermanEine entspannte erste AbenteuererfahrungA Relaxing First Experience of Adventure
IndonesianPengalaman Bertualang Pertama yang SantaiFirst Relaxing Adventure Experience
PortuguesePrimeira experiência relaxada de aventuraFirst Relaxed Experience of Adventure

Change History[]
