Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

??? is an event-exclusive NPC who makes an appearance in the Event Story Quest Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns in Lantern Rite: Part II. His name is never revealed.


??? is a lone thief who looks at the Treasure Hoarders in very high regard, going as far to calling them his "heroes" and wishing to join their ranks. He devises a plan during the Lantern Rite to get their attention and submit his pledge of loyalty.

He is seen as a rather incompetent individual; he immediately backed down when trying to scare the Traveler off, the letter he submitted to the Treasure Hoarders is riddled with misspellings, and his big plan to steal a large supply of Plaustrite at nightfall–while mistaken to be a much more sinister plan involving highly flammable materials–is incredibly impractical.

The Traveler and Paimon later tracked down and arrested him, sending him to the Millelith after learning about the true intentions of his ridiculous plot.


??? has short black hair, silver eyes and fair skin, wearing a blue scarf wrapped around his head while covering the rest of his face with a blue bandana. He wears a blue shirt with a brown Tangzhuang vest kept together with a black belt carrying a knife holstered on his back. ???'s right wrist is wrapped in brown straps and sporting dark blue finger-less gloves, along with an orange scarf wrapped around his left wrist. His pants are white with gray cloud patterning folded in exposing his brown shin protection and sandals.

Quests and Events[]



  • He shares his English VA, Cory Yee, with Gorou.

Change History[]

