"Vibro-Crystals, It's Always Vibro-Crystals" is an Event Quest that unlocks the Vibro-Crystal Applications event.
- Talk to the Fontainian engineers

A pair of engineers from Fontaine is currently performing some rather esoteric research in Liyue...
- (Approach Patrice and Anatole)
- ???: Stop it, Patrice! Our current experiments run completely contrary to the Institute's directives...
- Patrice: You mean the one on the approval document that says "this project should produce technology that provides greater economic benefits"?
- Patrice: They just want to know if it can be sold for Mora, don't worry about that! We just need to continue testing and gathering data, yeah? So, you'll need to give me some more Mora to buy Vibro-Crystals...
- Anatole: We don't have that much funding left. Where are you going to get the Mora to hire testers once you've blown it all? Or are you going to do it yourself?
- Patrice: Well, you must remember, dear Anatole, that "research supervisors of outdoor experiments must, if necessity dictates, assist the researcher in performing testing..."
- Patrice: I'll leave the next experiment to you, then. Also, I recall that you have a considerable quantity of travel funds, yes? You could always eat fewer meals and...
- Anatole: Oh, and now you're putting it upon your colleagues to save Mora on your behalf? Ah, Patrice, how hard your heart is! That Mora is for Bamboo Shoot Soup — not a wicked villain such as yourself!
- Paimon: Yeah! You can always work less, but you should never eat less!
- Anatole: Precisely so!
- Anatole: Ah, I knew it! To speak such piercing insights, you must be the famous...
- Paimon: That's right, Paimon's the renowned Paimon!
- Anatole: Then this must be the renowned (TravelerTraveler)?
That's me, the famous... me!
I'd imagine that I'm already a bit more than just "renowned."
- Paimon: Hey, why'd you get competitive all of a sudden!?
- Anatole: Anyway, it is just as Paimon says. How could I ever skimp on food?
- Patrice: What should I do, then? If I don't have the funding to conduct my experiments, forget the prospect of "greater economic benefits" — the only prospects awaiting me will be "tragedy."
- Patrice: *sigh*...
- Paimon: Ah, and by the way, what were you two talking about with all those "prospects"? Are you prospecting?
- Paimon: Economic benefits... Are you two researching how to prospect for Mora? Whoa, i—is there any chance you'll find a way to make Mora just spurt out of the ground like a fountain?
Ooh, I'm in. I'd like a cut.
- Patrice: No, no, not that kind of prospect at all. That said, I do believe that my research project's "prospects" will turn out to be just as valuable...
- Anatole: We need to settle the funding issue first. Also, we need to design an invention that will sell well.
- Patrice: *cough* Great inventions are often mere byproducts of great research... Marvelous, inventive ideas leap forth like stingrays from your mind as you conduct said research...
- Anatole: They'd better.
- Paimon: Wait, hold on a sec. Paimon's getting curious now. Just what sort of research are you doing?
- Patrice: We're working on ores known as Vibro-Crystals. We discovered them in Liyue previously while studying the different properties of ore in the region.
- Patrice: They can be divided into two types: Transmitter and Receiver Crystals.
- Patrice: When the Transmitter Crystal is stimulated in a certain way, it will release a specific energy that resonates with the Receiver Crystal half, generating unique effects.
- Anatole: Which is an interesting phenomenon, albeit one that... Let's just say that the Fontainian Research Institute isn't nearly as interested in ores as it used to be.
- Anatole: Mr. Raimondo's also been clear that it lacks "economic benefits" — ergo, it won't bring the money in.
- Patrice: Such shallowness!
- Anatole: *sigh* In any case, Patrice was stymied while applying for funding. He didn't manage to secure any Mora, only an honorary title.
- Patrice: I thought that I could at least use the title to guarantee an interim loan from the Northland Bank...
- Patrice: But the moment the clerks heard that I was an Institute engineer, their smiles melted like snow in spring.
- Anatole: And no wonder, considering how hard our lot have abused that trick.
- Anatole: So it is as you see — we're out of funding, and we can't even hire adventurers to help perform our experiments... nor do we have even the foggiest ideas about possible inventions.
- Anatole: Not that this comes as any surprise. I must admit that it's tough, living in a foreign land with little funding while performing complex experiments, maintaining the experimental site, and also trying to design an invention.
- Paimon: Well, how about we help out, (TravelerTraveler)?
Oho, Paimon's going to become a great inventor, eh?
- Paimon: Paimon doesn't know the first thing about inventing, but we could do the "performing experiments" part, right?
- Patrice: C—Could you really?
Well, I'll have you know that I'm an Honorary Senior Researcher. (If the player has completed Fontaine Research Institute Chronicles)
- Anatole: R—Really? Absolutely astonishing, I didn't think that we'd be hearing an Institute honorary title all the way out here...
- Patrice: Well! I'd say that those with the heart to help out deserve all the titles they could ever want, wouldn't you?
Well, here's an experienced adventurer should you need one.
- Anatole: In that case, we'll leave the experiment in your hands, (TravelerTraveler), Paimon. All the best — the success of the project is riding on you!
- Patrice: Quick, Anatole, dig out whatever you've got left for travel expenses...
- Anatole: Alright, alright. But I'm only parting with the bit we owe (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon for helping with our experiments. No more...
- Anatole: As for the rest, we'll see how your product design work comes along, Patrice.
- Patrice: Sure, sure. At least the experiments can continue...
- Patrice: In that case, we'll leave the experiment in your hands, (TravelerTraveler), Paimon. All the best — the success of the project is riding on you!
- Paimon: Don't you worry, just leave it to us!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | "Vibro-Crystals. It's Always Vibro-Crystals..." | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 振晶,归来仍是振晶 | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 振晶,歸來仍是振晶 | |
Japanese | 振晶への思い、いつまでも変わらずに Shinshou he no Omoi, Itsumade mo Kawarazu ni[!][!] | |
Korean | 진동 수정… 결국 또 진동 수정 Jindong Sujeong... Gyeolguk Tto Jindong Sujeong | |
Spanish | Resuenan los minerales resonantes | The Resonant Minerals Resound |
French | Irradiation du vibrocristal, repetita | Vibro-Crystal Irradiation, Repetita |
Russian | Кристаллы резонанса не меняют своих свойств Kristally rezonansa ne menyayut svoikh svoystv | |
Thai | ผลึกสั่นสะเทือนยังคงเป็นผลึกสั่นสะเทือนอยู่ดี | |
Vietnamese | Pha Lê, Vẫn Là Pha Lê | |
German | Vibrationskristalle, immer nur Vibrationskristalle | Vibration Crystals, Only Ever Vibration Crystals |
Indonesian | Kristal Resonansi Lagi, Kristal Resonansi Lagi | Resonance Crystal Again, Resonance Crystal Again |
Portuguese | "Cristais Vibrantes. Sempre são os Cristais Vibrantes..." | |
Turkish | "İletici Kristaller. Tüm Olay İletici Kristaller..." | |
Italian | Vibrocristalli. È sempre una questione di Vibrocristalli... | Vibro-Crystals. It's Always a Matter of Vibro-Crystals... |
Change History[]
Released in Version 4.6