On what should have been the road home for the triumphant hero, there are neither bouquets of flowers tossed nor the echo of applause, only the murmuring of the Fountain of Lucine.
The future is as long as the past. Like a gentle ripple, she merges with the throng of humanity...
"The Little Oceanid" is the first act of Furina's Story Quest, the Animula Choragi Chapter. In order to unlock this quest line, the player must have completed the Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty and reached Adventure Rank 40.
During the events of the quest, the Traveler helps a struggling troupe get back on track, though not before dragging Furina into it and helping cheer her back up.
List of Quests[]
- To Yesterday
Arriving at Fontaine's Adventurers' Guild branch, Paimon and the Traveler ask Katheryne for any commissions. Katheryne states that they do have one, with a person nearby being the commissioner. They talk to the person, Lauwick, who reveals that he and his troupe are performing one last show; however, their main actress is ill and cannot perform, and as an amateur troupe, they could not afford a well-known one. The two then suggest Furina, surprising Lauwick, though the Traveler reminds him that he doesn't really have a choice. Lauwick decides to take her, though Paimon doesn't know as to where she actually lives. Katheryne then comes in and gives them her address.
Outside Furina's new home, Paimon remarks on how it's a significant step down for Furina when she appears from behind and surprises her. Now not having anyone to care for her, she spends most of her time at her new home cooking macaroni with various sauces. Learning why they came, she states that she could not help, as she has no more interest in acting, especially after having to assume the role of Focalors for so long. The two then return to Lauwick with the bad news, though he is seen arguing with Dulphy, who insists she's able to perform. The Traveler then senses Furina eavesdropping on their conversation and drags her in, where she apologizes to Paimon for her harsh words and had a change of heart after they left. Seeing that they appear to have the situation resolved, Furina asks if they had financial issues; the two explain that their director, Aurelie, was a victim of Marcel's plots, shocking Furina. Furina eventually decides to help the troupe out, so they head to their quarters.
There, they find two more troupe members, Elain and Buraud, who are surprised to see the Traveler and Furina. Lauwick states that after the director's death, they struggled to finish her script, The Little Oceanid, as they were unsure as to how the story should go, and their main actors, Vilmant and Pauleau, had yet to respond; Vilmant had taken Aurelie's death hard, while Pauleau was busy writing the script's ending. Vilmant promised that he would arrive, though they were worried as to if he would actually go on his world. With Furina present, the troupe is confident that they could rebound. Pauleau had gone to Poisson, which Furina remarks as it was where the disaster occurred.
- Whither Should the Water Flow?
Making their way to Poisson, they talk to Pauleau about the script, though it isn't ready yet. Navia then arrives, prompting Dulphy to push Lauwick out of the way for being "oblivious". Furina asks Navia how the town is doing, who tells her that they're getting through. However, some people are still angry at Furina for her inability to deal with the prophecy when it struck them, though she did attempt a lie by claiming that the Furina that came in was just an actor. Navia then leaves, so Furina takes a short stroll to unwind, where she expresses worry about having come to Poisson, having anticipated resentment towards her. As a crowd begins to gather and make noise, they head to Spina di Rosula's ship for more unwinding,
Furina states that she is still traumatized by the rising waters and people being dissolved, even though the worst-case scenario had been avoided. While she still now had her freedom, she could not enjoy it as she had no idea how to experience it. The Traveler tells her that she's making an improvement before they return to Pauleau, who had just finished his script while Lauwick and Dulphy were arguing again over the food. Pauleau comes out and is surprised to see Furina and how she was an inspiration to the troupe; Dulphy had been abandoned by her parents, while Lauwick was a foster child and the son of a murderer. He gives out his version of the ending; Dulphy is slightly unconvinced, believing they should mirror their director, but Pauleau states that it would be meaningless. Pauleau then reveals that he was madly in love with Aurelie, though she had rejected him as she saw everyone as brothers and sisters. Pauleau had decided to try again later, though her disappearance made it impossible. He also reveals that on the day of her disappearance, she had told them to wait outside the city walls, but she never came and was never found. They then try to look for Vilmant.
- This Life, Just Like a Light Trickle of Song
Making their way to Vilmant's last known location, the group comes across a group of Slimes, which the Traveler is forced to fight alone since Furina could not fight without a Vision. Once they remove the slimes, they had to Vilmant's tent, where he is brought up to news by the others. Pauleau reveals his secret to him, wondering if her death had impacted him too. Vilmant reveals that the troupe was financially struggling until one day when a merchant offered to sponsor them in return for drinks, which he discovered was Sinthe. He then informed Aurelie, who then declined the merchant's request, making them furious as he threatened to sue. He had wanted to resolve the problem himself, but she insisted she would do so until one day, she told them to leave the city, which he assumed was the boiling point. However, he did not reveal it to the other members, particularly after her death as he was scared, which enrages Pauleau as he had loved her. Furina then stops the two, as they were using the show as an excuse to vent their own emotions. She then realizes that Aurelie had wanted to create a shelter for them from the outside world, and thus they should devote the ending to her.
The troupe members return to their quarters while Furina and the Traveler head to Palais Mermonia to see if they could find any of Aurelie's belongings. Sedene goes to look for the items and shortly returns with a diary and other belongings she had on her person. Going through the diary, they learn what she had encountered in her final moments and that she cared for the troupe members. They return to the troupe, who read through the notes with mixed emotions. They all agree to honor the director, but Dulphy suggests using Aurelie's name instead of her own, as she was just a replacement. Lauwick agrees, and attempts to prepare their stage, but Furina declines, stating that they'll need a bigger one - the Opera Epiclese, which surprises the troupe, as they believe themselves unworthy of it. Furina convinces them otherwise, so she and the Traveler go off to find Neuvillette, who's taking a break outside the Palais Mermonia.
Neuvillette learns of the reason of their visit and agrees to allow the troupe to host their event there. He is glad to see Furina slowly rebounding back, asking her if she would perform again. Furina declines, stating that she still has no desire to return as the main focus and the experience was more than enough for her.
As the troupe begins their rehearsal, the time eventually comes for them to perform at the Opera Epiclese. Pauleau and Vilmant finish their scene, but Dulphy's illnesses soon return and incapacitates her, forcing Furina to assume her role, which she finds ironic as she had not wanted to perform. Before she is taken away, Dulphy asks Furina what she thinks is why "Clio" shines so brightly. Furina states that it is her pure heart, as she never gave up on believing in the beauty of the world, which pleases her. Furina completes her role successfully and as the credits roll, Pauleau credits her as their consultant, surprising and baffling her.
At the backstage, Pauleau states that everyones' work would be acknowledged regardless of their role, which she acknowledges but states that they should have told her. Paimon then talks about her Vision, as she was supposed to drop a replica but instead a real one had appeared for her. Furina is also left surprised at receiving a Vision. Pauleau then wonders about Dulphy, so they go out to look for her at the troupe quarters. Dulphy is delighted to hear that the performance was a success, while Vilmant leaves to give them space. Furina is still annoyed at the special thanks that Pauleau had given her, though admits that the experience has made her decide that she'll return to the stage with new perceptions, particularly with her newly acquired Vision.
20 Characters appear in this Quest:
- Buraud
- Connie
- Dulphy
- Elain
- Evra
- Furina
- Gignac
- Katheryne
- Kirimoto
- Lauwick
- Navia
- Neuvillette
- Paimon
- Pauleau
- Sabine
- Sedene
- Traveler
- Tussaud
- Veillas
- Vilmant
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | "The Little Oceanid" | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 「水的女儿」 "Shuǐ de Nǚ'ér" | Daughter of Water |
Chinese (Traditional) | 「水的女兒」 "Shuǐ de Nǚ'ér" | |
Japanese | 「水の娘」 "Mizu no Musume" | "The Daughter of Water" |
Korean | 「물의 아이」 "Murui Ai" | "Child of Water" |
Spanish | «La pequeña Oceánida» | "The Little Oceanid" |
French | « La petite Océanide » | "The Little Oceanid" |
Russian | «Маленькая океанида» "Malen'kaya okeanida" | "The Little Oceanid" |
Thai | "ธิดาแห่งสายน้ำ" "Thida haeng Sainam" | Daughter of Water |
Vietnamese | "Tinh Linh Nước Bé Nhỏ" | |
German | „Die kleine Okeanide“ | "The Little Oceanid" |
Indonesian | "Kisah Putri Oceanid" | "The Tale of the Daughter of Oceanid" |
Portuguese | "A Pequena Oceanid" | |
Turkish | "Küçük Okeanid" | |
Italian | La piccola Oceanide | The Little Oceanid |