Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

"Surging Harmonies of the Springs" is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for "Surging Harmonies of the Springs" is obtainable from a Remarkable Chest in Natlan.

How to Obtain[]

Obtained from a Remarkable Chest in Sulfurous Veins, Tequemecan Valley, Natlan after defeating Forged Sand Interrogator Forged Sand Interrogator ×1, Forged Sand Javelineer Forged Sand Javelineer ×1, Forged Sand Shieldbreaker Forged Sand Shieldbreaker ×1, and Tepetlisaurus Tepetlisaurus ×1.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
"Surging Harmonies of the Springs" 1 "Surging Harmonies of the Springs"

Furnishing Sets[]

No recipes use "Surging Harmonies of the Springs" as an ingredient.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"Surging Harmonies of the Springs"
Korean「샘물의 파도 소리」
"Saemmurui Pado Sori"
SpanishEcos de los ManantialesEchoes of the Springs
French« Harmonie déferlante des sources »"Surging Harmony of the Springs"
RussianГармония источников
Garmoniya istochnikov
VietnameseHòa Âm Dâng Trào Của Dòng Suối
GermanHarmonie der Wellen und Quellen"Harmony of Waves and Springs"
IndonesianNyanyian Gelombang Mata AirThe Song of the Wave of Springs
Portuguese"Harmonias Crescentes das Fontes Termais"
Turkish"Kaplıcanın Ahenkli Sesleri"
ItalianArmonie crescenti delle sorgenti

Change History[]

