"Rilai" is an Achievement in the category Duelist: Series II. To complete this achievement, the player needs to defeat the Local Legend Rilai — Frozen Collar while she is using the Fusion Nova ability as well as not being hit by any of the ability's attacks at any point in a battle.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | "Rilai" |
Chinese (Simplified) | 「莉莱」 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 「莉萊」 |
Japanese | 「リライ」 "Rirai" |
Korean | 「릴라이」 "Rillai" |
Spanish | Rilai |
French | Rilai |
Russian | Рилай Rilay |
Thai | "Rilai" |
Vietnamese | "Rilai" |
German | „Rilai“ |
Indonesian | "Rilai" |
Portuguese | "Rilai" |
Turkish | "Rilai" |
Italian | Rilai |
Change History[]
Released in Version 5.2