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Genshin Impact Wiki

"Ladle of the Leisurely Sea-Beast" is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

One copy of "Ladle of the Leisurely Sea-Beast" is obtained from the Event World Quest Hustle and Bustle in Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"Ladle of the Leisurely Sea-Beast"
"Yuuyuutaru Kaijuu no Shaku"
"Ladle of the Leisurely Marine Beast"
Korean「여유로운 바다 괴수의 숟가락」
"Yeoyuroun Bada Goesuui Sutgarak"
SpanishCucharón de la bestia marina apacibleLadle of the Peaceful Sea Beast
French« Louche de la créature marine sereine »"Ladle of the Serene Sea-Creature"
Russian«Ковш безмятежного морского зверя»
"Kovsh bezmyatezhnogo morskogo zverya"
"Ladle of the Serene Sea Beast"
VietnameseMuôi Hải Thú Nhàn Nhã
GermanKelle des gemächlichen Seeungeheuers"Ladle of the Leisurely Sea Monster"
IndonesianSendok Hewan Laut Super SantaiLadle of the Super Relax Sea Animal
PortugueseColher da Besta Marinha Serena
Turkish"Sakin Deniz Canavarının Kepçesi"
Italian"Mestolo della placida bestia marina""Ladle of the Placid Sea Beast"

Change History[]

