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The "Floating Target Balloon" Challenge is a mini-game challenge at "Flower-Feather Clan", Natlan. It is run by Pixica, the Target Balloon Administrator, and Zyanya, the Target Balloon Operator.

Players can access the challenge by interacting with the signboard next to Pixica. This will summon a hot air balloon with Zyanya on board. Talk to Zyanya to start the challenge.



The hot air balloon will travel in a set path, and the objective is to shoot floating Hot Phlogiston Balloons along the way. There are two stages; the first has 13 stationary balloons, the second has 23 balloons that may move. The second stage also includes Exploding Barrels, which the player can shoot to pop multiple balloons at once. After each stage, any unpopped balloons will disappear.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Popping 16 Hot Phlogiston Balloons will yield a Common Chest.
  • Successfully popping all 36 Hot Phlogiston Balloons will grant the Wonders of the World achievement One Way Ride Through Target Town....
  • The hot air balloon ride is 2 minutes and 40 seconds long.
  • If the player prematurely leaves the challenge area, their score will not be tallied, and the game will behave as if that challenge never happened.
    • However, if the player became eligible for the Common Chest reward during that challenge, then it will still spawn after that challenge's timeframe ends. The game will still otherwise not recognize that challenge and behave as though it never happened, aside from not spawning more Common Chests.


Hot Phlogiston Balloon
Tutorial Hot Phlogiston Balloon
Hot air balloons that use gaseous Phlogiston to float. Some Phlogiston will be restored after bursting them.


(Begin the Target Balloon Challenge)
After a while, the training hot air balloon slowly approaches...
(Talk to Zyanya)
Zyanya: Oh, what do you say, dear guest? Ready to start the Target Balloon challenge?
Icon Dialogue Talk I’m ready!
Zyanya: Be sure to stand firm then, and take care not to fall!
(Challenge begins)
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe later...
Zyanya: Haha, alright, just let me know whenever you’re ready to begin...
(During first stage)
The first set of targets has appeared
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 01.ogg Zyanya: Hehe, let's go! In the Floating Target Balloons challenge, you basically want to hit as many balloons as possible.
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 02.ogg Zyanya: But watch out, because it's a little dangerous. There are no railings around the edge...
(When first balloon is popped)
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 03.ogg Zyanya: Ooh, looks like someone's an expert already!
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 04.ogg Zyanya: Since many of the Flower-Feather Clan have to fight while riding a Qucusaur, they have to be an excellent shot.
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 05.ogg Zyanya: That's why Floating Target Balloons is so popular with my people — a lot of them use it to practice.
(When 5th balloon is popped)
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 17.ogg Zyanya: Well, you've impressed me, that's for sure. I think you might even have an edge on Mr. Pixica...
(When 10th balloon is popped)
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 19.ogg Zyanya: Ooh, I didn't know you could do that...
(After first stage)
The first set of challenges has finished, targets have already disappeared
(During second stage)
The second set of targets has appeared
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 06.ogg Zyanya: Hey! Look over there!
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 07.ogg Zyanya: Saibou flies by whenever we wave the flag. He really likes hot air balloons, too!
(When 15th balloon is popped)
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 11.ogg Zyanya: Whoa, that was some excellent shooting!
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 12.ogg Zyanya: Only the most skilled shooters in the tribe manage what you just did. I guess you must have a lot of combat experience under your belt!
(When 20th balloon is popped)
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 03.ogg Zyanya: Ooh, looks like someone's an expert already!
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 04.ogg Zyanya: Since many of the Flower-Feather Clan have to fight while riding a Qucusaur, they have to be an excellent shot.
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 05.ogg Zyanya: That's why Floating Target Balloons is so popular with my people — a lot of them use it to practice.
(When 30th balloon is popped)
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 20.ogg Zyanya: You can do it! The challenge is almost over... Keep going!
(When 36th balloon is popped)
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 13.ogg Zyanya: I can't believe you hit all of the balloons! Honestly, I didn't think it was humanly possible.
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 14.ogg Zyanya: If you were one of our warriors, we'd have to crown you with a qucusaur wreath to celebrate!
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 15.ogg Zyanya: The only people in the tribe who can hope to obtain a wreath are the warriors with Ancient Names and a select few talented others.
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 16.ogg Zyanya: And actually, Mr. Pixica has one, too...
(After the challenge ends, if the player had the "Targets Left to Obtain Reward" objective during the challenge)
(If less than 16 balloons were popped)
Requirements for obtaining rewards not yet met
(If 16 or more balloons were popped)
Requirements for obtaining rewards already fulfilled
(A Common Chest Common Chest spawns)

Unsorted Voice-Overs[]

Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 08.ogg Zyanya: Hehe, alright, Saibou, that's enough! We're in the middle of something here... No, go on, get outta here!
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 09.ogg Zyanya: Oh no, that's a shame... Maybe the difficulty was too high?
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 10.ogg Zyanya: Well, I guess it's supposed to be a bit difficult — that's what makes it a challenge. But please come back and try again anytime you want!
Media:vo dialog tips ballon zyanya 18.ogg Zyanya: Wow, great shot! Almost makes me want to have a try...


  • The player can "Check" the signboard to see the current high score. Initially, it says "Recipient of the highest score in Floating Target Balloons: Zyanya, 20 pts."
    • If the player exceeds 20 points, the scoreboard will be updated with the player's name and score.
    • If the player did not attempt the challenge yet or has a score lower than 30, after Condition missing, the signboard is updated to: "Recipient of the highest score in Floating Target Balloons: Chasca, 30 pts."‍[verification needed]
    • Max obtainable score is 36 pts.
  • Chasca has an additional line of dialogue that plays after the first time this challenge is completed during a certain part of the Tribal Chronicles Quest The Wingless One of Tlalocan in Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers: Act I.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"Floating Target Balloon" Challenge
"Yóu Bǎ Qìqiú"
"Floating Target Balloons"
"Yóu Bǎ Qìqiú"
"Baruun Shuutingu"
"Balloon Shooting"
Korean「풍선 사격」
"Pungseon Sagyeok"
SpanishTiro al globo"Balloon Shooting"
FrenchDéfi des ballons-cibles flottantsFloating Target Balloon Challenge
Russian«Воздушный шар с плавающей мишенью»
"Vozdushnyy shar s plavayushchey mishen'yu"
GermanSchwebender Zielballon
Indonesian"Target Balon Udara"
Portuguese"Alvos Flutuantes"
ItalianPalloni Bersaglio VolantiFlying Target Balloons

Change History[]

