Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

Hello, Travelers!

The friend we're going to introduce today is a very exemplary general who is known as the "ever-victorious pointy-eared general"~

We've got the latest scoop on a new character, let's take a look~

>>>Learn More About Gorou<<<

Gorou is the great general of Watatsumi Island's forces, and he is deeply loved by his subordinates.

Born with a beast-like fighting intuition and tenacious will, he can find a way to victory even in the most critical moments.

The land that sustains us, the comrades who support us, the faith that encourages us to move forward... These are the most precious things for Gorou, to whom he devotes his loyalty and courage.

Within Gorou exists a soul as vast and reliable as the earth.

In Gorou's eyes, the people around him are not only his brave soldiers, they are also his beloved companions. They are like treasure to be cared for and protected.

Traveler, are there people or things you want to protect?

Event Duration[]

  • December 11, 2021 – December 15, 2021 23:59 (UTC+8)
  • Results: The list of winners will be updated in this event post on December 22.

How to Participate[]

During the event, comment on the post about the people or things you want to protect and you will be considered a successful participant.

Event Rewards[]

  • "Trick-or-Treat Party" Series Puzzle ×10 (Random)
  • We will randomly select 10 Travelers who successfully participated in the event to receive merchandise prizes~

*When the number of replies in the post exceeds 2,000, that is, when the number of replies reaches 2,001/4,001/6,001/8,001, the number of winners will be increased by 5, and the total number of additional winners will not exceed 30 (subsequent additional merchandise prizes will all be random emoji series badges).


  1. Travelers, please pay attention to System Messages, as information of merchandise prize-winners will be sent out via such messages. We ask prize-winners to provide their shipping address according to the prompts stated in the system message. Prize-winners who have not provided their address within one month after the system message is sent will be deemed to have voluntarily forfeited their prizes.
  2. Each Traveler is only eligible to receive one prize, and repeated comments are only counted once.
  3. Comments of the following nature will be regarded as invalid: comments with content that violates our Community Rules, comments that plagiarize or misappropriate the content of other creators, replying to a comment on the post (instead of commenting directly to the post itself) or creating a new post (instead of commenting on this post), comments with no relation to Genshin Impact and Gorou, comments that contain any form of advertising, and those which seek to spread malicious rumors or discredit the game and its characters.

Change History[]
