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Genshin Impact Viki
Icon Emoji 060 Sucrose Recording
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  1. Venture beyond the seal
    • Enter Confront Stormterror's Quest Domain: Storming Terror
    • The battle is split into two parts for the two crystals Dvalin has on his back.
  2. Ride the winds to defeat Dvalin
    • The party is fixed to the Traveler for this part, even if they are not in the party.
  3. Defeat Dvalin
    • Venti will be added to the party as a Trial Character

Oynanış notları[]

  • Healing foods can be used even during the aerial battle.
  • Barbara is not directly awarded from this quest, but rather from Baptism of Song, which can be found in the Events menu.
  • The Trounce Domain Memories: Confront Stormterror is already available at the start of this quest, despite the domain being a repeat of the second half of the Storming Terror domain. Completing Confront Stormterror first does not progress the quest.
  • Completing this quest grants the Winds Change Their Course.


UI Quest Görev Açıklaması

After a long and daring pursuit of Dvalin, who has been led astray by the Abyss Mages, you are about to finally confront him once and for all.
(During the first phase of the fight)
Venti: Look! There are two shiny spots on Dvalin's back!
Venti: They appear to be poisonous blood clots that have coagulated on his wounds...
Venti: The Abyss Order must have cursed the wounds. That's what's corrupting Dvalin's mind.
Venti: To save Dvalin, we're going to have to get rid of those blood clots.
Venti: Aim for those blood clots!
(After reaching roughly 60% HP)
Venti: Dvalin is getting away... but I am familiar with his tactics. Just hold on a bit longer.
Venti: I'll extract and condense the pure Anemo from the shots being fired.
Venti: Shattering them will create acceleration currents.
Venti: I can't control where they will appear, so keep your eyes peeled.
Venti: Shatter the condensed Anemo orbs to create acceleration currents.
Venti: I know it's hard to tell amidst the barrage of bullets, but this is the only way.
(After depleting Dvalin's HP)
Venti: Dvalin... I'm sorry this is hurting you... Hang on, just one more!

(During the second phase of the fight)
(Dvalin flies over to a circle of platforms, and Diluc, Jean, Venti, and the Traveler follow. Dvalin bursts up from the middle of the platforms to engage the party in battle.)
Venti: Now we can fight Dvalin on equal grounds. The grandest bard is here to help!
Venti: But first, let me be clear...
Venti: Even after hundreds of years without use, Dvalin's teeth and claws are still very dangerous.
(After Dvalin's shield bar is depleted and Dvalin becomes vulnerable)
Venti: Now is our chance! Aim for the tainted blood clot on his neck!
(If Dvalin uses Caelestinum Finale Termini)
Venti: A-ha, this is Dvalin's ace in the hole: Caelestinum Finale Termini!
Paimon: ...This dragon has strange taste when it comes to naming things.
Venti: I named it for him just now.
Paimon: Seriously!?
Venti: Well... Anyway, let's ride the wind currents and stay away from the breaking platforms.
Venti: The energy flooding out from the fissures will be hot. Be sure to watch your step.

(A cutscene plays)
(After defeating Stormterror, the platforms crumble and everyone loses their footing.)
Paimon: This place is gonna collapse!
(Dvalin rescues everyone from falling and flies away with everyone on his back)
Venti: It's been a while since we flew like this together, huh, Dvalin?
Dvalin: Just now... Why... Why did you not ask me to protect you like the last time?
Venti: Me not wanting you to listen to the Abyss Order doesn't mean that you have to listen to me.
Venti: Freedom, if demanded of you by an archon, is really no freedom at all.
Dvalin: Is this... the power of the Anemo Archon? But I am no longer part of the Four Winds.
Venti: Even if that's so, you still protected us regardless.
Venti: Now, spread your wings of freedom and go with my blessing.
(Dvalin brings everyone back to the City of Mondstadt. The scene cuts to Jean at her office desk.)
Jean: And so, the Stormterror threat was quelled.
Jean: I clarified the misunderstanding to the citizens of Mondstadt
Jean: and let them know that they are safe.
(The Traveler and Paimon, Diluc, and Venti are seen in various parts of the city)
Jean: To them it seems Stormterror attacked Mondstadt out of nowhere
Jean: and then vanished just as quickly.
Jean: They must be finding the whole ordeal very confusing.
Venti: However, winds change their course.
Venti: Someday, they will blow towards a brighter future.
(Cutscene ends)
Şablon:Black Screen


No. Müzik Adı Albüm Çaldığı Yer
52 Photon of Fluctuation City of Winds and Idylls

Diğer diller[]

DilResmî Adlandırma
Emoji TR Flag  TürkçeZorlu Görev
Emoji EN Flag  İngilizceA Long Shot
Emoji ZHS Flag  Çince
Wèile Qīngsè de Shēnyǐng
Emoji ZHT Flag  Çince
Wèile Qīngsè de Shēnyǐng
Emoji JA Flag  Japonca青の姿のために
Ao no Sugata no Tame ni
Emoji KO Flag  Korece푸른 그림자를 위해
Pureun Geurimjareul Wihae
Emoji ES Flag  İspanyolcaPara la sombra índigo
Emoji FR Flag  FransızcaPour l'ombre cyan
Emoji RU Flag  RusçaСиняя тень
Sinyaya ten'
Emoji TH Flag  Taycaเพื่อเงาสีฟ้านั่น
Phuea Ngao Si Fa Nan
Emoji VI Flag  VietnamcaVì Bóng Hình Màu Xanh
Emoji DE Flag  AlmancaFür einen dunklen Schatten
Emoji ID Flag  EndonesyacaDemi Bayang-bayang Hijau
Emoji PT Flag  PortekizceUma Sombra Azul
Emoji IT Flag  İtalyancaL'ombra azzurra

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