Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Tubby (ภาษาจีน: 阿圆 Ā Yuán) Teapot Spirit เป็น NPC ที่อาศัยอยู่ใน Serenitea Pot การพูดคุยกับ Tubby จะสามารถดูระดับความน่าเชื่อถือ, สร้างเฟอร์นิเจอร์, เปลี่ยนรูปแบบอาณาจักร, คลังสมบัติอาณาจักร, และฟีเจอร์อื่น ๆ ของ Serenitea Pot

Tubby เคยพูดถึงพลังเซียนของ Sub-Space Creation และยังเล่าว่าครั้งหนึ่งเขาได้พบกับเซียน ที่มีดวงตาสีทองอีกด้วย



สินค้าที่ถูกขายในร้านค้านี้จะถูกรีเฟรชในทุก ๆ สัปดาห์

ไอเทม Item Realm Currency
คลังสินค้า ราคา
ผ้า ผ้า ×5 10 50 500 2
Transient Resin Transient Resin 1,200 1 1,200 6
Hero's Wit Hero's Wit 120 20 2,400 8
Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore 60 40 2,400 8
Mora Mora ×10,000 120 20 2,400 8
Sanctifying Essence Sanctifying Essence 360 5 1,800 8
Sanctifying Unction Sanctifying Unction 90 20 1,800 8


สินค้าที่ถูกขายในร้านค้านี้จะถูกรีเฟรชในทุก ๆ วัน

ไอเทม Item Realm Currency
คลังสินค้า ราคา
Vial of Adeptal Speed Vial of Adeptal Speed 10 5 50
Fragrant Cedar Vegetable Rack Fragrant Cedar Vegetable Rack 60 3 180
Blooming Hedge Blooming Hedge 80 3 240
Ordinary Garden Hedge Ordinary Garden Hedge 80 3 240
"Concealing Leaves" "Concealing Leaves" 80 3 240
"Green Fountain" "Green Fountain" 80 3 240
"Kindletree" "Kindletree" 80 3 240
"Crystalfly's Perch" "Crystalfly's Perch" 80 3 240
"Southern Sweetleaves" "Southern Sweetleaves" 80 3 240
"Brightcrown Plumebush" "Brightcrown Plumebush" 80 3 240
"The Color of the Wind" "The Color of the Wind" 80 3 240
Silversand Coconut Tree Silversand Coconut Tree 80 3 240
Whitesand Coconut Tree Whitesand Coconut Tree 80 3 240
Tianheng Red Maple: Branches Aflame Tianheng Red Maple: Branches Aflame 80 3 240
Peculiar Knotwood Tree Peculiar Knotwood Tree 80 3 240
Yellow Sandbearer Tree Yellow Sandbearer Tree 80 3 240
Hiding Grazestone Hiding Grazestone 80 3 240
Recreation Stone Recreation Stone 80 3 240
Unmoving Kingstone Unmoving Kingstone 80 3 240
Ashen Stone Ashen Stone 80 3 240
Sartorial Stone Sartorial Stone 80 3 240
Moss-Covered Stone Moss-Covered Stone 80 3 240
Stratus-Cloud Stone Stratus-Cloud Stone 80 3 240
Stepping Stone Stepping Stone 80 3 240
Unprecedentedly Average Stone Unprecedentedly Average Stone 80 3 240
Mature Cuihua Tree Mature Cuihua Tree 80 3 240
Cuihua Sapling Cuihua Sapling 80 3 240
Tall Birch Tall Birch 80 3 240
Birch Sapling Birch Sapling 80 3 240
Golden Knotwood Tree Golden Knotwood Tree 80 3 240
Green Knotwood Tree Green Knotwood Tree 80 3 240
Amber Knotwood Tree Amber Knotwood Tree 80 3 240
Amber Irontrunk Tree Amber Irontrunk Tree 80 3 240
Golden Irontrunk Tree Golden Irontrunk Tree 80 3 240
Green Irontrunk Tree Green Irontrunk Tree 80 3 240
Qingce Heronleaf Bamboo Qingce Heronleaf Bamboo 80 3 240
Qingce Skysail Bamboo Qingce Skysail Bamboo 80 3 240
Qingce Jadestone Bamboo Qingce Jadestone Bamboo 80 3 240
Overgrown Wildvest Overgrown Wildvest 40 3 120
Hazel Wildvest Hazel Wildvest 40 3 120
Wine-Red Wildvest Wine-Red Wildvest 40 3 120
Moonlight Stone Moonlight Stone 80 3 240
Sunset Stone Sunset Stone 80 3 240
Scorched Stone Scorched Stone 80 3 240
Goldchime Stone Goldchime Stone 80 3 240
Goldbud Stone Goldbud Stone 80 3 240
Summer Solstice Rock Summer Solstice Rock 80 3 240
Formation Rock Formation Rock 80 3 240
"Dainty Fists" "Dainty Fists" 80 3 240
Chasm's Doorstep Chasm's Doorstep 80 3 240
Parched Stone Parched Stone 80 3 240
Golden Pearlroot Tree Golden Pearlroot Tree 80 3 240
Amber Pearlroot Tree Amber Pearlroot Tree 80 3 240
Withered Pearlroot Tree Withered Pearlroot Tree 80 3 240
Green Pearlroot Tree Green Pearlroot Tree 80 3 240
Profuse Smokeleaf Profuse Smokeleaf 40 3 120
Vivacious Smokeleaf Vivacious Smokeleaf 40 3 120
Profuse Lacquerleaf Profuse Lacquerleaf 40 3 120
Vivacious Lacquerleaf Vivacious Lacquerleaf 40 3 120
Profuse Awlking Profuse Awlking 40 3 120
Vivacious Awlking Vivacious Awlking 40 3 120
Luscious Bloom Luscious Bloom 40 3 120
Verdant Bloom Verdant Bloom 40 3 120
Meadow Bloom Meadow Bloom 40 3 120
Gemini Verdance Gemini Verdance 40 3 120
Gemini Jasmine Gemini Jasmine 40 3 120
"A Seat in the Wilderness" "A Seat in the Wilderness" 80 3 240
"Hunter's Vantage" "Hunter's Vantage" 80 3 240
"Prey's Cloak of Refuge" "Prey's Cloak of Refuge" 80 3 240
Verdurous Feast Verdurous Feast 80 3 240
Verdurous Waiter Verdurous Waiter 80 3 240
Adeptus Amber: A Striking Sight Adeptus Amber: A Striking Sight 120 3 360
Adeptus Amber: Trespassers Beware Adeptus Amber: Trespassers Beware 120 3 360
Forceful Tea Pine Forceful Tea Pine 40 3 120
Cyangrass Cyangrass 80 3 240
Stonenet Stonenet 80 3 240
Greenspire Greenspire 80 3 240
Verdant Ancient Verdant Ancient 80 3 240
Flower's First Blushing Bloom Flower's First Blushing Bloom 80 3 240
Doves the World Over, Repose Seeking Doves the World Over, Repose Seeking 80 3 240
The Precious Pink of Spring The Precious Pink of Spring 80 3 240
The Red Kite's Waking and Sleeping The Red Kite's Waking and Sleeping 80 3 240
The Wandering Bird Within The Wandering Bird Within 80 3 240
Sappan and Vermilion Enjoined Sappan and Vermilion Enjoined 80 3 240
Thoughts Beyond the Pale Thoughts Beyond the Pale 80 3 240
The Bellflower Bids the Gloom Farewell The Bellflower Bids the Gloom Farewell 80 3 240
The Aster's Sigh The Aster's Sigh 80 3 240
Melancholy, the Dewgrass Shadowing Melancholy, the Dewgrass Shadowing 80 3 240
Of Promises Unkept the Night Flowers Speak Of Promises Unkept the Night Flowers Speak 80 3 240
Trees of Azure Jade Trees of Azure Jade 80 3 240
Through White Foam the Jade Butterfly Soars Through White Foam the Jade Butterfly Soars 80 3 240
Scarlet-Scented Fan Dance Scarlet-Scented Fan Dance 80 3 240
A Thousand Petals of Red Glaze A Thousand Petals of Red Glaze 80 3 240
"Between Nine Steps" "Between Nine Steps" 120 3 360
Meditation Stone Meditation Stone 40 3 120
Wading Stones Wading Stones 40 3 120
Hot Spring Whitestone: Secret Fire Hot Spring Whitestone: Secret Fire 80 3 240
Weeping Stone Weeping Stone 80 3 240
Ardent Cinnabar Ardent Cinnabar 80 3 240
Sub-Space Boulder: Sky Range Sub-Space Boulder: Sky Range 80 3 240
Sub-Space Boulder: Solitude Sub-Space Boulder: Solitude 80 3 240
Sub-Space Boulder: Seat of Mist Sub-Space Boulder: Seat of Mist 80 3 240
Sub-Space Boulder: Floating Precipice Sub-Space Boulder: Floating Precipice 80 3 240
"Seal of the Provisional Head Priestess" "Seal of the Provisional Head Priestess" 80 3 240
Of Fields Green: Border of Dreams Of Fields Green: Border of Dreams 80 3 240
Of Fields Green: Starflower Fence Of Fields Green: Starflower Fence 80 3 240
Of Fields Green: Smoky Labyrinth Of Fields Green: Smoky Labyrinth 80 3 240
Of Fields Green: Fluttering Color Of Fields Green: Fluttering Color 80 3 240
Of Fields Green: Kitty Waiter Of Fields Green: Kitty Waiter 80 3 240
Of Fields Green: Velvet Chaperone Of Fields Green: Velvet Chaperone 80 3 240



ไอเทม Item Realm Currency
คลังสินค้า ราคา
Multi-Seat Round Pine TableIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Multi-Seat Round Pine Table 80 1 80
Wooden Restaurant SignboardIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Wooden Restaurant Signboard 80 1 80
Pine Dining ChairIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Pine Dining Chair 80 1 80
Well-Worn SwordIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Well-Worn Sword 80 1 80
Mounted Record BoardIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Mounted Record Board 80 1 80
Straw HutIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Straw Hut 80 1 80
Straw DepotIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Straw Depot 80 1 80
Straw ShedIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Straw Shed 80 1 80
Doorless Pine CupboardIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Doorless Pine Cupboard 80 1 80
Long Pine TableIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Long Pine Table 80 1 80
Fir ShelvesIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Fir Shelves 80 1 80
Fir Weapon RackIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Fir Weapon Rack 80 1 80
Messy Pile of Fir CratesIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Messy Pile of Fir Crates 80 1 80
Neat Stack of Fir KegsIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Neat Stack of Fir Kegs 80 1 80
Simple Cargo CartIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Simple Cargo Cart 80 1 80
Heavy Hay BaleIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Heavy Hay Bale 80 1 80
Storage Sack: Buzz-Off BagIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Storage Sack: Buzz-Off Bag 80 1 80
Old WellIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Old Well 80 1 80
Weathered Bamboo FenceIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Weathered Bamboo Fence 80 1 80
Smooth Wooden BenchIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Smooth Wooden Bench 80 1 80
Smooth Stone BenchIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Smooth Stone Bench 80 1 80
Timber Wall With Jade EavesIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Timber Wall With Jade Eaves 160 1 160
Dark Wood Arch WallIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Dark Wood Arch Wall 160 1 160
Traditional Cedar FlooringIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Traditional Cedar Flooring 160 1 160
Colorful Checkered TileIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Colorful Checkered Tile 160 1 160
Checkered Cedar CeilingIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Checkered Cedar Ceiling 160 1 160
Dark Checkered CeilingIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Dark Checkered Ceiling 160 1 160
Two-Tier Candle ChandelierIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Two-Tier Candle Chandelier 160 1 160
Eight-Sided Lantern: Lucky DayIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Eight-Sided Lantern: Lucky Day 160 1 160
Six-Sided Lantern: Harmony in FriendshipIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Six-Sided Lantern: Harmony in Friendship 160 1 160
"Night of the Party Pumpkins"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Night of the Party Pumpkins" 160 1 160
Favonius Office TableIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Favonius Office Table 160 1 160
Favonius Conference TableIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Favonius Conference Table 160 1 160
Long Table With TableclothIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Long Table With Tablecloth 160 1 160
Red Cedar Round TableIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Red Cedar Round Table 160 1 160
Northern Stone HearthIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Northern Stone Hearth 160 1 160
"Clear Blue Afternoon"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Clear Blue Afternoon" 160 1 160
"Unwavering Determination"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Unwavering Determination" 160 1 160
Red Pine Wood Round StoolIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Red Pine Wood Round Stool 160 1 160
Trusty Portable LampIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Trusty Portable Lamp 160 1 160
Sturdy Birch VanityIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Sturdy Birch Vanity 160 1 160
Mondstadt Rug: Crimson ArdorIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Mondstadt Rug: Crimson Ardor 160 1 160
Mondstadt Rug: Tireless SearchIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Mondstadt Rug: Tireless Search 160 1 160
Rally BannerIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Rally Banner 160 1 160
Pure Spirit BannerIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Pure Spirit Banner 160 1 160
Neat Stack of BooksIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Neat Stack of Books 160 1 160
"Scholar's Weariness"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Scholar's Weariness" 160 1 160
"Etiquette of Correspondence"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Etiquette of Correspondence" 160 1 160
Exquisite Hourglass OrnamentIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Exquisite Hourglass Ornament 160 1 160
Flower Arrangement: Baby Blue TranquilityIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Flower Arrangement: Baby Blue Tranquility 160 1 160
Potted Plant: Crystalline BreezeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze 160 1 160
Potted Flower: Fragrant FacadeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Potted Flower: Fragrant Facade 160 1 160
Alchemic Device: Between Fire and WaterIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Alchemic Device: Between Fire and Water 160 1 160
Alchemic Component: Burden of DustIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Alchemic Component: Burden of Dust 160 1 160
Potted Plant: Petite PerrenialIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Potted Plant: Petite Perrenial 160 1 160
Golden Triple-Arm CandelabrumIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Golden Triple-Arm Candelabrum 160 1 160
Breeze-Blessed BedIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Breeze-Blessed Bed 160 1 160
Cloudy Haze BedIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Cloudy Haze Bed 160 1 160
Large Birch WardrobeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Large Birch Wardrobe 160 1 160
Birch Double Drawer NightstandIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Birch Double Drawer Nightstand 160 1 160
Gold-Lined Sandbearer NightstandIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand 160 1 160
Gold-Lined Sandbearer WardrobeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Gold-Lined Sandbearer Wardrobe 160 1 160
Seashell Table LampIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Seashell Table Lamp 160 1 160
Bustling Sundry StandIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Bustling Sundry Stand 160 1 160
Real Deal Fruit StandIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Real Deal Fruit Stand 160 1 160
Open-Air WorkshopIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Open-Air Workshop 240 1 240
Bountiful Harvest Fruit CartIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Bountiful Harvest Fruit Cart 160 1 160
Country Home With Tall AtticIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Country Home With Tall Attic 160 1 160
"Traveling Merchant North of the Stone Gate"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Traveling Merchant North of the Stone Gate" 160 1 160
Roll-Roofed Fruit and Vegetable CartIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Roll-Roofed Fruit and Vegetable Cart 160 1 160
Liyue House: Solitary RetreatIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Liyue House: Solitary Retreat 160 1 160
Heavy Fir Forging TableIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Heavy Fir Forging Table 160 1 160
Large Stone MillIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Large Stone Mill 160 1 160
Hardwood Weapon RackIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Hardwood Weapon Rack 160 1 160
Sturdy Stone WellIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Sturdy Stone Well 160 1 160
Wine Jar With Bamboo Casing: Spirits Awaiting MoonriseIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Wine Jar With Bamboo Casing: Spirits Awaiting Moonrise 160 1 160
Potted Plant: Verdant VastnessIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Potted Plant: Verdant Vastness 160 1 160
Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest BountiesIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties 160 1 160
Wine Shop Display Counter: To Your Heart's ContentIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Wine Shop Display Counter: To Your Heart's Content 160 1 160
Crude Double-Decker PalletIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Crude Double-Decker Pallet 160 1 160
Farmer's ScarecrowIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Farmer's Scarecrow 160 1 160
Fruit Seller's CautionIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Fruit Seller's Caution 160 1 160
Fruit Seller's ToilIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Fruit Seller's Toil 160 1 160
Wooden Hilichurl FenceIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Wooden Hilichurl Fence 80 1 80
Hilichurl Totem FenceIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Hilichurl Totem Fence 80 1 80
Hilichurl Archery TargetIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Hilichurl Archery Target 160 1 160
Hilichurl Horned PotIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Hilichurl Horned Pot 160 1 160
Bamboo Outdoor Tea TableIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Bamboo Outdoor Tea Table 160 1 160
Water-Retaining Flower BedsIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Water-Retaining Flower Beds 160 1 160
Lush GrapevineIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Lush Grapevine 160 1 160
Wrought Iron Carved Street LightIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Wrought Iron Carved Street Light 160 1 160
Evil-Repelling Lantern: All-Around LightingIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Evil-Repelling Lantern: All-Around Lighting 160 1 160
Four Corners Lantern: Amity From AfarIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Four Corners Lantern: Amity From Afar 160 1 160
Shadow Lamp: Painted ShadowIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Shadow Lamp: Painted Shadow 160 1 160
Soft Lounge SofaIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Soft Lounge Sofa 240 1 240
Economy Cuihua BookshelfIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Economy Cuihua Bookshelf 240 1 240
"Archivist's Treasure Trove"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Archivist's Treasure Trove" 240 1 240
Birch Main Courtyard GateIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Birch Main Courtyard Gate 240 1 240
Carved Courtyard Fence EndingIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Carved Courtyard Fence Ending 240 1 240
Carved Courtyard FenceIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Carved Courtyard Fence 240 1 240
Wing House: Dawn & DuskIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Wing House: Dawn & Dusk 240 1 240
Pavilion: Stargazer's ShelterIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Pavilion: Stargazer's Shelter 240 1 240
Scenic Corridor: Sylvan StrollIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Scenic Corridor: Sylvan Stroll 240 1 240
Courtyard Wall: Spring and Autumn SplendorIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Courtyard Wall: Spring and Autumn Splendor 240 1 240
Wall Corner: Fragrant NookIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Wall Corner: Fragrant Nook 240 1 240
Courtyard Wall: All in a RowIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Courtyard Wall: All in a Row 240 1 240
Courtyard Wall: Peace AcrossIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Courtyard Wall: Peace Across 240 1 240
Main Entrance: Gateway to the CloudsIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Main Entrance: Gateway to the Clouds 240 1 240
Perimeter Wall: Scenic ArchwayIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Perimeter Wall: Scenic Archway 240 1 240
Sturdy Wooden BarrelIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Sturdy Wooden Barrel 80 1 80
Soil-Carrying Wooden BarrelIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Soil-Carrying Wooden Barrel 80 1 80
Newly Grown GrapevinesIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Newly Grown Grapevines 160 1 160
Simple Wooden FenceIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Simple Wooden Fence 80 1 80
Half-Constructed FenceIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Half-Constructed Fence 80 1 80
Tall Wooden PoleIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Tall Wooden Pole 80 1 80
Temporary Work QuartersIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Temporary Work Quarters 80 1 80
Wood BundleIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Wood Bundle 80 1 80
Rainproof Fir Cargo ContainerIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Rainproof Fir Cargo Container 160 1 160
Countryside Tea StandIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Countryside Tea Stand 160 1 160
"The Adventurer's Treasures"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "The Adventurer's Treasures" 160 1 160
Stone Cup-Shaped PoolIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Stone Cup-Shaped Pool 160 1 160
Glazed Porcelain Tea Set: "Embracing Truth"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Glazed Porcelain Tea Set: "Embracing Truth" 160 1 160
Amidst Poetic Pondering Blueprint: Amidst Poetic Pondering 240 1 240
Amidst Whispering Winds Blueprint: Amidst Whispering Winds 240 1 240
Feiyun Study Room Blueprint: Feiyun Study Room 240 1 240
Cloudy Haze Dream-Court Blueprint: Cloudy Haze Dream-Court 240 1 240
Secret Research Lab Blueprint: Secret Research Lab 240 1 240
Cottage Kitchen Blueprint: Cottage Kitchen 240 1 240
Weapon Forging Station Blueprint: Weapon Forging Station 240 1 240
Idyllic Town Blueprint: Idyllic Town 240 1 240
Bird and Blossom Park Blueprint: Bird and Blossom Park 240 1 240
Gathering of Gourmets Blueprint: Gathering of Gourmets 240 1 240
Glittering Street Blueprint: Glittering Street 240 1 240
Qingce Cloud Residence Blueprint: Qingce Cloud Residence 240 1 240
Of Hunting and Dancing Blueprint: Of Hunting and Dancing 240 1 240
Iter Ad Astra Abyssosque Blueprint: Iter Ad Astra Abyssosque 240 1 240
Dawn Orchard Blueprint: Dawn Orchard 240 1 240
Embroidered Lantern: Lofty GrandeurIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Embroidered Lantern: Lofty Grandeur 240 1 240
Embroidered CurtainsIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Embroidered Curtains 240 1 240
Silk Curtains: Fetching the Sanguine SkyIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Silk Curtains: Fetching the Sanguine Sky 240 1 240
Floral Screen: Jade and GoldIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Floral Screen: Jade and Gold 240 1 240
Thundering Heavens DrumIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Thundering Heavens Drum 240 1 240
Tasseled Lantern: Deck the StreetsIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets 240 1 240
Lantern-Lit Stage: CrescendoIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Lantern-Lit Stage: Crescendo 240 1 240
"Feather-Light Praise"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Feather-Light Praise" 240 1 240
"The Blue Ocean's Treasure"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "The Blue Ocean's Treasure" 240 1 240
"Witch's Chorus"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Witch's Chorus" 240 1 240
"A Guide in the Summer Woods"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "A Guide in the Summer Woods" 160 1 160
"A Messenger in the Summer Woods"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "A Messenger in the Summer Woods" 160 1 160
"Pure Gorgeous Summer"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Pure Gorgeous Summer" 240 1 240
Otogi Wood Ramen StandIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Otogi Wood Ramen Stand 160 1 160
"Three Reaches Bright"Icon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Three Reaches Bright" 160 1 160
Whitestone "Meichuu" Standing LampIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Whitestone "Meichuu" Standing Lamp 160 1 160
Otogi "Meichuu" Standing LampIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Otogi "Meichuu" Standing Lamp 160 1 160
Foundations of Stone: Path of CultivationIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Foundations of Stone: Path of Cultivation 160 1 160
Foundations of Stone: Timely ArrivalIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Foundations of Stone: Timely Arrival 160 1 160
Foundations of Stone: Double-TimeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Foundations of Stone: Double-Time 160 1 160
Maple Wood Vaulted WallIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Maple Wood Vaulted Wall 160 1 160
Maple Wood Square CeilingIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Maple Wood Square Ceiling 160 1 160
Brown Maple FlooringIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Brown Maple Flooring 160 1 160
Veranda Corner: Pavilion's WatchIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Veranda Corner: Pavilion's Watch 240 1 240
Inazuman Mansion: As OneIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Inazuman Mansion: As One 240 1 240
Inazuman Workshop: Exhaustive RegularityIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Inazuman Workshop: Exhaustive Regularity 160 1 160
Inazuman Home: Routine DimensionsIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Inazuman Home: Routine Dimensions 160 1 160
Inazuman Workshop: MultipurposeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Inazuman Workshop: Multipurpose 160 1 160
Inazuman Home: Clanking MetalIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Inazuman Home: Clanking Metal 160 1 160
Inazuman Workshop: Sweetness SoughtIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Inazuman Workshop: Sweetness Sought 160 1 160
Inazuman Home: Irreplaceable ForesightIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Inazuman Home: Irreplaceable Foresight 160 1 160
Inazuman Official Residence: ForcefulnessIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness 240 1 240
Camp Watchtower: ViewportIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Camp Watchtower: Viewport 160 1 160
Camp Tent: Timely TacticsIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Camp Tent: Timely Tactics 240 1 240
Camp Dwelling: Shoring UpIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Camp Dwelling: Shoring Up 160 1 160
Camp Gate: FealtyIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Camp Gate: Fealty 160 1 160
Encampment Fence: Jagged TeethIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Encampment Fence: Jagged Teeth 160 1 160
Encampment Fence: Decisive JudgmentIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Encampment Fence: Decisive Judgment 160 1 160
Encampment Fence: Honing GoadIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Encampment Fence: Honing Goad 160 1 160
Shrine Hall: Gentle WishesIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Shrine Hall: Gentle Wishes 240 1 240
Shrine Annex: Pleased to ServeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Shrine Annex: Pleased to Serve 240 1 240
Shrine Corridor: Sakura-Dusted PathIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Shrine Corridor: Sakura-Dusted Path 240 1 240
Shrine Corridor: Vermilion GazeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Shrine Corridor: Vermilion Gaze 240 1 240
Estate Reception: Prim and ProperIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Reception: Prim and Proper 240 1 240
Estate Gate: Windy DoorsIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Gate: Windy Doors 240 1 240
Estate Corridor: Onward With EaseIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Corridor: Onward With Ease 240 1 240
Estate Courtyard Corner: Measured HarmonyIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Courtyard Corner: Measured Harmony 240 1 240
Estate Storehouse: We Have ReservesIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Storehouse: We Have Reserves 240 1 240
Estate Courtyard Wall: StoneguardIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Courtyard Wall: Stoneguard 240 1 240
Estate Courtyard Wall: Harmonious CornerIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Courtyard Wall: Harmonious Corner 240 1 240
Estate Courtyard Wall: Hidden BoundaryIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Courtyard Wall: Hidden Boundary 240 1 240
Estate Wall Corner: Old City PalisadeIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Estate Wall Corner: Old City Palisade 240 1 240
Yumemiru "Juunen" Street LampIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Yumemiru "Juunen" Street Lamp 160 1 160
Aralia "Renzou" Street LampIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Aralia "Renzou" Street Lamp 160 1 160
Narukami's BannerIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Narukami's Banner 160 1 160
Camp Bow-Rack: FletchingIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Camp Bow-Rack: Fletching 160 1 160
Camp Spear-Rack: Point BreakIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Camp Spear-Rack: Point Break 160 1 160
Red-Iron CoralIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Red-Iron Coral 160 1 160
Glowstone ParasolIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Glowstone Parasol 160 1 160
Otogi "Rikuyou" Wooden BarrelIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Otogi "Rikuyou" Wooden Barrel 80 1 80
Village Well: Underground SpringIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Village Well: Underground Spring 160 1 160
"Kyuukou" Otogi Flower TerraceIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Kyuukou" Otogi Flower Terrace 160 1 160
"Sanzai" Otogi Flower TerraceIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Sanzai" Otogi Flower Terrace 160 1 160
"Henji" Aralia NoticeboardIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: "Henji" Aralia Noticeboard 80 1 80
Replica Ancient Otogi KegIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Replica Ancient Otogi Keg 80 1 80
Teahouse Vessel: Scent-SealerIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Teahouse Vessel: Scent-Sealer 160 1 160
Teahouse Cushion: Night-WovenIcon Furnishing Blueprint Blueprint: Teahouse Cushion: Night-Woven 80 1 80
Cast in Clay