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Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 02 Qiqi 2
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Event Stages, Stratagems, Event Shop
Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 06 Rosaria 4





イベント期間 開始時間 終了時間
第一段階 2.7バージョンアップ後
(2022/05/31 11:00 UTC+8)
2022/06/20 04:59
第二段階 2022/06/01 05:00
第三段階 2022/06/02 05:00
第四段階 2022/06/03 05:00
イベント商店開放期間 2.7バージョンアップ後
(2022/05/31 11:00 UTC+8)
2022/06/27 04:59



  • イベント期間中、層岩巨淵に行き、深淵の謎を調査してください。イベント内の様々な課題をクリアして、原石知恵の冠武器突破素材天賦育成素材仕上げ用魔鉱大英雄の経験モラなどの報酬を手に入れましょう。特定の「詭域戦境」をクリアすると、イベント限定武器「落霞」(弓)とその精錬素材を入手することができる。
  • イベント期間中、魔神任務、間章第二幕は、「険路怪跡」のイベントフェイズで開放される。イベント開始から3日間は、毎日新しい段階が開放される。対応する冒険ランクに到達し、前提任務をクリアすることで、「魔神任務、間章第二幕は、「険路怪跡」」をイベント内でお楽しみください。
  • Interact with a mysterious wooden board in a specific place to visit the Realms of Guile and War and take part in the combat challenge. In the "険路怪跡" event, Travelers can challenge 4 "Realms of Guile and War," of which the 4th will only unlock once the previous 3 have been completed.
  • Each Realm of Guile and War has 3 challenge difficulties. Completing higher difficulties will not only allow you to collect the corresponding rewards, but rewards at lower difficulties as well.
  • Complete challenges in the Realms of Guile and War to claim event-exclusive weapon 落霞 (Bow) and its refinement material, 幽々たる砥石, 原石s, Weapon Ascension Materials, モラ, and other rewards. 幽々たる砥石 can be exchanged in the Event Shop for rewards such as the event-exclusive Weapon Refinement Material, 知恵の冠, Weapon Ascension Materials, Talent Level-Up Materials, 仕上げ用魔鉱, 大英雄の経験, etc.


Tutorial Perilous Trail 1
Interact with a mysterious wooden board in a specific place to visit the Realms of Guile and War and take part in the combat challenge.

Tutorial Perilous Trail 2
You must continuously defeat opponents within the Realms of Guile and War. Complete 3 challenges to finish 1 combat round. When each combat round ends, your progress will automatically be saved.
If you fail or leave mid-battle, you will start from the first battle of the last combat round you were at by default.

Tutorial Perilous Trail 3
When each combat round ends and 3 challenges are completed, the current party setup must be adjusted. Only one member of the current party can be selected to continue on, the rest cannot be deployed again.

Tutorial Perilous Trail 4
You can equip a maximum of 3 Stratagems per combat round that will provide buffs in battle.
When each combat round ends, 5 Stratagems will be drawn out at random to be used in the next round.
You may consume Stratagem Shards to redraw Stratagems or to select a previously equipped Stratagem for continued use.

Tutorial Perilous Trail 5
When each combat round ends and 3 challenges are completed, the current party setup must be adjusted. 2 random members of the current party will be rendered unable to proceed, while everyone else can continue on.

Tutorial Perilous Trail 6
When each combat round ends and 3 challenges are completed, the current party setup must be adjusted. All party members will have to recuperate for 1 round. During this time, they will not be able to be deployed again.

Tutorial Perilous Trail 7
When each combat round ends and 3 challenges are completed, the current party setup must be adjusted. Only one member of the current party can be selected to continue on, while everyone else will enter recuperation mode for 2 rounds, within which they cannot be deployed into battle.

Lurking Peril[]

挑戦 報酬
原石 60
モラ 30,000
大英雄の経験 3
原石 60
モラ 30,000
大英雄の経験 3
原石 60
モラ 30,000
大英雄の経験 3

詭域戦境 Icon Realms of Guile and War[]

  • 旅人は4つの「詭域戦境」に挑戦することができ、そのうちの4つ目は前の3つをクリアしないと解除されません。
  • 詭域戦境の各戦境には、3つの難易度が設定されている。高い難易度をクリアすると、その難易度に応じた報酬を獲得できるだけでなく、低い難易度の報酬も獲得することができる。

Stage 1: 危懸奇哨の庭[]

Chasmic Mazeを完成させ、ロックを解除する。


Stage 2: 紆余曲折の籠[]

Complete Danger All Around to unlock.


Stage 3: 明暮逆乱の地[]

Complete At Tunnel's End, Light to unlock.


Stage 4: 奇絶怪絶の境[]

Complete At Tunnel's End, Light to unlock.



A maximum of 3 Stratagems can be equipped per combat round that will provide buffs in battle. When each combat round ends, 5 Stratagems will be drawn out at random to be used in the next round. Stratagem Shards may consumed to redraw Stratagems or to select a previously equipped Stratagem for continued use.

Name Rarity Description
Perilous Trail Stratagem Assurance Assurance 4 The active character's ATK SPD will be increased by 30%. When hitting opponents, their Normal Attack will restore HP to them, the amount of which is equal to 5% of their Max HP. This effect can be triggered once per 3s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Perpetual Valor Perpetual Valor 4 The active character's Charged Attack no longer consumes stamina and its DMG will be increased by 40%. Character's resistance to interruption is greatly increased when performing a Charged Attack.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Tactical Deployment Tactical Deployment 4 After entering combat, non-active party members will regenerate 3 Elemental Energy per second.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Galeforce Galeforce 4 Greatly enhances the characters' jumping ability. Characters' Plunging Attacks generate a Cyclone at your position upon hitting opponents, attracting ones that are nearby. This effect can be triggered once every 2s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem The Golden Ploy The Golden Ploy 4 Characters' Geo constructs intermittently unleash shockwaves that deal True Geo DMG to nearby opponents. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Leading From the Front Leading From the Front 4 CRIT Rate will be increased by 30% when the active character deals DMG to opponents while having 100% Elemental Energy.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Set Arrangements Set Arrangements 4 The CD for switching characters is extended to 6s. When a character takes the stage, their Normal Attack Speed and Movement SPD will be increased by 15%, HP recovered by 15%, and Elemental Energy recovered to 100%. Their interruption resistance will be greatly enhanced.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Abundant Regeneration Abundant Regeneration 4 When an active character is recovering HP, there will be a lingering wave lasting for 4s that records the HP recovered for all party members (including overflow healing). The lingering wave will be followed by a shockwave which deals 60% of the accumulated healing as DMG to surrounding opponents. There will be up to one lingering wave in every 4s, which is capable of recording up to 80000 recovery (including overflow recovery).
Perilous Trail Stratagem Thunderstruck Thunderstruck 3 After the active character's Normal Attack hits an opponent, their Normal Attack DMG will be increased by 15%. This effect can be triggered once every 0.1s, lasts for 5s, and stacks up to 4 times. Each stack's duration is independent.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Transfixing Strike Transfixing Strike 3 After the active character's Charged Attacks hit an opponent, their Charged Attack DMG will be increased by 20%. This effect can be triggered once in every 0.1s, lasts for 8s, and stacks up to 3 times. The duration of this effect will be refreshed every time it is triggered.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Meteor Blitz Meteor Blitz 3 When the active character's Charged Attacks hit an opponent, they will generate 1 Elemental Particle to recover 2 Elemental Energy. This effect can be triggered once every 1s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Tidal Might Tidal Might 3 After the active character's Plunging Attack hits opponents, their Plunging Attack DMG will be increased by 20%. This effect lasts for 8s, stacks up to 3 times, and can be triggered once every 0.1s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Scattering Light Scattering Light 3 When the active character's Plunging Attack deals DMG to opponents, 3 Elemental Energy and 3% of their Max HP will be restored to them. This effect can be triggered every 1.5s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Unity Unity 3 After a character uses their Elemental Burst, all party members' Elemental Burst DMG will be increased by 50% for 6s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Transience Transience 3 When opponents take Electro-Charged DMG, their and RES is decreased by 40% for 5s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Swift Lethality Swift Lethality 3 Party members' and DMG will be increased by 20% for every or character in the party.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Fortbreaker Fortbreaker 3 When the active character obtains Crystallize shards, their DMG will be increased by 50% for 6s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Shield Counter Shield Counter 3 Character Shield Strength will be increased by 40%. A backlash will occur when opponents hit a character protected by a shield, dealing AoE DMG to nearby opponents. This effect can be triggered once

every 5s.

Perilous Trail Stratagem Surpassing Form Surpassing Form 3 After a character's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, their Elemental Skill DMG will be increased by 50% for 6s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Ingenious Adaptation Ingenious Adaptation 3 When recovering HP, a character's Max HP will be increased by 60% for 6s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Assault Fanfare Assault Fanfare 3 When a character with HP higher than 70% is recovering HP, their ATK will be increased by 80% for 5s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Dire Resolve Dire Resolve 3 After entering battle, the active character's CRIT DMG will be increased by 80% when they deal DMG. They will also constantly lose HP based on 3% of their Max HP every second.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Inexorable Force Inexorable Force 3 All party members' Normal Attack and Charged Attack gain a 50% All Elemental DMG Bonus.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Untamed Wind Untamed Wind 3 When a character triggers a Swirl Reaction, all party members gain a 80% Anemo DMG Bonus for 8s.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Immaculate Immaculate 3 When the party members are using 3 or more different types of weapons, all party members' ATK will be increased by 60%.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Superlative Superlative 3 Increases all party members' Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst Level by 1. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Swagger Swagger 3 When on the field, the character's ATK DMG will be increased by 25% every 3s. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
Perilous Trail Stratagem Stunning Stunning 3 After the active character's Normal Attack hits an opponent for 3 times, they will unleash a shockwave at the opponent's position that deals AoE DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 2s.


アイテム Item Moonlit Cragstone在庫総費用
知恵の冠 知恵の冠5001500
霞色の宝珠 霞色の宝珠80021,600
孤雲寒林の輝岩 孤雲寒林の輝岩1512180
孤雲寒林の聖骸 孤雲寒林の聖骸454180
霧海雲間の水銀 霧海雲間の水銀1512180
霧海雲間の金丹 霧海雲間の金丹454180
漆黒の隕鉄の一片 漆黒の隕鉄の一片1512180
漆黒の隕鉄の一角 漆黒の隕鉄の一角454180
「繁栄」の導き 「繁栄」の導き209180
「繁栄」の哲学 「繁栄」の哲学603180
「勤労」の導き 「勤労」の導き209180
「勤労」の哲学 「勤労」の哲学603180
「黄金」の導き 「黄金」の導き209180
「黄金」の哲学 「黄金」の哲学603180
大英雄の経験 大英雄の経験1060600
仕上げ用魔鉱 仕上げ用魔鉱560300
モラ モラ ×10,0001060600

Basic Mode[]

Perilous Trail Event Basic Mode

Basic Mode (also known as Quick Start) was introduced in Hues of the Violet Garden. Players who have completed the minimum requirements can use Basic Mode to begin participating in the event before completing the recommended prerequisite quests.

Players who use Basic Mode participate in the same event as all other players and will not miss anything. The story and dialogue will also be the same, even if they are incongruous with the player's progression outside of the event.


このイベントでは、虞淵紀行に「シーズン任務期間」の紀行任務が追加されました。これらの任務で得られる紀行経験(BP EXP)は、1週間の経験値制限である10,000紀行経験値にはカウントされない。

任務紀行経験 紀行経験
[イベント] 「険路怪跡」において、「ノーマル」難易度の「危懸奇哨の庭」をクリア1,200
[イベント] 「険路怪跡」において、「ノーマル」難易度の「紆余曲折の籠」をクリア1,200
[イベント] 「険路怪跡」において、「ノーマル」難易度の「明暮逆乱の地」をクリア1,500
[イベント] 「険路怪跡」において、「ノーマル」難易度の「奇絶怪絶の境」をクリア1,500


原石 990 原石
モラ 1,260,000 モラ


35猛然たる風雷千岩の眺望険路怪跡 (バトル)



Kenro Kaiseki[!][!]
Wēitú Yízōng
Wéitú Yízōng
英語Perilous Trail
韓国語위험위험 , 수상수상 발자취
Wiheomhan Gil, Susanghan Baljachwi
スペイン語Senderos Peligrosos
フランス語Sentier périlleux
ロシア語Опасная тропа
Opasnaya tropa
Rongroi Phitwong Bon Senthang Antrai
ベトナム語Lộ TrìnhLộ Trình Nguy HiểmNguy Hiểm
ドイツ語Unheilvoller Pfad
インドネシア語Jalur Berbahaya
ポルトガル語Trilha Perigosa
トルコ語Tehlikeli Yol
イタリア語Sentiero insidioso


Sen sakai[!][!]
Jué Yù Zhàn Jìng
Jué Yù Zhàn Jìng
英語Realms of Guile and War
韓国語기만과 전투의 영역
Giman-gwa Jeontu-ui Yeong'yeok
スペイン語Territorio estratégico
フランス語Royaume des tactiques
ロシア語Королевства лжи и раздора
Korolevstva lzhi i razdora
ベトナム語Chiến Cảnh Dị Vực
ドイツ語Schlachtfeld der Listen und Kriege
インドネシア語Alam Ratapan dan Peperangan
ポルトガル語Trilha Traiçoeira

