釣り糸安定装置は、釣り協会のメンバーから グッピー ×3で購入できる便利アイテムである。
- パワーがない(0~3匹しか釣れない): 何も変わらない
- パワーが弱い(4~15匹釣れる): 釣果がやや早くなる。張力区間以外での進行の遅れがやや減少。
- フルパワー(16匹以上釣れた): 釣りのスピードが適度に上がる。完璧張力区間の外では、まだ進行度が上がる。

When you obtain the Fishing Line Stabilizer from the various Fishing Associations around the world, you can use it to assist in fishing.
The Fishing Line Stabilizer will be activated by default. You can actively choose to activate or deactivate the assistance of the Stabilizer.
The Fishing Line Stabilizer will be activated by default. You can actively choose to activate or deactivate the assistance of the Stabilizer.
When you obtain the Fishing Line Stabilizer from the various Fishing Associations around the world, you can use it to assist in fishing.
The Fishing Line Stabilizer will be activated by default. You can actively choose to activate or deactivate the assistance of the Stabilizer.
The Fishing Line Stabilizer will be activated by default. You can actively choose to activate or deactivate the assistance of the Stabilizer.

While you are capturing certain fish, you will obtain certain buffs based on the number of fish of this species that you have caught in the past. For example, when you are within the Ideal Tension Zone, your fishing will progress faster.
A Stabilizer at full power can even allow fishing to progress when you are not within the Ideal Tension Zone.
If you would like to check the fish species that you have caught, you may visit Archive > Living Beings.
A Stabilizer at full power can even allow fishing to progress when you are not within the Ideal Tension Zone.
If you would like to check the fish species that you have caught, you may visit Archive > Living Beings.
While you are capturing certain fish, you will obtain certain buffs based on the number of fish of this species that you have caught in the past. For example, when you are within the Ideal Tension Zone, your fishing will progress faster.
A Stabilizer at full power can even allow fishing to progress when you are not within the Ideal Tension Zone.
If you would like to check the fish species that you have caught, you may visit Archive > Living Beings.
A Stabilizer at full power can even allow fishing to progress when you are not within the Ideal Tension Zone.
If you would like to check the fish species that you have caught, you may visit Archive > Living Beings.
- 便利アイテムを購入する前に釣った魚もカウントしている。
- 観賞魚の釣果もオリジナルでカウントしている。
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 釣り糸安定装置 Tsuri-ito Antei Souchi | Fishing Line Stabilization Device |
中国語 (簡体字) | 鱼线稳定器 Yúxiàn Wěndìng-qì | Fishing Line Stabilizer |
中国語 (繁体字) | 魚線穩定器 Yúxiàn Wěndìng-qì | |
英語 | Fishing Line Stabilizer | — |
韓国語 | 낚싯줄 안정안정 장치장치 Naksitjul Anjeong Jangchi | Fishing Line Stabilization Device |
スペイン語 | Estabilizador de pesca | |
フランス語 | Stabilisateur de ligne de pêche | Fishing Line Stabilizer |
ロシア語 | Стабилизатор лески Stabilizator leski | Fishing Line Stabilizer |
タイ語 | ตัวปรับสายเอ็นตกปลา | |
ベトナム語 | Máy Ổn Định Dây Câu | |
ドイツ語 | Angelschnur-Stabilisator | Fishing Line Stabilizer |
インドネシア語 | Fishing Line Stabilizer | — |
ポルトガル語 | Estabilizador de Linha de Pesca |