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  • 2021/10/21 10:00–2021/11/08 03:59
悪兆異域の寮 2021/10/21 10:00 2021/11/08 03:59
極悪凶猛の寮 2021/10/24 04:00
報仇激動の寮 2021/10/27 04:00
絶滅無援の寮 2021/10/30 04:00
Event Shop Duration
試練秘宝・1 2021/10/21 10:00 2021/11/15 03:59
試練秘宝・2 2021/10/27 04:00



  • Complete the event quest "謎境の災い" to take part in the event.
  • イベント開放初日から3日毎に、1つずつ試練が追加され、計5つの試練に挑むことができます。
  • 「式札」を持って「訣籙陰陽寮」に入ると、「式大将」の補佐が得られます。「符術の力」と「式札」が使えるようになり、よりスムーズに試練を通過することができます。また、「虚損した拓本」や「破れた式札」、「亀裂の入った割符」も入手可能です。
  • 「虚損した拓本」は「符術の力」で「式大将」の能力強化に使用可能です。「破れた式札」は試練中に、強化効果をもたらすことができます。「亀裂の入った割符」はイベント商店で原石知恵の冠キャラクター育成素材天賦育成素材大英雄の経験仕上げ用魔鉱などと交換できます。
  • イベント期間中、最初の4つの試練をクリアすると、大英雄の経験とモラを獲得できます。「試練題目」中の任務をクリアすると、原石や大英雄の経験、モラなどの報酬を獲得できます。「烈音斉奏」のすべての条件を達成し、一定数の「亀裂の入った割符」を消費することで、「爆熱リズム・辛炎)」を招待できます。
  • 「絶念百裂の寮」は挑戦ステージとなり、試練をクリアしても、「虚損した拓本」と「亀裂の入った割符」を獲得できません。 
  • マルチプレイ中は試練に挑むことはできません。
  • イベント終了後、「虚損した拓本」や「破れた式札」、「亀裂の入った割符」は回収されます。


Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 1 1 試練の開始前に、キャラクターを出陣チームと後方支援チームの二つに分けます。なお、キャラクターは重複使用できません。
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 1 2 9つの「式札」から3つを試練前に選ぶことができます。試練中、装備した「式札」の配置は変更できません。
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 1 3 試練に挑む前に「虚損した拓本」を消費することで、式大将の「符術の力」を強化できます。「符術の力」は、試練を行う上で強力な支援を発揮します。
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 1
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 2
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 3 試練中、各ルームにはそれぞれ「兵機」が存在します。
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 4
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 5
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 6 試練中、ほとんど透明なトラップ「呪陣」が存在します。誤って「呪陣」に足を踏み入れてしまうと、爆発を引き起こしたり、「呪印」のマイナス効果を受ける可能性があります。
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 7 ミニマップを押すことで、試練中の探索済みルームや回りのルームを含むマップ詳細を確認できます。
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 8 試練中、特別な「防御兵機」が存在します。「防御兵機」を起動すると、エネルギーを自動で補充し、持続的に周囲の敵を挑発します。
Tutorial Labyrinth Warriors 2 9 エネルギーが満タンになると、「防御兵機」は衝撃波を発動し、一定範囲内の敵にダメージを与えます。「防御兵機」が破壊されると、大爆発を起こし、フィールド上キャラクターはダメージを受けてしまいます。


Before the trial begins, the team can be configured. Before initiating the trial, characters participating in the trial must be split into two parties, the "Combat" and "Support" parties. The "Combat" party will step up and fight first, while the "Support" team will serve as the substitute team.


Shikifuda can be carried to help while in battle. The selection cannot be changed while the trial is underway.

Name Effect
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Seal of Fierce Flame
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Seal of Flashing Lightning
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Seal of Cataclysmic Wind
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Streamsurge Summoning
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Snowstorm Summoning
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Strixwind Summoning
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Ensorcelled Waters
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Bedrock
Labyrinth Warriors Shikifuda Thunder Orb


The domain is divided into two floors with multiple rooms on each floor.

After the trial begins, Travelers can use the map to find the room where the "Decisive Emplacement" of the current floor is located. Once the "Decisive Emplacement" challenge has been completed, the player can proceed to the next floor. The trial is counted as complete if all the "Decisive Emplacement" challenges in the domain are successfully completed.

Click the Special Environment button (on the top-left corner next to the minimap), Press the U key on PC, or L1 + Down arrow on PlayStation to check the details of the current trial zone and ascertain the areas that have been explored the surrounding rooms.


Name Description
Labyrinth Warriors Room Charm Emplacement
Charm Emplacement
Draw a Charm
Labyrinth Warriors Room Arrayed Emplacement
Arrayed Emplacement
Trigger enemies to appear
Labyrinth Warriors Room Ferocious Emplacement
Ferocious Emplacement
Trigger enemies to appear
Labyrinth Warriors Room Curative Emplacement
Curative Emplacement
Heal characters, revive characters, configure team
Labyrinth Warriors Room Decisive Emplacement
Decisive Emplacement
Summons a powerful enemy Leader
Labyrinth Warriors Room Chest
Contains a treasure chest
Labyrinth Warriors Room Start
Starting Room


Whenever Arrayed Emplacement and Ferocious Emplacement challenges are completed, as well as the Decisive Emplacement for the first floor, the will be a chance to draw a Charm. Charms can provide various buffs for battle.

Travelers may also draw Charms from Charm Emplacements. When drawing for Charms, Cursed Seals may be encountered and thus suffer from their negative effects.

If there are no suitable Charms at the moment, 破れた式札 can be consumed for re-draws. 破れた式札 can be obtained by completing the trial challenges.

Trials contain hidden traps known as Cursed Fields. Stepping into one such trap by accident can either cause an explosion or cause the player to be afflicted by a Cursed Seal's negative effects.

Name Buff Type Rarity Effect
Concealment: Landslide Exploration Rare For every destructible object destroyed other than Explosive Barrels, all party members deal 1.2% increased DMG. Stacks up to 20 time(s).
Concealment: Dissolution Exploration Uncommon For every destructible object destroyed other than Explosive Barrels, all party members gain 2% bonus Energy Recharge. Stacks up to 10 time(s).
Concealment: Incorporeality Exploration Uncommon For every destructible object destroyed other than Explosive Barrels, all party members will have 1% Bonus Physical and All Elemental RES. Stacks up to 10 time(s).
Concealment: Vilebane Exploration Uncommon For every destructible object destroyed other than Explosive Barrels, all party members have 2% increased DEF. Stacks up to 10 time(s).
Concealment: Thunderbomb Explosion Exploration Uncommon Explosive barrels deal 2000% increased DMG against opponents.
Concealment: On the Shoulders of Giants Exploration Uncommon Explosive barrels will not launch characters, nor will they deal DMG to them. If there are opponents affected by Electro nearby, the explosions from these barrels will still cause the Overloaded reaction, which can launch characters and deal DMG to them.
Concealment: First Strike Emplacement Uncommon Aegis Emplacement recharge rate increased by 50%.
Concealment: Eight on Eight Emplacement Uncommon After the Aegis Emplacement is fully charged, its attack state duration is extended by 5s.
Concealment: Silent Interrogation Emplacement Uncommon The DMG dealt by the shockwaves that the Aegis Emplacements emanate is increased by 150%. Also, when an Aegis Emplacement is destroyed, DMG dealt to characters is increased by 150%.
Concealment: Treading Carefully Emplacement Uncommon Clears all Aegis Emplacements in the current trial.
Concealment: Resolute Strength Exploration Rare Every time you use a Curative Emplacement to heal all party members, all party members have their DMG increased by 12%. This effect can stack 2 times.
Concealment: Lord of Attrition Exploration Rare Every time you complete an Arrayed Emplacement or Ferocious Emplacement challenge, all party members have their DMG increased by 4%. This effect can stack 6 times.
Concealment: Signal Flare Exploration Common Clears the fog from the current floor, showing the nature of the various rooms.
Concealment: Steady Tread Exploration Common Block the negative effects of the next 2 Cursed Field(s).
Concealment: Room Clearance Exploration Common Clears all Cursed Fields on the current floor.
Concealment: High Roller Exploration Uncommon During this trial, the number of 破れた式札 gained is increased by 50%.
Concealment: Purification Exploration Common Clears the negative effects of 1 currently active Cursed Seals.
Concealment: Sanctum Exploration Common Clears the negative effects of all currently active Cursed Seals.
Concealment: Frugality Shikifuda Common When you use a Shikifuda successfully, you have a 33% chance of not consuming an equipped Shikifuda.
Concealment: Supplement Shikifuda Common All Shikifuda you are carrying can be used 1 more time.
Concealment: Armory Maintenance Shikifuda Uncommon All carried shikifuda have their numbers replenished to the maximum amount.
Tactics: Future-Proof Shikifuda Uncommon All shikifuda barriers will last for 6 more seconds.
Tactics: Built to Last Shikifuda Common All shikifuda barriers will last for 2 more seconds.
Tactics: Shock and Awe Shikifuda Uncommon All barriers created by shikifuda will release an Elemental Blast every 5s, dealing AoE DMG of their corresponding element.
Tactics: Proffered Flame Shikifuda Rare When your active character is within the AoE of a Flame Barrier, attacking will trigger an Elemental Blast that deals AoE Pyro DMG. This effect can happen once every 5s.
Tactics: Blistering Sear Shikifuda Uncommon When your active character is within the AoE of a Flame Barrier, they will deal 10% increased DMG.
Tactics: Scorched Earth Shikifuda Common When your active character is within the AoE of a Flame Barrier, they will deal 5% increased DMG.
Tactics: Charred Shikifuda Uncommon When your active character is within the AoE of a Flame Barrier, they will deal 10% increased Melt and Vaporize DMG to surrounding opponents.
Tactics: Storm-Fraught Shikifuda Rare When your active character is within the AoE of a Lightning Barrier, attacking will trigger an Elemental Blast that deals AoE Electro DMG. This effect can happen once every 5s.
Tactics: Conversion Shikifuda Uncommon When your active character is within the AoE of a Lightning Barrier, they will regenerate 2 extra Energy whenever they regenerate Energy.
Tactics: Thundering Court Shikifuda Common When your active character is within the AoE of a Lightning Barrier, they will regenerate 0.5 extra Energy whenever they regenerate Energy.
Tactics: Lightspeed Shikifuda Uncommon When your active character is within the AoE of a Lightning Barrier, their CDs will decrease by 0.5s whenever they regenerate Energy.
Tactics: Strike Home Shikifuda Rare When your active character is within the AoE of a Wind Barrier, DMG dealt by their Plunging Attacks is increased by 20% and they have a 50% chance of unleashing a shockwave that deals AoE DMG. This effect can occur once every 2s.
Tactics: Swift Strike Shikifuda Uncommon When your active character is within the AoE of a Wind Barrier, their ATK SPD is increased by 5%.
Tactics: Light as a Feather Shikifuda Uncommon When your active character is within the AoE of a Wind Barrier, their Movement SPD is increased by 10%.
Tactics: Collision Course Shikifuda Common When your active character is within the AoE of a Wind Barrier, their Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 8%.
Tactics: Cutting Wave Shikifuda Rare When the Streamsurge Spirit's HP decreases to 80%, the Hydro DMG dealt by its explosion will be increased by 133%.
Tactics: Driving Rain Shikifuda Uncommon The number of Mist Bubbles left behind when the Streamsurge Spirit is destroyed is increased by 3.
Tactics: Churning Tide Shikifuda Uncommon The Hydro DMG dealt by the Streamsurge Spirit's explosion is increased by 50%.
Tactics: Torrent Shikifuda Common The Hydro DMG dealt by the Streamsurge Spirit's explosion is increased by 20%.
Tactics: Ice Rift Shikifuda Rare When opponents take DMG from the Snowstorm Spirit, their Physical and all Elemental RES will be decreased by an additional 40% for 10s.
Tactics: Deep Freeze Shikifuda Uncommon The Cryo DMG dealt by the Snowstorm Spirit is increased by 95%.
Tactics: Frost Formation Shikifuda Uncommon The Snowstorm Spirit's HP is increased by 100%.
Tactics: Snow Shade Shikifuda Common The taunting effect of the Snowstorm Spirit is enhanced.
Tactics: Twister Shikifuda Rare The Strixwind Spirit's pull AoE is increased.
Tactics: Windcutter Shikifuda Uncommon The Anemo DMG dealt by the Strixwind Spirit is increased by 37%.
Tactics: Gale Shikifuda Common The Anemo DMG dealt by the Strixwind Spirit is increased by 7.5%.
Tactics: Hurricane Shikifuda Uncommon The Strixwind Spirit's attacks can launch larger opponents.
Tactics: Surge Shikifuda Rare Using Shikifuda: Ensorcelled Waters restores 10 Stamina every second, and extends Shikifuda: Ensorcelled Waters' duration by 5s.
Tactics: Tranquil Spring Shikifuda Uncommon Shikifuda: Ensorcelled Waters' Healing Effectiveness is increased by 80%.
Tactics: Sweet Dew Shikifuda Common Shikifuda: Ensorcelled Waters' Healing Effectiveness is increased by 15%.
Tactics: Deep Creek Shikifuda Uncommon Shikifuda: Ensorcelled Waters' duration is increased by 2%.
Tactics: Tumult Shikifuda Rare The Thunder Orb fired by Shikifuda: Thunder Orb will explode 1 more time(s) 1s after its initial explosion, dealing AoE Electro DMG.
Tactics: Conjunction Shikifuda Uncommon The number of Elemental Particles generated by Shikifuda: Thunder Orb when it hits opponents is moderately increased.
Tactics: Accumulation Shikifuda Common The number of Elemental Particles generated by Shikifuda: Thunder Orb when it hits opponents is slightly increased.
Tactics: Profuse Storm Shikifuda Uncommon Shikifuda: Thunder Orb's Electro DMG is increased by 45%.
Tactics: Imposing Shikifuda Rare Shikifuda: Bedrock's DMG Reduction is increased by 20%. Unleashing Shikifuda: Bedrock deals AoE Geo DMG.
Tactics: Blockade Shikifuda Uncommon Shikifuda: Bedrock's DMG Reduction is increased by 15%.
Tactics: Firm Shikifuda Common Shikifuda: Bedrock's Duration is increased by 2s.
Tactics: Solid Shikifuda Uncommon Shikifuda: Bedrock's Duration is increased by 4s.
Exposure: Bastion of Order Character Rare 4 randomly selected characters (from both combat and support parties) will have their constellation effects increased by 1 level.
Exposure: Scroll of Stability Character Uncommon When active character's HP is greater than 70%, Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG dealt is increased by 10%.
Exposure: Scroll of Victory Character Uncommon When active character's HP is greater than 70%, Elemental Skill DMG dealt is increased by 10%.
Exposure: Scroll of Brilliance Character Uncommon When active character's HP is greater than 70%, Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 10%.
Exposure: Double-Edge Character Uncommon Active characters deal 15% increased DMG and take 10% increased DMG.
Exposure: Swift Severance Character Uncommon The active character obtains the aura of the Swift Severance Seal, increasing their ATK SPD by 20%. If there are more than 3 opponents within the aura's AoE, the aura's effects will disappear permanently.
Exposure: Rapid Bolt Character Uncommon The active character obtains the aura of the Rapid Bolt Seal, increasing their ATK SPD by 15%. With every opponent within the aura's AoE, the aura's effects will decrease by 5%. If there are 3 opponents within the aura's AoE, the aura's effects will disappear temporarily.
Exposure: Precarious Strategy Character Uncommon When active character's HP is less than 50%, Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG dealt is increased by 10%.
Exposure: Dangerous Strategy Character Uncommon When active character's HP is lower than 50%, the character's Elemental Skill DMG dealt is increased by 10%.
Exposure: Startling Strategy Character Uncommon When active character's HP is lower than 50%, the character's Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 10%.
Exposure: Exorcism Character Uncommon When your active character's Stamina is higher than 70% and their attack hits an opponent, they will unleash a shockwave at your active character's position that deals AoE DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 5s.
Exposure: Guiding Light Character Uncommon When a character's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, it will generate an additional 1 Elemental Particles. This effect can be triggered once every 4s.
Exposure: Shattered Armor Character Uncommon When an active character triggers a Superconduct reaction on a nearby opponent, opponents will have their Physical RES decreased by an additional 20%.
Exposure: Majestic Storm Character Rare All party members gain a 30% Electro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Deafening Storm Character Uncommon All party members gain a 10% Electro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Swift Storm Character Common All party members gain a 2% Electro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Twilight Flame Character Rare All party members gain a 30% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Scarlet Flame Character Uncommon All party members gain a 10% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Perilous Flame Character Common All party members gain a 2% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Creeping Frost Character Rare All party members gain a 30% Cryo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Encroaching Frost Character Uncommon All party members gain a 10% Cryo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Fatal Frost Character Common All party members gain a 2% Cryo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Wrathful Wave Character Rare All party members gain a 30% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Roiling Wave Character Uncommon All party members gain a 10% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Killer Wave Character Common All party members gain a 2% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Maddening Mist Character Rare All party members gain a 30% Anemo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Mist's Edge Character Uncommon All party members gain a 10% Anemo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Green Mist Character Common All party members gain a 2% Anemo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Devastating Rock Character Rare All party members gain a 30% Geo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Resounding Rock Character Uncommon All party members gain a 10% Geo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Disintegrating Rock Character Common All party members gain a 2% Geo DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Iron Death Character Rare All party members receive a 30% Physical DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Shattering Steel Character Uncommon All party members receive a 10% Physical DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Chrome Edge Character Common All party members receive a 2% Physical DMG Bonus.
Exposure: Keen Blade Character Uncommon All party members deal 8% bonus Normal Attack DMG.
Exposure: Free-Form Blade Character Uncommon All party members deal 8% bonus Charged Attack DMG.
Exposure: Plummeting Blade Character Uncommon All party members deal 12% bonus Plunging Attack DMG.
Exposure: Rite of Seven Songs Character Uncommon All party members deal 8% bonus Elemental Skill DMG.
Exposure: Redoubtable Character Uncommon DEF of all party members is increased by 15%.
Exposure: Treacherous Thunder Character Common When an active character triggers an Electro-Charged reaction on a nearby opponent, they will trigger a shockwave at the position of the opponent affected by the reaction. The shockwave will deal AoE DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 10s.
Exposure: Driving Lightning Character Common When an active character triggers a Superconduct reaction on a nearby opponent, they will trigger a shockwave at the position of the opponent affected by the reaction. The shockwave will deal AoE DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 10s.
Exposure: Storm of Nine Heavens Character Common When an active character triggers an Overloaded reaction on a nearby opponent, they will trigger a shockwave at the position of the opponent affected by the reaction. The shockwave will deal AoE DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 10s.
Exposure: Scorching Sky Character Common When an active character triggers a Vaporize reaction on a nearby opponent, they will trigger a shockwave at the position of the opponent affected by the reaction. The shockwave will deal AoE DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 10s.
Exposure: Flames of Destruction Character Common When an active character triggers a Melt reaction on a nearby opponent, they will trigger a shockwave at the position of the opponent affected by the reaction. The shockwave will deal AoE DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 10s.
Exposure: Cutting Edge Character Rare All party members deal 20% bonus Normal Attack DMG.
Exposure: Glittering Edge Character Rare All party members deal 20% bonus Charged Attack DMG.
Exposure: True Form Character Rare All party members deal 20% bonus Elemental Skill DMG.
Exposure: Swift Severance Character Rare Active character receives a 20% ATK SPD Bonus.
Exposure: Explosive Charm Character Rare Whenever you sprint, you will leave a Charm behind that will explode after 1s. Can occur once every 10s. You may store up to 3 of this effect at one time.
Exposure: Counter Strike Character Rare A backlash will occur when opponents score a melee hit against a character protected by a shield, unleashing a shockwave that deals one instance of AoE DMG. Can occur once every 2s.
Exposure: Tremor Character Rare When an active character obtains an Elemental Orb or Elemental Particle, the character will unleash a shockwave that deals DMG to surrounding opponents. This kind of shockwave can be unleashed once every 4s.
Exposure: Fierce Blade Character Rare When your active character's attacks deal CRIT Hits, they will unleash a shockwave at the active character's position that deals AoE DMG to opponents. This effect can be triggered once every 5s.
Exposure: Swift Step Character Uncommon Character Sprinting Stamina Cost decreased by 50%.
Exposure: Measured Force Character Uncommon Character Charged Attack Stamina Cost decreased by 50%.
Exposure: Armor Up Character Uncommon When an active character obtains an Elemental Shard generated by a Crystallize Reaction, they will trigger a shockwave that deals AoE DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 5s.
Exposure: Tandem Devastation Character Uncommon When your active character defeats an opponent with a Charged Attack, they will unleash a shockwave at the active character's position that deals AoE DMG to opponents. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s.

Cursed Seals[]

When drawing for Charms, Cursed Seals may be encountered and thus suffer from their negative effects. Stepping into one such trap by accident can cause the player to be afflicted by a Cursed Seal's negative effects.

Name Effect
Cursed Seal: Decay All Curative Emplacements on this floor will be unable to heal any characters.
Cursed Seal: Ensnaring A Cursed Field will spawn in a random position in the current trial.
Cursed Seal: Heavy Ordnance Opponents summoned by the current floor's Arrayed Emplacements, Ferocious Emplacements, and Decisive Emplacements have their ATK increased by 20%.
Cursed Seal: Corrosion One party member will not be able to receive healing or be revived. This Cursed Seal only works on this floor. If your parties contain any characters whose Elemental Skills, Elemental Bursts, Talents, or Constellations can revive another character, these effects can be triggered and can enter CD, but they will have no effect.
Cursed Seal: Shattered Explosive Barrels deal 100% bonus DMG against characters.
Cursed Seal: Open Wounds Characters take 20% extra DMG.

Charm Magic[]

Travelers will obtain 虚損した拓本s for exploring the Domain as well as completing the challenges. Travelers can use 虚損した拓本s to enhance Shiki Taishou's Charm Magic on the event page for assistance in the trial.

Name Level Cost Effect
Charm Magic: Ingenuity 1 100 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 2%.
2 150 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 4%.
3 200 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 6%.
4 250 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 8%.
5 300 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 10%.
6 350 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 12%.
7 400 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 14%.
8 450 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 16%.
9 500 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 18%.
10 550 When drawing a Charm, the chance of drawing a high-grade Charm is increased by 20%.
Charm Magic: Happy Coincidence 1 300 During this trial, the number of Safeguarding Spirits on each floor is increased by 3.
2 300 During this trial, the number of Safeguarding Spirits on each floor is increased by 6.
Charm Magic: Infinitesmal Force 1 300 The maximum number of destructible objects on each floor is increased by 10.
2 300 The maximum number of destructible objects on each floor is increased by 20.
3 300 The maximum number of destructible objects on each floor is increased by 30.
Charm Magic: Fuel to the Fire 1 300 The maximum number of Explosive Barrels on each floor is increased by 5.
2 300 The maximum number of Explosive Barrels on each floor is increased by 10.
3 300 The maximum number of Explosive Barrels on each floor is increased by 15.
Charm Magic: Meticulous Planning 1 300 All shikifuda can be used 1 more time.
2 300 All shikifuda can be used 2 more times.
Charm Magic: Purity 1 200 When drawing a Charm from a Charm Emplacement, the odds of encountering a Cursed Seal are decreased by 4%.
2 250 When drawing a Charm from a Charm Emplacement, the odds of encountering a Cursed Seal are decreased by 8%.
3 300 When drawing a Charm from a Charm Emplacement, the odds of encountering a Cursed Seal are decreased by 12%.
4 350 When drawing a Charm from a Charm Emplacement, the odds of encountering a Cursed Seal are decreased by 16%.
5 400 When drawing a Charm from a Charm Emplacement, the odds of encountering a Cursed Seal are decreased by 20%.
Charm Magic: No Openings 1 300 When re-drawing a Charm, there is a 100% chance that you will be refunded the 破れた式札 consumed for this re-draw. This effect will trigger a maximum of 2 times on each floor.
Charm Magic: Flash in the Pan 1 300 The first time you draw a Charm from each Charm Emplacement, the chance of gaining the highest level of that particular Charm is increased by 20%.
Charm Magic: Smooth Running 1 300 The maximum number of Cursed Fields in this trial is limited to 5.
Charm Magic: Rejuvenation 1 300 There will be a Curative Emplacement in every room before the room with a Decisive Emplacement.
Charm Magic: Whetstone 1 300 Every floor will have 3 or more Charm Emplacements.


Pass the trial challenges and complete the corresponding Martial Trial to obtain rewards.

試練 報酬
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
「治療兵機」でキャラクターを治療せずに 「悪兆異域の寮」をクリアする
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
「治療兵機」でキャラクターを治療せずに 「極悪凶猛の寮」をクリアする
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000
原石 30
大英雄の経験 2
モラ 20,000



辛炎炎 辛炎



アイテム Item Aged Token在庫総費用
知恵の冠 知恵の冠1,00011,000
炎願のアゲート・欠片 炎願のアゲート・欠片606360
澄明なラピスラズリ・欠片 澄明なラピスラズリ・欠片606360
最勝のアメシスト・欠片 最勝のアメシスト・欠片606360
自由のターコイズ・欠片 自由のターコイズ・欠片606360
哀切なアイスクリスタル・欠片 哀切なアイスクリスタル・欠片606360
堅牢なトパーズ・欠片 堅牢なトパーズ・欠片606360


アイテム Item Aged Token在庫総費用
原石 原石 ×601205600
「浮世」の導き 「浮世」の導き406240
「浮世」の哲学 「浮世」の哲学1202240
「風雅」の導き 「風雅」の導き406240
「風雅」の哲学 「風雅」の哲学1202240
「天光」の導き 「天光」の導き406240
「天光」の哲学 「天光」の哲学1202240
大英雄の経験 大英雄の経験2020400
仕上げ用魔鉱 仕上げ用魔鉱1020200
モラ モラ ×100002020400


このイベントでは、棲地紀行に「シーズン任務期間」の紀行任務が追加されました。これらの任務で得られる紀行経験(BP EXP)は、1週間の経験値制限である10,000紀行経験値にはカウントされない。

任務紀行経験 紀行経験
[イベント] イベント「謎境一騎」において、「符術・百発百中」を最高レべルまで強化する1,500
[イベント] イベント「謎境一騎」において、「治療兵機」でキャラクターを治療せず「悪兆異域の寮」をクリアする1,500
[イベント] イベント「謎境一騎」において、チーム人数最大6人の状態で「報仇激動の寮」をクリアする1,500


原石 930 原石
モラ 740,000 モラ


Meikyou Ikki[!][!]
Míjìng Xuán Bīng
Míjìng Xuán Bīng
英語Labyrinth Warriors
韓国語미로의 전사
Miro-ui Jeonsa
スペイン語Dominio del guerrero
フランス語Guerriers du labyrinthe
ロシア語Воины лабиринта
Voiny labirinta
Thahan Phu Kla Haeng Daen Phitwong
ベトナム語Chiến Binh Bí Ẩn
インドネシア語Pejuang Labirin
ポルトガル語Guerreiros do Labirinto

