稲妻言語 (非公式名称) は稲妻で使用される言語である。稲妻文字はテイワット語[1][2]と日本語のひらがなを元としている。
Yellowed Letter: written horizontally (note that the contents do not directly match the Japanese localization)
Kamisato Ayaka's calligraphy: written vertically[3]
New Chronicles of the Six Kitsune with symbols for SHRKKTS, likely for its Japanese name Shin Roku Kitsune Den (日本語: 新六狐伝)
The Saga of Hamawaran with symbols for LGDHMVR, HMVR likely for LeGenD Hamavaraan (日本語: ハマヴァラーン)
International Trade Association with symbols for SK, possibly for Shoukai (日本語: 商会; ja_tn: Trade Association)
Shimura's with symbols for SKJ, SK possibly for Shimura Kanbei, or SKJ standing for shokuji (日本語: 食事; ja_tn: meal)
Royal Hot Springs with symbols for GOZ, likely intended to be for its Japanese name Go-onsen (日本語: 御温泉)
Bantan Sango Detective Agency with symbols for SGY (left to right), SG likely standing for Sango, Y possibly for ya (日本語: 屋; ja_tn: house)
Yae Publishing House with symbols for YET, likely intended to be for its Japanese name Yae-dou (日本語: 八重堂)
Ogura Textiles & Kimonos with symbols NO left to right, O possibly for Ogura, NO possibly for nuno (日本語: 布; ja_tn: textiles)
An omamori with symbols OMR, likely for omamori (日本語: お守り; ja_tn: omamori)
Several samples of the script flashed on screen during Ayaka's Character Demo. Below are the screenshots of the original script, which have been deciphered.[4]
The following are from Raiden Shogun's Character Teaser (Japanese version). In the pictures, the Inazuma script is written besides the kanji. When decoded, it is just the romanization of the given kanji. The listed English translations are those provided in the English version of the Raiden Shogun's Teaser.
Musou (日本語: 無想; ja_tn: Nothingness)
Mu'nen (日本語: 無念; ja_tn: Stillness)
Ei'en (日本語: 永遠; ja_tn: Eternity)
- ↑ Bilibili article:【原神考据】稻妻文破解初步
- ↑ https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/579453
- ↑ Ayaka's Character Teaser
- ↑ Genshin Impact Fandom Discussion post: Deciphering the Inazuman script from Ayaka's trailer