原神 Wiki
原神 Wiki
Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 06 Rosaria 4



Everything was proceeding smoothly, until the unexpected happened... Your adventure across Dragonspine begins!



During the event's duration, the Princeps Cretaceus Chapter will require Adventure Rank 20 or above. The requirements will be increased after the event ends.


イベント段階 開始時間* 終了時間*
第一幕「腐植の剣 (任務) After updating to Version 1.2 (2020/12/23 11:00:00 UTC+8) 2021/01/05 03:59
第二幕「神に匹敵する存在 2020/12/25 04:00:00
第三幕「雪山に映る怪しい影 2020/12/28 04:00:00
第四幕「招かれざる客 2020/12/31 04:00:00
第五幕「後日談 2021/1/5 04:00:00 Unknown

The Event Shop will be available from after updating to Version 1.2 (2020/12/23 11:00:00 UTC+8) - 2021/01/12 03:59*.

*Server Time


Completing all quests in each of the first three Acts will unlock one of 腐植の剣's special abilities each time.

The amount of Essences gained from challenges will scale based on Travelers' World Levels.


Complete The Chalk Prince and the Dragon storyline to obtain the event-exclusive weapon 腐植の剣.
Collect 霜噬砕屑 霜噬砕屑, 霜噬結晶 霜噬結晶, and complete the related quests to obtain 原石, モラ, and other rewards.

Challenge Reward
Collect 60 霜噬砕屑s
原石 30
モラ 20,000
Collect 120 霜噬砕屑s
Collect 30 霜噬結晶s
Collect 60 霜噬結晶s
Enhance 腐植の剣 to level 20
獅牙戦士の枷 3
重い角笛 3
新兵の記章 2
Enhance 腐植の剣 to level 40
獅牙戦士の鎖 3
重い角笛 12
新兵の記章 8


Obtain 微光エッセンス 微光エッセンス through the Testing Grounds challenge. The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Testing Grounds Icon

World Level 微光エッセンス
1 100
2 110
3 120
4 130
5 140
6 150
7 150
8 150

Dragon Force is a random buff towards parties that occurs every time a challenge is started. They are not predetermined and can be rerolled by exiting the fight.

Dragon Force Effect

  • Character Attack Increase (Base ATK +40%)
  • Character Attack Speed Increase
  • Character Movement Speed Increase
  • Periodically Recover Active Character's HP
Challenge Reward
Refine 腐植の剣 to level 2
原石 30
モラ 20,000
Accumulate a total of 600 微光エッセンス
Accumulate a total of 1,800 微光エッセンス
Complete the Testing Grounds challenge 8 times
Complete the Testing Grounds challenge 16 times
Complete the Testing Grounds challenge 5 times without any Ruin Brazier being deactivated


Obtain 温暖エッセンス 温暖エッセンス through the Draconic Pilgrimage challenge. The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Draconic Pilgrimage Icon

世界ランク 温暖エッセンス
1 100
2 110
3 120
4 130
5 140
6 150
7 150
8 150

Dragon Force is a random buff towards parties that occurs every time a challenge is started. They are not predetermined and can be rerolled by exiting the fight.

Dragon Force Effect

  • Character Attack Increase (Base ATK +40%)
  • Character Attack Speed Increase
  • Character Movement Speed Increase
  • Periodically Recover Active Character's HP
Challenge Reward
Refine 腐植の剣 to level 3
原石 30
モラ 20,000
Accumulate a total of 600 温暖エッセンス
Accumulate a total of 1,800 温暖エッセンス
Complete the Draconic Pilgrimage challenge 8 times
Complete the Draconic Pilgrimage challenge 16 times
Complete the Draconic Pilgrimage challenge 5 times without accumulating more than 20% Sheer Cold


Obtain 奇跡エッセンス 奇跡エッセンス through the Frostborn Miracle challenge. The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Frostborn Miracle Icon

World Level 奇跡エッセンス
1 100
2 110
3 120
4 130
5 140
6 150
7 150
8 150
Challenge Reward
Refine 腐植の剣 to level 5
原石 30
モラ 20,000
Accumulate a total of 600 奇跡エッセンス
Complete the Frostborn Miracle challenge 10 times
Complete the Frostborn Miracle challenge 15 times
Hit the Cryo Regisvine 10 times using Scarlet Quartzes in one Frostborn Miracle challenge round
Defeat the 復活した急凍樹 within 300 seconds at your World Level (Current World Level: Your WL)


Tutorial Frostborn Miracle 1

Use Scarlet Quartzes to lessen the effects of Sheer Cold. It might be the key to completing certain challenges. Scarlet Quartzes may be generated by some monsters defeated during challenges...

Tutorial Frostborn Miracle 2

Besides this, you can use the attacks of Scarlet Quartzes to quickly shatter the Frost Thorns around the Cryo Regisvine's shield to break the shield.

Tutorial Frostborn Miracle 3

This strange ridge of ice is known as a Seed of Winter. Break it to create a shield that can block attacks. Use this shield to stand against the special AoE attacks of the Cryo Regisvine.

Upon completion of the Frostborn Miracle, players can collect the treasure for free. For fun, each player is categorized based on their gameplay:

Title Description
Rimewind Chaser Dealt the most DMG to the Resurgent Cryo Regisvine during this challenge
Culling Blade Dealt the coup de grace to the Resurgent Cryo Regisvine
Rimebreaking Hero Defeated the most opponents during this challenge
Cold Starver Obtained 5 Scarlet Quartzes during this challenge
Boiling Blood Obtained 10 Scarlet Quartzes during this challenge
Restful Repose Did not break any Seeds of Winter during this challenge
Seed Sower Created 1 shield by breaking Seeds of Winter during this challenge
Ice-Forged Shield Created 2 shields by breaking Seeds of Winter during this challenge
Shield of the Snowy Plains Created 3 shields by breaking Seeds of Winter during this challenge
Cage of Winter Did not shatter any Frost Thorns during this challenge
Weed Whacker Shatter 1 Frost Thorn during this challenge
Branch Cutter Shatter 2 Frost Thorns during this challenge
Shatter 3 Frost Thorns during this challenge


New 4 Star event-exclusive weapon, 腐植の剣

腐植の剣品質4 Lv. 1 R5
  • The special weapon effects will only take effect in the Dragonspine area of the open world, and will not take effect in Domains.
  • Enhancing 腐植の剣 during the event period yields a 1.5× Weapon Enhancement EXP Bonus.


The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Weapon
  • The character who equips this weapon during the event will deal 60% more DMG to opponents in the Dragonspine region.
  • The character who equips this weapon during the event will accumulate Sheer Cold at a slower rate, 0.66%/s (maxes out in 2m 30s, or 150s, as compared to the usual 100s). This effect stacks subtractively with Delicious Goulash, resulting in an even slower rate, 0.17%/s (maxes out in 9m 49s or 589s) (Formula: rate of 1%/s -0.5 -0.33). They also gain 35% extra CRIT Rate against opponents in the Dragonspine region.
  • The character who equips this weapon during the event gains 50% extra DMG dealt via Scarlet Quartzes. They also deal 70% additional CRIT DMG to opponents in the Dragonspine Region.



アイテム Item Glimmering Essence在庫総費用
腐植の龍髄 腐植の龍髄 ×16001600
獅牙戦士の鎖 獅牙戦士の鎖 ×1256150
高塔の王の残壁 高塔の王の残壁 ×1256150
凛風奔狼の砕牙 凛風奔狼の砕牙 ×1256150
孤雲寒林の輝岩 孤雲寒林の輝岩 ×1256150
霧海雲間の水銀 霧海雲間の水銀 ×1256150
漆黒の隕鉄の一片 漆黒の隕鉄の一片 ×1256150
大英雄の経験 大英雄の経験 ×12020400
仕上げ用魔鉱 仕上げ用魔鉱 ×11060600
モラ モラ ×10,0002030600


アイテム Item Warm Essence
腐植の龍髄 腐植の龍髄 ×16001600
大英雄の経験 大英雄の経験 ×12020400
冒険家の経験 冒険家の経験 ×1520100
仕上げ用魔鉱 仕上げ用魔鉱 ×1101201,200
モラ モラ ×10,0002030600


アイテム Item Miraculous Essence
腐植の龍髄 腐植の龍髄 ×14002800
知恵の冠 知恵の冠 ×16001600
「自由」の導き 「自由」の導き ×1209180
「抗争」の導き 「抗争」の導き ×1209180
「詩文」の導き 「詩文」の導き ×1209180
「繁栄」の導き 「繁栄」の導き ×1209180
「勤労」の導き 「勤労」の導き ×1209180
「黄金」の導き 「黄金」の導き ×1209180
大英雄の経験 大英雄の経験 ×11220240
モラ モラ ×10,0001230360


このイベントでは、雪踏み紀行に「シーズン任務期間」の紀行任務が追加されました。これらの任務で得られる紀行経験(BP EXP)は、1週間の経験値制限である10,000紀行経験値にはカウントされない。

任務紀行経験 紀行経験
[イベント] 300秒以内に「霜に覆われた奇跡の樹」挑戦をクリアする2,250
[イベント] 「腐食の剣」を精錬ランク3にする1,500


原石 660 原石
モラ 1,340,000 モラ


Hakua to Kokuryuu[!][!]
Bái'è Yǔ Hēilóng
Bái'è Yǔ Hēilóng
英語The Chalk Prince and the Dragon
韓国語백악과 흑룡
Baegak-gwa Heungnyong
スペイン語El Príncipe de la Caliza y el dragón
フランス語Craie et Dragon
ロシア語Принц мела и дракон
Prints mela i drakon
Chok Khao Lae Mangkon Dam
ベトナム語Vôi Trắng và Rồng Đen
ドイツ語Kreide und Drachen
インドネシア語Kapur Putih dan Naga Hitam
ポルトガル語Giz e Dragão

