原神 Wiki
原神 Wiki
Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 06 Rosaria 4





  • 2022/11/10 11:00 ~ 2022/11/28 04:59
イベント内容 開始時間 終了時間
第一段階 2022/11/10 11:00 2022/11/28 04:59
第二段階 2022/11/11 05:00
第三段階 2022/11/12 05:00
第四段階 2022/11/13 05:00
第五段階 2022/11/14 05:00
イベント商店開放期間 2022/11/10 11:00 2022/12/05 04:59



  • Complete "The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of?" to unlock the event.
  • イベント期間中、「チエキノコンの捕獲」、「潜在能力開発」、「強化特訓」の3つのコンテンツが開放されます。
  • 3つのコンテンツの各任務をクリアすると、「キノコイン」と「チエメダル」を獲得でき、イベント商店で「サウマラタ蓮杯」対戦舞台「叡智宝珠」知恵の冠キャラクター育成素材天賦育成素材などの報酬と交換できます。
  • 任務「最強の相手!最大の危機!」クリア後に、一定数の「キノコイン」と「チエメダル」を消費することで、「夢の庭に隠せし財宝・ドリー)」を招待できます。
  • イベント終了後、「キノコイン」や「チエメダル」は自動で削除されますので、お早めに報酬と交換してください。
  • Travelers can talk to Balfour to mix Floral Jelly and cultivate their Fungi to unlock Special Skills.
  • In the Special Training mode, Travelers can command the Fungi in challenges to defeat opponents and defend Ley Line Monoliths.


Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Floating Hydro Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Floating Dendro Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Floating Anemo Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Whirling Electro Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Whirling Cryo Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Whirling Pyro Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Stretchy Pyro Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Stretchy Anemo Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Stretchy Geo Fungus Awakened Icon Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Stretchy Electro Fungus Awakened Icon

Floating Hydro Fungus
Floating Hydro FungusIcon Healing Bongo-Head Healing Support
A very intelligent Fungus that you and Paimon met first but have not yet really gotten to know. It is said that this species can be used as an emergency water source...
Skill: Water Bomb
Unleashes a fantastical bubble that deals Hydro DMG to its target and nearby opponents while healing Fungi within the party.
Paimon can always think of a new nickname for every one of these seemingly harmless skills...
Bubbly Prison
Unleashes a medium-sized bubble that deals Hydro DMG and traps smaller opponents within.
Aqua Strike
Unleashes a small bubble that deals Hydro DMG.
Additional Details
Floating Dendro Fungus
Floating Dendro FungusIcon DMG Up High Impact
This lightweight Fungus is a more common sight in the forests, but it has still been conferred rather creative descriptions in various researchers' works.
Skill: Flowery Flechettes
Goes all out and fires 6 consecutive Wildgrass Bullets.
Paimon sometimes considers questions like this: "Does the grass grow thicker where a Dendro Fungus's Bullets land?"
Heals the Fungus with the lowest HP in the party.
Spore Cannon
Fires a Wildgrass Bullet, dealing Dendro DMG to opponents.
Additional Details
Floating Anemo Fungus
Floating Anemo FungusIcon Stamina Up Combat Buff
A light Fungus with a fluffy, light cap. It is said it's springy to the touch, much like jelly.
Skill: Vortex of Blades
Unleashes a wind vortex in front of itself and continuously pulls in enemies within a wide area for a set duration. Will deal Anemo DMG to enemies within the vortex's range when the vortex disappears.
If the vortex weren't a battle skill, Paimon would probably use it to cool down...
Honed Whirlwind
Releases a honed wind projectile that deals Anemo DMG.
Galeforce Shot
Releases a honed wind projectile that deals Anemo DMG.
Additional Details
Whirling Electro Fungus
Whirling Electro FungusIcon DMG Up High Impact
An agile Fungus that possesses currents whose flow cannot be easily read. It is valued both for study and use amongst researchers
Skill: Thunderous Cry
Unleashes an Electro shockwave that deals a small amount Electro DMG to nearby opponents, entering a temporary Activated state in the process. In this Activated state, its Thundering Lashes will deal more DMG and attack more often.
How can you spin around so fast without getting dizzy? Paimon really wants to know...
Glaring Bolt
Charges up Elemental energy and causes its next Thundering Lash to have bonus Electro DMG. Additionally, the first opponent hit by this Skill will have their DEF decreased for a time.
Thundering Lashes
Rushes at nearby opponents, swiveling around and performing another return slash after it hits and passes one target by, thus dealing 2 instances of Electro DMG.
Additional Details
Whirling Cryo Fungus
Whirling Cryo FungusIcon DMG Up High Impact
A fast and agile Fungus. Has the added benefit of sparing its Tamer from worrying about hot weather.
Skill: Frost Stream
Fires a solid icicle forward that deals Cryo DMG to opponents along its path.
What would the icicle taste like with jam? Paimon is really curious...
Rime Shock
Quickly jumps up and initiates 3 attacks, dealing Cryo DMG to nearby opponents.
Icy Strike
Dives into ice and moves rapidly in the form of a glacial current, dealing Cryo DMG to nearby enemies when re-emerging.
Additional Details
Whirling Pyro Fungus
Whirling Pyro FungusIcon DEF Up Formation Fulcrum
A speedy and agile Fungus that is brimming with Pyro energy. It has the dubious distinction of being a massive fire hazard and has an equally explosive temper.
Skill: Meltdown Blast
Charges Pyro energy and pulls opponents in before unleashing a blazing explosion that deals Pyro DMG to all nearby opponents and decreasing All Elemental RES of the injured targets.
After seeing this skill, Paimon thought: If you put a pile of fireworks next to the Fungus, maybe they'll all light up at once!
Ember Cordon
Releases a heated ring that raises its own DEF, continuously deals Pyro DMG to nearby opponents for a period of time, and continuously taunts nearby opponents that have been attacked by it.
Searing Shockwave
Fires off a blazing shockwave that deals Pyro DMG to nearby opponents.
Additional Details
Stretchy Pyro Fungus
Stretchy Pyro FungusIcon DMG Up High Impact
A tall and strong Fungus. Though it uses Pyro, it has a rather gentle personality. As long as a prospective Tamer does not lift them up and raise them high, there should be no danger from this quarter at all.
Skill: Delayed Deflagration
Unleashes a searing wave that deals Pyro DMG to nearby opponents and causes them to take continuous Pyro DMG for a certain period of time.
After discovering this Fungus's special skill, Paimon wants it to come along the next time we pay a visit to Dragonspine...
High-Temperature Field
Releases a heated shockwave that deals Pyro DMG to nearby opponents.
Blazing Impact
Rushes at nearby opponents, stops charging when it hits an opponent and deals Pyro DMG.
Additional Details
Stretchy Anemo Fungus
Stretchy Anemo FungusIcon Healing Healing Support
A strong and tall Fungus that has a strong awareness of its surroundings and whose cap can react to changes in the wind direction.
Skill: Rising Wind
Unleashes a field of rising winds that deals Anemo DMG to nearby opponents throughout its duration and also heals all its allies. It will also use Anemo to clear Elements applied to its party members.
Paimon wants to see if other Fungi friends would bounce away if they jumped on the top of this Fungus' head, but it's too tall, so the other Fungi would struggle to get up there...
Mournful Shot
Fires off 4 wind projectiles consecutively, dealing Anemo DMG.
Rushing Wind
Releases a powerful wind projectile that deals Anemo DMG.
Additional Details
Stretchy Geo Fungus
Stretchy Geo FungusIcon DEF Up Formation Fulcrum
A strong and tall Fungus whose slender yet powerful body supports its powerful head, which it can wield like a heavy hammer.
Skill: Rocks Fall
Leaps high up and initiates a devastating Plunging Attack that deals Physical DMG to nearby opponents and knocks them back. If it hits targets affected by Geo, it will drain a great amount of their Geo element.
"This kind of Fungus seems to be a natural-born mining master," Paimon theorizes...
Bedrock Line
Strengthens its own resistance to attacks, and will taunt nearby opponents for a period of time. However, it may not be able to draw enemy fire to itself if other Fungi in the team are attacking the enemies very frequently.
Hard Knock
Deals Physical DMG to nearby opponents using its flapping cap. If it hits targets affected by Geo, it will drain a small amount of their Geo element.
Additional Details
Stretchy Electro Fungus
Stretchy Electro FungusIcon Stamina Up Combat Buff
A strong, tall Fungus that has a shining feeler on its head that has proved exceedingly attractive to curious children.
Skill: Resonator
Inspires other Fungi friends and increases the ATK of all Fungi on the team for a set period.
With this skill's amazing effects, Paimon thinks it's "probably the crackling thunder that jolts other Fungi into action!"
Flashing Bolt
Unleashes a blast of lightning that deals Electro DMG to its target.
Lightning Sphere
Unleashes a ball-shaped charge that deals Electro DMG.
Additional Details

Fungi Abilities and Attacks[]

Floating Hydro Fungus

Floating Hydro Fungus

Floating Dendro Fungus

Floating Dendro Fungus

Whirling Cryo Fungus

Whirling Cryo Fungus

Stretchy Pyro Fungus

Stretchy Pyro Fungus

Stretchy Geo Fungus

Stretchy Geo Fungus

Stretchy Electro Fungus

Stretchy Electro Fungus

Floating Anemo Fungus

Floating Anemo Fungus

Whirling Pyro Fungus

Whirling Pyro Fungus

Whirling Electro Fungus

Whirling Electro Fungus

Stretchy Anemo Fungus

Stretchy Anemo Fungus


Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Treasure of Dream Garden Dori

Consume the following tokens after completing The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! quest to invite "Treasure of Dream Garden" ドリー:

  • キノコイン キノコイン ×1,000
  • チエメダル チエメダル ×1,000



アイテム Item Mushroom Currency
「サウマラタ蓮杯」対戦舞台 「サウマラタ蓮杯」対戦舞台 ×11001100
「叡智宝珠」模型 「叡智宝珠」模型 ×11001100
炎願のアゲート・欠片 炎願のアゲート・欠片 ×1306180
澄明なラピスラズリ・欠片 澄明なラピスラズリ・欠片 ×1306180
最勝のアメシスト・欠片 最勝のアメシスト・欠片 ×1306180
成長のエメラルド・欠片 成長のエメラルド・欠片 ×1306180
自由のターコイズ・欠片 自由のターコイズ・欠片 ×1306180
哀切なアイスクリスタル・欠片 哀切なアイスクリスタル・欠片 ×1306180
堅牢なトパーズ・欠片 堅牢なトパーズ・欠片 ×1306180
モラ モラ ×10,0001245540


アイテム Item Fungus Medal
知恵の冠 知恵の冠 ×15001500
「忠言」の導き 「忠言」の導き ×1256150
「忠言」の哲学 「忠言」の哲学 ×1752150
「創意」の導き 「創意」の導き ×1256150
「創意」の哲学 「創意」の哲学 ×1752150
「篤行」の導き 「篤行」の導き ×1256150
「篤行」の哲学 「篤行」の哲学 ×1752150


このイベントでは、往世紀行に「シーズン任務期間」の紀行任務が追加されました。これらの任務で得られる紀行経験(BP EXP)は、1週間の経験値制限である10,000紀行経験値にはカウントされない。

任務紀行経験 紀行経験
[イベント] 「ワンダフルキノコンピック」で、「要地防衛・精確火力」の戦果ポイントが1000に達する1,200
[イベント] 「ワンダフルキノコンピック」で、ボヨヨン風キノコンの捕獲に成功1,500
[イベント] 「ワンダフルキノコンピック」で、ボヨヨン風キノコンの潜在能力の引き出しに成功1,500
[イベント] 「ワンダフルキノコンピック」で、「共同攻勢・強敵急撃」の戦果ポイントが1000に達する2,250


原石 990 原石
モラ 1,610,000 モラ
「サウマラタ蓮杯」対戦舞台 1 「サウマラタ蓮杯」対戦舞台
「叡智宝珠」模型 1 「叡智宝珠」模型
「叡智宝珠」 1 「叡智宝珠」
チエメダル 2,400 チエメダル
キノコイン 3,000 キノコイン
セノの手紙 1 セノの手紙
ハニヤーのノート 1 ハニヤーのノート
特別な「叡智宝珠」 1 特別な「叡智宝珠」
謎に満ちたファデュイの手紙 1 謎に満ちたファデュイの手紙


日本語ワンダフルキノコンピック[• 1]
Wandafuru Kinokon-pikku
Zhìqiǎo Líng Xùn Dà-jìngzhú
Zhìqiǎo Líng Xùn Dà-jìngzhú
英語Fabulous Fungus Frenzy
韓国語영리한 버섯몬 대전
Yeongrihan Beoseotmon Daejeon
スペイン語Las Chámpiñons
フランス語Chahut de Fongus
ロシア語Эпичное побоище плесенников
Epichnoye poboishche plesennikov
ベトナム語Đại Hội Đấu Nấm Siêu Cấp
ドイツ語Wettbewerb intelligenter Pilze
インドネシア語Jamur Jawara Jaya
ポルトガル語Torneio Cogumélico
トルコ語Efsanevi Mantar Çılgınlığı
イタリア語Micofrenesia favolosa
  1. 日本語: キノコンピック Kinokon-pikku appears to be a portmanteau of キノコン Kinokon, "Fungus" and オリンピック Orinpikku, "Olympics."

