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  • 千烈の日輪 (星5 両手剣)
  • 祭星者の眺め (星5 法器)
  • 残雪に咲く紅 (胡桃)
  • 大つごもりの歓声 (香菱)
  • 旅人 (炎)
  • 迷える霊覚の修験者
  • 蝕まれし源焔の主
  • 謎土の護符
  • 蝕滅の焔角
  • 蝕滅の陽炎
  • 蝕滅の羽鱗
  • キャラカード
    • ムアラニ
      • がぶがぶサメくん
      • サメサメロケット
      • 夜域の賜物・逆巻く怒濤
    • クロリンデ
      • 夜を裂く紫焔
  • Action Cards
    • 呪戦士の羽面
    • クク竜
    • 流泉の衆
    • 帰火聖夜の巡礼
    • 燃素満タン
    • ドキドキポンポン
  • 石碑の記録
  • 炎岩の歌
  • 清心の花パイ
  • 梅落雪間酔
  • 「集いし炎の賛歌」
  • 「唯一無二の秘法」
  • 花に翦玉
  • 浮世巡遊・5
  • 挑戦者・10
  • 幾千のメロディー
  • 天地万象」に新たなアチーブメントを追加。
  • マーヴィカ・光冠
  • シトラリ・白星
  • 藍硯・銀燕
  • アチーブメント・一望
  • アチーブメント・灼熱
  • アチーブメント・楽集
  • 紀行・新火
  • ウクレレ
  • ジャンベ
  • Ageless Agave
  • Alluring Flavors of the Sacred Flame
  • Bear Witness
  • Black Gold of the Blazing Realm
  • By Cinder City's Glowing Light
  • Climax of Colors and Hues
  • Curious Countenances of the Sacred Flame
  • Dwelling Portal: Sacred Duty
  • Dwelling Wall: Graffiti Panel
  • Dwelling Wall: Guiding Lines
  • Dwelling Wall: Journey Through Art
  • Dwelling Wall: Warped Perspective
  • Fair Carpet: Warmth and Passion
  • Fair Table: Uncut Original
  • Fair's Simple Sales Strategy
  • Fair's Thoughts in Order
  • Fair's Treasures and Trinkets
  • Foe's Trace
  • Forever in Arms
  • Fragrant Firewood
  • Glorious Hues of the Sacred Flame
  • Gloomglow Fungi
  • Guardian Pillar: Abundant Shamans
  • Guardian Pillar: Exalted Heroes
  • Guardian Pillar: Innumerable Sparks
  • Guardian Pillar: Myriad Warriors
  • Initiate's War Club
  • Javelin's Shaft
  • Last Resort
  • Lofty Tower's Fashionable Canvas
  • Lofty Tower's Flaming Brazier
  • Lofty Tower's Floor of Trials
  • Lofty Tower's Radiant Ceiling
  • May They Find Respite
  • May They Not Fall
  • May They Not Get Lost
  • Musings on Colors and Hues
  • Natlan Dwelling: "Lofty Tower"
  • Ore's Abundance
  • Our Destination
  • Phlogiston Lamp: Rain Cover
  • Pilgrimage by the Hammer's Blow
  • Pilgrimage of Flame
  • Portable All-Purpose Grill
  • Promise of Abundance
  • Sated Flare
  • Secrets of Good Health
  • Spattered Colors and Hues
  • Stadium's "Tempered" Steps
  • Stone Bed: Peaceful Sleep
  • Sweet Down
  • Warbow's Strongarm
  • Wave's Wisp
  • Wooden Signboard: Enchanting Experience
  • Woven Hut: Rhythmic Stripes
  • Woven Hut: Serene Indigo
  • チャットのスタンプに「パイモンの絵」シリーズ Vol.37を追加。
  • ロード画面のヒントを追加しました。
  • 新しい「塵歌壺」の洞天形態「熾天の境」——アイテム「熾天の絵巻」を使うと開放できます。
  • After the Version 5.3 update, Phase 1 of the Spiral Abyss will be updated on January 16.
    • New Ley Line Disorder Adjustment: Different Ley Line Disorders will occur based on the "Divergence" on each "Floor."
      • Floor 11 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
        • All party members receive a 75% Pyro DMG Bonus.
      • New Floor 12 Ley Line Disorder:
        • First Half: Pyro DMG dealt by all party members' Normal Attacks increased by 75%.
        • Second Half: All party members' Nightsoul-aligned DMG increased by 75%.
    • Updated the monster lineup on Floors 11 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss.
    • Blessing of the Abyssal Moon:
      • Scorching Moon: After a party member triggers a Pyro-related reaction, a shockwave will be unleashed at the character's position, dealing True DMG to nearby opponents. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.

Adjustments & Optimizations[]

  • Adds the function to lower the difficulty of some Domains in Archon Quests. This can be activated when all characters in the current party are defeated or when you exit the Domain (before this update, this feature was only available when challenging powerful opponents).
Open World
  • After the version update, after obtaining rewards from Bosses consuming 40 Original Resin, you no longer have to teleport away and wait for the Boss to respawn. Bosses will respawn right away in their original location.
  • Adds a new Teleport Waypoint to the Tezcatepetonco Range in Natlan due to the addition of the new Boss (The number of unlocked Teleport Waypoints required to complete the achievement "Scaling the Scorching Sacred Mountain (II)" has also been adjusted. For Travelers who have already completed this achievement, after the update, the achievement completion status will remain unchanged).
  • Adjusts the Pyroculus and Wind Current height in one location in Natlan's Ochkanatlan area, allowing for a smoother experience when attempting the corresponding challenge.
  • The "Artifact Salvage" function will generate Sanctifying Essence and Sanctifying Unction in a ratio of 1:4 (the total Artifact EXP generated remains the same).
  • After the version update, the "Character > Artifact" interface will highlight recommended Artifact Affixes for the current character (data is sourced from recently active players).
  • In the "Artifact > Enhance" interface and when comparing Artifacts in the "Character > Artifact" interface, you will be able to see the number of times each Minor Affix has been enhanced.
  • Adds a shortcut to navigate to the corresponding Domains of Blessing when using the "Source" feature for Artifact sets in the "Character > Artifacts > Recommended Sets" interface.
  • Adds the option to sort Artifacts by their recommended order to the "Character > Artifact > Sort" interface. This can be used to arrange Artifacts based on their recommended Affixes for characters and Artifact slots.
  • Adds the option to pin and mark recommended Affixes to the "Character > Artifact > Sort" interface.
  • Adds the option to filter based on recommended Artifact sets or Affixes to the "Character > Artifact > Artifact Recommendations" interface.
  • Increases the number of Artifacts that can be stored in the Inventory from 1,800 to 2,100.
  • Adds the "Quick Accept" feature to Natlan's "Tribe Reputation > Bounties" interface.
  • The "Bounties" and "Supply Notices" of Natlan's "Tribe Reputation" now display the Reputation rewards that can be obtained after completing relevant objectives.
  • In Natlan's "Tribe Reputation > Bounties" interface, the "Accept Bounty" screen now shows the range of rewards that can be obtained.
  • Optimizes the display of the "List of Recommended Quest(s)" pop-up of Tribal Chronicles in Natlan's "Tribe Reputation" interface.
Genius Invokation TCG
  • Optimizes and standardizes the descriptions of effects for certain cards.
Serenitea Pot
  • After the version update, Furnishings and Furnishing Blueprints introduced from Version 3.0 to 3.8 will be sold at a discount in the Realm Depot.
Training Guide
  • Optimizes the layout of the "Training Guide" interface to display more detailed information. When Domains that correspond to a character's Talent Materials or Weapon Ascension Materials are available for a limited time, a tag will appear to notify the player.
  • Reduces the Adventure Rank requirements for certain tabs in the "Training Guide" interface.
  • Adjusts the requirement that needs to be fulfilled to disable the "Training Guide" prompt (from "Complete the World Level 6 Ascension Quest unlocked at Adventure Rank 45" to "Reach Adventure Rank 50"). The hint will appear when the party is defeated in battle, or when the corresponding challenge difficulty is much higher than the strength of the party.
  • Adds a button to open the "Training Guide" to the "Character > Attribute" interface.
Other Systems
  • After the version update, Travelers with World Levels 8 and 9 will be able to freely enter each other's worlds in Co-Op Mode. The enemy levels and drops will be based on the World Level of the host player.
  • Optimizes the sound effects of indwelt Qucusaurus when gliding.
  • Adds new voice-over lines for Ororon for entering the Spiritspeaking state and interacting with relevant objects.
  • Optimizes the sound performance of certain objects and interfaces.
  • Optimizes the performance of transitioning background music when switching between certain areas in Natlan.
  • Optimizes the phrasing of the Japanese voice-over for Hu Tao's voice line "About Baizhu" in the "Character > Voice-Over" interface.
  • Adjusts the text descriptions of certain "Tutorials" in Natlan.
  • Optimizes the effects of Echo cosmetics: When a moving character comes to a stop, their Echo cosmetic visual effects will gradually fade to appear more natural.
  • When the event "Springtime Charms" begins, "Xiao Lanterns" will be permanently sold by the Liyue NPC "Granny Shan."
  • After the version update, any "Kaboom Box" placed in the environment will disappear after characters enter combat.
Genius Invokation TCG Balance Adjustment
  • Adjusts Elemental Skill DMG dealt by the Character Card "Fatui Mirror Maiden": Hydro DMG dealt is adjusted from 2 to 3.
  • Adjusts the effect of the Summon, "Dandelion Field," created by the Elemental Burst of the Character Card "Jean": The number of Usages is adjusted from 2 to 3.
  • Adjusts the effect of the Summon, "Bake-Kurage," created by the Elemental Skill of the Character Card "Sangonomiya Kokomi": The Usages can now stack, up to a maximum of 4.
  • Adjusts the effect of the Elemental Skill of the Character Card "Yae Miko": Adds the effect "If there is already 1 Sesshou Sakura in play, then increase the DMG dealt by +1. (Max +1)"
  • Adjusts the Elemental Skill DMG of the Character Card "Abyss Herald: Wicked Torrents": Hydro DMG dealt is adjusted from 2 to 1.
  • Adjusts the Elemental Dice cost of the Talent Card "To Ward Weakness" of the Character Card "Kuki Shinobu": The Electro Dice cost is adjusted from 3 to 4.
  • Adjusts the effect of the Elemental Skill of the Character Card "Rosaria": "...creates 2 stacks of Scope Out Soft Spots" is adjusted to "...creates 1 stack of Scope Out Soft Spots."
  • Adjusts the effect of the Summon, "Evercold Frostlance," created by the Elemental Burst of the Character Card "Rosaria": "...create 1 stack of Scope Out Soft Spots" is adjusted to "create 2 stacks of Scope Out Soft Spots."

Bug Fixes[]

  • Fixes an issue whereby when certain Bosses respawn, their respawn location could be abnormally affected by Geo Constructs.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when challenging the "Millennial Pearl Seahorse" and "Guardian of Apep's Oasis," there was a chance they wouldn't take DMG from Electro-Charged reactions.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when challenging the "Polychrome Tri-Stars," there was a small chance that they would not be able to activate their Elemental Buff after being knocked airborne when activating their Elemental Buff.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when Chasca used her Elemental Burst in Co-Op Mode, the model of her "Soulsniper: Ritual Staff" would appear abnormally large to other players.
  • Fixes an issue whereby after Chasca used her Elemental Skill to enter a hovering state, her animations would be abnormal in certain situations.
  • Fixes an issue whereby after triggering Chasca's Nightsoul Transmission, there was a chance that Nightsoul points would deplete abnormally fast.
  • Fixes an issue whereby there was certain incorrect layering of some lighting effects in Gaming's "Thespian Tricks: Perfect Partner," causing them to pass through the character abnormally.
  • Fixes an issue whereby after Ororon leaped into the air and entered Aiming Mode, certain skill icons would be displayed abnormally.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when Ororon repeatedly entered the Spiritspeaking state and interacted with corresponding objects while leaping, there was a small chance of causing the leaping state to end prematurely.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when holding Jump to have Ororon leap into the air, the Stamina consumed would not be affected by other Stamina consumption effects.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when holding Jump to have Ororon leap into the air, the animation of the character's right arm would be abnormal.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when Ororon used his Elemental Burst, there was a chance that the summoned "Supersonic Oculus" would be blurry when playing on Android devices at lowest graphics settings.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the material "Glowing Hornshroom" was incorrectly categorized in Creatures of the Realm as a seed, it has been corrected to "Glowing Hornshroom Spores."
  • Fixes an issue whereby certain branching dialog options were missing from Cyno's Story Quest in the "Travel Log" interface.
  • Fixes an issue whereby certain branching dialog options were missing from Archon Quests Chapter II: Act I and Chapter II: Act II in the "Travel Log" interface.
Open World
  • Fixes an issue whereby under specific circumstances, after completing a Warrior's Challenge near the Masters of the Night-Wind in the "Tezcatepetonco Range" area, there was a chance that the reward treasure chest would abnormally disappear and would only reappear after completing the challenge again.
  • Fixes an issue whereby under specific circumstances, in the World Quest "The Flowing Primal Flame," during the quest objective "Collecting Burning Firestone," on the floating island northeast of the altar, the enemies near the mechanism would abnormally disappear, leaving no way to unlock the mechanism.
  • Fixes an issue whereby under certain circumstances, there was a chance that one group of enemies would refresh abnormally in an area near the Snow-Covered Path in Dragonspine.
  • Fixes an issue whereby in Inazuma, certain Electro Seelies and treasure chests, although fulfilling the detection criteria of the "Electro Treasure Compass," would fail to be detected.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when characters entered the Nightsoul's Blessing state and used Bouncy Mushrooms to jump, they would take Fall DMG abnormally.
  • Fixes errors with the Chinese voice-overs for certain quests.
  • Fixes an issue whereby under specific circumstances, after using Kaedehara Kazuha's Elemental Skill followed by a Plunging Attack, there was a small chance that the relevant sound and controller vibration effects would be missing.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when Ororon leaped into the air, voice lines related to wind gliders would incorrectly trigger (despite the character was not using a wind glider at the moment).
  • Fixes an issue whereby in the "Character > Attribute" interface, after triggering Chasca's chat voice lines, they would continue to play abnormally after switching to other secondary interfaces.
  • Fixes an issue whereby there was a mistake in the Japanese text and Japanese voice-over for Xilonen in the quest "Wailing Cacophony" of the Tribal Chronicles Act III "A Prayer for Blessings, Told to Crested Peaks."
  • Fixes an issue whereby if the character who equips Chain Breaker is from Natlan, when the Weapon effects were triggered, the character count would not include the equipping character.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when under specific circumstances, when indwelling an Iktomisaur and jumping, the hang time while airborne would be abnormal.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the Furnishing "Companion Gift - 'Resolve to Protect'" had an incorrect color.
  • Fixes a text error in the tutorial for "Goldflame Qucusaur Tyrant."
  • Fixes a text error in the tutorial for "Radiant Pillars."
  • Fixes an issue whereby some content in the readable item "Artisan's Memo (II)" was not displayed normally.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when using Nahida's Elemental Skill to interact with Candlecap Mushrooms, the relevant icons would be missing abnormally.
  • Fixes some text errors in certain languages and optimizes text. (Note: Related in-game functions have not changed. Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)
    • Optimizes certain inconsistencies between voice-overs and their corresponding lines in Neuvillette's Story Quest.

Known Issues[]

  1. The quest items "Saurus Crackers" that can be obtained from the Archon Quest Chapter V: Act V "Incandescent Ode of Resurrection" will be available for purchase from the NPC "Cipac" in the Stadium of the Sacred Flame from Version 5.4.
    After the Version 5.4 update, Travelers who missed out on the relevant quest items can purchase them from the NPC "Cipac" after completing the corresponding Archon Quest.

Post-patch Optimization & Fixes[]

2025-01-01, 23:00 UTC+8
  1. Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby when Travelers are carrying out the quest objective "Continue 'your' journey" in the Domain of the Archon Quest "Where All Hopes Lie," there is a small chance that the character would be teleported to an abnormal location after falling, and the quest objective cannot be completed.
    Travelers who encounter this issue can exit the game, end the game client, and log in again to obtain updates to resolve the issue. Some Travelers may encounter a rollback of quest progress after logging in again. Please follow the quest guide to continue the quest.
  2. Fixes an issue in controller mode whereby after completing Mavuika's Story Quest "As the Blazing Sun," the event rewards could not be claimed on the "Events Overview" interface.
    Travelers who encounter this issue can exit the game via the Paimon Menu, end the game client, and log in again to resolve the issue.
  3. Adjusts the stage layout and party lineup of Mavuika's trial stage in the "Test Run" event.
2025-01-09, 15:15 UTC+8
  1. Fixes an issue whereby some background music was missing during the phase transition of the enemy "Guardian of Apep's Oasis" after the Version 5.3 update.
  2. Fixes an issue whereby the Pyro Traveler's Constellation Level was displayed incorrectly on the "Character Showcase" interface under certain circumstances.
  3. Fixes an issue in "Repertoire of Myriad Melodies" whereby a note overlap occurred in the song "Offertorium of Fortuitum" on Pro difficulty.
  4. Fixes an issue whereby Citlali's facial expressions would be slightly abnormal when casting her Elemental Burst.
  5. Fixes an issue whereby the special effects of the Flamestrider or Mavuika's hair would briefly display incorrectly when triggering Mavuika's Nightsoul's Blessing while in mid-air or swimming.

Travelers affected by the above issues can log out via the Paimon Menu and close the game, then log in again to resolve the issues.

2025-01-16, 15:15 UTC+8
  1. Fixes an issue whereby the model of Citlali's waist would display abnormally under certain conditions.
  2. Fixes an issue whereby a black screen issue would occur on certain iOS devices when participating in the Co-Op challenge of "On the Trail of Behemoths."
  3. Fixes an issue whereby the Traveler's elemental type was displayed incorrectly in the commemorative reward "Emblem of Valor" from the "Emblem of Steadfast Valor" event.

Travelers affected by the above issues can log out via the Paimon Menu and close the game, then log in again to resolve the issues.

2025-01-16, 16:45 UTC+8
  1. Updates resources related to subsequent events.



Shakuretsu no Hongon no Uta[!][!]
英語Incandescent Ode of Resurrection
韓国語뜨거운 환혼시
Tteugeoun Hwanhonsi
スペイン語Oda incandescente de la resurrección
フランス語Ode à la résurrection incandescente
ロシア語Пылающая Ода воскресения
Pylayushchaya Oda voskreseniya
ベトナム語Bài Thơ Về Sự Tái Sinh Rực Rỡ
ドイツ語Glühende Ode der Auferstehung
インドネシア語Syair Kebangkitan yang Membara
ポルトガル語Ode Flamejante da Ressurreição
トルコ語Dirilişe Yakılan Ateşli Ağıt
イタリア語Ode incandescente della resurrezione



