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New Content[]

Event Wishes
Version 3
Version 3
New Outfits
  • Blossoming Starlight (Klee)
  • Sailwind Shadow (Kaeya)
New Quests
  • Hangout Events: Series XI
    • Kaeya: Act I - Shenanigans and Sweet Wine
  • World Quests
    • Purbiruni's Commandment
    • Recollections of a Fontainian
  • Limited-Time World Quests
    • A Starry Night, as Remembered
    • Daiya's Three-Day Reverie
    • Returning Curios
    • Capturing Light and Shadow
New Limited-Time Area
  • Veluriyam Mirage
New Events
  • Secret Summer Paradise
  • Shared Sight
  • Perilous Expedition
  • Adventurer's Trials: Advanced
  • The Forge Realm's Temper: Endless Swarm
  • Overflowing Mastery
New Genius Invokation TCG Cards
  • Candace
    • The Overflow
  • Kaedehara Kazuha
    • Autumn Whirlwind
    • Poetics of Fuubutsu
  • Yanfei
    • Right of Final Interpretation
  • Fruit of Fulfillment
  • Master Zhang
  • Ancient Courtyard
  • Covenant of Rock
  • Rhythm of the Great Dream
  • Additions to Memories of the Heart category
  • Travel Notes: Vivid Illumination
  • "Black Nacre" Promo Poster
  • "Deadline? What Deadline?" Director's Chair
  • Amusement Park Broadcast Tower
  • Amusement Park Celebration Tent
  • Glowing Amusement Park Candy Lamp
  • Hey-Ha-Hoo Slime Box Trio
  • Leisure Device: Twang-Bang-Bang
  • Sample Amusement Park "Building"
  • Sample Amusement Park "Engineering"
  • Scripts: Requirements and Principles
  • Shining Spotlight
  • VIP Guest Bleachers
  • Wind-Up Great Owl Spirit Mechanism
Other Additions
  • Adds some prompts for loading screens.
  • Adds Set 24 of "Paimon's Paintings" chat emojis.
  • Adds link in the Source section of "Dust of Azoth" for the Stardust Exchange page.
Spiral Abyss
  • Floor 11 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
    • All party members receive a 75% Physical DMG Bonus.
  • Updated the monster lineup on Floor 11 of the Spiral Abyss.
  • Updated the monster lineup on Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss.
  • Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 3.8, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows:
    • Phase I: Fleeting Moon
      • Within 10s after the character enters the field, the character's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will deal 30% increased DMG. Their ATK SPD will also be increased by 10%. This effect will be canceled when the character leaves the field.
    • Phase II: Shifting Moon
      • When a character loses or restores HP, all party members will gain 7.5% increased ATK for 10s. This effect can be triggered once every 0.1s. Max 4 stacks. Each stack will be counted independently.
    • Phase III: Ingressing Moon
      • When the active character deals consecutive instances of Elemental DMG of the same Elemental Type or Physical DMG using Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attacks to an opponent, they will gain 1 count stack. 1 stack can be gained every 0.3s. The stacks for every Elemental and Physical DMG will be counted independently. After 6 stacks have been gained, a shockwave will be unleashed at the opponent's position, dealing True DMG and clearing all previously accumulated stacks for this DMG type. Should the active character leave the field, these stacks will be cleared.

Adjustments & Optimizations[]

  • Optimizes the "Hold to select multiple items" function operation range and instructions on the Enhancement and Destroy interfaces in the Artifact and Weapon pages.
  • For Hangout Events, upon reaching the end of the event and obtaining the Hangout Memory menu, you can use the newly added "Review Invitation" button to view the narrative checkpoints.
  • Optimizes the Quest-tracking process: When the objective is a certain distance from Travelers, clicking Navigate will open the Map.
  • The objectives for Archon Quests and certain World Quests will now be listed on the map.
  • Optimizes the sorting rules for Archon Quests and certain World Quests.
  • Optimizes the display logic for red dots in the Quest Menu.
  • Commissions can now be tracked persistently. After your tracked Commission Quest comes to an end, the next Commission Quest will automatically be tracked.
  • Adjusts the AoE of the Consecrated Fanged Beast's Lunging Slash skill so that it stays the same as the area of the visual effect.
  • Adjusts sound effects for Kirara by softening the effect heard when moving around in the Urgent Neko Parcel state after holding her Elemental Skill.
  • Optimizes certain sound effects in "Genius Invokation TCG."
  • Optimizes the Korean and English voice-over for certain characters and quests.
Genius Invokation TCG
  • Adjusts the text description for Large Wind Spirits summoned by Elemental Bursts after the Character Card "Sucrose" has equipped a Talent Card in Genius Invokation TCG (to differentiate these from Large Wind Spirits summoned when a Talent Card hasn't been equipped).
  • Adjusts the text description for the Talent Card "I Got Your Back" of the Character Card "Noelle" in Genius Invokation TCG (actual effect remains unchanged).
  • Adjusts the effect of the Equipment Card "Gambler's Earrings" in Genius Invokation TCG: this effect is now limited to 3 times per match.
  • Adjusts the number of Elemental Dice required and DMG dealt by the Elemental Burst of the Character Card "Yoimiya" in Genius Invokation TCG: the number of dice required has decreased from 4 Pyro Dice to 3, and "Deals 4 Pyro DMG" has been adjusted to "Deals 3 Pyro DMG."
  • Adjusts the Elemental Skill DMG of the Character Card "Beidou" as well as the number of Elemental Dice required and DMG dealt by her Elemental Burst in Genius Invokation TCG: for Wavestrider of her Elemental Skill, "Deals 2 Electro DMG" has been adjusted to "Deals 3 Electro DMG"; the number of dice required for her Elemental Burst has decreased from 4 Electro Dice to 3, and "Deals 3 Electro DMG" has been adjusted to "Deals 2 Electro DMG".
  • Adjusts the Elemental Burst DMG of the Character Card "Xiangling" in Genius Invokation TCG: "Deals 2 Pyro DMG" has been adjusted to "Deals 3 Pyro DMG."
  • Adjusts the Energy required and DMG dealt by the Elemental Burst of Character Card "Razor" in Genius Invokation TCG: the Energy required for the Burst has been decreased from 3 to 2, and "Deals 5 Electro DMG" has been adjusted to "Deals 3 Electro DMG."
  • Adjusts the Elemental Skill DMG and Elemental Burst DMG of the Character Card "Eula" in Genius Invokation TCG: for Grimheart of her Elemental Skill, "DMG +2 for this instance" has been adjusted to "DMG +3 for this instance"; for Lightfall Sword of her Elemental Burst, "End Phase: Discard this card and deal 2 Physical DMG" has been adjusted to "End Phase: Discard this card and deal 3 Physical DMG."
  • Adjusts the collision size of the Spiral Abyss's floor whereby there was a small chance that it would hamper character movements and attacks.
  • Optimizes the display location and size of special effects of certain Elemental applications and Elemental Reactions on enemies.
  • Adjusts visual effects when Dendro Cores appear and burst to reduce the load on system performance.

Bug Fixes[]

  • Fixes an issue whereby Paimon's voice line was missing in the Story Quest "Into the Hinterland."
  • Fixes an issue whereby the enemy "Shadowy Husk: Line Breaker" could not restore HP for "Black Serpent Knight: Windcutter" and "Black Serpent Knight: Rockbreaker Ax" as per normal after its attack hit a character protected by a shield.
  • Fixes an issue whereby switching characters did not work normally after moving close to an Elemental Ring when challenging the boss monster "Iniquitous Baptist."
  • Fixes an issue whereby the Consecrated Fanged Beast and the Consecrated Horned Crocodile would continue pursuing the character even after hitting them with the Savage Roll and Subnautical Hunter skills under certain circumstances.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when Barbara is in her "Summertime Sparkle" outfit and Jean is in her "Sea Breeze Dandelion" outfit, their avatars will be inconsistent with their actual appearances (their avatars have been fixed).
  • Fixes an issue whereby the special effects of certain Plunging Attacks performed by Kirara and Kuki Shinobu are abnormally absent.
  • Fixes an issue whereby in specific situations, Kirara's Cat Grass Cardamoms, Klee's bombs, and Aloy's Chillwater Bomblets will not go off upon contacting opponents.
  • Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when Barbara casts her Elemental Burst, it will abnormally heal extremely distant allies.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the special effects of attacks would abnormally follow Baizhu if he jumped immediately after unleashing his Normal Attack (attack radius remains the same regardless if the character jumped).
  • Fixes an issue whereby characters' standing poses will behave abnormally and also allow them to walk on air in certain situations.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when Travelers are flying as Sorush, when the game disconnects and reconnects to the server, their character will erroneously be moved to the position occupied by Sorush while flying.
  • Fixes an issue whereby after the same shortcut key was set for both Quick-Use Gadget and for a particular Gadget in the Quickswap Menu, the user was unable to use that button to switch to the corresponding Gadget from the Quickswap Menu.
  • Fixes an issue whereby food items that had been added to the NRE (Menu 30) gadget would still appear in the list of foods that could be added (but in fact could not be selected) even after having been completely used up.
  • Fixes an issue whereby environment sound effects were missing in some areas of Sumeru City.
  • Fixes an issue with Collei whereby her "When the Sun Is Out" voice-over would not trigger properly.
  • Fixes an issue with Kirara whereby, after holding her Elemental Skill and entering the Urgent Neko Parcel state, voice-over lines for other states would be triggered abnormally.
  • Fixes an issue whereby some Japanese voice-overs in Kamisato Ayato's Story Quest "Cypressus Custos Chapter: Act I" would not trigger properly in Travel Log > Story Quests.
Genius Invokation TCG
  • Fixes an issue in Genius Invokation TCG whereby the player's hand would display abnormally when using Elemental Tuning after inflicting damage with Yae Miko's Character Card Combat Status "Tenko Thunderbolts."
  • Fixes an issue with "Genius Invokation TCG" whereby the corresponding elimination special effects could not be displayed normally when a Character Card was eliminated under certain circumstances.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the tutorial of the Launch Tube gadget doesn't trigger properly under certain circumstances (Travelers who encounter said problem should log into the game after the version update. The related tutorial should automatically be triggered thereafter).
  • Fixes an issue whereby it was possible to use the Waverider Repair Toolbox gadget on Sorush abnormally and restore her HP.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the camera angle would suddenly change when some characters used their Normal Attacks or moved while unleashing their Elemental Burst.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the treasure's appearance near a non-outdoor Teleport Waypoint in Hangeh Afrasiyab located within Gavireh Lajavard is erroneously displayed.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the shadows of Polearms, Swords, and Claymores are unable to be displayed properly under certain brightness conditions.
  • Fixes an issue whereby there was a chance that the achievement "Dolorous Stroke" could not be completed normally.
  • Fixes an issue whereby after disconnecting from the server and then reconnecting, characters or certain opponents that were Frozen only remained in this state for abnormally short periods.
  • Fixes some text errors in 15 languages and optimizes text. (Note: Related in-game functions have not changed. Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)
    Text-related fixes and optimizations in English include:
    • Unifies the capitalization formatting for the "More About Character" showcase.
    • Optimizes inconsistencies for certain voice-overs in Chongyun > Profile > Voice-Over.
    • Optimizes inconsistencies between voice-overs and their corresponding lines in the Archon Quest "Caribert."
    • Optimizes inconsistencies between voice-overs and their corresponding lines in Kaveh's Hangout Event.
    • Optimizes the voice-over for Albedo > Voice-Over > About Sucrose: Habits.
    • Optimizes the description for "Elemental Resonance: Sprawling Greenery."

Known Issues[]

  1. There is an issue whereby some Travelers would encounter a system notification stating "Failed to read database. Error code: 22-4302" and thus are unable to log into the game. The developers are currently fixing the issue. Please stay tuned for subsequent announcements regarding this matter. Travelers who encounter this issue can log into the game after the fix is complete.
  2. There is an issue in Genius Invokation TCG whereby when the Character Card "Eula" gains Grimheart, the DMG value indicated in the Elemental Skill description will be abnormally stated as "Deals 4 Cryo DMG" (the actual DMG dealt is as intended, and is 5 Cryo DMG). This issue will be fixed in a future version. Please stay tuned for future notices.
  3. The World Quest "A Starry Night, as Remembered" is a limited-time quest, and cannot be accepted and completed after the end of Version 3.8. Travelers, please note the quest period.
  4. There is an issue whereby when carrying out the World Quests "Capturing Light and Shadow" or "Returning Curios" in Co-Op Mode, the host is unable to obtain the Mora treasure chest related to the "Choo-Choo Cart" gameplay under specific circumstances. We will issue the treasure chest reward via an in-game mail to all affected Travelers after the end of Version 3.8.

Post-patch Optimization & Fixes[]

2023-07-05, 15:20 UTC+8
  1. Fixes an issue whereby some Travelers would encounter a system notification stating "Failed to read database. Error code: 22-4302" and thus are unable to log into the game. Our developers will distribute compensation to affected Travelers via in-game mail within 24 hours after the issue is fixed. The mail is valid for 30 days, please remember to claim it in time.
2023-07-07, 11:10 UTC+8
  1. Fixes an issue whereby the Jadeplume Terrorshroom's movement is abnormal in Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Chamber 2.
  2. Fixes an issue whereby when leaving Co-Op mode, the "Ride ahead on the rail tracks" objective in the Story Quest "Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures)" cannot proceed as normal under certain circumstances.
  3. Fixes an issue in which enemies might behave abnormally and break away from combat in Domains for certain Quests. After the fixes, the pathfinding logic of in-Domain enemies might still have abnormalities, and will be fixed in future updates.
  4. Fixed an issue in Italian whereby the text in "Battle Pass > Missions" was displayed abnormally.
    Travelers affected by the above issues can log out via the Paimon Menu and close the game client, then log in again to continue the game as normal.
2023-07-13, 16:15 UTC+8
  1. Fixes an issue whereby even after completing the open-world "Gleaming Lamp" challenge and obtaining the treasure chest in Veluriyam Mirage, the challenge would still appear as failed under certain circumstances.
  2. Fixes an issue whereby display and interaction errors would occur in the Cook and Process interfaces under certain circumstances.
2023-07-14, 19:10 UTC+8
  1. Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby the game may abnormally crash after switching accounts on Android devices whose game languages are Spanish, Turkish, Italian, French, and English on the Asia, Europe, America, HK, TW, MO servers.
2023-07-20, 16:15 UTC+8
  1. Updates resources related to subsequent events.
2023-07-28, 17:40 UTC+8
  1. Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby there is a small chance that the character would get stuck while carrying out Kaeya's Hangout Event, which affects normal game progression.

Preview Music[]

Name Player
Website BGM



  • This is the first, and so far only, version to have no new characters added to the game.

Other Languages[]

言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
フランス語Un paradis estival mystérieuxA Mysterious Summer Paradise
トルコ語Gizli Yaz CennetiSecret Summer Paradise

See Also[]

