この記事ではゲームのバージョンについて説明しています。サウンドトラックについては、明霄、海に昇りて (サウンドトラック)をご覧ください。
"On this marvelous Lantern Rite, we pray that the fallen heroes may be guided home."
Every single wish, no matter how small, is worth seeing to fruition.
We will finally reunite with those we long for on a dreamlike night.
Every single wish, no matter how small, is worth seeing to fruition.
We will finally reunite with those we long for on a dreamlike night.
- 新キャラクター
- 新装備
- イベント祈願
- 新イベント
- 新システム
- 図鑑に「生物誌」を追加しました。
- 新ストーリー
- 新伝説任務
- 金翼鵬王の章 第一幕「南柯の胡蝶、儺佑の夢」
- 彼岸蝶の章 第一幕「如何にして蝶は去り」
- 新世界任務
- イベント・「海灯祭」の段階に従って、海灯祭関連の世界任務が次々と開放されます。イベント画面-「海灯祭逸話」より任務を受けることができます。
- 枝を拾う者・ダインスレイヴ
- 新魔物
- 新便利アイテム
- 新アチーブメント
- 物質を変えよ
- 跳ね返せ!
- 倍返しだ!
- ファウル
- 「…あとはトカゲとスポック」
- 基盤が緩めば山地も揺れる!
- 基盤が硬くても勝てる!
- 散らされた千風はまた帰ってくる
- メルトダウン
- スタン
- 「…死と借金からは逃げられない」
- 「孤独に溶けていく…」
- こいつも四風守護?
- バン・バン・バン
- 新消耗品
- 新レシピ
- システム
- 図鑑に「生物誌」を追加しました。: 旅人さんが過去に倒した敵、捕獲や発見した生物の情報が記載されています。旅人さんは生物誌から自身が倒した敵の数や、敵に関する情報を確認できます。
- 合成台に材料変換機能を追加しました: 合成台で「変転の塵」とキャラクター突破素材を使用することで、ある元素のキャラクター突破素材を他の元素に変換できます。
- プレイヤー情報画面に新しく「実績一覧」と「キャラクターラインナップ」を追加しました。
- iOS14以上のデバイスにて以下のコントローラーをサポートします。Xboxワイヤレスコントローラー(Bluetooth版)、Xbox Eliteワイヤレスコントローラーシリーズ2、PlayStationワイヤレスコントローラー(DUALSHOCK 4)、iOS専用MFiコントローラー(一部対応)。
- 武器強化時、長押しで強化素材を素早く増やせる機能を追加しました。
- 既読メールをまとめて削除する機能を追加しました。未読、未受取のメールは削除されません。
- PS4®の写真システムに新しい操作項目を追加しました。操作後、直接写真をPS4®の本体ストレージに保存できます
- キャラクター
- キャラクター「浮世閑歩・鍾離(岩)」の調整
- 元素スキル「地心」長押し時の効果を調整しました。
- 元の効果 付近の岩元素を爆発させ、下記の効果を発動する:
- 玉璋シールドを生成する。シールドのダメージ吸収量は鍾離のHP上限によって決まる。また、岩元素ダメージに250%の吸収効果がある。
- 岩元素範囲ダメージを与える。
- 周りに岩元素を付与されたターゲットがいる場合、最大2つのターゲットの岩元素を大量に消耗させる。この効果によるダメージは発生しない。
- 調整後 付近の岩元素を爆発させ、下記の効果を発動する:
- 岩柱が数の上限に達していない場合、岩柱を生成する。
- 玉璋シールドを生成する。シールドのダメージ吸収量は鍾離のHP上限によって決まる。また、玉璋シールドは全元素ダメージと物理ダメージに150%の吸収効果がある。
- 玉璋シールドに守られたキャラクターは、付近範囲内の敵の全元素耐性と物理耐性-20%。この効果は重ねがけ不可。
- 岩元素範囲ダメージを与える。
- 周りに岩元素を持つターゲットがいる場合、最大2つのターゲットの岩元素を大量に消耗させる。この効果によるダメージは発生しない。
- 元の効果 付近の岩元素を爆発させ、下記の効果を発動する:
- 突破天賦2「贅沢な食饌」の效果を調整しました。
- 元の効果 天星のダメージ量が鍾離のHP上限の33%分上昇する。
- 調整後 HP上限を基に、鍾離の下記攻撃のダメージが増加する。
- 通常攻撃、重撃と落下攻撃のダメージ増加量:HP上限の1.39%
- 地心の岩柱、共鳴と長押しダメージ増加量:HP上限の1.9%
- 天星ダメージ増加量:HP上限の33%
- 元素スキル「地心」長押し時の効果を調整しました。
- キャラクター「星天水鏡・モナ(水)」の天賦「虚実流動」を改善しました。モナが攻撃を受けた後、他のキャラクターと同じくより速く虚実流動を使用できます。
- キャラクター「寒風の剣士・ガイア(氷)」に新しい待機モーションを追加しました。
- キャラクター「浮世閑歩・鍾離(岩)」の武器表示画面でのモーション効果を調整しました。
- 近くに障害物が存在する時、弓系キャラクターが狙い撃ち中震えたり、射撃方向が歪む不具合を修正しました。
- 移動中のターゲットを射撃する際の精度を改善しました。
- 一部キャラクターが歩く、攻撃、スキルを放つ、座るモーションを実行中、服装が震える問題を改善しました。
- 魔物
- 草スライムの戦闘状態の判定を調整しました。草スライムが潜伏状態であり、かつプレイヤーとの距離が一定以上の場合、プレイヤーは戦闘状態に入りません。
- システム
- 深境螺旋
- 深境螺旋第12層の魔物配置を調整しました。
- 第12層の地脈異常を調整しました。
- この層のみ、地脈の流れに乱れがない。
- 地脈異常なし。
- 1.3バージョンアップ後の初めての深境螺旋リセットから、3期の「淵月の祝福」は以下となります。
- 第1期:
- フィールド上のキャラクターのHPが70%以下の時、攻撃力+20%、攻撃速度+15%。
- フィールド上のキャラクターのHPが35%以下かつシールド状態の時、会心率+20%、会心ダメージ+40%。
- 第2期:
- 10秒毎に1回エネルギーチャージを行う。チャージは、同時に最大3重のみ可能。出場しているキャラクターのHPが50%以下の時、通常攻撃が敵に命中すると、エネルギーを消費して敵の位置に不安定なエネルギーの塊を残し、1秒後に爆発する。2秒毎に1回のみ発動可能。
- 第3期:
- フィールド上のキャラクターのHPが50%以下の時、通常攻撃と重撃が敵に命中した10秒間、与えるダメージ+2%、最大10重まで。さらに、異なるキャラクターによって独立した効果時間と加算回数を持つ。効果の加算と効果時間がリセットされた時、50%の確率でエネルギー衝撃を発動する。10秒毎に1回のみ発動可能。
- チャット画面で、削除済のチャットが再表示されなくなります。
- チャット画面の展示順番を調整しました。マルチプレイ中、チャット欄は自動的にチーム会話に切り替えられます。
- マップに複数のマークが重なる際の表示を調整しました。
- スマートフォン版において、深境螺旋で狙い撃ちモードに入った時のUIの透明度を調整しました。
- PS4®版において、便利アイテム「写真機」の操作体験を改善しました。使用時、直接UIを隠したままスクリーンショットを完了し、本体ストレージに保存できます。
- Ver.1.3以降、紀行報酬に脆弱樹脂を追加しました。
- 大地紀行と天空紀行はレベル5から、レベルが10上がるごとに現在の報酬である仕上げ用魔鉱の代わりに脆弱樹脂を1つ獲得できます。元の仕上げ用魔鉱は、他のレベル報酬に調整されるため獲得総数に変更はありません。
- 便利アイテム「ポケットワープポイント」の「消去」ボタンを取り消しました。
- 一部の体型のキャラクターがキャラ外見変更画面で装備した風の翼の大きさを調整しました。
- コントローラーを使用中、ショップ-スター交換画面で切り替えを行う際の更新スピードを調整しました。
- 低フレームレート(FPS)の時、狙い撃ちモードで照準を移動させる操作感を調整しました。
- 音声
- ボイス改善:
- 任務会話中のモノローグ部分にリバーブ効果を追加しました。
- キャラクターの戦闘ボイスが待機ボイスを中断できるようになりました。
- キャラクターアンバーの中国語CVを変更しました。該当調整はVer.1.4に実装されます。
- 一部キャラクターの中国語版ボイスを追加しました。
- 一部キャラクターの日本語版ボイスを調整&追加しました。
- PCとスマートフォン版で、一部の音声のミックス効果を調整しました。
- その他
- 岩元素共鳴「不動の岩」の調整
- 元の効果
- 連撃中断耐性が上昇する。シールドが存在する時、与えるダメージ+15%。
- 調整後
- シールド強化+15%。また、キャラクターがシールド状態の時、以下の効果を得る:与えるダメージ+15%。敵にダメージを与えた時、敵の岩元素耐性-20%、継続時間15秒。
- 元の効果
- 岩元素シールドのバランス調整
- 岩元素シールドの効果を「岩元素ダメージに250%の吸収効果がある」から「全元素と物理ダメージに対して150%の吸収効果がある」に調整しました。
- 該当調整に影響される効果:
- 「鍾離」の元素スキルが付与する岩元素シールド
- 「ノエル」の元素スキルが付与する岩元素シールド
- 「ベビーヴィシャップ・岩」がドロップする岩元素の欠片を拾った際に生成される岩元素シールド
- 通常祈願・「奔走世間」のタブを変更しました(実際の祈願内容には影響を及ぼしません)。
- 素材霧虚ろの花粉、霧虚ろの草嚢、霧虚ろの灯芯の入手方法の記載内容を調整しました。
- 素材「脆い骨片」、「丈夫な骨片」、「石化した骨片」の入手方法の記載内容を調整しました。
- イベント・「腕試し」の説明テキストに元素オーブの生成に関する説明を追加しました(実際の効果には影響を及ぼしません)。
- 追加説明:旅人さんにより早く元素爆発をお試しいただくため、お試しステージでは元素オーブが追加で生成されます。しかしながら、該当仕様をイベント説明に明記せず、旅人さんたちのキャラクター評価において誤差が生じる事態を招き、誠に申し訳ございません。今回の更新をもって、イベント説明に関連テキストを追加しました。今後もお試しステージを調整、改善して参ります。
- Fixes the issue where if Oz is repositioned using an Elemental Skill while he is on the field, the effect of "Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex" might be lost.
- Quests
- Fixes an issue affecting the PS4 version whereby during the Story Quest "Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land," Stanley's movements during cutscenes are erroneous.
- Fixes an issue whereby two Tea Master Liu Sus will appear under certain conditions.
- Fixes an issue in the Story Quest "Traveler Observation Report" whereby some of Paimon's voice lines are missing.
- Fixes an issue with the Archon Quest "A Long Shot" whereby there is a small chance of triggering a Plunging Attack during the aerial battle with Stormterror.
- Domains
- Fixes an issue whereby when temporarily leaving a Spiral Abyss challenge, Statues of The Seven can revive characters that have fallen in the Spiral Abyss.
- Co-Op
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby during the second stage of the Childe boss fight, some of his Skill DMG may not be attributed to the correct location.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby there is a small chance that the Anemo Hypostasis and Geo Hypostasis are unable to be defeated.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby the ice crystals that form after the Frostarm Lawachurl sprints do not appear properly.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when another Traveler joins a world, the ability of some character skills to break monsters' shields becomes inconsistent with Single-Player Mode.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when another Traveler joins a world, some Ruin Hunter attacks may be unable to land hits.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when another Traveler joins a world, some Ruin Hunter skills are unable to be displayed properly.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby when another Traveler joins a world, interacting with a Statue of The Seven and accepting a Domain challenge invite cause the game to freeze.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby the blocking effect of Anemoboxer Vanguards may not be displayed properly.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby if voice-over audio is being played on the Character Profile screen when another Traveler leaves the world, the interface will not be displayed properly.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby after the host disconnects and reconnects, the constructs of other Travelers' characters may not disappear.
- Monsters
- Fixes an issue in the Childe boss fight whereby during the second stage of the fight, Childe's attacks may not be able to apply the Riptide effect to the character.
- Fixes an issue with the Anemo Hypostasis whereby when it casts its butterfly wing-flap skill and blows the character into the air, the character may get stuck in mid-air when falling back down.
- Fixes an issue with the Geo Hypostasis whereby Basalt Columns may be ousted by characters' Geo constructs, causing them to disappear.
- Fixes an issue with the Geo Hypostasis challenge whereby after the energy cube has been broken and the shield has formed, switching characters within the range of the shield may cause the character to take DMG.
- Fixes an issue during combat with the Anemo Hypostasis and Geo Hypostasis whereby the effects of Barbara's Elemental Skill, Qiqi's Elemental Skill, and Klee's Elemental Burst may unexpectedly disappear.
- Fixes an issue whereby the Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl cannot block attacks normally when buffed by an Elemental Node.
- Fixes an issue whereby after a large slime jumps, it still takes DMG if the location from which it jumps is attacked.
- Fixes an issue with Rock Shield Hilichurl Guards and Ice Shield Hilichurl Guards' resistance to interruption when holding shields.
- Weapons
- Fixes an issue with the weapon "Deathmatch" whereby the weapon affix "Gladiator" incorrectly counts nearby animals when calculating the number of nearby opponents.
- Fixes an issue whereby if a character gains a shield, the ATK increase effects of the weapons Vortex Vanquisher, Summit Shaper, The Unforged, and Memory of Dust may be affected by a short delay.
- Fixes an issue with the weapon "Raven Bow" whereby the icon and the weapon model are inconsistent after the weapon ascends.
- Characters
- Fixes an issue with Kaeya whereby under specific circumstances, casting his Elemental Skill "Frostgnaw" at a body of water causes him to be pushed underwater by the ice layer.
- Fixes an issue whereby casting some characters' skills can be incorrectly interrupted by sitting.
- Fixes an issue whereby some effects are incorrectly affected by the CD Reduction attribute. The affected effects are: Barbara's Lv. 6 Constellation "Dedicating Everything to You"; Qiqi's Lv. 6 Constellation "Rite of Resurrection"; Kaeya's Lv. 4 Constellation "Frozen Kiss"; Noelle's Passive Talent "Devotion"; and Fischl's ability to summon Oz back to her side with her Elemental Skill while he is already on the field.
- CD Reduction should only affect the CD of Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts.
- Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby the effect of Jean's Lv. 6 Constellation "Lion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt" may not properly take effect on teammates.
- Fixes errors that may occur with the effects of Tartaglia's cape.
- Fixes an issue with Tartaglia whereby after continuously attacking enemies in his Melee Stance, an error occurs with the CD of his Elemental Skill "Foul Legacy: Raging Tide" after he returns to his Ranged Stance.
- Fixes an issue with Zhongli whereby after activating his Lv. 1 Constellation "Rock, the Backbone of Earth," casting his Elemental Skill may cause Stone Steles on the field to erroneously disappear when the maximum number of Stone Steles has not been reached.
- Fixes an issue whereby Zhongli's weapon model may not be displayed when performing Plunging Attacks.
- Fixes an issue whereby Zhongli's Jade Shield effect upon taking hits is triggered too frequently (the effect of his Passive Talent "Resonant Waves" remains unaffected by this fix).
- Fixes an issue with Zhongli whereby when the Jade Shield is active, the AoE Geo DMG dealt by holding the Elemental Skill "Dominus Lapidis" cannot trigger the DMG increase of the Elemental Resonance effect "Enduring Rock."
- Fixes an issue whereby if Zhongli jumps while performing a Normal Attack, consequent attacks may be unable to be infused.
- Fixes an issue whereby after Fischl uses her Elemental Skill "Nightrider" to change Oz's location, her Passive Talent "Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex" cannot be triggered properly.
- Fixes an issue whereby Kaeya's Passive Talent "Glacial Heart" may not take effect properly.
- Fixes an issue with Razor whereby triggering the lightning caused by his Lv. 6 Constellation "Lupus Fulguris" and casting his Elemental Skill within a short time of each other causes an error with the number of Electro Sigils received.
- Fixes an issue whereby if the Traveler (Anemo) immediately jumps or sprints after using the Elemental Skill "Palm Vortex," Elemental Particles will be unable to be generated.
- Fixes an issue with Diona whereby clipping occurs with the character and weapon model on the Weapons section of the Character Screen.
- Fixes an issue whereby if the game reconnects to the server after Lisa uses her Elemental Skill "Lightning Rose," the ground effect will not function properly.
- Fixes an issue affecting Barbara's Lv. 6 Constellation "Dedicating Everything to You" and Qiqi's Lv. 6 Constellation "Rite of Resurrection" whereby the CDs of these constellation effects do not reset when starting the Spiral Abyss.
- Fixes an issue whereby Klee's Charged Attack incorrectly causes DMG numbers to be displayed under some circumstances.
- Fixes an issue with Klee whereby reconnecting to the server after casting her Elemental Burst causes errors with the duration of the effects of her Lv. 4 Constellation "Sparkly Explosion."
- Fixes an issue whereby if Xiangling teleports or steps onto the crystallized platform created by Solar Isotoma when she uses her Elemental Burst "Pyronado," the effects of "Pyronado" will not be shown properly.
- Fixes an issue with Ganyu whereby if the game disconnects and reconnects while her Elemental Skill is being cast, or if the connection is poor while switching to another character immediately after Ganyu casts her Elemental Skill, the number of times that her Lv. 6 Constellation "The Clement" takes effect is incorrect.
- Fixes an issue whereby when the crystallized platform created by Solar Isotoma raises a character, certain operations will cause the character to be raised up very high.
- Fixes an issue whereby after Diona uses her Elemental Skill "Icy Paws," quickly switching characters causes Elemental Particles to be unable to be gained.
- Fixes an issue whereby in certain situations, the number of Stone Steles existing at one time can exceed the maximum.
- System
- Fixes an issue within the Character Screen whereby characters' expressions may appear incorrectly.
- Fixes an issue with the Bounties part of the City Reputation system whereby some 5-star Ruin Hunter targets are missing weak spot descriptions.
- Fixes an issue whereby consumed Artifacts may incorrectly be displayed on the Artifacts filter screen.
- Fixes an issue when using a controller on the Party Setup screen whereby if many characters are owned, the first row of character icons may not be displayed fully when switching characters.
- Fixes some issues in the Travel Log section of the Archive whereby text is missing or is inconsistent with the audio.
- Fixes an issue whereby the hint window does not display correctly when attempting to use a revival item while revival items are in cooldown.
- Fixes an issue whereby after changing the Quest Navigation button under Settings > Key Bindings (PC) or Settings > Controller Setup (PS4), the game UI still refers to the default button in on-screen guidance.
- Fixes an issue whereby character idle voice-over may play when a wish is being made.
- Fixes the issue of controller users being unable to skip the Battle Pass animation.
- Audio
- Fixes some issues with the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English voice-over.
- Fixes issues with some character and environment sound effects.
- Fixes an issue for controller users whereby some interface sound effects do not function properly.
- Other
- Fixes an issue on iOS devices whereby certain Dragonspine environments are not displayed properly.
- Fixes an issue whereby Plunging Attacks do not function correctly under specific circumstances.
- Fixes an issue whereby the camera angle is incorrect under specific circumstances.
- Fixes some errors with environment models.
- Fixes an issue whereby some revival items cannot be added to the gadget NRE (Menu 30).
- Fixes an issue whereby casting some characters' skills can cause errors with weather conditions.
- Fixes spelling errors in some descriptions.
- Fixes an issue whereby the character model may fall into the ground after teleporting.
- Fixes an issue whereby once the shards created by Crystallize disappear, their visual effects are still visible for some time.
- Fixes an issue whereby if wooden crates in the Dragonspine region disappear due to Burning, they still diminish Sheer Cold.
- Fixes an issue whereby some effects triggered by switching character are incorrectly triggered by actions such as teleporting and entering domains. (Example: effects caused by the catalyst "Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers")
- Fixes errors in the description of the food item "Suspicious Tianshu Meat" (the actual effects of this item in-game are not affected by this change).
- Fixes an issue whereby some clues for Bounties are suspended in mid-air.
- Fixes an issue whereby unlocked Teleport Waypoints briefly appear red when loading.
- Fixes an issue whereby characters can climb in mid-air in certain situations.
- Fixes an issue whereby under certain conditions, an elemental reaction cannot be triggered even though the target is still affected by one of the elements involved. This fix takes effect for all units (both characters and monsters).
- Example: A monster who is affected by a relevant element is hit by a Geo attack, causing the Crystallize reaction. As of Version 1.3, providing the monster continues to be affected by the relevant element (i.e. the effect has not worn off), additional elemental reactions can be triggered by attacking the monster with corresponding elemental attacks. (In previous versions, it was sometimes impossible to produce additional elemental reactions after the initial reaction.)
- Ningguang's Charged Attack movement may lag. This issue will be fixed in Version 1.4.
- The homing projectiles released by Ningguang's Elemental Burst "Starshatter" may not take effect. This issue will be fixed in Version 1.4.
- The following issues may occur in Co-Op Mode:
- When matching, the Party Setup screen text is not displayed properly (question marks appear) or some characters are not displayed.
- When matching, the Party Setup screen is blank.
- Being unable to leave Co-Op Mode.
- The Chat interface displays incorrectly.
- The developers are currently fixing the aforementioned issues. Please stay tuned for further announcements regarding exact date of the fix. If you encounter these issues, you can exit the game via the Paimon Menu and end all game client processes before logging in again as a temporary fix.
- Opponents in the "Theater Mechanicus" portion of the "Lantern Rite" event take damage from character-triggered Shatter elemental reactions abnormally. This issue will be fixed in a future update.
- Characters with corresponding Talents or Constellations can replenish their Energy in the "Theater Mechanicus" portion of the "Lantern Rite" event. This issue will be fixed in a future update.
- Travelers online at the time of the update at 2021/02/05 03:10 had a small chance to encounter an issue whereby character Constellation effects or Shield DMG Absorption effects do not function normally. This issue can be fixed by exiting the game from the Paimon Menu and logging back into the game.
- After reconnecting to the game server, some visual effects for a character's shield may remain and not display properly (however, the actual shield still functions as intended).
- This issue will be fixed in Version 1.4. In the meantime, Travelers can resolve this issue by using the skill which generated the shield once more.
- Monster target tracking has a chance to exhibit abnormal behavior (e.g. "Eclipsing Star" Ningguang (Geo)'s Jade Screen will sometimes become the target of monster attacks). This issue will be fixed in Version 1.4.
Post-patch Optimization & Fixes[]
- 2021-2-3, 18:30 UTC+8
- Wish: Fixes the History page to show records from the past 6 months (originally, only the past 1 month was shown).
- 2021-2-4, 16:10 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue whereby playing on a slow internet connection may cause the effects of Xiao's Lv. 6 Constellation "Conqueror of Evil: Guardian Yaksha" to not trigger properly.
- Fixes an issue with the World Quest "Tianqiu Treasure Trail" in Co-Op Mode whereby the quest would not progress as intended after completing the quest objective "Follow the treasure map to find the treasure."
- Fixes an issue whereby the models of two NPCs in Liyue Harbor overlap.
- 2021-2-5, 16:10 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue whereby "Chivalric Blossom" Noelle (Geo)'s Passive Talent "Devotion" cannot be triggered at times.
- Fixes an issue whereby the monster Ice Cage skill does not display its effects correctly and persists even after its duration ends.
- Fixes an issue whereby when the world quest Bough Keeper: Dainsleif is in progress, Dandelion Seeds do not refresh normally.
This fix will take effect when the game is restarted. When entering another Traveler's world, both Travelers must be updated to the latest version of the game.
- 2021-2-5, 18:30 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue whereby stamina consumption reduction effects have a chance to abnormally restore stamina.
- 2021-2-10, 15:00 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue whereby the description "Exit Spiral Abyss?" pop-up window is incorrect.
- The current text is: "[...]Select "Retry" to restart from the current chamber." The post-fix text will be: "[...]If you choose "Abandon Challenge," your current challenge will end and challenge result will be saved."
- 2021-2-10, 19:30 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue with the Trial Stage of the "Theater Mechanicus" portion of the "Lantern Rite" event whereby if a player who fulfilled all completion criteria abandons the challenge before its finalization, the "Try Theater Mechanicus" objective of the "Liyue: Theater Mechanicus" world quest may be prevented from being completed.
- 2021-2-10, 20:00 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue whereby the forest boar drops in the "Chase the boars away" objective of the world quest "Return of the Jade Chamber?" may be not as expected.
- Fixes an issue whereby characters in the "Theater Mechanicus" portion of the "Lantern Rite" event can replenish their Energy.
- 2021-2-10, 20:30 UTC+8
- Fixes the following issues that may occur in the PC client during Co-Op Mode:
- When matching, the Party Setup screen text is not displayed properly (question marks appear) or some characters are not displayed.
- When matching, the Party Setup screen is blank.
- Being unable to leave Co-Op Mode.
- The Chat interface displays incorrectly.
- Travelers playing on PC who are affected by the aforementioned issues can open the launcher and follow the instructions to perform an update.
- 2021-2-11, 00:30 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue whereby characters' Energy does not charge as intended in the open world.
- Additional explanation: Due to an oversight on our part, the second fix released at 2021/2/10 20:00 introduced an error with the way characters recharge elemental Energy in the open world. This fix has been rolled back, and the rate at which Energy is consumed in Theater Mechanicus has been increased.
- This issue will be fixed in a forthcoming version. We sincerely apologize to all Travelers for the inconvenience.
- 2021-02-14, 1:45
- Fixes the issue in the "Lantern Rite" event world quest "The Illumiscreen: II" whereby the treasure in Minlin cannot be dug up, preventing the completion of the quest objective.
Travelers affected by this issue can restart the game to continue playing normally.
- 2021-02-18, 16:15 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue whereby reconnecting to the server or logging out during the completion of the World Quest "Perfect Shot" creates a small possibility that the quest objective "Talk to Ji Tong" cannot be completed.
- 2021-02-20, 20:15 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue whereby there is a small chance that characters may not be able to deal damage to Geovishaps strengthened by Hydro.
- 2021-02-25, 16:30 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue where some Ley Line Disorders do not take effect properly and you must switch characters in order to restore the expected effects. For example:
- When Overloaded is triggered, you will be hit by a powerful blast, causing your character to take DMG.
- When Superconduct is triggered, you will be hit by a powerful blast, causing your character to take DMG.
- When Melt is triggered, you will be hit by a powerful blast, causing your character to take DMG.
- When Vaporize is triggered, you will be hit by a powerful blast, causing your character to take DMG.
- When Electro-Charged is triggered, you will be hit by a powerful blast, causing your character to take DMG.
- Fixes an error on the Details screen for the event wish "Epitome Invocation" in the French language (the actual rules of the Wish in-game work as intended).
- 2021-3-4, 16:15 UTC+8
- Fixes an issue with the Story Quest "Yet the Butterfly Flutters Away" whereby even if the player fails the domain challenge 'Enter the "border,"' the reward chest still appears.
- Fixes an issue with the Story Quest "Yet the Butterfly Flutters Away" whereby the NPC Meng may disappear during the quest objective "Explain the misunderstanding to Meng," meaning the quest cannot be completed.
- 2021-3-11, 16:15 UTC+8
- Fixes a mistake in the description of Hu Tao's Passive Talent "Flutter By" in Russian (the actual effect in-game works as intended).
- Fixes an issue whereby if Keqing casts her Elemental Skill "Stellar Restoration" and proactively clears the Lightning Stiletto mark, multiple instances of slash DMG may occur during its cooldown.
- Fixes an issue in Portuguese with the display of the title text for the character event wish "Moment of Bloom."
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 明霄、海に昇りて Meishou, umi ni noborite | Brilliant Lanterns Rise Amongst the Sea |
中国語 (簡体字) | 明霄升海平 Míngxiāo Shēng Hǎipíng | Brilliant Lanterns Rise Amongst the Sea |
中国語 (繁体字) | 明霄昇海平 Míngxiāo Shēng Hǎipíng | |
英語 | All That Glitters | — |
韓国語 | 밤하늘을 수놓은 등불 Bamhaneur-eul Sunoeun Deungbul | Lanterns Embroidered The Night Sky |
スペイン語 | Luces en el horizonte | Lights on the Horizon |
フランス語 | Lumières à l'horizon | Lights on the Horizon |
ロシア語 | Праздничный свет фонарей Prazdnichnyy svet fonarey | Festive Lantern Light |
タイ語 | ฟากฟ้าทะเลดาว Fak Fa Thale Dao | Starry Horizon[• 1] |
ベトナム語 | Muôn Trùng Minh TiêuMinh Tiêu | Myriads of Lights in the Night |
ドイツ語 | Angezündet sind die Lichter | Ignited are the Lights |
インドネシア語 | Gemerlap Langit Malam | Starry Sky |
ポルトガル語 | Horizonte Cintilante | Glistening Horizon |
- ↑ タイ語: ทะเลดาว thale dao literally translates to "sea (of) stars," which can also be interpreted as "starry."