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Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 06 Rosaria 4





How to Participate[]

Click on the >>Go to Event<< link in the Official Announcement, as there is no in-game link.

For safety reasons as it involves a login, please check that the site is legitimate, even if it is linked to on this wiki.

The PlayStation®4 version of this event was released later on March 25, 2021 13:00 (UTC+8)[1] due to issues with account mechanics.

Please note that if you are taking part in this event via a third-party platform, you must link your miHoYo account under "Account Management" to ensure smooth participation in the event.


About the Park[]

During the park's dates of operation, Travelers can purchase decorations and arrange them in the park. Certain decorations will attract certain slimes to move in and certain monsters to visit the park. The more decorations you purchase, the more lively the park will be!

Paradise Coin Paradise Coins:
You'll need to spend Paradise Coins to purchase things in the Decorations Shop. Earn Paradise Coins by completing daily tasks.

Paradise Ticket Paradise Tickets:
You'll need to spend Paradise Tickets to purchase things in the Rewards Shop. As a Park Opening Gift, 100 Paradise Tickets are given initially. You can obtain Paradise Tickets in the following ways:

  1. By completing certain event tasks.
  2. From decorations: After purchasing a decoration, it will begin generating Paradise Tickets at a designated time each day starting on the next day. Designated time: Daily at 00:00 (Server time).
  3. From monsters: Monsters will come to visit the park every day. Each time a different kind of monster visits for the first time, they will bring you a greeting gift of Paradise Tickets.

Gallery - Photos
If you purchase decorations and visit the park frequently, you can collect different photos. See Slime Paradise/Gallery for gallery photos and descriptions.

Park Tips[]

  1. You must purchase the right decorations to attract specific slimes to move in and specific monsters to visit. Pay attention to the decoration descriptions for clues!
  2. When a slime moves in, it will stay at the park for the rest of the event - they simply don't want to leave!
  3. Visits will refresh daily. When a guest visits, they will stay in the park until they leave the next day. (When you have a new decoration that attracts new kind of guest, that kind of guest will visit first the next day.)
  4. All of the daily tasks, visitor events, earnings, and monster visits referred to in these rules refresh at 00:00 daily (based on the time of the server your character is on). (Asia: UTC+8; America: UTC−5; Europe: UTC+1; TW,HK,MO: UTC+8)
  5. The Rewards Shop will be open for the same duration as the event. It will be unavailable once the event ends, so don't forget to claim your prizes on time!

Decorations Shop[]

See Slime Paradise/Story for visitor messages.

Each new monster apart from Slimes that visits gets a small descriptive blurb alongside a 150 Paradise Ticket Paradise Ticket gift. When Unusual Hilichurl visits, 500 Paradise Ticket Paradise Ticket is gifted instead. Each 300 coin costing decoration can also be interacted with for amusement by clicking on a specific spot on them.

Decoration Paradise Ticket Generation Description Visitor Paradise Coin Cost Remarks
Event Slime Paradise Grill
+50/day The grill of every hilichurl's dreams, supposedly capable of roasting a whole adult boar. Hilichurl, Pyro Hilichurl Grenadier 0 No actual cost as purchased as part of tutorial.
Event Slime Paradise Pot
Multi-Purpose Pot
+50/day Just an ordinary cooking pot, but it can cook almost anything... perhaps even slimes? Pyro Slime 100 No actual cost as purchased as part of tutorial.
Event Slime Paradise Shovel
Wooden-Handle Shovel
+75/day An ordinary but durable shovel that can be used to dig a pond. A certain kind of slime should be very happy about this... Cryo Slime 150 Available to purchase from the start of the event.
Event Slime Paradise Vase
Porcelain Flower Vase
+75/day A huge flower vase in the style of Liyue. But, why is there grass in the vase...? Dendro Slime, Pyro Whopperflower 150 Available to purchase from the start of the event.
Event Slime Paradise Tesla
Tesla Ball (Replica)
+75/day A strange, enigmatic device. Purchasing it will earn the buyer a small gift. Electro Slime, Mutant Electro Slime 150 Available to purchase from the start of the event.
Event Slime Paradise House
Abandoned Stone House
+75/day The creation of an aspiring stonemason. Too small to live in, except for... Geo Slime 150 Available to purchase from the start of the event.
Event Slime Paradise Target
Hilichurl Target
+75/day A battered archery target. Many a mighty hilichurl archer has honed its skills shooting arrows at it. Electro Hilichurl Shooter 150 This decoration will become available after playing for at least 1 day(s).
Event Slime Paradise Skeleton
+75/day A skeleton of an unknown creature. As far as a certain kind of monster is concerned, it's irresistible. Geovishap Hatchling 150 This decoration will become available after playing for at least 1 day(s).
Event Slime Paradise Trampoline
Jumpy Trampoline
+100/day All the jumpy of Jumpy Dumpty without the propensity to explode. A dream come true for slimes that wish to fly high. Anemo Slime, Geo Slime 200 This decoration will become available after playing for at least 1 day(s).
Event Slime Paradise Simulator
Dragonspine Simulator
+300/day An instrument invented by a scholar that mimics the Dragonspine environment. Capable of causing snowfall within a limited area. 300 This decoration will become available after playing for at least 2 day(s).
Event Slime Paradise Phonograph
Mysterious Phonograph
+300/day Plays a delightful and somehow familiar melody — perhaps the favorite song of a certain bard. Stormterror, Dendro Slime 300 This decoration will become available after playing for at least 2 day(s).
Event Slime Paradise Balloon
Slime Hot Air Balloon
+300/day A hot air balloon that can stay airborne forever. But it doesn't seem to have a burner... so how does it fly? Anemo Slime 300 This decoration will become available after playing for at least 2 day(s).
Event Slime Paradise Stage
Slime Stage
+300/day A magnificent stage that is a must for any park. It's your time to shine, slimes! Unusual Hilichurl 300 This decoration will become available after playing for at least 2 day(s).
Event Slime Paradise Ticket 25
Paradise Tickets ×25
- Evidence of your careful operation of Slime Paradise. Can be spent in the Rewards Shop to purchase various items. 250 Will become available after all decorations have been purchased. Has infinite stock.
Event Slime Paradise Ticket 150
Paradise Tickets ×150
- Evidence of your careful operation of Slime Paradise. Can be spent in the Rewards Shop to purchase various items. 1,000 Will become available after all decorations have been purchased. Has infinite stock.
Total +1,850/day 2,400

Event Tasks[]

Task Type Reward
Enter Slime Paradise once today Daily Paradise Coin Paradise Coin ×200
Log in to Genshin Impact today Daily Paradise Coin Paradise Coin ×300
Do one of the following:
  • Check out the fan art in the HoYoLAB Community
  • Check out the new features in the HoYoLAB Community
  • Check out the Official section in HoYoLAB Community
  • Go to the official YouTube channel
  • Go to the official Facebook page
  • View the Version 1.3 Preview Page
  • View "A Sea of Lanterns" fan art event announcement on HoYoLAB
Daily Paradise Coin Paradise Coin ×100
2/4/7 slimes moved in to the park Goal Paradise Ticket Paradise Ticket ×200/400/800
Purchase 7/10/13 park decorations Goal Paradise Ticket Paradise Ticket ×200/400/800
Collect 1/4/7/10/12 photo(s) Goal Paradise Ticket Paradise Ticket ×200/400/800/1,200/2,000
Total Paradise Coin Paradise Coin ×600 (Daily)
Paradise Ticket Paradise Ticket ×7,400 (Goal)
  • Daily tasks refresh every at 00:00 (server time). After completing daily tasks, remember to claim the rewards in time!
  • The completion status of the task "Log in to Genshin Impact" may take about 10 minutes to update.


アイテム Item Paradise Ticket
原石 原石 ×302,00048,000
大英雄の経験 大英雄の経験 ×160053,000
モラ モラ ×10,000600106,000
仕上げ用良鉱 仕上げ用良鉱 ×530051,500
モラ モラ ×500100999,900


14楽しい旅風と異邦人冒険者試練光焔踊躍煙海巡廻ブロッサムを追い求めてスライムランド春のワンダーランド音符探しの序曲 (音符探し)


言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
Suraimu Rando
Slime Land
Shǐláimǔ Lèyuán
Shǐláimǔ Lèyuán
英語Slime Paradise
韓国語슬라임 랜드
Seullaim Raendeu
Slime Land
スペイン語El Paraíso de los Slimes
フランス語Paradis des Blobs !
ロシア語Слаймовый рай
Slaymovyy ray
タイ語Slime Paradise
ベトナム語Công Viên Slime
インドネシア語Dunia Slime
ポルトガル語Paraíso de Slimes


