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As the nation that houses Sumeru Akademiya, Teyvat's largest known academic center, much of what is known about Sumeru is set in the context of the Akademiya.

People in Sumeru value rationality and wisdom, and the fact that many adults in Sumeru do not have dreams is in fact a source of pride for them. Knowledge is managed as a resource through a device known as the Akasha system, which is powered by the Gnosis of the previous Dendro Archon, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.[1] The people of Sumeru frequently used to use their Akasha Terminals to find information, and essentially every adult has one; children do not. After the suspension of the Akasha System, the people of Sumeru were now able to dream once more.

While humans are predominant in Sumeru, there are also a few humanoid races living in Sumeru, such as Tighnari's race, who are considered to be a rare sight. The Aranara, a race of forest spirits, also live in Sumeru.

Wealth is usually determined by the amount of Sumpter Beasts one owns. They are used by all of Sumeru's inhabitants, including the local hilichurls to carry their supplies and goods across the forest and desert.

Sumeru has both forest and desert. The desert is stated to be a harsh place, an endless expanse of sand, scorching sun and sandstorms. It is also filled with ruins containing many mechanisms from both Khaenri'ah and King Deshret's time.


Education can take an extremely long time at Sumeru Akademiya. Lisa, the most talented student to attend in two hundred years, managed to graduate in merely two years;[2] most other students are not nearly so lucky.

The unnamed author (most likely Gregor) of a certain message on the Cat's Tail Message Board was selected by a sage at the Akademiya and has gone to study there, but expresses regret that his parents will be old by the time he graduates. His message suggests he has recently come of age, putting him around 18 years old; assuming his parents are in their mid-40s to early 50s, this means his education will likely take somewhere around 15 to 20 years. This is corroborated by Hosseini's dialogue, in which he claims he is "not even 30 yet" and that being an undergraduate at his age is not uncommon.

Lisa mentions feeling disillusioned with its workaholic culture, citing it as the reason for why she became so lazy after returning from Sumeru Akademiya.[3]


Sumeru cuisine generally revolves around spicy foods, especially curry. The forests of Sumeru also contain many edible flowers, mushrooms and fruits, which are used in their cuisine.


Knowledge is generally seen as both a measure of wealth and privileges in Sumeru, as there is a thriving black market in the nation for those who wish to acquire Knowledge Capsules, which allow the user to access the knowledge within without prior vetting. Dori and the Eremites are known to sell them to customers, which often consist of researchers from the Akademiya.

Shaggy Sumpter Beasts are also a way to measure wealth in Sumeru.

Port Ormos is Sumeru's main port, where foreigners from other nations come to buy and sell goods.

Designs, Motifs, and Symbols[]

Character Cards[]

The overall shape of Sumeru Character Cards is a large circle with a darker crescent covering the upper part of the circle. To either side of the crescent's inner edge are circles with symbols, which varies based on the character's overall affiliation with either Sumeru City or the Desert. (The distinction is currently assumed based on Candace's Character Card.)

Sumeru City

Those affiliated with Sumeru City have a total of six circles, each with a different design, representing the Six Darshans of Sumeru Akademiya:

  • Bottom left is a horse with an hourglass, the symbol of Vahumana
  • Middle left appears to be a bird — possibly a simurgh, huma, or griffin — with a wheat stalk, the symbol of Amurta
  • Top left is a lion with an Ionic column, the symbol of Kshahrewar
  • Top right is an elephant, the symbol of Rtawahist
  • Middle right is a tree branching into a peacock, the symbol of Spantamad
  • Bottom right is a bull with a scroll, the symbol of Haravatat

Arabesque-like patterns are also prominent in the background, alongside Moroccan trellis patterns (or quatrefoils) which can be seen towards the bottom of the Cards. The trellis is more obvious on the Chinese Character Cards (see Collei's official Chinese introduction).


Those affiliated with the desert region of Sumeru have four circles, although the right two circles are currently obstructed and cannot be clearly discerned.

  • Bottom left is unclear, but possibly an Ammit (crocodile) head (from the Chinese and Japanese Character Card, it is apparent that the figure lacks pointed ears, which rules out a jackal or Anubis head)
  • Top left is a ram's head

The background features hieroglyphic and Ancient Egyptian-inspired designs.

Families and Lineages[]

In Sumeru, people may derive their surnames from their ancestors. Descendants' surnames will prefix their ancestor's name with Pur (ペルシア語: پور "son"; 中国語: 普尔); Anisa's full name is Anisa Purbiruni, where "Purbiruni" (中国語: 普尔比鲁尼) is derived from the great sage Biruni who lived 500 years ago.[4] Based on the previous example, "Pursina" (中国語: 普尔希娜) may be a surname used by descendants of a woman named Sina.[Note 1] The Traveler mentions that this practice might not necessarily imply biological descent, but also be a form of admiration for the sages of old and imply following in their footsteps.[5]


Men's Clothing[]

Women's Clothing[]

Festivals and Holidays[]

Sabzeruz Festival[]


The Akademiya governs Sumeru and handles much of the daily affairs of the nation. Knowledge is managed as a resource through the "Akasha System", powered by the Gnosis left behind by Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.

The Eremites are a mercenary force originating from the desert. Though they have no overall affiliation, they are often hired as bodyguards by Sumeru researchers. The Corps of Thirty are a unit of Eremites employed by the Akademiya to keep peace within Sumeru City.


  1. The Persian name Sina is a male name and the Persian polymath Ibn Sina has his name rendered in Chinese as 伊本·西那 Yīběn Xīnà. However, the Sina (中国語: 希娜 Xīnà) in Pursina uses the female-exclusive character , indicating that Sina was a woman.


  1. YouTube: Sumeru Preview Teaser 03: Prelude to Wisdom
  2. Lisaのキャラ物語: Character Details
  3. Lisaのキャラ物語: キャラクターストーリー5
  4. 任務: Solitary Sea-Beast
  5. Travelerのボイス: About Purbiruni and Pursina

