原神 Wiki
原神 Wiki







  • 忠言: 「忠言」は知恵の国の枝と幹である。
  • 創意: 「創意」は知恵の国の葉脈である。
  • 篤行: 「篤行」は知恵の国の根である。


  • その一、人類の進化に関すること。
  • その二、生と死についてに無暗に論ずること。
  • その三、宇宙の外を探ること。
  • その四、言語の起源を追求すること。
  • その五、神を畏れながら奉らないこと。
  • その六、神秘を傲慢に語り、恐れを持たないこと。








教令院の研究は、古代史、難解なもの、元素エネルギー、世界の根源的なものに傾く傾向がありますが、より科学的で実用的な研究も行われている。例えば、露子はスメール教令院での教育により、海祇島の聖土現象は、伝説的な説明である淵下宮が島の魂を吸収しようとするためではなく、土に触れた海水が栄養分を溶かし出して洗い流すためであり、海祇御霊祭は淵下宮を抑えるのではなく土の栄養分を補給していると考えている[14]。 後に、「聖なる土」は光界が拡大した結果であり、その元素の流れは淵下宮に強く、「海祇御霊祭」は光の領域の強力な元素エネルギーをテイワットが属する人間界で使用可能なものに分解できる生物である珊瑚蝶を目覚めさせることによって現象を逆転させたことが明らかになる[15]





  • 研修生は通称「旅学者」と呼ばれ、スメルアカデミヤから研究活動の一環として放浪と学習のための休暇を与えられた学生のことである[7]。論文を1本でも審査に通せば教令院は卒業でき、その後、正式な研究者とみなされる[8]
    • また、アカデミア内に閉じこもり、卒業するまで帰らない、あるいは学業を切り上げる学生もいる[4][17]。今のところ、この類の学生には敬称がつけられていない。
  • ダステアは、2本の論文を審査に通した正式な研究者[8][18]
  • ハーバッドは、絶大な知識を持ち、指導的立場にある高名な研究者である[8]
  • 賢者は、アカデミアの中でも最高位に位置する権威ある学者でもある[19]ダルシャンに一人しかいない賢者は、研究者に仕事を割り当てるなど、教令院に対するある程度の管理権限を与えられており[20]、大保護者のような重要な役職もある[21]。また、教令院では諮問委員会のメンバーでもある[9]
  • 大賢者は教令院の絶対的な指導者である。この役割と称号は通常の賢者と累積されるが、この称号が具体的にどのような追加機能と権限を意味するのかは、現在のところほとんど分かっていない。









紋章 名前 専門分野 カラー 賢者
Sumeru Akademiya Amurta 生論派 生物学、生態学、医学 ナフィス
Sumeru Akademiya Rtawahist 明論派 天文学、占星術 アザール
Sumeru Akademiya Spantamad 素論派 錬金術、元素学、地脈学
Sumeru Akademiya Haravatat 知論派 言語学、符文学 カジェ
Sumeru Akademiya Vahumana 因論派 歴史学、社会学 イスカンデル (historical)
Sumeru Akademiya Kshahrewar 妙論派 建築学、機関学


教令官[Note 1]とは、スメール教令院の学友で、民衆の情報伝達と整合性を監視する役人としてスメール各地に派遣され、教令院が実施した命令を伝える[31][32][33]ことである[34]




ナフィスは生論派の賢者である。 生論派の一員であるキャラクターが他にいない。


その他にも1 人のキャラクターがいる:


素論派には1 人のキャラクターがいる:


知論派に所属する、あるいは所属していた人物は他にも2 人のキャラクターがいる:







  • シャルナマ、ザンディクのトレイニー・ダスツール時代と同時代[36]
  • ビルニ、House of Purbiruniの創設者。
  • シマン・ファロクザド、生論派賢者、ハイヤームの引退決定と同時期[37]
  • ゾルフィカール[38]

Other Researchers and Staff[]

  • Alva Nikola[39]
  • Ayesha
  • Cyrus (not to be confused with Cyrus of the Adventurers' Guild)
  • Darya (teacher)
  • Fadhlan
  • Faruzan
  • Firnas (scholar, tutor)
  • Hawa
  • Hazm (teacher)
  • Homayun
  • Isami
  • Jafar
  • Kaushik (researcher at Watatsumi Island)
  • Kemia (teacher at Pardis Dhyai - Akademiya employer)
  • Muganna
  • Nargess
  • Niloofar
  • Pursina (inventor of Pursina's Spikes)
  • Sayid (scholar in Mondstadt)
  • Setaria (researcher, Grand Sage's entourage)
  • Shatir
  • Sitt (researcher, Akademiya receptionist)
  • Soraya (researcher in Liyue)
  • Zohreh (researcher, logistics buyer and budget handler)

Other Students[]

  • Alrani
  • Anisa
  • Arina
  • Armin
  • Parvaneh
  • Sanad
  • Zadith
  • Ziryab


The following members' Darshans are unknown; alumni whose Darshans are known are listed under their corresponding Darshans' sections.


Other Institutes[]


The Birmastan provides free medical treatments from the Akademiya to residents of Sumeru. The doctors here are researchers and students from Amurta.

House of Daena[]

The Akademiya's library, although it is now used much less often due to the Akademiya's the recent push towards relying on the Akasha. Researchers and students can borrow books here on general knowledge. Some books are only open to higher-level researchers for use in their literature reviews. The House of Daena is run by a Grand Conservator, who is in charge of the library's collections.

The Akademiya is seeking a new Grand Conservator after the previous one declared his retirement; the current top two candidates are Rifaet and Vikram.

Pardis Dhyai[]

Pardis Dhyai is a research center for botany run by Amurta. Tighnari maintains close relations with the researchers at Pardis Dhyai, even though he usually avoids Sumeru City and the Akademiya itself.

Administrative Personnel[]


The Matra[Note 1] are administrative officials in the Akademiya that hand out disciplinary actions to researchers who have committed serious academic offenses.[45] They also inspect for illegal sources of information, such as Canned Knowledge[46] and presumably, smuggled books.[47]

The Navbed[]

The Navbed are administrative officiers who manage Sumeru's trade affairs and taxes.

  • Shahbandar - The Navbed (Sumery City)
  • Halva - Trainee Tax Officier (Sumeru City)
  • Reza - Port Master (Port Ormos)
  • Masrur - Deputy Port Master (Port Ormos)
  • Dilawar - Trade Supervisor, Wikala Funduq (Port Ormos)
  • Gauhar - Trade Supervisor, Wikala Funduq (Port Ormos)


The Vizier oversees administrative matters in the Grand Bazaar and Treasures Street on behalf of the Akademiya, and deal with inquiries from residents.

  • Nizam - Vizier
  • Fariha - Secretary

Affiliated Organizations[]

Corps of Thirty[]

The Corps of Thirty are members of the Eremite Tribe who are permanently hired by the sages of Sumeru Akademiya to keep the peace in Sumeru City. Effendiis the Akademiya's liaison officier to the Corps of Thirty.


According to consummate liar Kasim, some of the Akademiya's sages are "officially affiliated" with the Fatui.[48] While little evidence towards this statement can currently be found, the sage Siman Farrokhazad[49] may have some connection to a group of The Eremites known as The Farrokhzadan, who were trying to capture Aranara[50] — which is a project Il Dottore is stated to be pursuing at present.[51]


The Nagarjunites were a branch of the Akademiya long ago but have long since broken off. While it is believed to still have some followers in the desert region, many people in the forest region have relegated them to myth. The Nagarjunites advocated "strange ideals" like "the transmission of knowledge at all cost" and "conflict is the natural order of Teyvat." The book An Ode to Soul-Light mentions a figure named Nagarjuna, who is presumably the originator of the school.


  • According to Henry Morton, there are few opportunities to use Wind Gliders on Akademiya grounds.[17]


  • The English name uses the Ancient Greek term Akademiya (Ancient Greek: Ἀκαδημία Akademía), a prominent school founded by the philosopher Plato, from which a common noun "academy" was derived. This emphasizes the scientific and philosophical natures of the Academy.
  • The Chinese name uses a term literally meaning an "institute of religious decree" (中国語: 教令院), where "religious decree" (中国語: 教令) is also used to refer to the decree in Catholic canon law or the fatwa in Islamic law. This emphasizes the theological and juridical natures of the Academy.
    • The Japanese name follows the Chinese interpretation, while the Korean name follows the English interpretation.
  • The "Six Darshans" is derived from the ṣaḍdarśana (サンスクリット語: षड्दर्शन 直訳"six views, six insights"),[52] the six Āstika schools of Hindu philosophy.
  • Several terms related to Sumeru Akademiya are derived from Zoroastrianism and the Avestan language:
    • The Chinese equivalent for the Six Darshans is "Six Great Schools" (中国語: 六大学派), which is derived from the Chinese common name for the Zoroastrian Amesha Spenta, 六大天使 直訳"Six Great Celestial Messengers (Angels)",[53] who are six divine emanations of Ahura Mazda, the creator deity in Zoroastrianism whose name translates to "Lord [of] Wisdom." They are named in the Gathas, a collection of 17 songs recorded in the Avesta.
    • In both English and Chinese, the names of the Darshans are based on the deities in the Amesha Spenta: Amurta is derived from Ameretat (Amerdad), Haravatat from Haurvatat, Kshahrewar from Kshatra Vairya (Šahrewar), Spantamad from Spenta Armaiti (Spandarmad), Rtawahist from Asha Vahista (Ashawahist) and Vahumana from Vohu Manah (Wahman). (See each Darshan's Etymology section for details.)
    • The Avestan/Farsi-based honorifics within Sumeru Akademiya are notably transcribed phonetically in the original Chinese version, where foreign terms and concepts are usually translated into Chinese instead.
      • Each of the Six Darshans has two names in the Chinese version — one is based on the school's specialty while the other is a phonetic transcription of the Avestan-inspired name. For example, Spantamad is referred to as both 素论派 Sùlùn-pài, "the School of Elements" and 悉般多摩 Xībānduōmó, "Spantamad." In the English localization, both names are typically rendered as the Avestan-inspired name.
      • Driyosh (中国語: 帝利耶悉 Dìlìyēxī), the term for traveling scholars who have not achieved Dastur status, is taken from the Middle Persian dlgwš driyōš, meaning "poor" or "one who lives in holy indigence," which itself is derived from the Avestan 𐬛𐬭𐬌𐬔𐬎 drigu, "needy, mendicant."
        • The Middle Persian driyōš is the root of the word dervish (ペルシア語: درویش darviš), learnèd ascetics who sought spiritual merit and salvation through self-imposed poverty (mendicancy).[54]
      • Dastur (中国語: 陀裟多 Tuóshāduō), one of Sumeru Akademiya's honorifics for researchers, is likely derived from the Zoroastrian high priest title "dastur" (ペルシア語: دستور dastur, 直訳"hand-fist").
      • Herbad (中国語: 诃般荼 Hēbōtú), which ranks above Dastur in Sumeru Akademiya's hierarchy, was originally a term for Zoroastrian high priests who taught sacred texts to others, as well as translated and interpreted the Avesta. Later on, however, Herbad lost its prestigious rank and became the lowest rank of priests, with the Mobad above them and Dastur as the highest rank.
    • The Kavikavus Prize may be derived from the mythological shah Kay Kāvus, a king of the Kayanian dynasty. Among Kay Kāvus' legends is his invention of a flying throne propelled by ravenous eagles, which managed to transport the king to China before the eagles grew tired and dropped the throne.
  • Other titles:
    • "Sage" was the first title at Sumeru Akademiya to be mentioned in-game and perhaps because of that, is not a transcription of another language's terminology. In the original Chinese text, two different terms are used for this title: 贤者 Xiánzhě, "Person of Talent" is the more common form,[4][24][18] while 智者 Zhìzhě, "Sage, Wise Man" has also been used.[9]
    • Mahamatra (サンスクリット語: महामात्र mahāmātra, "Officer of High Rank"), full title Dhaṃma Mahāmātā, were "officers of morality" established by the Indian emperor Ashoka and were in charge of religious affairs. In Chinese, this title is translated as 大风纪官 Dà Fēngjì Guān; zh_tn: Great Disciplinary Official instead of being phonetically transcribed from Sanskrit.


言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
Sumeeru Kyourei'in
Sumeru Institute of Religious Decree
Xūmí Jiāolìng-yuàn
Sumeru Institute of Religious Decree
Xūmí Jiāolìng-yuàn
英語Sumeru Academia
韓国語수메르 아카데미아
Sumereu Akademia
Sumeru Academia
スペイン語Academia de SumeruAcademia of Sumeru
フランス語Académie de SumeruAcademy of Sumeru
ロシア語Академия Сумеру
Akademiya Sumeru
Sumeru Academy
タイ語สถาบัน Sumeru
Sathaban Sumeru
Sumeru Institute
ベトナム語Giáo ViệnGiáo Viện Sumeru
ドイツ語Sumeru-AkademieSumeru Academy
インドネシア語Sumeru Academia
ポルトガル語Academia de SumeruAcademia of Sumeru


  1. 1.0 1.1 中国語の原文から、Mahamata (中国語: 教令官 "宗教令の公布")は、マトラ (中国語: 风纪官 "懲戒官僚")とは別のグループであると思われる。なお、教令 Jiāolìng, "宗教上の命令"は、スメール教令院の中国語名にも含まれている。



  1. 1.0 1.1 聖遺物、燃え盛る炎の魔女: 魔女の破滅の時
  2. 2.0 2.1 セノのキャラ物語: キャラクターストーリー5
  3. Mechanical Life Forms Research Data and Secret Text Interpretation Manual, 任務: All Returns to Silence
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 特定の地点、キャッツテールの掲示板: 賢者が選んだ
  5. 5.0 5.1 NPCの対話: ホッセイニ、対話セット#1
  6. 6.0 6.1 任務: 止まることのない研究
  7. 7.0 7.1 任務: 肥料…販売員?
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 NPCの対話: ホッセイニ、対話セット#2
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 リサのキャラ物語: キャラクターストーリー5
  10. NPCの対話: サイード、Daytime
  11. アルベドのボイス: リサについて…
  12. イベント「雷痕を求めて」任務:悠遠なる響きと向き合う
  13. 雷電将軍のボイス: 「神の目」について…
  14. 14.0 14.1 任務: 月浴の淵
  15. イベント「三界道饗祭」任務、溟海の霧追い: 三界道饗祭・前夜
  16. 任務: プルシナスパイクの自己循環動作報告・概要 (その1)
  17. 17.0 17.1 NPCの対話: ヘンリーモートン
  18. 18.0 18.1 任務: 孤独な海獣
  19. NPCの対話: アラビー
  20. 20.0 20.1 魔神任務、第三章、第五幕「虚空の鼓動、熾盛の劫火」、第5話: 勝利の祝い酒
  21. NPCの対話: フマユン
  22. 魔神任務、第三章、第二幕「黎明を告げる千の薔薇」、第3話: 流れ延びゆく花神誕祭
  23. 魔神任務、第三章、第一幕「煙霧のベールと暗き森を抜けて」、第6話: 繁華に隠されし失物
  24. 24.0 24.1 任務: 願い (任務)
  25. 25.0 25.1 魔神任務、第三章、第二幕「黎明を告げる千の薔薇」、第8話: 黎明
  26. NPCの対話: スライカ
  27. ティナリのボイス: ティナリを知る・3
  28. 特定の地点: ズバイルシアター広告板
  29. 魔神任務、第三章、第二幕「黎明を告げる千の薔薇」、第1話: 終に訪れし花神誕祭
  30. NPCの対話: シト
  31. 特定の地点、教令院の公共伝言板: 現在の教令院
  32. 32.0 32.1 特定の地点、オルモス港告知板: 教令官
  33. NPCの対話: バルマク
  34. 特定の地点: 教令官告知板
  35. 特定の地点、オルモス港告知板: アマンディープの広告
  36. の隠された探索の目的、 : ザンディクの遺産#SumeruInvestigationTeam'sNote
  37. 対話可能: Giyath Khayyamの医学的歴史
  38. 特定の地点、オルモス港告知板: 議論
  39. 敵と魔物: Electro Abyss Mage
  40. Lisaのキャラ物語: キャラクターストーリー3
  41. Lisa's profile page text: "The languid but knowledgeable Librarian of the Knights of Favonius, deemed by Sumeru Akademiya to be their most distinguished graduate in the past two centuries."
  42. 任務: Time and Wind
  43. 聖遺物:Wise Doctor's Pinion
  44. 、Akademiya Public Message Board: Zandik
  45. HoYoLab: The law is just, and there is no escape for the guilty
  46. 、Diwan Bulletin Board: Canned Knowledge
  47. 、Caravan Ribat Bulletin Board: Making a Fortune
  48. 任務: The Foolish Fatuus
  49. 場所: Bimarstan (Medical History of Giyath Khayyam)
    "Amurta announced that the sage Siman Farrokhzad would ensure the patient's treatment is underway..."
  50. 任務: Starry Night Chapter
  51. 隠された探索の目的: The Bad Guy in Vimara Village
  52. Wisdom Library: Shaddarshana, Ṣaḍdarśana
  53. Wikipedia (Chinese), 阿梅沙・斯彭塔
  54. Encyclopedia Iranica: Darvīš

