エラー | 説明 |
コントローラーの接続に異常が発生しました、接続し直すかゲームを再起動してください | プレイヤーのコントローラーが、バッテリー切れまたはコントローラーのプラグを抜くことによって切断されたときに発生する。このメッセージは、コントローラーが正常に再接続されるまで持続する。 |
祈願のスケジュールが不一致 | 既に終了している期間限定バナーに祈願しようとすると発生する。期間終了後のバナーは、そのバナーの画面上にいる場合は自動的には消えず、一旦祈願画面を閉じてから再度開くと消える。 |
ワープポイント開放 | すでに開放されているワープポイントを再ロックしようとすると発生する。通常は不可能だが、ネットワーク遅延やネットワークエラーなどにより、すでにロックが解除されたワープポイントの再ロックを試みることができる場合がある。これはワープポイントのロックが解除されたメッセージとは異なる。ワープポイントのロックが初めて解除されたときは、ワープポイントが開放されましたメッセージが表示されるが、すでにロックが解除されたワープポイントの再ロックを試みたときは、ワープポイント開放メッセージが表示される。 |
捨てられないアイテムです | 任務アイテムである追叙の石、スライムに呑み込まれたドドリアン、永生香など、捨てられないアイテムを捨てようとしたときに発生する。 |
無効なアイテム使用数 | 不正な量のアイテムを使用しようとした場合、または解釈不可能な量のアイテムを使用しようとした場合、プレイヤーの所有量よりも多い量のアイテムを使用しようとした場合、マイナスの量のアイテムを使用しようとした場合などに発生する。 |
レシピ存在しません | プレイヤーが存在しない料理レシピを調理しようとすると発生する。 |
熟練度の上限に到達していないため、レシピの自動料理機能を使用できません | 自動料理を解除するために必要な熟練度が最大に達していないレシピで自動料理を実行しようとすると発生する。 |
該当機関は回転できません | プレイヤーが奇術機関でない機関を回転させようとすると発生する。通常、回転できるのは奇術機関・風・参式のみだが、回転操作を他の機関に誤って送信した場合、このエラーが発生する。 |
制限時間を超えたため対象は消失しました | ホタル、宝箱、晶蝶、蝶々など、ほとんどの場合、すでに対話してしまったために、対話できなくなったものにプレイヤーが対話しようとすると発生する。 |
キャラ切り替えクールダウン中 | キャラクター切り替え時の1秒間のクールタイムが有効な間にキャラクターを切り替えようとすると発生する。 |
照準モードではキャラクターを変更できません | 照準中にキャラクターを切り替えようとすると発生する。 |
登る時はキャラクターを変更できません | 登山中にキャラクターを切り替えようとすると発生する。 |
飛行している時はキャラクターを変更できません | 滑翔中や落下攻撃中にキャラクターを切り替えようとすると発生する。 |
ジャンプしている時はキャラクターを変更できません | ジャンプ中にキャラクターを切り替えようとした場合、または刻晴の元素スキル、星辰帰位が斬撃を繰り出しているフレームで2回連続で使用された場合(1回目は雷楔を投げつけ、2回目はその場所にブリンクして斬撃を繰り出す)に発生する。このゲームでは、ジャンプの結果落下した場合もジャンプとしてカウントされる(例:ダッシュ後に落下中にキャラクターを切り替えようとして崖から飛び降りた場合)。 |
泳いでいる時はキャラクターを変更できません | 泳いでいるときにキャラクターを切り替えようとすると発生する。 |
現在キャラの切替はできません | 通常落下中にキャラクターを切り替えようとした場合 (ジャンプしている時はキャラクターを変更できません、該当キャラクターに変更できませんの項を参照)、落下後に着地した場合(通常は単に落下した場合と区別がつかないが、元素スキルによる落下が複雑なため、両者は異なる)に発生する。; ジャンプしている時はキャラクターを変更できません、該当キャラクターに変更できませんの項を参照)、またはプランジングアタックを行った後、アクティブキャラクターがクライミングアニメーション(アクティブキャラクターが何かに体を吊り上げるアニメーション)の最後のフレームにいる間、プレイヤーが実際にバトルを開始する前に深境螺旋の当間にいる間、または元素スキルのアニメーションが再生されている間。これは特に、プレイヤーが元素スキルを保持したままキャラクターを切り替えようとしたときに顕著である。例えば、旅人の元素スキルの2つ、旋風の剣と星落としの剣などである。 |
該当キャラクターに変更できません | 元素スキルによって落下中にキャラクターを切り替えようとすると発生する(例えば、アルベドの元素スキル、創生術・擬似陽華を使って擬似陽華を生成し、擬似陽華の軌跡に立つと、結晶化した足場が形成され、プレイヤーが持ち上げられる。その後、プレイヤーが創生術・擬似陽華を再利用して別の場所に擬似陽華を作成した場合、プレイヤーは落下し、その状態でキャラクターを切り替えようとするとこのエラーが発生する。同様に、刻晴の元素スキル、星辰帰位を使用して上方向に瞬きし、落下中、つまり斬撃を行った後にキャラクターを切り替えようとすると、このエラーが発生する; ジャンプしている時はキャラクターを変更できませんの項を参照)、プレイヤーのアクティブキャラクターが壁のようなものの内側に挟まっている場合、または切り替えることでプレイヤーのキャラクターが何かの内側に挟まってしまう場合(例えば、建物の屋根の高さが、ディオナのような背の低いキャラクターはその下に入れるが、ディルックのような背の高いキャラクターは入れない高さである場合、ディオナからディルックにキャラクターを切り替えようとすると、このエラーが発生する。この最後のシナリオは、Party Setupメニューで行った場合にもこのエラーが発生する) |
目標異常 | 凍結元素反応、バブル、禍津御建鳴神命のタイムリープ攻撃によって発動する。 |
今は撮影できません | 上昇中、滑翔中、ジャンプ中、水泳中、落下攻撃中、戦闘中に写真撮影に入ろうとすると発生する。 |
キャラ戦闘不能 | 配置中のキャラクターが倒れた状態で、ワープやキャラクター切り替えなどのアクションを行おうとすると発生する。 |
キャラクターは満腹になりました。これ以上は食べられません。 | 満タン状態(食べ物を食べ過ぎて満タンゲージがMAXになった状態)のキャラクターに回復料理(HPを回復する食べ物)を食べさせようとすると発生する。 |
キャラ見つかりません | キャラクター選択メニューのお試しキャラクターでフォロー機能を使おうとすると発生する。 |
該当秘境は開放されていません。 | バッグメニューまたはキャラクターメニューから、その日に使用できないキャラクター天賦素材または武器突破素材の武器突破素材ソースを表示しようとすると発生する |
秘境への扉は閉じています。冒険ランク{AR Level}以上の冒険者にのみ開けられます… | Occurs when the player attempts to unlock a domain that cannot be unlocked by players with an Adventure Rank lower than the specified level. The dialogue option that appears when the player is near the domain will read "Locked" instead of the domain's name. |
現在チーム設定の操作はできません | Occurs when the player attempts to enter the Party Setup menu while climbing, gliding, jumping, swimming, falling, performing a Plunging Attack, in combat or while they are clipped inside something, such as a wall. |
アイテムは戦闘不能のキャラクターにしか使用できません | Occurs when the player attempts to use a Revival type Recovery Dish via the Inventory on a non-fallen character. |
戦闘不能のキャラクターがいません | Occurs when the player attempts to use a Revival type Recovery Dish via the NRE (Menu 30) while there are no fallen characters in the player's party. This can only happen when there is no HP recovery type Recovery Dish in the NRE (Menu 30)'s slot for that type of food. |
戦闘中のキャラに復活アイテムを使用できません | Occurs when the player attempts to use a Revival type Recovery Dish via the NRE (Menu 30) while the player's active character is in the few frames of the animation after their HP reaches 0 where they appear to fall towards the ground before seemingly transforming into blue dust and then switching to another character. |
HPまたは満腹度がMaxになっています | Occurs when the player attempts to use a HP recovery type Recovery Dish via the NRE (Menu 30) while all of the player's characters in their party's HP is at the maximum or while all of them are in the Full State. |
まず火をつけてください(炎元素スキルでできます) | Occurs when the player attempts to interact with (in order to cook) a campfire or a stove that has been extinguished. |
機関は既に回転しています、しばらく経ってから再度お試しください | Occurs when the player attempts to rotate a Veneficus Mechanicus: Dust Devil that is being rotated. |
保存できる奇術符の上限に到達しました | Occurs when the player gains more Veneficus Sigils than the amount they are allowed to have. This maximum amount depends on the stage of Theater Mechanicus that the player has reached: at stage 1, the maximum amount is 900, at stage 2, that amount is increased to 1050, at stage 3, it is 1200, at stage 4, 1350, at stage 5, 1500 and at stage 6, it is 2000. |
Not yet constructed, unable to reconstruct | Occurs when the player attempts to reconstruct a Mechanicus in Theater Mechanicus while the Mechanicus that the player is attempting to reconstruct in question does not exist, due to a bug or if the Mechanicus was somehow destroyed between the moment when it was selected and the moment the player attempted to reconstruct it (for example, if the player constructs a Mine, selects it, waits for it to self-destruct after coming into contact with an opponent and then attempts to reconstruct it, this error will occur). |
奇術点不足 | Occurs when the player attempts to construct a Mechanicus in Theater Mechanicus while not having enough Veneficus Points to do so. |
このキャラクターは探索派遣ができません | Occurs when the player attempts to dispatch a character already on an Expedition. |
戦闘不能のキャラクターは探索派遣ができません | Occurs when the player attempts to dispatch a fallen character on an Expedition. |
アイテムはクールダウン中 | Occurs when the player attempts to use an item that has a cooldown period while that cooldown period is in effect, such items include Parametric Transformers, Revival type Recovery Dishes, Adepti Seeker's Stoves, etc. |
戦闘中は使用できません | Occurs when the player attempts to use an item that cannot be used during combat while in combat, such as Parametric Transformers, Wind Catchers and Adepti Seeker's Stoves. |
戦闘中はできません | Occurs when the player attempts to perform an action that cannot be performed during combat (that is not using an item, since that would cause another error to occur; see Cannot use during combat) while in combat, such as attempting to interact with an NPC. |
相手の「塵歌壺」が開放されていません | Occurs when the player requests to visit a friend's 塵歌壺 prior to the friend obtaining the gadget. |
目標のプレイヤーは配置中のため、暫く加入できません… | Occurs when the player requests to visit a friend's 塵歌壺 while they are either placing a furnishing or the game is saving their changes. |
「塵歌壺」のホストがオフライン状態です | Occurs when the player requests to visit a friend's 塵歌壺 while they are offline. |
配置できる調度品の上限に到達したため、一部調度品を回収してください。 | Occurs when the player attempts to place a furnishing in 塵歌壺 but has reached the placement limit. |
機能がメンテナンス中、後ほど再度お試しください | Occurs when the player attempts to enter the 塵歌壺's placement menu while it is undergoing maintenance. |
特殊エリアにいるため、このアイテムは使えません | Occurs when the player attempts to place gadgets while in the 塵歌壺, such as Parametric Transformer and Windblume Festival Commemorative Balloon. |
中断したため、ゲームが終了しました | Occurs when ending a game started by the device Leisure Device: On the Pulse in the 塵歌壺 |
Item does not exist: Inventory too fast. | Occurs when the player presses the "Use" button in the Inventory for Precious Items too quickly. |
Index error encountered during construction: Claim too Fast | Occurs when the player presses the "Claim" button in the Furnishing creation screen too quickly. |
Unable to enter placement interface in the current state | Occurs when the player attempts to enter the placement menu in the 塵歌壺 while sprinting, jumping, swimming, climbing, or sitting. |
Unable to enter placement interface while you are receiving guests in the Serenitea Pot | Occurs when the player attempts to enter the placement menu in the Serenitea Pot while a guest (Co-Op Mode) is present. |
Unable to enter the Serenitea Pot while within a Domain | Occurs when the player attempts to teleport to the Serenitea Pot while in a Domain |
This item can only be used on a specific vehicle | Occurs when the player attempts to use the Waverider Repair Toolbox when not driving the Waverider. |
There is no water to launch your Waverider nearby... | Occurs when the player attempts to use a Waverider Waypoint when there is no water nearby. The Waverider Waypoint will glow red, even if it was activated before. |
Board your Waverider to initiate this challenge | Occurs when the player attempts to start a challenge that requires a Waverider. Note that some challenges that require traversal over or through water do not require a Waverider. |
You do not have any companions settled in at the moment, unable to obtain Companionship EXP | Occurs when the player attempts to claim Realm Bounty for Companionship EXP in the 塵歌壺 while no companions are placed. |
{Character Name}'s Companionship EXP has reached maximum | Occurs when the player claims Realm Bounty for Companionship EXP in the 塵歌壺 and a character reaches Friendship Level 10. |
Priority quest. Must complete before teleporting! | Occurs when the player attempts to teleport while a priority quest is underway. |
Priority quest. Please complete the current challenge first! | Occurs when the player attempts to talk with an NPC or interact with an item while a priority quest is underway. |
Priority quest. Must complete before leaving! | Occurs when the player attempts to enter a Domain while a priority quest is underway. |
The following quest needs to be completed before entering another player's world: {Quest Name} | Occurs when the player attempts to access Co-Op Mode during certain quests. |
Teammates not ready | Occurs in the character selection screen in Co-Op while challenging a domain when the host of the world attempts to start the domain while one or more teammates are not in the Ready status. |
Unable to view artifacts at this time | Occurs when the player attempts to view the artifacts of a trial character during a domain or quest. |
Teleport currently disabled | Occurs when the player attempts to teleport to any location while the automatically opened map from activating a new Statue of The Seven is being displayed. |
Congratulations! You have reached the max BP level | Occurs when the player attempts to claim Battle Pass EXP in the Battle Pass menu after you have already reached BP Level 50. The BEP from Daily and Weekly Missions still adds to the Weekly EXP Limit. Using the "Claim All" button does not trigger the error. |
Cannot converse while aiming | Occurs when the player attempts to talk to an NPC to interact with an item while in Aiming Mode |
Pin name too long | Occurs when the player attempts to add a name to a pin which contains over 100 characters. |
Pin name contains invalid characters | Occurs when the player attempts to add a name to a pin which contains blacklisted words. |
Name contains invalid characters | Occurs when the player attempts to add a name to a friend which contains blacklisted words. |
Name cannot contain spaces | Occurs when the player attempts to add a name to a friend which contains spaces. |
UID does not exist | Occurs when the player attempts to search a UID which does not exist. |
Please enter another player's UID | Occurs when the player attempts to search their own UID. |
Cannot deploy here | Occurs when the player attempts to deploy items such as the 塵歌壺 or the Parametric Transformer in an obstructed location. |
Cannot equip during combat | Occurs when the player attempts to equip or switch weapons or artifacts during combat. |
No consumables found | Occurs when the player attempts to Auto Add Enhancement Materials for artifacts or weapons when there are no materials which match the selected criteria. |
Select EXP materials | Occurs when the player attempts to enhance artifacts or weapons without selecting any materials. |
Slots full | Occurs when the player attempts to select materials for enhancing artifacts or weapons when all slots have already been filled. |
Max EXP reached. Cannot add. | Occurs when the player attempts to select materials for enhancing artifacts or weapons after the selected materials are sufficient to raise the artifact or weapon to its maximum level. |
Forging queue full | Occurs when the player attempts to forge while the forging queue is full. |
Cannot forge any more Enhancement Ore today. Please wait till tomorrow. | Occurs when the player attempts to forge Enhancement Ore after reaching the 300,000 Weapon Experience cap. |
Cannot forge any more Fine Enhancement Ore today. | Occurs when the player attempts to forge Fine Enhancement Ore after reaching the 300,000 Weapon Experience cap. |
Cannot forge any more Mystic Enhancement Ore today. | Occurs when the player attempts to forge Mystic Enhancement Ore after reaching the 300,000 Weapon Experience cap. |
This character cannot {action} | Occurs when the player attempts to perform an action with a character unable to perform that action (like attempting to cook with the Raiden Shogun). |
Party must have at least one member | Occurs when the player attempts to remove the only party member from the deployed party. |
Unable to equip character with outfit in present state | Occurs when the player attempts to switch Character Outfits while climbing, gliding, jumping, swimming, performing a Plunging Attack, in a Domain or in combat. |
Workstation option does not exist | Occurs when the player attempts to interact with something via an interaction option that does not exist or has been disabled, such as a Bloatty Floatty's "Investigate" option after it has been activated by an attack. |
Can only be used in own world | Occurs when attempting to start a character trial event or claim its rewards while inside a 塵歌壺. |
Visiting the world of others, cannot use Realm Waypoint | Occurs when a player is inside a friend's Serenitea Pot and attempts to use the Sub-Space Waypoint to go back into their own Serenitea Pot. |
Requests too frequent | Rate limit error that occurs when performing actions too quickly such as when trying to claim a mail attachment that results in an error and then quickly trying to claim a different mail attachment. |
Planted amount exceeds limit | Occurs when trying to select more seeds to plant than available fields. |
Guests cannot modify the host's furnishings | Occurs when a guest tries to interact with an object in the Serenitea Pot that can be modified, such as the Flower Stand: Of Yore furnishing. |
No space left in Artifact Inventory. Please free up some space and try again. | Occurs when the player attempts to pick up Artifacts off the ground or claim rewards from Domains of Blessing when maximum Artifact Inventory capacity has been reached. |
No space left in Weapon Inventory. Please free up some space and try again. | Occurs when the player attempts to pick up Weapons off the ground when maximum Weapon Inventory capacity has been reached. |
No space left in Material Inventory. Please free up some space and try again. | Occurs when the player attempts to pick up Materials off the ground when maximum Material Inventory capacity has been reached. |
No space left in Inventory for another {item}. Please free up some space and try again. | Occurs when the player attempts to collect more than the maximum number of a specific item than their Inventory or Seed Dispensary can hold. A relatively common occurrence happened when players attempted to claim the rewards from the Ganyu birthday mail (2021) while having the maximum amount of Qingxin Seed. |
Item amount exceeds max limit. Max limit: 5 | Occurs when the player attempts to craft Condensed Resin while already having the limit of 5 Condensed Resin in Inventory. |
Quest goal is in {region}. Head there to continue the quest. | Occurs when attempting to navigate to a location that is off the map. |
The Shades of Tokoyo only show up during Evernight. | Occurs when attempting to navigate to a Shade of Tokoyo during Whitenight. |
This target cannot be captured | Occurs when attempting to use Omni-Ubiquity Net to catch non-eligible living beings. |
On CD. Access the Edit menu later | Occurs when attempting to reopen the edit menu in the 塵歌壺 within 10 seconds of closing it. |
Weekly treasure limit reached | Occurs when attempting to collect Trounce Blossom rewards from a weekly boss after already reaching the reward limit for the current week. |
This player has reached their friend limit | Occurs when trying to accept a friend request from a player who is at the maximum number of friends already. |
Companion(s) with a gift for you not present in this area | Occurs when clicking on the Companion Gifts notification in Serenitea Pot map when the companion is not on the same map region (companion is indoors when map is outdoors or vice versa). |
No refinement materials selected | Occurs when the player attempts to refine weapons without selecting any materials. |
{Plant Seed} exceeds amount limit | Occurs when the player attempts to collect a seed with the Seed Dispensary when already carrying 20 of that type of seed. |
All your mail attachments have already been claimed. | Occurs when the player attempts to "Claim All" rewards in the Mailbox when there are no unclaimed rewards. |
Criteria not met | Occurs when clicking on "Claim Gift" or "Send Invitation" when requirements are not met. Such as The Moon's Comely Brow or Friendship in Writing |
This equipment is locked. It must be unlocked in order to be used as material. | Occurs when attempting to use locked weapons or artifacts as material. |
Wish mismatch | |
Unable to use in Dragonspine | Occurs when attempting to use Anemo Treasure Compass in Dragonspine. |
Cannot use in Domains | Occurs when attempting to use some Gadgets in Domains. |
You've already completed the max number of Bounties for this week | Occurs when clicking on Accept Bounty after having already completed 3 Bounties for the current week. |
You've already completed the max number of Requests for this week | Occurs when clicking on Accept Quest after having already completed 3 Requests for the current week. |
Character details hidden | Occurs when attempting to view a character's details in a player's Character Showcase that is set to private. |
Complete the "Dragon Storm" quest to unlock outfits. | Occurs when clicking on Dressing Room icon before it's unlocked. |
Cannot currently adjust the time | Occurs when attempting to adjust the time in another player's world during Co-Op Mode or during certain Quests. |
Visiting the world of others, cannot use Realm Waypoint | Occurs when attempting to use a Realm Waypoint to your own 塵歌壺 while in another player's world during Co-Op Mode. |
This item cannot be used here | Occurs when attempting to use items like Treasure Compasses in event regions like Golden Apple Archipelago or Three Realms Gateway Offering. |
Cannot use in current state | Occurs when attempting to use Bokuso Box outside of Three Realms Gateway Offering. |
Hideo got too far away. Try sticking a bit closer. | Occurs when the distance between the player and Hideo is too large while following him in The Truth Is Also a Lie. |
You are unable to use gadgets to take photos during this special quest. Use the "Take Photo" function to finish taking a picture. | Occurs when attempting to Navigate during the photo-taking steps of the Irodori Poetry quests. |
Cannot do trial stage challenges in other player's worlds | Occurs when attempting to try a Test Run in another player's world. |
The target position has not been unlocked on your Map | Occurs when attempting to navigate to an enemy location from the Adventurer Handbook that is in an undiscovered or inaccessible part of the map. |
No Elemental Oculi in this area | Occurs when attempting to use Oculus Resonance Stone gadgets while too far away from the Elemental Oculi type. |
No tree in this area can respond to "the Boon of the Elder Tree" | Occurs when the trees in the radius of "The Boon of the Elder Tree" gadget have not yet refreshed on use. |
The Commission Quest region has been changed to {region}. These changes will take effect on the next reset. | Occurs when changing the preferred region in the Adventurer Handbook's Commissions tab. |
Unable to return to Single-Player mode while inside the Serenitea Pot | Occurs when trying to return to Single-Player in the Co-Op Mode menu while in the 塵歌壺. |
This position seems unsuitable. Actor has been returned to their original position | Occurs when the player chooses the wrong raven actor during the Drama Phantasmagoria: Tale of the Sword-Wielding Princess! World Quest. |
Aranara Score Mastered: {score name}! | Occurs when the player obtains a new song that can be played with the Vintage Lyre. |
Aranara Score not yet mastered... | Occurs when the player tries to play the Vintage Lyre next to an object where its song has not been mastered yet. |
Input too frequent | Occurs when the player attempts to send messages more than once per second in the chat window. |
Input too frequent. Please wait for {1–60}s. | Occurs when the player triggers the "Input too frequent" error for the 5th time. The player will be unable to send messages for 60 seconds once this error occurs. |
A player has rejected the invitation. Matching again. | Occurs when someone rejects entering a game during Windtrace matchmaking. |
Party information error. Please re-enter | Occurs when clicking retry when the last enemy is defeated on a 深境螺旋 chamber. |
Daily Commission system not yet available | Occurs when clicking on the Daily Commission tab in quest menu before it's unlocked. |
You cannot uninstall the voice-over files that you are currently using | Occurs when trying to uninstall the currently selected voice-over files. |
This quest is unavailable in Co-Op Mode | Occurs when attempting to navigate to a prerequisite quest from an event menu button while in Co-Op mode or in Serenitea Pot. |
Cannot use in current area | Occurs when attempting to place certain gadgets in a forbidden area such as The Chasm's Bed. |
The container is full... | Occurs when attempting to use the Fonta vending machine with a Full Pankration Fonta Cup. |
Chest locked | Occurs when attempting to open a chest that appears unlocked, but locks itself due to needing to defeat enemies that spawn upon getting close to the chest. |
Character not on the map |
Dialog Errors[]
Error | Description |
Your game client is not up-to-date. Log in again and update the client before joining Co-Op Mode. | Occurs when the player attempts to join Co-Op Mode while there is an update available for the game which must be downloaded by logging back into the game before they can enter Co-Op Mode. |
No space left in Inventory. Please free up some space and try again. | Occurs when the player attempts to wish when maximum Weapon Inventory capacity has been reached. |
No space left in Inventory for another Condensed Resin. Please free up some space and try again. | Occurs when the player attempts to craft Condensed Resin while already having the limit of 5 Condensed Resin in Inventory. |
Cannot purchase now | Occurs when the player attempts to purchase an item that is already sold out in a shop. |
This character has the maximum possible Companionship EXP. They will not gain more from taste-testing. Continue? | Occurs when the player attempts to give a dish to a companion already at Friendship Level 10 during Spices From the West event. |
This character's Companionship EXP has been increased the maximum number of times. They will not gain more from taste-testing. Continue? | Occurs when the player attempts to give a dish to a companion after already reaching the maximum 21 times Companionship EXP can be increased during Spices From the West event. |
Critical Errors[]
These errors will automatically quit the game or prevents the player from logging in.
Error | Description |
Account authentication failed | Usually occurs when the account's password was changed or the device was removed from the Account Center. If the player is not aware of the change, it is recommended to remove all foreign devices and change the password |
Network Error | The game is unable to connect to the miHoYo servers. This may be the result of maintenance or a bad Internet connection.
Go to official site or store to download latest game version | Occurs when the player attempts to connect to Genshin Impact servers using an outdated client or when authentication took too long to process. Try logging back in, if the error persists then reinstall the game from the launcher. |
Failed to download resource files. | Live hotfix update failed.
Warning | Occurs when the game detected foul play (such as cheating with third-party software). The warning will give an information of the player's infraction and the player may get banned. The player will unable to log in if they are banned. |
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You have disconnected | This message shows up when the player are disconnected from the game. |