Can't we just have assholes who are still assholes but playable?
What's on your mind?
57 Votes in Poll
Can't we just have assholes who are still assholes but playable?
Do you think the kid Xbalanque possesses in mavuika's story quest will be a playable character?
I mean. He wasn't the rock bottom of fighters, although he wasn't immensely powerful. And he had a very unique design.
Although I guess theirs never been a short male model so it would be a first.
I want a new area. Maybe a new lore quest. I miss exploring. What’s the area between Mondstadt and Liyue. Where is dornmann port. Where is Varka. Where is Dain? Everything so dry…
In the 5.3 Livestream lineup, we got the silhouettes of all those characters. Most we already know the names of and when they'll come out (if they haven't already), except two.
Who the hell are they? Any speculation or theories?
Heres my list.
Domain exclusively for Gemstones
Before starting leylines, tell player if you have no condensed resin.
(Copium)Playable Capitano.
Lvl 100
Gemstones for Lvl80 ascension to Lvl90 is cut down from 6 to 3.
Event gallery to rewatch content, such as cinematics. cutscenes, event/world quest dialogue. and a section for listening to all available music in game(Could be a item in the teapot you can buy.)
Who is more important to level 90?
But the co op experiences are so wholesome im telling you
Js cooped with a Lyney and a Chasca as Furina, we agreed on 4 rounds and the Chasca said smth along the lines of “alright 4 rounds son”
ME?? SON??? I FEEL HONORED!! So I obviously said “thanks pops!!”
And on the last round we just goofed off when we finished the domain and said our goodbyes
I’ll forever miss them,💔
One day I'll be able to clear abyss without retrying any chamber or changing teams. Today is not that day. Not even close lmao (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻
*Above isn't the first successful clear. It refreshed before I saved.
I was NOT ready for the massive HP spike or the endless multi-waves in first half. Hoyo must sell their swirl propaganda for Mizuki 💰💰💰
Okay so literally everyone knows that each Saurian and the playables from the same tribes as them has a different moving ability
Meztli/Koholasaur/Mualani: Swimming
Huitztlan/Yumkasaur/Kinich: Grappling
Nanatzcayan/Tepetlisaur/Kachina/Xilonen: Climbing
Mictlan/Iktomisaur/Citlali/Ororon: Hover/High jump
Tlalocan/Qucusaur/Chasca: Flying
Teteocan/Tatankasaur/Iansan/Varesa: ?
Also if you were interested in 4 star weapons for some reason, you probably noticed that each "hero of natlan" weapon has an ability related to the owners' tribe:
Whatever Tupac's weapon was: Swimming stamina decrease
Fruitful Hook: Plunge dmg increase(Well ik that plunging isnt Kinich's thing but yumkasaur abilities are used to gain height yk)
Mountain-Bracing Bolt: Climb stamina decrease
Flower-Wreathed Feathers: Gliding stamina decrease(iirc, or it might be gliding speed)
Calamity of Eshu: Come on only 2 playables have the ability to hover
And Wanjiru's Sturdy Bone: Dash stamina decrease
Also Tatankasauri look like bulls/oxes/cows/whatever, they probably charge into stuff and do damage
50 Votes in Poll
I liked Sayu's the most, but Mizuki's comes to a close second. I liked the strategy needed; but right now there's not much thinking needed, so hopefully it gets a little harder?
Hated Thomas so. Super annoying, hate hitting those things. First one I couldn't do by myself and had to do in co-op, but the second was alright.
So which did you like the most?
if one of the people in the silhouettes is dahlia, why have they waited 4-5 years just to make him playable, and not earlier? Or at least , shown him/mentioned him more?
Like. Is there any canonical lore reason?
Varka has been in a expedition. He has A excuse.
Cloud retainer needed time to open up to the new liyue. She has A excuse.
But Dahlia has no apparent excuse to my knowledge (unless he was on the expedition with varka and I just apparently missed that.)
That in Albedo’s theme song thingy, Contemplation in Snow, there’s a tiny section at the end with the main melody of Klee’s theme
(Discovered this while redoing each of the rhythm games cuz I’m bored)
Wow! They are so perfect! They are perfect at fighting! Best adventurer! Best friend! Has a solution for everything! They’re so strong! Physically, AND mentally! They can manage their emotions perfectly! Like, cmon, how about they make it a bit realistic and emphasise on some of their struggles too?
49 Votes in Poll
Anyone wonder if Ronova (or whatever the fuck her name is 😭) has something to do with the moon sisters?
I don’t know, it’s weird considering these random “astrological phenomena’s” happen and aren’t linked together
Im highly highly convinced that the broken moon is one of the moon sisters and it’s finally coming into handy after so long
I’m just really confused about the entire fake sky thing in general, like dude if there is a whole different world or sky out of Teyvat then that’s just insane
I will try to get her a better circlet after i get the sands and a proper goblet for her!
If so would anyone be willing to let me join their world (NA) to quickly farm some domains