Leyline magic is the solution to everything after all. But you can't really slow down what's already done right? Even then it's implied by Dain that he still feels the affects of erosion even if he's mostly immune. We don't know how Pierro is slowing his rotting yet though I guess.
I mean yeah but it'd be a shame not to see him return to his prime after all he did. I guess he would still be a little stronger since he doesn't have all the souls in him holding him back so stronger than Mavuika but still. Plus being in a rotted body is described as being very painful which wouldn't be very nice for Capitano.
And if we want to continue the Jesus allegory Jesus came back in a perfected body when He came back from the dead.
^Would be boring but not impossible. Wouldn't his body still be rotted and weakened though?
At first she was a 5 or so but the fancy animations did for her bumped her up to a seven or so for me.
He says that both of their "bloodlines" contain the blessing so maybe it really is just some genetic thing? I suppose we'll find out in due time.
Yes I am very excited for 5.5 too. Even if the main quests disappoint me they always cook good with the world quests (even if none of the characters in them will be playable -_-).
Yeah there isn't really any equivalent present in any other dragons we see so it's hard to tell what it is. We know the saurians are devolved from pyro vishaps so maybe it just as simple as some saurians inheriting the strength of their forebears but their bodies are just too weak to handle and it's merely called "flamelord's" because the people of Natlan don't know as much about the intricates of dragon evolution like how Decaraibien was blamed for the first ruin guard shooting missiles at people. But then again Och-Kan was able to hide the second golden entreaty from his dad (a pyro vishap) with a device that could only be operated by someone with a flamelord's blessing so idk.
Also Och-Kan had the blessing too now that I think about it and he was born when Xiuhcoatl was still alive so it might not be directly from Xiuhcoatl still.
Maybe we'll get to see like real Xiuhcaotl's corpse or something strewn about somewhere since he died in the Volcano apparently, it'd be kind of like how Scylla was the Narwhal's design somewhat altered. One idea I also had is that maybe Xiuhcoatl preserved a copy of his mind somewhere before his corruption and we can find that and talk to him for a bit but that might be too similar to Och-Kan.
Yeah the wayob were weakening but it only got really bad in the modern day since they act shocked when the Children of Echoes wayob got corrupted so I'd think the souls would be relatively safe until then. There's also that one wayob in the foggy isle but it was mostly self-contained.
If the "prophecy" was forbidden knowledge and got erased like everything else then wouldn't Gosoythoth be severely wounded like Apep or drastically altered in some way since it was kinda like its driving goal? Forbidden Knowledge is also usually represented by red in some form while Gosoythoth is mainly purple and blue.
Yeah mimicking their personalities could work well enough too, also doesn't really contradict my theory which is nice.
About the lack of foreshadowing...this is not the first time Hoyoverse has done that lol. It isn't even the first time they've done it for Capitano! You didn't see many people speculate he had a mechanical heart that can contain a bunch of souls before 5.3 and even before that him being Khaenri'ahn wasn't speculated much at all before 5.1. They literally dropped all the Arlecchino foreshadowing the version before she came out in 4.5 with Perinheri and even then it missed some stuff lol. At least with Capitano's resurrection we have a couple of versions to further build up the suspense and foreshadowing. Also him returning to his old body is more possible then I gave it credit for but I'll come back to it later.
Yes yes you've told me about the Columbina and Yohual connection before and I guess Mavuika could be Mary Magdalene lol but I don't really see how it discredits my theory. There's also the Night Kingdom which is described as a "Kingdom of flowing waters" in a couple item descriptions and also has water all over it too, like the waters of baptism if you will.
There is also one important person of Christ's baptism who is important too, that being St John the Baptist. He was the last prophet before the messiah and helped prepare Israel for Christ's teaching. So I guess Pierro would fit that role pretty well since he is literally Cap's predecessor in the Fatui and a similar "prophet" figure in a way. It would be cool if he showed up in Natlan to try and help Capitano's revival or at least like gave specific instructions to the other Natlan harbinger on how to do it.
There is another part of Christ's resurrection that's important too. When He died for three days He descended into Hell in order to free all the just souls that were trapped in limbo and enter them into Heaven. If we apply this to Capitano's story too the maybe his soul is in the Night Kingdom to save any still corrupted souls still down there or maybe also purging any abyssal influence down there...violently. He could also be trying to spread his rules to the other leylines, possibly explaining the fetor crisis in Liyue as an unintended consequence. Cap's final goal would probably be to reconnect to the Mare Jivari and purge all the abyssal activity there, including the black beast and Gosoythoth if it is still down there.
On the topic of Capitano's old body getting healed somehow it'd be very very lame if Columbina just healed it with some random Angel magic and he just got back up because if literally every rotting Khaenri'ahn could just fix themselves by getting healing magic then it'd be very underwhelming. Even Dain who is mostly immune from it mentions the curse being one with his flesh and his memories being eroded. The only time we do see the rotting be alleviated is when Vedrfolnir "blessed" Chlothar and that mysterious fountain in the Chasm though even then the latter was more "removing" the curse rather than heal the rotting. So in line with the last paragraph about Capitano purging the afterlife of the Abyss maybe he'll either forcibly fuse with Gosoythoth like I've been saying and get a new body like that or he can forcibly channel Gosoythoth into his original body's heart somehow which could possibly reanimate/regenerate it with the abyssal power before being reunited with Capitano's soul, thus bringing it back.
I mean if he does get a new body and can interact with the Cap on the throne then it wouldn't be the first time a character could interact with themselves in the overworld lol. At least there'd be a canon explanation for it.
I'm pretty sure it's happening in 5.5 and not 5.4
Well yeah I guess I can see that happening but wouldn't all the souls in the Night Kingdom protected by the Wayob? Of course they can get corrupted too but for the most they were at least able to keep the Nightsouls mostly intact and not abyss-addled maniacs. Xbalanque also seemed pretty normal and not shaken from supposedly having to fight the Abyss for a couple centuries and also not corrupted at all when he comes back, unless beating Gosoythoth "fixed him" somehow.
The multiple voices are very reminiscent of the Master from Fallout 1 now that I think about it. He also speaks in a bunch of different voices with differing tones but it's mainly used to reflect his broken and distorted mind so maybe it's a similar case here but if isn't maybe it's instead the voices it's mimicking and their personalities "leaking" into it somehow thus causing some of its lines to become more "honorable" or "comforting" aside from the self-aggrandizing. Wait isn't one of its dying voice-lines "you too will hear the voice" implying we have NOT heard it yet?
Yeah it's unique to Inazuma but there could easily be some Natlan equivalent, Hell we've already kind of seen one with Capitano's purifying his soldier's soul from the discordant leylines using his nightsoul magic and the good ol fashioned "beating the shit out of the Abyss" option. Yes Hanachirusato was temporary but if there was some way to separate her from the leylines/Sakura without killing and or keep the "Filth" inside of her in check would it be fine? There's also that one anniversary web event suggesting she could come back so your copium isn't unfounded.
There could be a whole treasure trove of possible justifications they could give imo. Maybe he is corrupted at first and not himself but then he gets like, dowsed in the Draught of Lucidity and brought back, his comrades saving him from beyond like how he saved them. He could use the powers of his heart again to somehow contain abyssal corruption and or protect his mind. He could get Yohual's help to somehow purify him to return the favor for her immortality, we know Nabu (a fellow Angel) was able to purify the Abyss using her Khavrena, which is also mentioned to be similar to the Azosite Khaenri'ahns used. Maybe he's even purely corrupted at first and we have to fight him for a time in order to "bleed" the Abyss out of him enough so he can regain control like what happened with Durin and Elynas.
On the topic of that last idea we all think Columbina is the Dove and so she'll be the next boss but like...What if it's Capitano instead? There is all that Jesus imagery and doves are frequently used as a symbol of Christ/the Holy Spirit. Capitano fused with an angel and they're kind of dove like with their wings. The dove is also crying like what is presumably Pierro's constellation and both Cap and Pierro are Cataclysm survivors. It would also mean Cap would be the next boss too and not Columbina. Now it probably isn't true but Capitano could still totally be the next boss since Natlan is the nation of broken patterns.
Yeah, it is definitely pretty odd...
Hm maybe, maybe the Sea of Flowers is just going to be some conclusive thing to the Khaenri'ah story? I mean don't Inteyvat flowers only grow in Khaenri'ah?
But yeah, I'd imagine there should be some kind of "Celestia" chapter since there's pretty clearly an entire city up there that would be a shame to not explore but where it'd be in relation to Khaenri'ah and the Sea I am not sure.
I didn't watch the Dain stream either so idk what it said but the page for the Epilogue isn't helpful at all since it just links back to the Travail which as previously stated doesn't mention an Epilogue at all.
Maybe we should contact a mod about this.
Then where do we even find out about the "Epilogue" since there's no screen for it?
Yeah I can remove that IG
No he says it in the Khaenri'ah chapter.
Here's the full excerpt
^Dainsleif has already kind of confirmed he's the Kheanri'ah boss in the Travail (he literally says "fight me to prove yourself worthy") unless he isn't the main boss somehow or maybe Nibelung will be the second boss idk. Though I have seen some people speculate Dain IS Nibelung somehow although unlikely.
Although yes I do think Nibelung is very badass too. I imagine him with Bayle the Dread's theme lol.
If a kitsune in Inazuma can make a piece of abyssal filth an actually nice person with her memories I think the guy who was able to rewrite the rules of the Omni-God King has a pretty decent enough chance at doing something similar. Maybe I am just describing it in a really really bad way but I think it'd just be thematically really cool if he achieved the full fatui goal of defying both Celestia and the Abyss with his two "fusions" and coming out the victor over both. And him being partially abyssal whilst hating the Abyss would be a nice contrast in that oh so cryo-esque way (although the Fatui are no strangers to using the abyss too). There are just too many weird little details like all the dragon motifs on his design that you yourself think is peculiar (just for the wrong reasons /j), all the Och-Kan parallels, "mimicry" and "indwelling" being rampant in Natlan, and the fact that Gosoythoth's boss entrance is Capitano's memorial despite them never interacting. Like I said before I'm not necessarily arguing HOW it will happen since that's entirely up to the writers but that it WILL happen in some form.
I mean I don't think it'd be "too much" when we've seen something similar happen three times already (more if I want to be semantic). Capitano literally has a heart that can contain just about anything, maybe if it gets recreated too he could contain the abyss within it. I already said that there totally COULD be some kind of catch Capitano has to deal and it isn't perfect or he could get some help in doing it like from the second Natlan harbinger or Yohual. It doesn't literally just have to be Capitano single-handedly being the coolest character (even though he is).
"It can easily pull them up like it did with Xiuh - in their deepest moments of despair, perhaps even tainting them with its power"
That just sounds like what I said with Gosoythoth using their voices as his own but with extra steps, idk why it'd be so crazy for the giant MIMIC to MIMIC people's voices in order to taunt us. Video editor Gosoythoth is still funny though.
It's pretty obvious that Gosoythoth probably met The Voice in Khaenri'ah or the Abyss itself and as such I don't think memories of him would be in the leylines. Unless you mean Gosoythoth's memories of him entering into the leylines which I don't think is even possible? Gosoythoth is a literal alien for one thing so whether or not its recorded in ANY leylines is up for debate and even then the Night Kingdom didn't take in outlanders either until Capitano fixed that. Also would mean guys like Mavuika and Xbalanque know about him too but just haven't said anything? This feels like a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid the idea that Gosoythoth was just mimicking their voices and occasionally saying something respectful about the people it was fighting.
But like I've said before we probably aren't going to be able to convince either of each other at this rate and now we're just going in circles.
Realistically I'm too lazy to get a vision but if Celestia really owed me one then I'm thinking either cryo or anemo
Cryo because I think I have a lot of contradictory traits in a way
Anemo because I'm lazy and I want to be free in order to be lazy
@Th3 H1dden Aby$$ Astute observation
@IALDABAOTH1 Well yeah I'm not denying that but it's not like you can't just beat the shit out of it either. Gosoythoth appeared because with the Flame gone it was at its strongest too.
Well we don't know that Gosoycoatl would be invincible without the Sacred Flame. A grass Pokemon might be weak to fire but that doesn't mean you have to kill it with a fire type.