HI OOMF!! I see you’re slready aquainted with my wife. This is Childe’s #1 fan guys /lh
Wait did you post this anywhere else bc I could swear I saw this... anygays whatever it's SO PRETTY!!!
I misread this as "Murcia" (like the town in Spain) and was like "wut" but cgts!!
It was commissioned actually :) /info
Lynette with a violin and Navia with a snare drum captioned “Genshin Concert Tour”
Cosplay as Cassiodor so I can cosplay as Boethius and we can have a debate together
Oml imagine me doing that with my Bo cosplay... (do fremi, it's he's probably easier! Capitano cosplay will cost an arm and a leg)
World’s first Boethius cosplay
Why is everyone an All-Conquering Tide hater
The moment you've all been waiting for...
Featuring a certain Harmost of Remuria...
And my incredibly awful editing skills...
[Spacer; there's no spoilers]
"Boethius of Remuria" am I, foremost Harmost of Phobos. You need not introduce yourselves — I have no interest in the titles peddled by primitives.
^^I will remember this. You are now an enemy of the Remurian Empire /j
Why... they're bangers...
Write a hymn to Remus maybe?
You actually made Boethius pleased enough with you to give you a good Golden Troupe artifact... teach me your ways
16 Votes in Poll
(Found this on HoYoLAB)
I did it again and
Pneuma Narzissenkreuz sword >>>>>