After the fight in the restroom. The announcer on the PA announces the eliminated players
Announcer: The following players have been eliminated, Player 316, Player 173, Player 299, Player 268, Player 331, Player 407.
Player 081: Yo! Yo, "O" Gang! Hey! Listen! In the bathroom, all of a sudden the "X" s started attacking us outta nowhere! We were just standing there. Those assholes went after us! They killed my friend, and a bunch of people on our side too. They're dead.
Player 047: That's bullshit! You guys started it first! These bastards started threatening people on our side! They started the fight so they could win tomorrow's vote!
Player 241: Yeah!
Xilonen: Hold on! What were the losses on each side?
Arlecchino: Maybe...
Hu Tao: Wait. Let's go around and do a head count, then we'll know how many we lost.
Neuvillette: We had 50/50 on each side.
Furina: Yeah.
After Lynette did a headcount
Lynette: 47......48. We have 48 left, so we lost 2.
Chasca: Did you count yourself?
Lynette: Yeah, I did. I counted 47, plus me it makes 48.
Kirara: I wonder how many do the "O"s have left.
Xilonen: I overheard them, saying that they have 47 left.
Lynette: That means they lost 3 guys.
Furina: That also means we will have a better chance of winning in the next vote.
Charlotte: Yeah.
Xilonen: They look like they're planning something.
Furina: I mean, they're outnumbered. No one else is gonna change sides. It's over.
Kirara: But, are we gonna be safe? The guys in the bathroom said things got real ugly earlier.
Hu Tao: Once the lights go out, the ones who wanna stay are gonna try come for us.
Ororon: They will?
Hu Tao: Killing us would mean they win the next vote and add more to each one of their shares.
Citlali: So what do we do now?
Neuvillette: We have to attack first. It's our only chance. Those guys assumed we're just waiting it out till the next vote.
Neuvillette: When the lights go down, we should hit them first since they won't expect it.
Chasca: He's right. We can't just let them attack us.
Mavuika: That's right, attacking them first is the way we can all survive.
Arlecchino: And our side's the one with a lot of women here. If we wait for them, we're gonna lose.
Xilonen: Yeah, I say we ambush them first. That's the only way to win.
Lyney: I'm good with the plan.
Hu Tao: No, we can't do that.
Neuvillette: But we need to get out. It's like you were saying, Hu Tao. There isn't any point in just sitting around.
Hu Tao: It doesn't mean we should all join in on this useless bloodbath. We'd be playing right on their hands if we did.
Furina: Who's "They"?
Hu Tao: The ones who built this whole place. The ones who created the games and who watch us play. If we're gonna try and fight anyone, we should be going after them instead.
Charlotte: Sure, but, where are they?
Hu Tao looks up
Hu Tao: They're up there. At the top of the staircases. They keep everything here running from up in their central control room. There's a man in a black mask who's the head of the operation. If we can get to him, we can finally end this.
Neuvillette: How are you gonna fight them? After all, they've got guns.
Meanwhile with the guards
Announcer: Attention all staff. Please report to your designated location. The special game will begin momenntarily.
The guards gets into their designated location.
Shenhe switches her mask from the Square to the Triangle so that she can meet up with Hu Tao and strike down the guards afterwards
Shenhe enters the elevator
The elevator door closes
Meanwhile back in the lobby
Hu Tao: We'll need our own guns to fight back.
Furina: But we don't have any guns.
Hu Tao: We'll just take theirs.
Xilonen: So, take them from the guards?
Hu Tao nods
Neuvillette: It's too risky. Even if we manage to get a few guns, they'll outnumber us when we try to get out.
Hu Tao: What are you suggesting? We fight the other group for the whole entire night, and hope against hope that we all make it? Is that it, Iudex? Do you really think that's a good plan?
Mavuika: Do we..........stand a chance?
Hu Tao: If we can manage an ambush, yes. Those bastards up there, they'll never expect our side to attack. They'll be focused on other things. This is it. This is our last chance to put an end to these games and make sure they never happen again.
Neuvillette: So how are we supposed to get their guns?
Hu Tao: Here's the plan. We wait for the fight to begin. That'll give us an opening.
The guards exits the elevator and stands in position
Announcer: Lights out is in 5 minutes.
Timer ticking
All the players gets to their beds
Hu Tao: Don't fall asleep tonight ok?
Xilonen: Ok
Furina: Yeah, ok.
Ororon: Granny, you can fall asleep tonight.
Citlali: I know, I know.
After every players gets to their beds
Announcer: Lights out is in 10 seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
The lights goes out
The "O" players leaves their beds and quietly approaches the "X"s side
Hu Tao's voice: Once the lights go out, we have to quickly get under our beds as quietly as we can. We can't afford to get caught by the other side. And we know they'll be out for blood.
The "O" players charges and attacks
Player 048: Quiet!
Player 048 stabs Player 014
Player 048: Die!
Ororon kicks a player away
Ororon: Get out of here!
Mavuika punches a player
A player tackles Mavuika
Mavuika pins the player down and stabs him with a form
Mavuika: You asshole!
Player 017 stabs Player 311
Xilonen kicks Player 017 and stabs him in the neck with a fork
Xilonen punches a player down
Screaming and yelling continues
Mualani gasps
Mualani grabs a glass bottle and hits a player with it
Player 048 tackles Mualani down
Player 048: Die! You asshole!
Chasca kicks Player 048 down and grabs him by the throat and snaps his neck
Chasca: You ok?
Mualani: Yeah.
Chasca: Let's go.
Players continue brawling and clamoring
Neuvillette pushes a stack of beds down and crushes 3 players
Furina: Do we...
Hu Tao: No. Shh!
A player stabbing another player
Hu Tao's voice: We don't make any moves until the fighting's over.
Hu Tao: We wait, and we keep still. We cannot afford to get pulled into the fight, do you hear me?
Furina: Hold on, if we do that, then the rest of the "X"s won't have much of a chance. Without us there to help them, they'll be outnumbered.
Hu Tao: I know. But if we don't keep our heads down tonight, and if some of us gets injured or anyone ends up dead, it's gonna ruin our entire plan. If we're missing anyone when it's time to attack, we'll be setting ourselves to lose.
Neuvillette: So what you're saying is, sacrifice a few for the good of the rest.
Hu Tao: If we don't go after them now, we won't get another shot at leaving this place. And it'll be worth a sacrifice, if it means we can actually put an end to these games for good.
Neuvillette: If that's the plan, then i'll do whatever you tell me.
After the fight ended, the guards enters the room to break up the fight
Announcer: Move in.
Alarm buzzes
Hu Tao's voice: Once the lights come back in, the guards will rush into the room and start getting the situation under control.
Triangle Guard 1: Hands up. Step back.
Hu Tao's voice: First, they'll break up whoever's still fighting.
Triangle Guard 2: Drop your weapon, hands up.
Hu Tao's voice: They'll be so busy, they won't pay any attention to the dead. Right after they finish securing the room.....
Square Guard: Check the eliminations.
Hu Tao's voice: ...they'll start scanning the bodies.
The guards checks on the eliminated players
Hu Tao's voice: We wait until it's time to strike.
Hu Tao gets up and grabs the Triangle Guard
Furina grabs a Triangle Guard
Furina: Xilonen!
Xilonen hits the Triangle Guard with a glass bottle
Citlali grabs a Triangle Guard
Chasca takes the revolver gun from the guard's pocket and shoots the guard
Hu Tao holds the Triangle Guard and makes it shoot another guard
The Triangle Guard pushes Hu Tao away
Neuvillette shoots the Triangle Guard down
Furina: Attack now!
Xilonen grabs a rifle gun and shoots at a guard
Neuvillette shoots a guard down
Lynette and Lyney grabs two guards and holds them down
Arlecchino: Catch!
Arlecchino throws a rifle gun to Alhaitham
Alhaitham shoots a guard down
Hu Tao shoots a guard down
A Triangle Guard kicks Lyney away
Lynette grabs the revolver gun from the guards pocket and shoots it down
The players and guards continues firing at each other
Xilonen shoots a guard down
Hu Tao shoots a guard down
Citlali grabs a rifle gun and shoots 2 guards down
Ororon grabs a revolver gun and shoots a guard down
Ororon takes the rifle gun from the guard
Ororon shoots a guard down
Neuvillette shoots a guard down
Masked Officer (Ayato): Tell them to retreat and seal the entrance.
A Square Guard presses a button telling the guards to retreat
Announcer: Retreat, retreat.
The Guards stops firing
A Triangle Guard shoots down another guard
Triangle Guard 1: Hey! What are you...
The Triangle Guards shoots another one down
4 Triangle Guards gets through the entrance
A Square Guard runs out of ammo and tries to run to the entrance but the doors closes
Hu Tao: Hold on! Cease fire! Everybody stop!
Firing stops
Xilonen and Furina approaches the Square Guard
Xilonen: Put your hands up! Get on your knees!
The Square Guard kneels down and puts his hands up
Hu Tao: Everyone! Don't be afraid, it's all over now. It's safe now, come on out.
Furina: It's ok, you can come out now!
Hu Tao: We're not gonna shoot you or hurt anybody else!
Chasca: Do me a favour Mavuika.
Mavuika: Yeah?
Chasca: Go collect all the guns and ammo.
Mavuika goes around to collect all the guns and ammo dropped by the guards
Chasca shoots a camera down
Lynette shoots a camera down
Masked Officer (Ayato): Assemble all the troops!
Announcer: Attention all soldiers. Please take your weapons and proceed to the rally point immediately.
Mavuika collects all the guns and ammo
Mavuika: Here, everyone. Take your weapons, we are about to head to war.
Kirara grabs a rifle and revolver
Mualani grabs a rifle and a revolver
Navia grabs a rifle and a revolver
Kuki grabs a rifle and a revolver
Hu Tao: Alright, we will head up to that staircase and attack those masked men. So that we can end these games for good.
Everyone nods
Xilonen: Ok all rebels, listen up. This here is an MP5 submachine gun. First thing, to change magazines, you press the release and slide it out. It shouldn't take much to come out
Xilonen removes the magazine
Xilonen: And on the side, you flip the safety down for sustained fire, and put it up here for single-fire. Since we don't have a lot of extra ammo right now, we should be only be using single-fire.
Xilonen: And finally, this slides in up here, then you're gonna pull this lever down all the way. That's how you load your gun. All clear, everyone?
All: Yeah!
Furina: You really know your studd. Where did you learn all that?
Xilonen: Well, I was a sergeant in the Fontaine Special Forces last time.
Furina: Oh, I see.
Hu Tao points the revolver at the Triangle Guard
Hu Tao: Who are you? Why did you kill your own men?
The Triangle Guard removes the mask and it's Shenhe
Hu Tao: Shenhe?
Shenhe: I told you, I would come and help.
Lynette: She's one of them?
Hu Tao: No, she only came to help me in the revolt.
Hu Tao approaches the Square Guard and points the gun at him
Hu Tao: You, mask off.
The Square Guard removes his mask
Furina: He's just a kid. His parents must be mad at him.
Hu Tao: You. Take us to the one who calls the shots here.
Hu Tao shoots the door glass and reaches in for the handle and opens the door that leads to the staircase. The Square Guard then leads the rebel players to the control room
Hu Tao shoots a guard down from a distance
Hu Tao: Get down!
The guards from the other side starts shooting
Hu Tao: At your one o'clock! One o'clock!
Firing continues
Neuvillette shoots a guard down
Alhaitham shoots a guard down
Xilonen: Guys, I'm gonna head up to get a perfect shot, cover me!
Hu Tao: Covering fire! Covering fire!
Xilonen heads to the balcony and shoots 2 guards down
Lynette shoots a guard down
Shenhe shoots 2 guards down
Firing stops
Hu Tao: Hold fire! I think we're clear, is everyone ok?
All: Yes!
They continue walking through the maze stairs
Masked Officer (Ayato): You can't let them get to the management area!
The Triangle Guards hides behind walls from the other side to get ready to attack
Hu Tao: Are you sure you're leading us to the right way?
Square Guard: Yes. Over there, once you pass through that corner, that's where the control room is.
The Square Guard pulls something from his pocket
Hu Tao: Hey! Stop! What are you doing?
Square Guard: You need to have a mask in order to get into the management area
The Square Guard takes out his mask from his suit. He then looks in front and noticed Neuvillette as he recognises him, later then he gets shot
Hu Tao: Get down!
The Triangle Guards starts firing from the other side
The rebel players starts firing
Mavuika shoots a guard down
Xilonen shoots a guard down
Firing continues
Hu Tao shoots a guard down
Hu Tao: I'm gonna look for the control room entrance.
Neuvillette: You sure you can find it? Should I go with you?
Hu Tao: Furina and I can go. Iudex, you stay here and buy us more time.
Neuvillette: Ok.
Hu Tao: Furina, you ready?
Furina: Yeah.
Hu Tao and Furina goes to find the control room
Lyney firing
Lyney: I'm out of ammo.
Lynette: Here.
Lynette gives Lyney a magazine
Lynette: Don't waste your shots! If you shoot blindly, you'll run out soon.
Lyney: Ok.
Firing continues
Hu Tao and Furina approaches a pink door and Hu Tao holds up the mask and the camera scans the mask
Announcer: Identity confirmed.
The door opens and Hu Tao and Furina enters the staircase that leads to the control room
Furina: So, why did you bring me instead of Iudex?
Hu Tao: Because you're my best friend.
Furina: Fair point.
Hu Tao takes out a radio
Hu Tao: We're just entering the management area. We'll try heading up further.
Hu Tao puts the radio away
Furina: Look out!
The guards fires
Hu Tao shoots a guard down
Hu Tao: Take cover!
Guns Firing
Furina shoots a guard down
Hu Tao and Furina moves up the stairs
Hu Tao takes a magazine from the guard's pocket
Hu Tao: They have extra ammo in their pockets.
Hu Tao takes more ammo from the guards
Furina: Now which way do we go?
Hu Tao: Same route these assholes took.
Hu Tao and Furina goes further
Masked Officer (Ayato): Go guard the stairs!
The Square Guards gets their rifles and departs to guard the control room
Meanwhile with the others
Firing continues
Citlali shoots a guard down
Citlali: We can't do anything sitting here! Let's follow them upstairs!
Neuvillette: If we go up without knowing anything, we might get surrounded! Let's hold this position until they radio us. So we know they made it there.
Neuvillette shoots a guard down
Firing continues
Mualani shoots a guard down
Mavuika: Guys! How are we doing on ammo?
Neuvillette: Yeah, I'm almost out.
Xilonen: I'm almost out too. I'm down to 2 bullets.
Chasca: I'm down to a half.
Lynette: I'm about less than half.
Citlali: I'm almost out as well. I'm down to half.
Alhaitham: We need extra ammo. Someone needs to go back to the headquarters and get some more ammo.
Arlecchino: But who? We all can't leave this position, as we may get surrounded and they might charge towards us.
Xilonen: Fair point. If they found out we are all out, they will charge straight at us. So we need more ammo quickly!
Radio beeps
Neuvillette takes out a radio
Furina: Iudex, do you copy?
Neuvillette: Yes, what's the matter?
Furina: We are just by the control area, but they've got us pinned back here. We also need some extra ammo.
Neuvillette: Yeah, we're also low on ammo as well.
Furina: Get someone to find more ammo, and bring some here.
Neuvillette: Copy.
Neuvillette puts the radio down
Citlali firing
Gun clicking
Citlali: Shit! I'm out.
Candace: I'm out too.
Chasca: We need more ammo, quick! Before they charge straight at us!
Nilou: Guys! Here, I found more ammo!
Xilonen: Perfect.
They all reload their guns and continues firing
Neuvillette: Two of you need to come with me, Hu Tao and Furina needs some extra ammo.
Player 047: I'll come!
Player 152: Me too!
Neuvillette: Ok, come with me. You guys, hold this position for us.
Mavuika: Got it.
Player 047 and 152 follows Neuvillette to back up Hu Tao and Furina
Hu Tao shoots a guard down
Gun clicking
Hu Tao: I'm out. What about you?
Furina: I'm down to half.
Neuvillette: Hu Tao.
Hu Tao: Iudex, did you get the ammo?
Neuvillette: Yes, here.
Hu Tao takes the 2 magazines
Neuvillette: So what shall we do?
Hu Tao: We're very close to the control area. But they've got us pinned here, there must be a way to attack them from behind.
Furina: Yeah, you 3 find a way to attack them from behind.
Neuvillette: Ok.
Hu Tao: Wait. Take this.
Hu Tao gives Neuvillette a magazine
Neuvillette: Are you sure?
Hu Tao: Yes, you're out of ammo, right? So take it.
Neuvillette takes the magazine and goes with Player 152 and Player 047
Furina shoots down a guard
Neuvillette, Player 047 and Player 152 found their way behind the guards
Neuvillette takes out a radio
Neuvillette: We found our way, we can now attack them from behind.
Hu Tao: Great, now attack.
Neuvillette: Copy.
Neuvillette puts down the radio
Player 047: Now?
Neuvillette nods
Player 047 and Player 152 points their guns at the guards from behind. But before they fire, Player 047 was shot from behind and Neuvillette was the one who shot him
Player 152: What the?!
Neuvillette shoots Player 152 down
Neuvillette points his gun at Player 152, but his gun ran out of ammo
Gun clicking
Neuvillette removes the magazine and reloads his gun
Radio beeps
Hu Tao: Iudex, what's going on? Iudex? Iudex! Do you copy?
Neuvillette: I'm sorry, Hu Tao. It's over. They've got us.
Hu Tao: Iudex? Iudex?! Iudex!
Neuvillette shoots Player 152
Gunshot echoing
Hu Tao: Iudex!
Neuvillette changes the channel on his radio
Neuvillette: Let's wrap things up.
Neuvillette puts the radio down and walks away
Firing continues
Furina shoots a guard down
Hu Tao firing her gun
Hu Tao's gun clicks
Hu Tao: Damn it! I'm out.
Furina's gun clicks
Furina: I'm out too. What do we do?
Meanwhile with the others
Mavuika shoots a guard down
Ororon: Have they gotten there yet?
Xilonen: I don't know, they haven't radio us yet.
Mavuika's gun clicks
Mavuika: I'm out.
Citlali: Me too.
Kirara: What do we do?
Chasca: They're charging! They're coming this way.
Triangle Guard: Hands up! Drop your weapons!
Lynette: Should we?
Xilonen: We're all out, we have no choice.
Triangle Guard: Hands up.
Xilonen, Mavuika, Ororon, Citlali, Lynette, Candace, Arlecchino, Lyney, Kirara, Charlotte and Chasca drops their guns and surrenders
Meanwhile with Hu Tao and Furina
Furina: We're all out of ammo, we should surrender.
Hu Tao nods
Furina: Wait! Stop! We surrender.
Furina drops her gun and kneels down
Hu Tao drops her gun and kneels down
The Square Guards approaches Hu Tao and Furina
The Front Man walks in along with the Masked Officer
Front Man (Neuvillette): Player 456.
Hu Tao looks up and finally got a glimpse of the Front Man
Front Man (Neuvillette): Did you have fun playing the hero?
Hu Tao: ....
The Front Man points his gun at Hu Tao
Hu Tao breathing heavily
Front Man (Neuvillette): Now, witness the consequences of your little hero game.
The Front Man points his gun at Furin
Hu Tao turns to Furina
Furina turns to Hu Tao
Furina: Hu Tao.....
Hu Tao breathing heavily
The Front Man shoots Furina down
Hu Tao: NO! NO!! FURINA!!
Hu Tao wails
The Front Man walks away
Hu Tao yells
The Square Guards pins down Hu Tao
Hu Tao yelling and screaming loudly
Hu Tao looks at Furina's dead body and sobs
Hu Tao sobbing
Hu Tao:
Hu Tao continues sobbing
A Square Guard scans Furina's dead body
Announcer: Player 112, eliminated.
Hu Tao's plan of rebellion against the games' staff ultimatefly failed as they have ran out of ammo, and outnumbered by the guards. Player 001, also known as Iudex turns out to be Neuvillette, the one who is in charge of the games who is the Front Man. As the reblllion failed, Hu Tao was punished by the Front Man for her heroism, and was forced to watch the last of her best friends die who is Furina. The games then continues as usual. Will Hu Tao be able to stop the games sooner or later?
To be continued on Part 3
End Of Part 2
@IntrovertedBigBoss @L0velyangelic @Badtimepacifist @XianyunCloud11 @~starlilygirl~