The most satisfying would be Kachina. Everybody else was already an established hero when we met them.
Furina is not ideal for Ganyu (ST Hydro application, lack of good healer consolidation in Ganyu teams outside the Hydro slot), but she is a universally good support and I'd definitely play her over Barbara.
The ultimate betrayal.
Might not be applicable to you, but one interesting niche for Sara are ultra short 12-13s rotations. Although you still need C2, if you want to buff two DPS.
Although RIP ping. Makes Melt combos less consistent.
Except when a 5* needs the spotlight or they are surrounded by a bunch of D-tier enemies. Then they struggle.
^ Not always, which makes their portrayel even more weird. Personally I wish the writers would just drop the self insert stuff completely. Then Traveler could be fleshed out properly.
She is usable as solo Cryo, so yes. IIRC do Q->E though, since that lines up better with Mav's timing than E->Q
Yes, Verurteilung (= damnation). Not Verteilung (= distribution) lol
We are now enemies. Good day, sir.
Better than c4 Jean... right?
Should still be accurate. Based on a quick search, newer 4* options don't outperform Slingshot. Astral is his 2nd best weapon for personal damage.
Ofc Citlali is one of them lol
But not Hoyo's pushing Melusines on Valentine's Day
There's max 3 anecdotes on the map at one time. When you finish one, another one will spawn until you hit a cap that raises over time (started at 5 and gets increased by 5 each day). Already present anecdotes get refreshed at daily reset. And yes, the order seems randomized.
So, OP, you should've had anecdotes on day 1, but maybe you missed them, because some are located in the countryside, not the main cities. See WaryWolfy's tip of zooming out the map to max. Unlike boss icons, anecdotes don't disappear after a certain zoom level.
Also don't fret missing the ones on day one. There's no daily limit. I did more than 5 on day 2, because I did less on day 1.
^ Either that or Plunge Neuvi.
Good point lol
It's fine to warn people about her performance (I've done the same), but IMO it's more about Mizuki's upside being primarily comfort and many players online like to ignore the comfort factor when discussing meta. And if you do that then Mizuki is indeed Midzuki, if not worse. Just like Zhongli gets dismissed as DPS loss (not saying Mizuki is as good as Zhongli; he's just my go-to example for the DPS over comfort mindset).
For now still GMC. I want to make PMC work as a Burgeon DPS, but I'd have to look more into it, because so far it doesn't feel particularly good to play.