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Why are the Unknown God's Japanese voice overs not on the wiki? It would be nice if they were on the wiki
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[After a long and treacherous journey the traveler arrives at the domain of the Unknown God the traveler with a determined look on their face confronts the Unknown God]
Unknown God: Outlander, i see you came for your sibling, you'll never get her/him back!
Aether/Lumine: [His/Her eyes are obscured by a shadow it then reveals the eyes on fire] You should [Points dramatically] KILL YOURSELF!
Unknown God: ...What's that?
Aether/Lumine: I said, you should kill yourself! What you do is unjustifiable! And you know it's unjustifiable! And you don't care! You're the definition of evil! Kill yourself!
Unknown God: Okay, i'm gonna give you your sibling back. How's that?
Aether/Lumine: I just read that the way MiHoyo NOT Hoyoverse or Cognosphere makes most of their money is by creating a carbon-copy of [Shows a picture of Herrscher of the Void] a character from Honkai Impact 3rd that gets forgotten. Kill yourself.
Unknown God: Well you shouldn't say things like that because... some god sure might up and do it, and then you'd feel really bad.
Aether/Lumine: No I wouldn't.
Unknown God: Yes you would.
Aether/Lumine: No, because I really want you to kill yourself.
Unknown God: Alright, well how about this?! If a god blows their brains out, you will be punished!
Aether/Lumine: I don't care what happens to me, I care about my sister/brother, [Pokes the Unknown God in the chest for emphasis] you morally! empty! corrupted! MAGGOT!
Unknown God: [long silence as the Unknown God looks around] Alright, I tell you what: I'll give you unlimited power-
Aether/Lumine: No, it doesn't matter what you offer me! Your only chance to right the wrongs you've done, and repay all the damages you've done, is to kill yourself.
Unknown God: [another long silence, the Unknown God clears her throat] Well, you think it's funny, but that's telling someone to kill themselves; that's not a joke.
[The Traveler grabs the Unknown God by the dress]
Aether/Lumine: I'm not joking. [Filled with rage his/her eyes turn red] DO. IT.
I HATE The Unknown God! (No I Don't)
Hoyoverse/Cognosphere: We're no longer called that.
Me: Fine! Anyways, When's (Shows a picture of the Unknown God) THIS character coming back?!
Hoyoverse/Cognosphere: Who?
The End
Conclusion: The Unknown God will never return and MiHoyo... FINE! I MEANT Hoyoverse/Cognosphere has completely forgotten about her, i wanna hear her REAL name, is it REALLY "Asmoday" or not? Anyways tell me if you want more posts like this. X3
First cube sighting. Corrupted Aether so that he lose power.
You can do this in a glitch to get behind the World Tree. Also forbidden knowledge = corruption!?! Also you can do this in game it did it once. Not the best picture bc of the original caption but you can do this with finesse
People of khanriah corrupted into abyss!
Red cubes in nahida act 1 archon quest, also corrption via forbidden knowledge?!?
Also, so far quite a few civilizations have been killed by nails.
Sal Vindagnyr, Dragonspine.
Tsurumi Island had two civilizations killed
The Sapphire Nail in Sumeru desert.
And I believe there will be one in Fontaine most likely coming in the next update, but I don’t know maybe in a later version like all of the expansions of Sumeru. And even around the nails, you can see blue cubes. This is probably some form of divine punishment for obtaining knowledge about Celestia.
Notice that every civilization that has fallen has some connection to Khaenriah or the abyss. As seen in the architecture. And in many of these places, there are murals of the primordial one. Also there is always a dragon associated with that.
And also, there is a difference between the first two came, and the second who came. I believe the first who came was the primordial one Phanes, and the second the heavenly principles. Perhaps there was a tampering with the history of the world itself that made everyone think that the heavenly principles is the primordial one, but I do not believe that’s true I believe that the heavenly principles is not of that world I believe that the primordial one was actually good.
Perhaps khanriah was destroyed, because they gained knowledge of the world before…Maybe the archons were controlled by this force.
I see dead people
Things we know:
Irminsul runs through all the domains. It also runs through Teyvat. I won't be the first person to suggest that Teyvat is a giant domain.
Domains are stabilized by observers agreeing about how things should function. (see Chasm event storyline). A large domain would be very unstable without very large agreement.
Most people's lives are governed by, indeed dictated by, their constellations. (There's a bunch of off-hand references to this, including in loading screen snippets, and Mona's astrology actually works). This helps coordinate agreement by observers on the proper behavior of Teyvat, and stabilizes the domain. Yes, that means most people in Teyvat have no free will. (Also note that 'stars' aren't gaseous celestial bodies distant from Teyvat, but gems embedded in the celestial border of the domain - the firmament).
Allogenes are the exception, who can forge their own destiny, at least to some degree. (Visions are a trap, to help shape and focus their ambitions in ways that aren't fatal to maintaining the domain. Also cross-reference the Architect's monologue in Matrix 2.)
Irminsul, which runs the domain, 'knows of' everyone who is 'part of Teyvat'. There are a small number of 'visitors', "descenders", who are not 'part of Teyvat', and therefore unknown to Irminsul.
Irminsul is sort of like a computer that's operating Teyvat. Delete something from its memory and everyone who is part of Teyvat forgets about it, which means their memory is run through and by Irminsul. (There's also ley line energy running through Teyvat that 'powers' Irminsul and contains memory, that is, information.)
That information includes the memories of dead people, and roots can manifest those people to such a degree that you can talk to them, get interactive responses from them, and otherwise simulate living beings. (See Ei's last archon quest.)
Erosion is degradation of memory, that is, information, of beings that live for long periods of time. It's not that they are eroding, Irminsul's ability to maintain them and their memories is degrading.
Alright, let's get gnostic here for a moment, as we've had deliberate references to gnosticism in the game.
In gnosticism, the world is a prison for divine energy, e.g. souls. Not all people contain sparks of divine energy, only allogenes (which is a significant term that actually comes from gnosticism). These divine sparks are part of the "true godhead", which has nothing to do with the material world. That explains the relative free will of allogenes, and why they need to have their ambitions channeled to avoid disrupting Teyvat.
The material world was either created by, or taken over by, Yaldabaoth, the demi-urge, the god of the material world, an evil deity who is the gaoler of the divine sparks. The taken over version received some support in Enkanomiya and Tsurumi Island. (Tsurumi notably has the moon sisters and a different sky depicted on its murals).
Gnosticism is about secret knowledge. The knowledge that the world is a prison for divine sparks. We have secret knowledge in game, or specifically, forbidden knowledge which corrupts Teyvat, that is Irminsul, the operating system of our prison. That Teyvat is a prison could well be secret knowledge that Yaldabaoth doesn't want us to know, or that interferes with the functioning of Irminsul in some way.
Some versions of Gnosticism (including the most well known one, Valentinism) have paired emanations of the godhead, called syzygy, which are male and female. The traveler and sibling traveled as literal stars, are twins (that is, paired, and male and female), and have heavenly attributes (6 wings, referencing Seraphim) in the opening cutscene.
Further, while Hoyoverse insists that neither Traveler is canonically the player, all the promotional materials for ages featured Aether as the Traveler, and Lumine as the Abyssal Princess. In Valentinism, one syzygy in particular features prominently - Jesus and Sophia. It is Sophia's fall (and corruption by the demi-urge) that leads to the creation of the material world. And Jesus descends to bring gnosis about the divine sparks and their imprisonment to those who possess them. Similarly, with Hoyoverse's prefered traveler, we have a fallen female half of a syzygy, and a heroic male half.
Bonus note: in some versions of gnosticism, the demi-urge is served by 7 archons who help him govern the material world.
2nd Bonus note: The Matrix movies are also heavily inspired by Gnosticism, hence the comparisons.
So, some predictions:
Almost all the people we meet in Teyvat are memories of dead people. They're just recreated by Irminsul and remixed over the years. Their destiny is written in the stars because their "lives" are largely pre-programmed based at least loosely on their real life (whenever that was, likely sometime before the archon wars and not in Teyvat). To be known to Irminsul is literally to be just a memory Irminsul is manifesting. Only the 'descenders' are currently real living beings.
Allogenes have some divine spark in them, and Teyvat is a prison to keep them contained.
The sibling died sometime after the Cataclysm. That is why they are now part of Teyvat and known to Irminsul.
The archons are not our allies. They're servants of the demi-urge (who is almost certainly the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles).
Forbidden Knowledge is knowledge of the true nature of Teyvat. It effectively causes a glitch in the matrix (ie, see the Matrix movies), which requires the system to purge it so it can continue functioning as a prison.
One of the teasers shows Il Dottore watching Irminsul burn. That will happen near the end of the storyline, and I predict Traveler will be the one to set it ablaze.
Traveler's ability to manipulate elements without a vision is (metaphorically) like Neo in the Matrix's ability to interact with the world as code. In Teyvat, elemental energy carries code in leylines. (The archon wars themselves, and the gods that fought them, have some interesting parallel's with Matrix 2's 'monsters' that are vestiges of earlier versions of the matrix).
Bonus (and a little off-the-wall) prediction: Klee died while a child, and Alice transplanted Klee's memories to Teyvat intentionally to keep her 'alive'. This is also why Alice left Klee with the Knights, because she can't take Klee with her when she leaves Teyvat.
so lots of people have been speculating on the final boss of genshin being like paimon or like the unknown god or maybe even your sibling-
but i ask: what happens at the END of genshin. like the VERY END. does traveler keep traveling worlds, and if that happens what does the player do??
does the traveler's sibling keep on going alone, while the traveler remains in teyvat? what happens to paimon, whether or not shes the final boss? what about the unknown god, do we never see them again if they are not the final boss?
Our first encounter with her, how did we understand what she was saying? Was she not speaking Teyvat language? or is this some random plot-hole
Somehow, we were able to comprehend she called herself "The Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles," and it didn't come out as gibberish.
WHAT IF ......DRUMROLL...........
(Dramatic music plays
Hehehhehehe lol
Okay so our cute little companion has been cute at first and we all know that. A squeaky little voice, floating around, and constantly reminding she’s not emergency food. But have you ever thought about how she’s been acting more through the game?
The more you get into the game, you meet more characters. She keeps getting more clingy to you and gets very talkative. This is getting annoying for some people but why is she so clingy when we meet other people? It is suspicious
Her outfit design and her hair is awfully similar to the unknown god. White hair and the clip in her hair matches the scene in the beginning where the unknown god makes a rhombus shaped black figure
Paimon constantly keeps leaving our side and we have absolutely no idea where she goes. Yeah, she could have gone to our destination but what is she doing waiting all that time? Since she can fly and appear out of nowhere, we really have no idea where she goes.
Paimonkeeps referring to herself in 3rd person. “Paimon is not emergency food!” “Paimon doesn’t think that’s correct!” Why can’t she refer to herself using pronouns such as I, me, mine, myself, etc?
Paimon is the name of an evil god in myths. If you search up Paimon, obviously the genshin paimon will pop up since she’s well known but if you go to images you will see other images of some dark stuff..
For number 2, here’s picture proof
Even if she isn’t related to the unknown god, these clues may lead to them being from Celestia since we don’t know where they exactly came from
Part 2??
Alright part 2 cuz why not?
A lot of people think it’s a coincidence that Paimon’s name is the meaning of an evil god but I can prove it’s not. The travelers (Lumine and Aether) obviously are from a bright place and their outfit shows it with white and gold. Lumine’s name represents illumination or light and Aether’s name represents god of light. This can’t be a coincidence that Paimon’s name is the meaning of something evil why the protagonists of the story have names based on light. Another example, Xiao’s name means mountain. demon, (reasonable, he’s he demon conquer), Hu Tao means reckless (She’s very energetic) Etc. Names are not coincidences.
Another clothing piece, if you look at paimon’s cape and the unknown god’s cape in the beginning, they both have stars inside of them. This is another clothing piece that’s similar
Paimon claims she is not from this world and we believe it because we first fished her out of a lake. My question is, if she isn’t from this world, how did she automatically become our tour guide and knows so much? I’m guessing she may be from celestia but still, she knows so much about every world. When we first arrived at Mondstadt, she knew right away what the famous food were
Ive ran out of ideas so gimme some time i’ll make part 3