Remember when Xianyun comforted us in her SQ...
Hoyo did it again in Nahida Birthday cutscene 🥲 [⚠️5.1 Event]
Okay. I'm crying... AGAIN! 😭😭😭
Previously on Crackpot Theories
- General: Hu Tao is 1000 butterflies in a trench coat
- Chapter 3: The Traveler's sibling isn’t marked as a descender as the physical you are the Descender
So, crackpot 3 is...
I need to go deeper
There! In 4.7, we get this thing
The Traveler gets called by their real name! And, the player doesn't get to choose what he says. In this case, Aether is finally able to talk 1-1 with his sibling for the briefest of moments. And after that, it's back to being the Traveler. Considering this, here's my crackpot theory:
Aether is not the Traveler
What you are, I don’t know, but considering "Aether" has his own dialog that's unaffected by the Traveler (you), maybe the Fourth Descender (us) have some kind of in-game connection with "Aether." Together, we make the Traveler.
Yeah this is probs silly, I just noticed it and thinking out loud rn. Anything I could have missed to disprove this?
70 Votes in Poll
73 Votes in Poll
Hmmm how long do spoiler walls go...
This good? No, better safe than sorry
Here's better. So, about Nahida saying that our sibling is from this world but the Traveler feels confused since they've traveled through multiple dimensions with them...
Nahida isn't wrong.
What if you, the you who is reading this right now, are the 4th descender? While yes, the game's story has lead you to thinking we're here to save our sibling, the sibling belongs to the game. They are from Teyvat, not our "real" world. They're merely a fictional being living with other fictional people, while we the player could have hopped through many worlds, many games, on and on.
Maybe that’s why we're called the Traveler. Teyvat is indeed just another fictional setting that we might find ourselves entering. We're thrown a new plot, a new set of rules that we must conquer to succeed. In the end, there is no sibling, but rather the pleasures and joys that we have experienced along the way, another world that has given its all to sing its beautiful ballad to us all.
Here's a tea to Genshin (and Paimon of course). Can't wait to see where we go from here
🍵 🍵
56 Votes in Poll
so lots of people have been speculating on the final boss of genshin being like paimon or like the unknown god or maybe even your sibling-
but i ask: what happens at the END of genshin. like the VERY END. does traveler keep traveling worlds, and if that happens what does the player do??
does the traveler's sibling keep on going alone, while the traveler remains in teyvat? what happens to paimon, whether or not shes the final boss? what about the unknown god, do we never see them again if they are not the final boss?
Okay so after hours of grinding information I think I finally got something big out of it. First of all, if you don't know anything about the Primordial One or its shining shades, go check out this book:
Next, I'll have to give you some insight on greek mythology. You probably already know about the gods like Zeus, Dionysus and Poseidon but there is more. In greek mythology, in the beginning of the world there was a generation of primordial gods who took part in creating the world and were way before the Greek Gods most people know. Some important figures from this primordial generation regarding this theory are Phanes, Kairos, Phosphorus, Hesperus, and Aether.
In the book before Sun and Moon, the Primordial One is described to have wings, a crown, and to have come out of an egg. In greek mythology, Phanes is described as the first king of the universe, and the one who created it, and is also described to have wings, a crown, and to have come out of an egg. In the book Before Sun and Moon it is said that Phanes may have been the Primordial One, but probably just to confuse us because way too much of this fits for it to be wrong. So we know that one of Phanes' shining shades is Istaroth, but there are 3 others. In Enkanomiya, Istaroth was known as Kairos, which, in greek mythology, is an inferior god from the primordial generation that impersonates moments and fortune. In Genshin, Kairos is known as "The God of Moments".
In the Enkanomiya achievement series, the name Kairos comes up, but so do 2 other names: Phosphorus and Hesperus. In greek mythology, Phosphorus is also an inferior primordial god and the impersonation of the morning star. Hesperus is an inferior primordial god too, and the impersonation of the evening star. Then I realized something about the artifacts. There's the flower of life, plume of death, circlet of logos, sands of eon, and goblet of eonothem. It somehow fits, you know what I mean? The circlet is a crown, so it could probably represent the Primordial One. The sands is a timepiece, which could represent Kairos. Now, I'm guessing the Phosphorus is the shining shade of life (flower of life) because dawn and morning in many cultures symbolize birth and beginning. So then Hesperus is probably the shining shade of death (plume of death) because evening typically symbolizes and end and entrance into darkness.
So now there's the goblet left. I thought a bit, and figured that would probably symbolize space. So then, considering that the other 3 shades are primordial gods that are inferior and have little power and serve little purpose, I looked for the primordial greek god of space. And guess what I found: the primordial god of space is AETHER. Aether is a primordial god, inferior, and the impersonation of the bright upper sky. Aether is also the god of light, and Lumine means light in latin, so Aether and Lumine are the same god just different names. This way no matter which sibling the player chose, it would make sense for the other one to be a shining shade of the primordial one! And this way, it makes total sense as to why our sibling is not classified as a descender!
Concluding Theory
The Primordial One: Phanes
Shining Shade of Time: Kairos
Shining Shade of Life: Phosphorus
Shining Shade of Death: Hesperus
Shining Shade of Space: Traveler's sibling (Aether/Lumine)
Side Theories with this Evidence
-All the shining shades except for Kairos are impersonations of celestial objects (morning star, evening star, bright upper sky). Kairos is the only one that isn't, but it has been implied that she always stood out among the others. She was the only one who answered Enkanomiya's calls.
-In greek mythology, Phanes is depicted with a serpent. This serpent might be Ourobouros/Orobashi. Ourobouros is many cultures is the symbol of cyclical life, and Phanes is the symbol of the creation of life. It is also said that Orobashi is from an unknown nation, so this would add up.
I still have a lot more questions about all this and the traveler, but for now you can just have this theory :D
Pls send help. Pls.
(This was never supposed to go down the Genshin path, but it did. That's why there's 2 random ppl. Due to us originally using our real names, I changed them.)
Once upon a time, two friends called Sophie and Mia decided to take a walk. They decided to explore the park and got lost, but then the park turned into a desert and the desert turned into mountains.
"Are we lost?" asked Mia.
"No," replied Sophie and so they continued on.
Suddenly Mia started doing Gangnam Style. Sophie stared at Mia weirdly and asked "WHERE IS THIS STORY GOING??"
Mia stopped dancing and asked "Wat stori?"
"Ehe," said Sophie. Or was it Sophie?
*Le gasp!* Mia thought.
"YOU MONSTAAAAA!" she screamed.
Venti appears and starts eheing sadly. He chokes Sophie to death. Lumine appears and saves Sophie, so she gave Lumine 1000 Mora in gratitude. But Lumine wanted primogems and was disappointed, so she started killing Sophie. Venti joins her. Mia started Gangnam Styling again when suddenly a flock of pigeons appears.
"ITS FEEDING TIME!" announced Timmie, and all the birbs turned into Sophies.
The Sophies attacked Lumine, Venti and Mia, but Timmie is confused because his friends were now Sophies.
Feeling sorry for him, the Sophies give pigeon food to Timmie. He accepts gratefully and the Sophies and Timmie walk off into the sunset as besties.
Meanwhile, Venti, Lumine and Mia plot revenge on the mountain, cuz they're not dead yet. They decided to recruit Zhongli, Nahida, Ei and Aether.
The Sophies were sure they would return, so they recruited all the NPCs in Mondstadt. They formed an army but the Sophies turned back into birbs and all the NPCs cooked them. Timmie went to the mental hospital for trauma.
Meanwhile, Mia, the archons and the twins destroy the hospital and kill Timmie in the process. But Timmie is invincible, so he revives into his secret god form that is stronger that all the archons combined.
Timmie partnered up with Fischl and they both turned into burbs and started attacking Mia's team, but Mia's team defeated Fischl cuz they're gods. This makes Timmie madder, so he summons more birbs.
First, Timmies birbs chew through Nahida's cabbage attacks, and then they head-butted Zhongli with heads stronger than rocks. They were immune to Ei's electro attacks, and they flew out of Venti's black hole.
The pigeons were mad and ate everyone's hair out of vengeance.
The team of archons and travellers gave up cuz they love their hair, so Timmie lives happily ever after.
Thank you for reading and therefore losing all your braincells.
I can imagine the convo like this (ignore the quest dialouge):
Paimon: Hey Lumine, isn't that your brother behind you?
Lumine: Huh? *turns and checks*
Aether: Hi lil sista, lemme play le lyre for u
Lumine: Ok sure :D
Thanks to my friend for joining me during the cutscene.
41 Votes in Poll
I've finally found the JP dub of Luminous Glimmer (the special commemorative trailer for the anniversary). And I didn't expect sweet Enjou to be one of the two... hum... "narrators".
I love this guy so much!
Did you watch it?
The Princess is so creepy, as per usual, but Enjou melts my heart. The mood whiplash between the two characters + the narration style makes the experience so surreal!
103 Votes in Poll
I promised that I would finish this in time for Kazuha's rerun and I managed to finish last night.
This is my best drawing so far.
I also realise that the characters are almost the ones in the Irodori Festival, but I promise this has nothing to do with that.
I'm using this to manifest luck for Kazuha on my alt so I can make this picture a reality (I don't like him, I'm only doing this for the sake of this picture :D)
I wish people luck for Klee, Kazuha and Heizou!!
P.S. If you can't read my handwriting, here's the conversation:
Aether: Are they just gonna stare at each other like that?
Ayaya: It's been 10 minutes...
Lumine: I have a bad feeling about this...
I'm in the middle of writing a fanfiction (it contains a ship so can't post here, sorry) and I'm stuck on a small part. I finished writing the chapter already except for that one line because I have little to no rhyming ability.
So... can someone help me? I need a sassy (?) line in Venti's style that disses Aether (yes I know, really random)
Context: It is the end of Lumine's journey and she is about to leave Teyvat and Aether is there to collect her.
What I have in the scene so far (I don't think this bit counts as shipping, right?):
“Lumine. It’s time to leave.”
I sighed and turned around. My brother was standing there behind us, clearly annoyed that I wasn’t alone.
“What? It’s already midnight?” Time passed by way too fast. “That was quick.”
“Time flies when you’re having fun, but I’m afraid that fun has to end.” he turned to look at Venti. “Please move.”
“Let me take care of this Lumine,” Venti said as he got up and faced my brother.
I nodded and stepped aside, careful to not fall off the cliff. I’m not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I just can’t face my brother right now.
“*insert thing here because I have no ideas*”
I facepalmed. Is he seriously- ugh whatever. My brother remained cold and emotionless.
“If you’re done now, please be on your way.”
It's alright if you can't think of anything, I know this is quite a random request. (I do hope that someone sees this though)
I recommend listening to sad genshin OST or this song or this one while reading this. Since I also cried while writing this. Enjoy :”)
TW: Death
“Sister… Why are you doing this….?” Aether said to her as he was all bloodied up. His bones were probably broken from all the fallen ruins. There was blood everywhere. Mondstadt… Is destroyed… Celestia has fallen. Unto the city of freedom itself. Yet it cannot free itself from the smoldering ruins.
“Is reviving Khaenri’ah more important than your own… sibling?” He was close to tears. Paimon was behind him and as she looked above, she saw a blond figure with a white dress. She gave off a sense of majesty. As if she was the ruler of this world. Maybe she was.
She did not say anything. She only looked at him with cold eyes. Maybe with a bit of pity and guilt riddled within. “I warned you, brother. Yet you still intervened. This was your fault.” Her eyes pierced through like blades. That was the sentence he least wanted.
“Why are you killing these innocent people!? This makes you no different from the very Archons you despise so much!” He snapped. Lumine looked at him angrily. “No different from them? HAH! As if you know what they did.” Lumine walked towards them.
“They didn't have a choice, Lumine! If they didn't destroy Khaenri’ah, their nation would be in danger!” He defended them as he drew his blade. He never knew this day would come, where he would cross blades with her sister. “So is sacrificing another nation better than sacrificing their own?” Lumine’s voice was filled with hatred, contrasted to her tone before.
“What’s the difference here? You destroyed Celestia and Mondsadt was destroyed in its aftermath!” Aether reminded himself of the memories he made here. The Stick Honey Roast he shared with Amber, The library books he collected with Lisa, the so-called treasure he was seeking after in Kaeya’s guidance. Those memories… He can’t bring them back.
“Yes, The Archons made mistakes but the people here share the same fate that the people of Khaenri’ah had! Wouldn't this make you the same as the Heavenly Principles?” Tears welled up in his eyes. He knew that Lumine was going to fight him. Yet, he didn't want to fight back.
He always knew Lumine was stronger than him. In every aspect of life. She had more courage and she was talented in every way. As she drew her blade amidst the pouring rain, her anger did not subside and… Blood spilled across the ruins of Mondsadt
While the sky poured heavy rain, she too wept sadly. “What… what did he ever do to you!” Paimon, who stood by and watched the fight happen, was outraged. “He traveled through 7 different nations just to find you! And this is how you reward him?” Paimon was angry. Not only at Lumine but at herself. She was always powerless. She was always helped by Aether. And now… He’s gone….
“Aether…? Aether… Please… Wake up….” Lumine only realized what she did now. But it was too late. Far… too late. “I- I’m sorry… I was wrong…. Please forgive me…. Please wake up. Wake up… Wake up…! WAKE UP!”
Tears were flowing down her eyes as the rain continued to pour down. The petals in her hair… Fell down. One by one. She took it off and put it on her brother's arms. Amidst the tears and sorrow, an Abyss Herald showed up.”Your Highness… We have successfully completed the operation… Now we can build the Abyss once more.” It seemed that he didn't realize what Lumine was doing.
“I want to leave.” She made her orders simple and short. “Where might I ask?” The Abyss Herald was slightly surprised by her sad tone. “I’m going to another world. The Abyss has risen. I am no longer needed here.” She picked her brother up and began walking. “B-but Your Highness!” The Abyss Herald tried to stop her but then he noticed Aether in her arms.
He did not speak and simply left. Paimon, who was still crying, approached him. She took off her hairpiece and… Pinned it in his hair. She was looking for Flora’s shop which is probably ruined by now… Lumine didn't say anything and followed her. “What… What was my brother like?” SHe tried to break the ice.
Paimon was searching on the floor for flowers and replied. “He didn't really talk much. Paimon… Always did all the talking for him…” She realized that… She never gave him a chance to speak. “If you’re looking for flowers then… Come with me.” She opened an Abyss Portal and led her through it. On the other side was a field of dandelions. It wasn't raining and it felt… Peaceful
She plucked a piece of dandelion and placed it on his hands. “Thank you… For never leaving his side.” She said as she opened another portal. It wasn't an Abyssal one; rather, it looked like a white arched door. When they first arrived in Teyvat, they were together and now… She was alone.
And it's all her fault.
Editors note: This is just a word vomit i dont think im writting a second chapter
Pings = @RandomHuman01 @Chaosgod113 @Nexandr
designs frosm a dream i had, tjey were all tryign to kill me(aether) i remeneber one of ofthem sided with me nesr the end but i forgrot if it was dikuc or chdiel, anywho onto the art
kaeya also sued magic along with his wsword, kinda looked like dian
dunno why dikcu had a rifle, i rwally liek the tiny doodle of him
she wss more like aiding them rather than activily tryig to kill me, she remdins me of those anime characters whos re in sci fi animes idk lmao
im 70%sure childe edned up siding with me
anyway lok how cute his fsce is right here, also resly like his crisp desiign
ping list: @SubwayMunch @Teyvat999 @ItsShadowxx @Alixe23 @Syy246 @Angellica159 @InsertAReferenceHere @Chaosgod113 @EdibleKoiFish @Shell.e.bean @Miskaiiii @ChewedFriedShrimp @RandomHuman01 @LoveUForU @ElizaGracielu @0PollencentMoon0 @TheeGenderman @Nigirishimete @Angel94504 @KayinTheKitten @Lunar227 @VisionGem @MainTaoHu @Hezekiah Wong 731 @MoonlilyTheGlimmerAeries
if you want to be added or removed please lmk
also sry fi i ever forget to add tou i can't emeber all the time, and sirry about not dojfn the ping list the last few art posts, i had this bad headache and alleergies for a couple days (in chich it doewsnt help that i haven't slept for 3 days and keep forgetting to eat so my fault lmka)