Also bro I almost posted a new yugioh card I got here by accident. I got a royal finish weather painters rainbow. Anyway that's besides the point. I'ma save for baizhu now.
Also bro I almost posted a new yugioh card I got here by accident. I got a royal finish weather painters rainbow. Anyway that's besides the point. I'ma save for baizhu now.
Uh thus took like 2 minutes to make. Shoudl I make more Yippe creature harbingers? Idk. Will I? Probbaly not.
This is my spirit animal. or something.
79 Votes in Poll
Notes: the time I had to pause weighting this really shows, I think my planned direction changed, Cuz mid way through she kinda looses her memory. My redo of this is just gonna be from scratch cuz I can't salvage this, most likely.
an Im gonna redo this one later, because this is so ass. I just am Unsure how to pace this, and some thingss are kind of hard to fill in since we only have so much from in game, and yeah, uhh This isn't gonna be the final product of this chapter. Not even close, since there are things I need to figure out where to fit in, as this whole chapter is going to be her time in the fatui, as Inazuma is going to be its own chapter, Uhm... i don't know. Maybe I'll make this chapter multiple parts, either that or I may have to cut certain things out. I'd prefer not to have to add a sixth chapter since I don't have anything to use for my naming convention except that I may be able to use stainless bloom as a title but yeah. Uh anyways hope yall at least sorta enjoy This Botched draft.
Uhhh after that rambling bit, here it is (The failed first draft):
La Signora Had gone about several missions, over time, getting to know her fellow harbingers, including ?-?-?, The Knave, The Captian, The Doctor, the Damslette, and The Jester. She also grew to know the Rooster, the Reagator, the Marionette, and later Tartaglia. Signora was all about, but she mainly occupied Mondstat, planning and plotting. She knew the land best and resented its god most among her peers, so she was the best fit.
She formed a plan, and so she headed to Snezhnaya. When she arrived she heard news of fellow Harbinger, Crucabena’s passing, and the naming of new Knave, and so Signora attended She and this new Knave. When the two spoke and Signora learned “Arlecchino”’s story deep within her, her heart ached with sorrowful relation and she did not know why. Signora could not recall any great tragedy befalling as losing someone so dear. And yet the two bonded of genuine sympathy.
After preparing her plans for Mondstat The Fair Lady and The Knave departed for Fontaine where they would pull strings, just enough to cause a ripple to hit Mondstat, and send away most of its knights to other lands, where The Captian could keep them away. Before long the motion was set and before long Signora found herself at Mondstat with a strange sense of nostalgia. She lay in wait outside the cathedral of Mondstat, her plan had all come into place she would either weaken the Anemo archon or lure him out. The second option was how it went, and now she was here ready, she didn’t know why but she felt resentment for this place, for its god and now she could enact it, and help Her Majesty the Tsaritsa.
Then it happened the Archon stepped out, and it started her agents Jumped out, the unexpected piece that outlander got in the way, and she stepped away, now was the time to strike.
Step forward.
The wind is cold, the archons legs are frozen, and the Outlander is pinned down.
A step towards him, Speak.
“At last Mondstats rodent ruler in the Flesh..” The archon looked toward her, he tried to break free but couldn’t. “Scurrying the streets looking for leftovers?” She stepped up to him and grabbed his chin, she wanted to see the face of this person she held such a hate for without even knowing why. “Mondstat calls this a god?...” She didn’t seem to find him godly, and to her words, he said “Resident rodent beats invasive verm-’ She didn’t let him finish, her hand on its own pulled back hitting him, across the face. “Don’t talk back to me, insolent bard” She was mad, this insult to not just her but also her majesty. To the people who have died for this cause.
Wind begins to swirl at the Archon's feet breaking away her ice. Surely this wasn’t all he could do? “Absentee archon of mondstat…” She smirked a bit glad to see what she resented so weak. “How impotent you’ve become…” As Signora said this, that wretched archon retorted “The Smirk you wear looks out of place…Did you steal from your master’s face?” With that, he crossed the line, Insulting her, and insulting her subordinates were bad but now Insulting the tsaritsa again…. Signora was fed up. She stepped back, and again with her Cryo powers from the Tsaritsa blasted him backward “Should have held your tongue” She lunged forward, sinking her fist into the Archon’s chest and pulling out the Gnosis from him, a small chess piece-like object gold with bits of blue-green, this obtaining it was her objective. She looked at it as the Outlander yelled and the archon was winded.
“So this is a gnosis?” She hated it, not just how it looked but what it meant to her, an emblem of the gods she hated without knowing why. “Wouldn’t be caught dead wearing this ugly thing in public.” the archon spoke as he sat on his hands and knees. “Beauty is a waste... When the beholder has no taste.” Once again this stuck with her deeply, this insult reached past her but also to all she may love or value… but her mission was done, and she didn’t need to waste time. Departing with a harsh kick to the Archon's gut, she gave orders to her subordinates as they Knocked out the Outlander and left.
Later she heard the Outlander again had gotten tied up in her work. Like a shadow.
She had a few bad encounters and while she tried to treat her subordinates well sometimes her temper seemed to flare up inexplicably at certain words, such as “Love” “Ashes”
And other odd words, something about them made her jealous to the point while trying to work with her fellow harbinger Tartaglia one such word came up, being “Wolf-pup” her irritation led her to accidentally skewer the recruit who said it. She honestly could not explain why she did it.
She Played her part and got the gnosis from Liyue,and next was Inazuma, some of her fellow harbingers had already set up their so she was simply coming to help, and likely slow down that outlander. She brought in the geo gnosis mutch to the opposition of that outlander, but she had no issues, and after that, she left right for Snezhnaya after bringing in the gnosis she set off again, for Inazuma.
Inazuma the land of eternity was in chaos at the time, with the vision hunt decree started by the Jester and his distribution of delusions, it was chaos, and her firsts step was to slow down possible interlopers, so she communicated the commissions of Inazuma, and got her hands on the strings of the scene to give her time to search, and off course not long after the outlander arrived. But that didn’t matter to her for now.
Signora gave control of the delusion factory to q e@b?etr4lal. Whom she had argued with about his treatment of subordinates, witch he had done dilibratly, she hated his attitude, but an ally is an ally. So she was off to Tenshukaku to start her search for the gnosis. Of course now everything falls apart. Chaos was ensuing and now off course when she arrives at tenshukaku someone gets in the way, Inazuma’s tengu general was no match for Signora and was subdued, and moments later in the Chaos that travler would make their arrival.
@~starlilygirl~ @SaffronTheCoyoteHasDisappointmentChips @Agr1c0s75
@LizzyloveBooks @L0velyangelic @Spinelforever45583 @Zool459
I sincerely apologize for presenting you with trash. I promise when I redo it it will be better.
Prior chapter:
17 Votes in Poll
If the Subtitles are accruate she doesn't even mention rats here. if one off yall knows chinese maybe you can translate it, aslo The page for ending note Says, She indeed called venti "Hampster" and he had called himself a rat to suggest she can't tell them apart instead of the invasive vermin.
Also Interesting point I saw, why is Signora blamed for Liyue? Wasn't it all Zhongli's plan and the Tsaritsa's Contract? Besides Childe caused more chaos at the end there. I also heard someone say that it was actually Pierro who started the Delusion factory in Inazuma.
So I have seen many theories about the possibility that at times Parts of Rosalyne where able to get through to Signora like her feelings witch adds, yet a new layer to her kicking venti even more with what he had said right before about "Beauty is a waste when the beholder has no taste" not only would this be an insult to her but also even if unintended, indirectly an insult to Rostam too. Uh anyways..... Have another Fatui Agenda image I found.
Nova Means new.
Rosa means rose.
Rosalyne is a name meaning rose.
In other words...... NEW ROSALYNE.
I'll cope for a thousand years and millions more before I loose hope.
What? I need to touch grass? Can't I ate it all.
Anyway, I'm answering the biggest Issues, like the TCG card, the design the whole "Being Dead" thing. And Such.
One, name change and Redesign, as a playable character She can be Named Rosalyne, being that the La Signora Card does not use that name, she can be redesigned, pretty obviously, I'd hope they, keep her height, and body type, the fake leaks about her come back as a child pain me. I hope they keep her hair too.
If she is any element here is my choices for what I want her to be most to least.
Pyro. Cryo, Anemo, Hydro, Electro, Dendro, Geo.
Love interest problem is kinda easy since rostam is looooooooong dead.
Other peoples Playable Designs(Sprry for low res, can't read watermarks, I'll try and refind em later
IgPierro, Sandrone and pucinella died in this timeline for scars to stay a Harbinger and Signora to survive.
76 Votes in Poll
Signora contributed more to The Fatui and Tsaritsa, as a loyal Fatuus(Real) this is very important, I don't like that Capitano just gives up.
I prefer her design, it gives her a very unique silhouette and a love long dresses, she gives massive gender envy. Not too say I dislike his design, I love both but still.
Hypocritical Capitano fans, saying Signora fans are coping and delusional.
Signora feels like a super dark moral grey she isn't pure evil but isn't exactly good, I like that. To me Capitano gave Captain America almost.
Better intro cutscene, making villains feel like a threat is key, first watch as that really matters so Venti letting it happen theories aside, they executed her intro perfectly, Capitano should have won, that would made it better, if he wins but muavika escaped
I'll post playable Fatui tournament bronze match tomorrow
This could be treated as an apology for the mild offense I committed earlier by depicting her in coffin form /j
Does it look better with or without sparkles?
The iPad I use actually died during this process 😑 I know the shading is different from the Columbina art, I often switch between cell shading and blending.
(Click for full image)
Oh and Columbina art too. I was feeling dangerous and edgy, and skipped the sketch and went right to lineart, and as a result did not want to embark on the treacherous endeavor of drawing the other hand.
Bahhh I feel that the quality was reduced so much, I draw it on an iPad then mail it to my phone so it definitely looks a little different.
The flower is a withering purpurbloom (but pink of course because how else would it fit the artwork) because I believe she'll appear in Natlan. I haven't yet done the rest of the archon quest so I don't know if the Pyro gnosis has already been taken or not.
Columbina has been motivating me to start drawing regularly again, I kind of got lazy for a while and didn't keep practicing my skills. She's so pretty and I love drawing her so much, the hair, the lace, and OH MY GOD THE WINGS.
To make a Signora cosplay with this?
(Infinity Nikki)
If the hair colour and glove colors are off, no worries! You can change them ^^
(This is my drawing! There is another drawing(s?) in the comments!)
it's been so long and i still haven't gotten over her death.i swear that everytime i pick up a pen it becomes a drawing of signora help