Unfortunately this means that Saturnalia is over :( but to celebrate Christmas, the end of Saturnalia, and the upcoming Kalends (also New Year's!), we're gonna play a little game.
Earlier, we were reading a fanfiction, and we had to stop and think about how everyone's interpretations of the personalities of the Remuria cast is very different, especially for Aurelius and Euergetia. It got us thinking about how people interpret characters, and how a person's life, experiences, and emotions may affect that.
For instance, in the fanfiction we were reading, Aurelius made an appearance as a ginger-haired flirty guy. This really threw us off while reading, simply because our own interpretation and headcanons for Aurelius are very different. Our Aurelius is a dark-haired gentle giant who is very soft-spoken. Still others have interpreted him to be a "pretty boy" type. It's entirely subjective.
Even characters who have less ambiguous personalities have variations. For instance, in this fanfiction, Scylla's health starts failing, and Remus grows increasingly more concerned (as a good friend would). And as someone who has more mental illnesses than they can count on one hand, our version of Remus would've reacted differently―he would be spiralling into panic attacks much faster. This is a reflection of ourselves, and our tendency to overreact and spiral. And because that is the reality we know, that is how we interpreted Remus.
Wow, this turned into a long thing for a silly post... point is! Everyone's interpretation of the Remuria cast is different, so we thought you all might be interested in ours. Enter "Harmosts Q&A".
As you know, there are technically 5 Harmosts. The four human Harmosts, and Remus, the Universal Harmost. The game is: ask them a question!
Just name a Harmost and ask a question for them, and we'll reply based on our own interpretations of the Harmosts and our headcanons to fill the gaps of Remurian life.
Happy Holidays!
@IALDABAOTH1 Remuria ping ;3
27 Votes in Poll
So the Remurian Saturnalia 2024 event is something we're hosting on twitter. Basically it's "make a fic with a char from the Remuria cast for each day of Saturnalia". Here's the event info so you can understand better: https://rentry.co/remurian-saturnalia-week-24
Now, let's get onto the wip fanfic!!
Note to mods: this includes Aurelius/Dryastis mentions, which is in the lore for Silvershower Heartstrings. Don't nuke this post for shipping, it's in-game!
“Cassiodor! Cassiodor!” The door flew open with a bang, and Aurelius gripped the doorframe, panting. His bangs were even messier than usual, sticking to his sweaty forehead, and his long braid had several white feathers sticking out of it.
”Aurelius, brother,” Cassiodor said with a concerned frown, “why the urgency? It’s Saturnalia. None of us are working today, by the mercy of the Glorious Sebastos.” Cassiodor caught a whiff of the alcohol on the other Harmost’s breath and smiled. “And I see that you’re already participating in the festivities, ho!”
Aurelius shook his head wildly. “I—I am aware that we’re off-duty,” he panted. “It’s not about that. It’s my,”—a few more pants—“it’s my geese. I must’ve taken my eyes off them for too long, for I suddenly noticed that Dryastis had gone off and started eating the Rainbow Roses in the Hortus Euergetis!”
Cassiodor frowned again. “Dryastis? Isn’t that your lover’s name?”
Aurelius blushed. “Well, I, ah… I may have named my favorite goose after her.”
Cassiodor winced. “Ah, I see, then… Have you spoken with Euergetia?”
Aurelius’s eyes widened to the size of trumpet horns. “By the Sebastos, no! I do not have a death wish! And that’s not all, brother. After I rounded up all my other geese, I chased Dryastis out of Hortus Euergetis, and she…” Aurelius shuddered, and Cassiodor braced himself.
“…She dove right into one of the pipes of the Sebastos’s organ!”
This is the first Saturnalia I’ve properly enjoyed in a while, silently mused a certain God King as he sipped Bituria’s finest wine from a beautiful copper rhyton. Remus of Remuria sat with his legs crossed on the glistening golden roof of the Domus Aurea, mesmerized by the way the afternoon sun glinted off of the various rooftops of the Capitolium. The Initium Iani had been opened for the holidays, and for one week, everyone was welcome in the Eternal City.
Remus’s gaze turned towards the crowded streets, filled with people in colorful togas and cloaks. His people, his subjects, his children, all of whom he loved dearly, all partaking in the festivites. The sight filled him with joy and wonder, and the whimsical expression on his face was quite unbefitting for someone of his status.
“Remus. That whimsical expression on your face is quite unbefitting for someone of your status,” scolded a voice on his left. He turned his head towards the intruder, his maskless face on display.
But that was alright. The “intruder” was someone he knew well—and anyway, it was Saturnalia. As per custom, neither him nor the other Harmosts would wear their masks out in public.
“Scylla,” Remus said joyfully, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled. “How pleasant it is to see you.”
Aaaand that's what we have so far!
Bestie pings: @CalicoTheKat @CloudyBerryGirl @IntrovertedBigBoss @Lunenexe @IALDABAOTH1
37 Votes in Poll
Guess this is a series now 🤷
Click for full image :)
Hi again, it's us with YET ANOTHER Remuria lore post!
So if you've done your reading around the Faded Castle, you'd know that Cassiodor did quite a bit of gatekeeping to prevent interest in the ruins of Remuria from arising, and to protect the seals in the ruins of Petrocorii (now Petrichor).
He canonically gatekept from the Fontainians that the Marechaussee Hunters were survivors of the fall of Remuria, not Egeria worshippers. He also canonically spread falsehoods about Remuria to prevent people from finding the Seals of Chymical Marriage and keep the Faded Castle a secret.
But what else did he do? Because if he did that, then there's more he could've done. A lot more. So here's our theories on other things that Cassiodor gatekept:
If you've noticed, not once was Harmost Euergetia of Remuria mentioned outside of the Faded Castle and Sea of Bygone Eras. History has literally forgotten her. Sure, that could simply happen. For certain. And yet! If you look at the engravings in Hortus Euergetis (not calling it a tombstone because she's not confirmed dead, although it's either death, disappearance, or insanity for her), Cassiodor writes a very sus line:
"Though your beneficence be forgotten, though your name be forgotten, here the flowers shall always bloom for you."
Read that again.
Why did he think she'd be forgotten? What'd she do? It's not like she Irminsul'd herself, records of her still exist.
But only deep underwater and in the Faded Castle.
All of this leads us to believe that Cassiodor gatekept Euergetia's existence. His own sister!
According to Silvershower Heartstrings, Harmost Aurelius of Remuria was not a real person. Now, we know this is false. All that esoteric stuff that the Narzissenkreuz Ordo was all about? Aurelius invented a good chunk of it. The Four Orthants, the idea that they need to be united and pierced with a metaphorical substance... ah, yes. All of that. We can thank Aurelius for that!
Yet the people of Remuria think "Aurelius" is a fictional character, one with no historical counterpart.
Seeing what Cassiodor did with Euergetia, is it that far of a stretch he gatekept his other brother's existence as well?
The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria
Oh, man. This book. It's awfully inaccurate―something we only realized after we panicked and edited a section of Project Remuria, thinking that the book was correct. It was an easy fix, but still a pain in the neck. It shouldn't have happened at all! Keep your lore consistent, HoYoverse!
Except, is this really a HoYoverse problem? Or is this a "Cassiodor was gatekeeping again" problem?
Let's think. The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria was written a mere century after the fall of Remuria, and yet it is wildly inaccurate. But it's not like there's someone who can correct it.
Oh, wait. Cassiodor's alive.
We theorize that The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria was actually written by Cassiodor to further spread misinformation on Remuria, hence why it's so wrong despite its recent-ness.
Cassiodor's ability to gatekeep: VI
People of Modern Fontaine: Nulla
Two extremely important government figures, an entire faction, a whole fucking castle, the seals in that castle, and a major history book. The winner of this round is Roman Ratio.
Pings: @CalicoTheKat @CloudyBerryGirl @IntrovertedBigBoss @Lunenexe @IALDABAOTH1
Please let us know if this is incoherent it's late 😔
IDH (Imperium, Deus, Humanitas | Empire/Government, God, Humanity)
On another engraving (that we can't find here for some reason??? But it's an interactable in the Path of the Ocean Pillars, Machimos, Sea of Bygone Eras), the full motto is stated to be: "For the Empire, for our God King, for human civilization"
Gonna circle a staff with the music notes around Sybilla and the accolades :p
Pls note that we are not a digital artist we are an image editor this is being made on photopea with the magic wand, lasso select, paint bucket, and a color picker
The ending is awkward but this is what's written on the music lol
^Video link
B ^C ^C G F E D C
C ^C ^C B B
B ^C ^C G F E D C
C ^D ^D C C
^[note] = upper register
Legion Athanatoi - @L0velyangelic
Legio I - @CloudyBerryGirl
Legio II - @XianyunCloud11
Legio III - @IntrovertedBigBoss
Legio IV - @Lunenexe
Legio V - @MistyOakz
Legio VI Rithimi Versi - @CalicoTheKat
Legio VII Caelicantica - @Airyspirit
Legio VII - @Justlookingforstuffmindme
Legio IX Benedicti Praecones - @Fallenfawn
Good job to all of our contestants! Your statuses will be updated on our profile soon.
To anyone else: please join the empire―we will need more people! As long as you are not affiliated with the Lochknights, you may join.
If you wish to witness the might of Remuria, you may go to our profile and add your name under the Heizou Cult! (Yes, you can just straight up edit our profile. If the Wiki prevents you from doing so, message us and we'll add you instead. But if you can, ADD YOURSELF FOR THE LOVE OF THE SEBASTOS)
Harmosts: appointed by the Imperator (us), selected from the Legion Commanders.
Legion Commanders: appointed by the Harmosts or Imperator, selected from the Musicians.
Musicians: if you play an instrument, sing, or compose, you may fill your name under the Musicians tab.
Artists of Other Sorts: if you're involved in any other kind of art but not music, you can fill your name in this tab. (Photography, creative writing, and architecture as well as all visual art types count!)
Lowly Slaves (Others): for you plebeians who aren't involved in the arts at all yet wish to witness the eternal glory of Remuria, you may fill your name under this tab.
Disclaimer: us using words like "plebeians" "lowly slaves" and "barbarians" is just us acting according to the context and does not reflect our views towards the people of this wiki, whether or not they are involved in the Arts.
Hello, Remurians!
It is with great pride that we announce that we have enough Musicians to begin appointing Legion Commanders!
There are ten Legions in Remuria:
Legion Athanatoi
Legio I
Legio II
Legio III
Legio IV
Legio V
Legio VI Rithimi Versi
Legio VII Caelicantica
Legio VII
Legio IX Benedicti Praecones
In order to determine which of the Musicians shall be appointed, we will be conducting exams over the next few days.
This post will be a sort of "master post". Please post your queries here!
Currently, only the Musicians that are tagged will have their answers counted. Feel free to join the Remurian Empire, though... when the Harmosts are appointed, another round of exams will be conducted to appoint more Legion Commanders.
In addition, if not enough people pass the exams to fill in our Legion Commanders, we will allow new Musicians to compete as well in another round of tests!
How this works: a trivia question about Remuria will be posted every day. No less than twenty-four hours later, the answer will be revealed and a new question posed. (This won't happen on weekends! If the question is on a Friday, the answer comes on a Monday.) Once the answer is revealed, answering the question will not count towards your final score.
This will rely on the honor system! Please don't cheat. As a Remurian, you are better than that.
As the exam progresses, the questions will get more difficult. On certain questions, we will say if it is allowed to research the answer! However, if we do not say that you are allowed to research an answer, assume that it is not allowed.
You are welcome to study your Remuria lore during the exam, as long as you have answered the most recent question!
Want to join the empire? Read this post for more information: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000463270
^Don't reply to it, though. That would be necroposting.
@CalicoTheKat @Lunenexe @Dewdragon @XianyunCloud11 @Airyspirit @IntrovertedBigBoss @L0velyangelic @Fallenfawn @CloudyBerryGirl @Justlookingforstuffmindme @MistyOakz
Good luck, Musicians!
The second one is definitely “la”, but we don’t know what the first one is.
Unfortunately since the symbol on the bell isn’t on the restored score we can’t use it to figure out the pitched of the other notes 😔
Text says, “A little help, Scylla?” “They’re *your* children, Remus.” “Ahahaha!”
Can’t decide if Bo or Cass should be hanging from his arm y’all should help us
Sorry if it’s sideways :(
From https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mitternachts_Waltz
Remuria mentioned in 1.6???? No way
"Even the branch of the tree of time upon which the great and glorious Reman Republic nested would be cut off in the end, such that the nation founded by the other twin child of the wolves might rule." Is this referencing Remuria? The Fortuna/Domus Aurea was made of an Irminsul branch... and a lot of people draw parallels between Remus and Wriothesley... and Wrio has a Remuria obsession (he's just like us fr fr)... and Wrio is associated with wolves... and Roman Romulus/Remus were connected to wolves... and who are we kidding we're way too invested in Remuria lore what do you guys think
Credits to: Cyclic_abelian (from the HoYoFair special program; “Fate of Fontaine”)
The seven most important Remurian figures have all had their histories messed around with:
Remus's name was dragged through the mud, and he was made out to be a madman and conqueror while in truth he was benevolent, a pacifist, and doing everything he could to save the Remurians from their fate
Scylla being a Vishap was forgotten, instead he was painted as a cruel, white dragon when in reality he was merciful to the Remurians; also, he was thought to be a traitor to Remuria when he was in fact very loyal
Wriothesley mentioned Sybilla in the Archon Quest, but it was mostly forgotten that she had created the Symphony
Cassiodor's ties to ancient Remuria were forgotten, to the point that connecting the Marechaussee with Remuria was considered a mistake that not even a child would make (Ruggiero's notes I)
The Symphony made Boethius out to be way worse of a person than he actually was, painting him to be a madman and a traitor when in reality he was being possessed by the people's desires... he may not have been the best person in reality, but he was loyal and devoted, not the traitor that the Symphony made him be
Aurelius (hoo boy! This was fun) has a play about him (The Saga of Aurelius), and in some versions of the legend about him he was so obsessive over his crush that she begged to Egeria to be turned into a pine tree, while in other versions of the tale, he was shot with an arrow and had his body dumped into the sea (Silvershower Heartstrings); in reality, he died when his ship (the imperial flagship, but not the Fortuna) was sunk by traitors with him on it (Ancient Engravings in Alta Semita). In addition, the figure in the legend that is literally based on him is said to have no historical counterpart; in other words, the people of Fontaine think he's not real. But wait! There's more! Despite him being a legend and nothing more (ha), the Narzissenkreuz Ordo used his research and theories, as Aurelius was the one who discovered the Quadrant of Qualities (Memory, Wishes, Soul, Persona; these became the Four Orthants) as well as the concepts of Substance, Property, and Relation
And last but certainly not least, Euergetia was completely erased from history, only mentioned for the first time in some records in the Faded Castle; her blood was used to forge the chains that bound Scylla. We have no closure on her, no knowledge of her status―is she alive? Dead? No one knows. Nothing is confirmed.
It must suck to be a historical character, especially from Remuria. Some Fontanians do not believe that Remuria even existed. And Remuria in general was just tragedy after tragedy. Give us some happy Remurian content hoyo >:c
Anyway we just wanted to ramble about Remuria lore thank you for listening to our TED Talk and feel free to ask more questions about Remuria lore (the Aurelius one killed us we just found out about the sheer injustice today, he was done dirty af)