So.... you're co-oping with someone right? And you and that/those teammate/s decide to battle some enemy/s/boss. And while you're defeating that boss..... you get jumpscared by some insane dmg by you character!
For example.... (my example)
I was co-oping with someone just this morning..... doing Furina's talent domain.... I was using Raiden and Furina.... and once the last wave of enemies appeared, I used my Raiden's burst once it recharged.... AND I SUDDENLY GET JUMPSCARED BY HER DOING LIKE 110K DMG!! I was so shocked and surprised like WOW.
Thats my example at least.... (sorry I dont have proof :( :( :C its hard to screenshot big dmg cause I was so surprised i didnt expect it)
So has this happened to u before with one of ur characters? If so, feel free to tell the tale :D
DC, out. PEACE!