Also have chiori pics from lantern rite
I like Chiori a normal amount trust me
Also have chiori pics from lantern rite
I like Chiori a normal amount trust me
Used 2 Sanctifying Elixir to make myself a new Sands for Chiori and thankfully it turned out to be an upgrade over her previous one.
This was her previous piece
It wasn't a huge upgrade, but it's an upgrade nonetheless
The best part is that I no longer have to stare at the damn 82 EM just being an eyesore whenever I looked at Chiori's stats.
help me are they gonna be in lantern rite 😭
Hi im Cinnamon!!! I use she/her pronouns ^_^
Im a Chiori main :3 but I also love Nahida lololol
I’ve been playing Genshin for 3 years now!! I hope we can be friends, and I’ll see yall around :>
I got Chiori on the last banner phase, I replaced Navia with her in my Geo team
C1 Chiori at 16 pity! LET'S GOOOOOOO!
I got xilonen, when pulling for her weapon...,
Um, who's a good character to have this weapon on, not chiori...??
And ima make craftable for xilonen, prolly natlan one
I now have Chiori >:)
She is too good
But see that pulls in my try!
48 Votes in Poll
(Not my image)
won 50/50
Will try to get xilonen. If I don't get her, it will build pity for the nahida banner phase. If I don't get nahida, it will build pity for the next 5 I want.
(I don't mind getting xilonen or nahida)
Why Candace whyyyyy phase 2 was right there queen ;-; She's been stuck at C2 since Baizhu banner way back in 3.6. I risked it all on Ayaka banner in 4.3, but at least I got Sucrose then. Collei-flower is C5, Dori is C4, neither are my first choices for anything. Plus the PTSD from 4.7 is still fresh. Ah well, maybe next time 😔
I still have no idea who to pull for in 5.1, and I really like all of them, so I made teams for each candidate and lmk which team would perform the best (mainly abyss/theatre)
1. Hu Tao Vape
2. Nahida Hyperbloom
3. Chiori sub dps/Xilonen support
> Spoiler alert for some Cyno's, Emilie's and Chiori's Story Quests
Hear me out. I've recently played 3 of the "newer" Story Quests so far, those being Cyno's II, Chiori's and Emilie's, and I can't help but feel that they're so lacking and mediocre...
Look, no hate against those characters. I'm a big fan of Cyno's jokes, but his Story Quest is PACKED with so much unnecessary fillers that I can't help but skip dialogues. I'm one of those people who will always at least pay a bit of attention to dialogues, but man... The traveler literally monologued "It's so nice to camp with friends" three times throughout different parts of the story, and I can't emphasize enough on how repetitive and redundant it feels to Cyno as a character.
What's more, the quest was also filled to the brim with cameos. Literally every single major characters showed up, Nahida being the sole exception (iirc). Tighnari and Alhaitham maybe understandable, but friggin Collei, Kaveh and even Faruzan?? This is Cyno's Quest man, don't steal the spotlight for the love of god! This make up for 2/3 of his quest, and istg it'd be a million times better if they'd just deleted that part.
Besides the unnecessary fan-service and fillers, I'd like to point out that the actual story of the quests are not necessarily bad or mediocre. Both of Emilie and Chiori's story quests are about solving a mysterious problem, conjuring a plan on solving said case, then executing said plan. The itch I have is that Hoyoverse is just such a fan of completely skipping the "conjuring a plan" step and jumps straight into the execution part.
An exceptionally common method is when the characters are coming up with a plan, then boom, a fade black suddenly appears. This may work on a story where we (the players) are looking the story at a third person perspective, but the problem with Genshin is that the Traveler is essentially us; we ARE the character, and therefore DESERVE to know the plan. It just doesn't work in this context.
At the climax of Chiori's quest, she ended up apprehending her rival, and somehow teleported to the main event like nothing had ever happened. It turns out that that has been her plan all along, and other characters like the models are all aware of it. This'd be nice if they actually explained it later on, but no, we're left in the dark for this one.
As for Emilie's quest, what frustrates me is the fact that she and Traveler actually have a plan all along, except we are made unaware of it! Then they tried to mitigate this fact by referencing the foreshadowing they've scattered at the beginning, except they don't work because we the players can't reread/play them. It's like getting told "Uhmmm ahkhshually, we hinted this one at the very beginning!" by the author.
I also noticed that the newer quests, especially the latter 2, lacked emphasis on the character's backstory or personal struggles. Rather, they focus on how the character of the quest solve a puzzle, most of the time by deducting points after points as if they're omniscient. It's sometimes a bit ridiculous on how they came up to certain conclusions with such little context.
Some of this also applies to the tribe quests in Natlan, as they're literally just Mualani and Kinich's story quests, though I don't really wanna talk about them especially with how long this post already is.
Anyways, just a long rant. What are your guys thoughts on the matter?
Did you enjoy them, or also have the same thoughts as I do?
they gotta know at this point, right?
Why rerun chiori and hutao at THIS time
(Dgmw, cool for people wanting to get them and waiting for their reruns. Nice.but hutao rerun in 4.1. Wriothesley released in 4.1. Yet she's got a rerun before the character who should logically rerun sooner?)
Like, ganyu, xianyun,shenhe, and wriothesley need reruns. And not to mention eula, albedo, and klee who have had a regular banner for a extremely long time.
With eula, albedo, and klee, at least they got chronicle banner treatment.
Ganyu and shenhe (characters who need reruns the MOST) have
Literally been completely forgotten. Iirc. Ganyu for examples last banner was 3.6
We are in 5.0. It will be soon 2 entire regions since her last rerun. Excluding next patch, unless they rerun her either 5.2/3/4/5, it will truly have been 2 entire regions since last rerun
Similar story for shenhe(who doesn't have enough reruns to be allowed on chronicle.)
New characters typically get reruns faster. Yet wriothesleys gone now a entire region without a rerun. And xianyun isn't for behind.
Obviously, this situation has happened before (hutao, eula, albedo, etc)
But it feels strange that its this many characters at ONCE.
Which imo, feels like we are heading to the point where we borderline NEED triple banners.
I will post the full pic tomorrow <3
Not really in the mood to finish it now so
Idk if u wanna still be pinged, @AnonymooseWaffles
Rlly sorry If U dont wanna be pinged
Happy birthday to the most gorgeous character in the game (imo). Such a shame I'm gonna miss her in game mail 😭
Chiori clutching for the necessary amount of memes lmao