The moment you've all been waiting for...
Featuring a certain Harmost of Remuria...
And my incredibly awful editing skills...
[Spacer; there's no spoilers]
"Boethius of Remuria" am I, foremost Harmost of Phobos. You need not introduce yourselves — I have no interest in the titles peddled by primitives.
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Short fanfic we wrote during a sprint :)
Please... give us a good rating... ad;khsakdhjajkdah
Card Games
When Boethius knocked on the door of Euergetia’s room, it was late at night. He fully expected his sister to have gone to sleep by now, but the soft “Come in” that came from the other side of the door said otherwise.
Once he entered, Boethius was greeted with the sight of Euergetia and Cassiodor sitting on his sister’s bed, playing cards. He panicked for a moment, but when he saw that there were no gambling chips, he relaxed. They were playing for leisure—solely for the fun of it.
Wordlessly, Euergetia shifted a bit to the side to give Boethius a spot to sit. He sat behind her and rested his head on his sister’s shoulder, looking at her hand.
“Don’t start,” she said. “I know how to play cards.”
Boethius huffed indignantly. “The sheer slander! I was not going to tell you what to do, my dear sister.”
On the other side of the pile of cards, Cassiodor snickered. “Tell her not, Boethius. I will triumph over her of my own accord—ah…”
Euergetia smirked, holding up her empty hands. She had won yet again.
“Oh… fret not, Cassiodor, my little brother. I am simply more experienced than you. It is to be expected that I win.”
How it's going:
Bonus: Baldethius
Credits to: Cyclic_abelian (from the HoYoFair special program; “Fate of Fontaine”)
The seven most important Remurian figures have all had their histories messed around with:
Remus's name was dragged through the mud, and he was made out to be a madman and conqueror while in truth he was benevolent, a pacifist, and doing everything he could to save the Remurians from their fate
Scylla being a Vishap was forgotten, instead he was painted as a cruel, white dragon when in reality he was merciful to the Remurians; also, he was thought to be a traitor to Remuria when he was in fact very loyal
Wriothesley mentioned Sybilla in the Archon Quest, but it was mostly forgotten that she had created the Symphony
Cassiodor's ties to ancient Remuria were forgotten, to the point that connecting the Marechaussee with Remuria was considered a mistake that not even a child would make (Ruggiero's notes I)
The Symphony made Boethius out to be way worse of a person than he actually was, painting him to be a madman and a traitor when in reality he was being possessed by the people's desires... he may not have been the best person in reality, but he was loyal and devoted, not the traitor that the Symphony made him be
Aurelius (hoo boy! This was fun) has a play about him (The Saga of Aurelius), and in some versions of the legend about him he was so obsessive over his crush that she begged to Egeria to be turned into a pine tree, while in other versions of the tale, he was shot with an arrow and had his body dumped into the sea (Silvershower Heartstrings); in reality, he died when his ship (the imperial flagship, but not the Fortuna) was sunk by traitors with him on it (Ancient Engravings in Alta Semita). In addition, the figure in the legend that is literally based on him is said to have no historical counterpart; in other words, the people of Fontaine think he's not real. But wait! There's more! Despite him being a legend and nothing more (ha), the Narzissenkreuz Ordo used his research and theories, as Aurelius was the one who discovered the Quadrant of Qualities (Memory, Wishes, Soul, Persona; these became the Four Orthants) as well as the concepts of Substance, Property, and Relation
And last but certainly not least, Euergetia was completely erased from history, only mentioned for the first time in some records in the Faded Castle; her blood was used to forge the chains that bound Scylla. We have no closure on her, no knowledge of her status―is she alive? Dead? No one knows. Nothing is confirmed.
It must suck to be a historical character, especially from Remuria. Some Fontanians do not believe that Remuria even existed. And Remuria in general was just tragedy after tragedy. Give us some happy Remurian content hoyo >:c
Anyway we just wanted to ramble about Remuria lore thank you for listening to our TED Talk and feel free to ask more questions about Remuria lore (the Aurelius one killed us we just found out about the sheer injustice today, he was done dirty af)
Alternate text: Harmost Euergetia (fandesign) stands next to Harmost Aurelius (fandesign). They both exclaim, "We got pages!" Below them, there are screenshots of their pages, labeled "Euergetia" and "Aurelius". In the top left corner, Harmost Cassiodor exclaims, "Hooray!"; Harmost Boethius, meanwhile, says, "You barbarians will pay for taking so long".
Art credits: @owarikasu on X
Y’all have heard of Cassiodor simps, well guess what
We simp for all the Harmosts :D
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